Thursday, July 25, 2024

Listening To The Same Song On Repeat For Hours Adhd

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What Are Binaural Beats

i listened to the same song for 24 hours straight – challenge

Have you ever listened to a song and felt the sound travel from one ear to the other? Binaural beats are a type of auditory beat stimulation that happens when you listen to a sound at a certain frequency with one ear, and a sound at a differentâbut similarâfrequency with your other ear.

The result?

Your brain produces a sound with the frequency of the difference between the two tones â or a binaural beat.

âBinaural beat therapyâ has become an emerging form of sound wave therapy, and a self-help treatment . Potential benefits include:

  • Increased focus, concentration, and motivation
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Enhanced psychomotor performance and mood

You can find a playlist of songs with binaural audio here.

Why Does Listening To The Same Song Over And Over Resonate With Us

There is no simple answer to why so many people love to listen to the same song over and over. But, we know that certain songs you have on repeat resonate with you somehow. We also know that listening to the same song over and over can also help reduce stress in our lives.

Because the thing is:

We love repetition in music. Repetition is mesmerizing. Also, familiar songs are more meaningful to us. In fact, you have a special bond with some pieces of music. Have you ever thought about why you prefer to listen to the same playlist?

What You Shouldnt Listen To

While listening to certain music and sounds might help with concentration for some people, other types can have the opposite effect.

If youre trying to improve your focus while studying or working on a task, you may have better results if you avoid the following:

  • music without a clear rhythm
  • music thats abrupt, loud, or heavy
  • extremely fast-paced music, such as dance or club music
  • songs you really like or really hate
  • songs with lyrics, which can be distracting for your brain

If possible, try to avoid streaming services or radio stations that have frequent commercials.

If you dont have access to any commercial-free streaming stations, you can try your local library. Many libraries have large collections of classical and instrumental music on CD you can check out.

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When Asked How To Describe Their Favorite Songs The Research Participants’ Answers Were Divided Into Three Categories: Happy And Energetic Calm And Relaxed And Bittersweet

According to BPS Research Digest, over two-thirds of Conrad’s study participants favorited tunes that fell under the happy/energetic category. The beat of the music appeared to be what really drew them in, which isn’t surprising, considering feel-good music has the ability to pump you up when youre feeling anything but motivated, and its hard not to at least tap your feet or nod your head to the rhythm.

Soothing music was also popular, as it incited a sense of calm in the listeners, and helped them put things into perspective, but shockingly, bittersweet songs take the cake, with participants listening to these tracks 790 times on average. Metro UK reports this is because melancholy songs evoked the deepest connections, caused the participants to link sound to memory, and the fact that these types of songs are typically easily memorized certainly had something to do with it, too. Now it makes a bit more sense why, even in a very happy relationship, you might enjoy listening to breakup songs. Personally, to this day, Jessie James’ “I Look So Good ” gets me every time, despite the fact that I’m in a happy and healthy marriage.

Can Music Help With Adhd

Me listening to the same song on repeat for the 100th time

According to a small 2020 study, music does seem to promote attentiveness and focus in children with ADHD.

Scientists found evidence that after children with ADHD listened to 30-minute interactive music and 30-minute interactive video game interventions, the music intervention improved attention management, while the video game intervention didnt.

According to Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD, known as Dr. E on television shows such as The Today Show, music therapy improves attention and focus, lowers hyperactivity, and improves social skills in children with attention deficit disorder .

Dr. Lombardo explains, because many people with ADHD have trouble keeping track of time and duration, listening to music may help them improve their performance in these areas. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, can be increased by listening to music you appreciate. Lower dopamine levels may be connected to certain ADHD symptoms.

In addition, William Schroeder, LPC, NCC, co-founder and ADHD expert from Just Mind Counseling, told Psych Central, according to research, music enhances parts of the brain that are weak in ADHD children. The auditory, visual/spatial, and motor cortices of the brain are all strengthened by music. Speech and language abilities, reading, reading comprehension, math, problem-solving, brain organization, focus, and attention issues are all linked to these domains.

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Using Music To Improve Focus With Adhd

by Erin Snyders

Some of the most common questions I get are from parents raising kids with ADHD are those wondering how to help their kids focus more during homework or quiet time. Instead of taking 20 minutes to do homework, it turns into a two-hour long fiasco ruining everyones evening.

Our childrens ADHD means that they are delayed in the executive function skills needed to focus, plan and execute their homework. This makes what we consider simple tasks like worksheets or math problems not simple for them at all.

What Type Of Music Is Beneficial

Because there are so many genres of music, and everyone has different likes and dislikes, determining which type will help you focus is highly individualized.

