Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Chewing On Clothes And Adhd

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Chewing On Clothes Symptom

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Its not unheard of for babies to chew on their sleeve, collar, school tie or shirt until its soggy, stretched or up until all the buttons fall off.

However, is your little one chewing on clothes symptom of something to be concerned about? And importantly, why do kids develop this peculiar behavior?

Keep reading to glean insightful information.

Where Do I Have My Child Evaluated For An Adhd Diagnosis

If you suspect that your child might have ADHD, Diaz suggests first discussing your initial concerns with your pediatrician, who can give you guidance about what to do next. However, an accurate diagnosis of ADHD requires a more comprehensive approach to assessment conducted by a mental health professional such as a child psychologist or psychiatrist, a licensed clinical social worker, or a licensed mental health counselor, explains Diaz. The assessment often includes completion of standardized ratings scales by parents and teachers, developmental and diagnostic interviews with parents, and a clinical interview or observation directly with the child, depending on age, she says.

While many health professionals often assess and diagnose ADHD, they may not always conduct an assessment that also reviews other emotional and behavioral concerns that could mimic or exacerbate symptoms of ADHD, Diaz warns. Parents really should see a mental health professional to assess ADHD if there are significant concerns that are causing increasing disruption to the childs functioning, she says.

If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, Diaz says parents should ask the professional who provided the diagnosis to help them through these stages:

Possible next steps may include these actions:

Additional reporting by Jennifer DAngelo Friedman.

Is Chewelry Safe To Use

Yes, when chosen and used carefully, chewable jewelry is safe. But always keep the following safety tips in mind:

  • Never leave young children unattended with chewable jewelry, especially necklaces with small beads or pendants that look like food.
  • Always check the integrity of chew jewelry before use. Make sure beads are not damaged and cords are not frayed, as these can be a safety hazard. Throw away damaged chewelry and replace it. If you or a loved one has a strong preference for a certain style or type of pendant, consider buying multiples in case one breaks suddenly or replacements become hard to find.
  • It is extremely important to know where your chewelry comes from, to make sure it is safe to put in your mouth. The silicone should be food grade and BPA, PVC, lead, phthalate, latex, and cadmium free. Many of the companies listed here are small businesses run by neurodivergent people or people with neurodivergent family members, and they are extremely careful about buying safe, food-grade silicone.
  • Choose the right items for your chewing needs. Most chewelry will be marked as being for light, moderate, or aggressive chewers. You may also need different levels of chew strength/stiffness depending on your mood. If you will be in a situation you know could trigger a meltdown or panic attack, you might want to wear more durable chewelry that is less likely to get damaged while you are not in a mental state to judge its safety.
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    How To Help Kids Who Chew

    If you have a child who chews, whether it be from a condition or just a singular symptom, there are some incredible resources you can use. I recently stumbled upon Fun and Function, an online store that offers educational toys, games, and therapeutic products for special needs kids. There are so many unique solutions on this website, I spent hours just browsing through the pages of products to find out what could work to help my kids concentrate on their school work and save our pencils in the process! We discovered chewies, which are essentially silicone pendants on a necklace. They are safe, BPA free, and readily accessible when they feel the need to chew. They also arent too noticeable or strange, other children dont even notice what they are and my boys feel confident wearing them.

    The chewy superpack

    They have ones on a necklace, ones that fit over a pencil as well as ones that you can put on the tips of pencils if your child likes to chew on the erasers. Both of my boys chose their favorite ones and started wearing them immediately and something amazing happened they stopped chewing on their shirts! They concentrated better in our homeschool on their lessons, we saw a huge improvement! It kind of makes me wonder why I waited so long. The prices on Fun and Function are really reasonable, their shipping is fast, and the list of resources they have available is HUGE.

    Pingree Center Is Here For You

    Milenium Home Tips: Why Does My Son Chew On His Shirt

    The Pingree Autism Center of Learning is a specialty service that provides better care and better outcomes! Offering comprehensive treatment, education, and related services to children with autism, our goal is to help change lives.

    Although we are located in Utah and are proud to serve our local community, our doors are open to children and their families nationwide.

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    What Can I Chew On For Anxiety

    Chewable Necklace from ARK Therapeutics. When feeling worried, some people may chew on objects such as pen caps, fingers, and shirt collars, among other things. This provides some sensory input that might be comforting for certain people who are sensitive to it. Inconspicuous chewable necklaces are a versatile accessory that may be worn almost everywhere.

    Consult With A Professional

    If you’re worried about shirt chewing, Dr. Grashow advises that you talk first with a knowledgeable developmental pediatrician. They are really tuned into child development and will cover all the bases, she says. They will look for difficulty with focus or attention, how well your child relates to others, a history of developmental or language delays, and anxiety levels.

    If your child is ingesting non-edible items while engaging in their chewing behavior, the doctor may also want to do a nutritional screening to make sure there hasnt been any impact on their wellness, adds Patel.

    The pediatrician might refer you to a specialist. A psychologist can help if anxiety seems to be an underlying issue. An occupational therapist can help address your child’s proprioceptive needs with tools such as chewable jewelry or oral motor exercises. Finally, a dentist or orthodontist may do an evaluation to see if there is a physical cause for the behavior, like a sore area in the mouth that’s soothed by chewing or sucking.