According to Lombardo, some genres of music may be more useful for promoting concentration when it comes to music for ADHD symptoms. Aim for soothing, medium-tempo music with simple rhythms. Consider listening to classical composers like Vivaldi and Chopin.

Schroeder says classical music can also help with other areas of brain functioning.

Classical music has been found to be the most beneficial for speech, language, and memory. However, he adds, for those that want something else to listen to I thoroughly enjoy apps like Calm or Headspace that have libraries full of content to explore and use.

Schroeder suggests using music without words or overstimulation, like ethereal or nature soundscape genres, as these may allow a person with ADHD to focus better.

He adds, I also recommend wearing noise-canceling headphones from any of the major manufacturers to compliment the soundscapes youre enjoying. These will not only hone in the track for your attention but also eliminate environmental distractions where youre working, studying, or thinking.

For people with ADHD, Schroeder suggests finding tracts with longer run times to reduce the need to interact with the media player, which can create unwanted distractions.

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Fascinated By Nearly Everything

This first excerpt comes from Kyle Pennell, who earned a Quora Top Writer 13′ Award, and who’s profile bio reads, “Fascinated by nearly everything“.

His example reflects the curiosity that often consumes those with ADHD:

Kyle Pennell on What It’s Like Having ADHD :

Iâm extremely curious. The world absolutely fascinates me and I canât stop trying to learn more about it.Kyle Pennell

People tell me I have amazing insights and ideas but what do I have to show for them?Kyle Pennell

Kyle goes on to describe how he has to balance out his curiosity, and finishes with an incredibly insightful metaphor for what having ADHD feels like:

Kyle Pennell – ADHD Metaphor :

Music For Adhd Brains: Play It Or Skip It

Khalid – Skyline – 1 hour music

Music can be incredibly helpful for people with ADHD, but that comes with stipulations. For example, listening to binaural audio, background music without vocals, or chill electronic music like lo-fi hip hop can help ADHDers with focus and concentration.

On the flip side, there are some kinds of music that might do the opposite, and youâll want to avoid those at all costs.

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What Makes People Reach For The Same Playlist When There Is So Much New Music On The World

If you wonder why you prefer to listen to music from the past, dont worry. I am here to help you out.

Every day thousands of new songs are uploaded to Spotify and other music sharing sites. You gotta wonder why most of us prefer to listen to songs we heard many times before. The simple fact is familiar music feels better. Research shows that people have more positive feelings when they listen to music they already know. The songs we know trigger memories of the past. If we want to induce a certain mood, familiar music is our preferred method.

Why Listening To The Same Song Over And Over Can Help Reduce Stress In Your Life

Truth is: Listening to the same song for an extended period of time can be a wonderful stress reliever in fact, even mindless, repetitive tasks may have a calming effect on you when you feel stressed. Repetition or listening to the same song repeatedly gives us a feeling of control in situations out of our immediate control.The repetitive action of listening to the same song, again and again, has the power to put us at ease when things feel like theyre out of our control.

Making certain songs part of your stress-reducing rituals can be very effective in increasing reducing stress. Focusing on a relatively unobtrusive, specific routine can concentrate your mind constructively and avoid anxious thoughts.

So, next time youre feeling the pressure, whether thats with anticipating an argument or a difficult project deadline, take a short music listening break. Its better for you and your mental health to switch your brain off for a bit and do something repetitive, such as listening to the same song over and over.

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The Best Kind Of Music To Help Your Adhd Brain Focus

The second you push play on a song, your brain is flooded with signals.

Itâs 3pm on a Tuesday afternoon. I just took my immediate-release Adderall, my headphones are on, my laptop is fully charged⦠Iâm officially entering full focus mode.


Before I start writing or doing any work, I have to find the perfect playlist!

Music and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder very much go hand-in-hand. Music marries structure, rhythm, and timingâand since ADHD often involves challenges with time management, listening to music can sometimes help.

Need to focus? Throw some headphones on, play a happy song, and really get into it. On the flip side, maybe you canât focus because the environment youâre working in is playing music a little too loudly.

Like many ADHD topics, the relationship between ADHD and music can be controversial. So letâs explore how music and ADHD actually interact by eliminating the background noise.

TL DR: Find the jams that work best for you

The challenges ADHDers face with dopamine deficiency, focus, and anxiety can take a toll on you. Music can help provide a sense of external structure, and can be used as a landmark in our day to day lives all while providing little mood-boosting moments.

Is There Any Science Behind Our Need To Listen To The Same Music Repeatedly

Have Ever Listened to the Same Song for Over Two Hours Yes No Maybe ...

So, what exactly happens inside our brains when we listen to the same music over and over? Listening to music causes your brain to release a chemical called dopamine. Studies have shown that dopamine is released when something is rewarding and feels good such as listening to your favorite songs. The rush from dopamine might be the reason we love listening to the same songs over and over.

Music has the power to give us the chills, according to some neuroscientists. Our brain anticipates the favorite section of a song as we listen once we hear the favorite part of a song, our brain releases endorphins.

According to a study done by the University of Michigan, people tend to listen to the same songs over and over for comfort. But not everyone listens to the same music repeatedly. Some people report having a bittersweet connection to the music. About 60 percent of the study participants said listening to the same song repeatedly several times each day. And six percent reported a serious urge to listen to the song before playing it.

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Music On Radio Stations And Streaming Platforms: Skip It

Jamming out to the radio in the car or Pandora is great, until the commercial breaks. ADHDers struggle with focusing and short attention spans, so adding in distractions like commercials can disrupt a focused workflow. Similar to music with vocals, ad breaks pull our attention away from the present moment. Stick to commercial-free streaming services!

Why Is Song Repetition Such A Powerful Tool

Studies suggest that when you listen to music you like, the brain releases the chemical dopamine that can have positive effects on your mood. Fast music can actually increase your heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure, while slower music tends to have the opposite effect.¹

Im using music to literally put myself into a trance-like state.

And that place is where Im able to do my best work. Anything that helps me focus is a huge benefit when fighting the constant distractions of open offices.

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What Are The Advantages Of Listening To The Same Music Over And Over

If you are like me, you have listened to the same song over and over and over again. Sometimes it is the first time you hear the song, and you love it so much that you cant stop listening to it. Or maybe its a song that youve been listening to for decades. In either case, the song brings you pleasure.

Analysts Issued A Survey In 2013 Asking Men And Women Up To 30 Years Old How Often They Listen To Their Favorite Songs And Why

Listening To C.I.A Torture Songs For 24 Hours Straight

To begin, study lead Frederick Conrad and his team rounded up 204 participants, asking what type of music they were listening to most frequently at the time. Pop and rock genres were shown to be the most popular, but rap, country, jazz, and reggae also made the cut.

BPS Research Digest reports that the questionnaire found 86 percent of those surveyed would listen to their favorite songs once a week at the bare minimum, while almost half admitted to pressing play daily. What’s more, once a song really resonated with participants, 60 percent weren’t ashamed to reveal they’d immediately re-listen up to four times in a row.

It sounds like a lot, because it is. I mean, if you think about it, the average song lasts about three minutes, which means the participants in this research could easily spend upward of 15 minutes at a time absorbing the same instrumentals and lyrics until theyve got it down pat. But, its not just a catchy tune that triggers that desire to listen again and again its the emotional connection you have to a song that makes the once-, twice-, five-times over so satisfying.

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Songs My Adhd Has On Repeat

Yes, you read that right, it’s a side effect.

Songs my ADHD has on Repeat…

Yes, you read that title correctly. According to researchers, a side effect of severe ADHD is listening to the same songs on repeat for a short burst of time. Considering Ive been doing this since the dawn of the original iPod shuffle, where I could clip that beautiful silver bullet to my belt loop and walk around like an absolute boss, Ive had ADHD much longer than originally thought.

Do my friends HATE when I drive because I keep replaying the same songs over and over? Absolutely.

Am I okay with this? Absolutely.

So, to preface, this will be an incredibly chaotic list of songs. My taste ranges from ABBA to Kanye, country music, and everything in between. I suppose it goes along with the fact my ADHD needs such an eclectic variety of songs to keep my brain entertained.

I am proud to say that I have found extremely talented up-and-coming artists through this habit though. More than half the songs listed below are curated by artists who found fame using apps like Tik-Tok and Instagram.

So, whether this article reaches 10 people or 1,000, I hope at least one of these songs peaks someones interest enough to check the artist out and give their music a listen. Here goes nothing…

1.Oak TreesDaniel Nunnelee

2.Two MoonsBoyWithUke

Anyways, I remember hearing the 30-second demo of this song and stopped everything I was doing just so I could pre-save his music.


Research On Music Focus And Adhd

I recently wrote an article about how music affects mood for our kiddos, especially when they struggle with anxiety and/or depression on top of ADHD. In that article, I touched on the use of music to increase focus for our kids. As you probably know, most music makes you want to dance not do the tasks at hand.

But some music, specifically slower-tempo music, classical music, and instrumental varieties can actually increase the likelihood that you can complete a task effectively. One of the most famous studies that highlight this is the Mozart Effect, where participants either listened to one of Mozarts sonatas, listened to a verbal relaxation recording, or sat in silence. After this stimulation, they were then measured on their ability to solve specific problems.

The findings indicated a temporary boost in IQ for the participants who listened to Mozart, with no effect in the other groups. And while that boost was only temporary, it helped them solve problems in the moment something that can dramatically help our kids!

Pretty cool, huh?

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