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    When To Worry About Shirt Chewing

    Just because this is a natural and deeply rooted behavior doesnt mean it should be ignored as your child ages. By age three, kids usually stop putting things in their mouths and exploring things this way, says Laura Grashow, PsyD, a licensed pediatric clinical psychologist at the Child & Family Institute in Scarsdale, NY. “But I have seen fourth and fifth graders grab their shirt collars and put them in their mouths.

    Dr. Grashow says shirt chewing may just be a harmless way that your child seeks sensory input or calms and focuses themselves.

    However, there are times when a child’s shirt chewing can have a negative impact. The most important distinction is to determine if sucking or chewing is hindering your childs ability to participate in their daily routines or is posing a safety concern, says Patel. For instance, if your child’s chewing is destroying a school or sports uniform or is causing a choking hazard, you will want to intervene.

    Chewing On Clothes Symptoms


    It can be easy to spot your little one chewing on things when theyre sitting right next to you, such as a teething baby. When they get older and go to school though, it can be hard to spot.

    Children wont always tell their parents that theyre chewing on things. In fact, most children will attempt to hide this behavior because they feel embarrassed.

    Because of this, its important to look for symptoms that they have been chewing on clothes. Watch out for:

    • Wets spots on clothing
    • Chew holes in clothing
    • Kids that previously chewed on other things suddenly stopping

    If you notice any of these symptoms, have a heart to heart with your little one to determine if they are chewing on clothing.

    Its important to emphasize that they arent in trouble. Children are more likely to lie or hide things if theyre scared of being in trouble.

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    Is Chewing On Clothes In Adults A Symptom Of Something More Serious

    You probably know a couple of people that tend to chew their clothes. You might do it yourself from time to time, even without realizing it. But did you know that this can be a symptom of an underlying problem? We all know that if a child is chewing something, in the majority of cases, it is not an issue, especially with babies. Their teeth start growing, and the itching causes them to put everything in their mouths.

    But as they grow older, the same behavior can be seen as problematic. Kids who start going to school shouldnt chew on things. If they do, it might be a sign of a deeper problem. Also, the older the person is, the more problematic it can be.

    At the same time, there is a chance that the issue is non-problematic at all. A person can start chewing their clothes out of boredom, but its always a good move to see if there is something else going on.

    Lets Explore Why Kids Chew On Clothing

    When a parent or teacher sees their child chewing on clothing or other items it can raise questions. Some children chew on other items like toys, paper or their pencil case. It may be a red flag for underlying sensory issues. In this article I will cover

    • The reasons a child might chew on their clothing or toys

    • Looking for patterns and sensory overload

    • Five strategies you can use to help support individuals who chew

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    Gentle Discouragement And Cleaning

    If youre not a fan of your little one putting things in their mouth, you can try to gently curb this behavior. To do this, simply pull the toy out of your little ones mouth when they start to chew on it. You can also distract them by showing them something else.

    If your baby puts things in their mouth, dont forget to disinfect them so that your little one is not exposed to germs or bacteria, which can make them sick.

    Pick up some disinfecting wipes for plastic toys and throw plushies in the washer periodically to keep things sanitary.

    How To Help Kids Who Chew On Clothes And Other Items

    Pin on Down Syndrome

    For older kids, having a sit-down and talking about the clothes chewing behavior is a practical way to understand the reason, consequently helping them stop.

    Also, understanding if there is a pattern when the chewing happens will go a long way in helping you figure out this peculiar behaviour.

    In turn, you can help solve or remedy the situation. For instance, if they chew on clothes right before mealtime, it could be because they are hungry.

    Therefore, you can solve this situation by feeding your baby earlier.

    Additionally, if they tend to chew when anxious or under pressure, you can help them stay calm with breathing exercises.

    Other practical and effective tips to help children stop chewing on clothes include:

    Iesha is a loving mother of 2 beautiful children. Shes an active parent who enjoys indoor and outdoor adventures with her family. Her mission is to share practical and realistic parenting advice to help the parenting community becoming stronger.

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    Why Do Some Kids Chew On Their Clothes Hair Or Pencils

        Kids chewing on their clothes, hair or fingers is a common issue that parents and teachers have seen in students with autism, ADHD and sensory issues. There can be several reasons why a kid is chewing. If you are a concerned parent make sure to talk to your child’s doctor to rule out any possible medical issue.

        Here are the most common reasons:

        • Chewing can be calming. Think about it when you eat you tend to relax. The act of chewing can be a way for kids to calm themselves.
        • Chewing can also help children focus. Students may be chewing on their clothes at school as a way to help them stay focused and pay attention.
        • Children may be chewing on their clothes or non-food items because they have a dental issue. We have heard from many teachers and therapists that children start chewing when molars are coming in or they have a cavity. This can be especially true of a child who is nonverbal and may not be able to communicate that they are having a problem inside their mouth.
        • Some therapists have suggested that there is a connection between children who do little physical activity and chewing. The theory is that everyone needs to move and children who are inside a lot or have trouble with movement may chew as a way to release pent up energy.
        • Some children may chew on their clothes because they need to stimulate their jaw muscles. This is especially true of kids who eat a soft or pureed diet.
        • The child may be chewing because they have Pica.

    Chewelry For Adults On The Autism Spectrum Where To Buy

    So many autism-focused websites and shopping guides are geared toward children and parents. Products are designed for children, with seemingly no awareness that people do not outgrow autism, sensory processing disorder, and ADHD. Autistic adults need to chew too, and all neurodivergent people need access to stim and fidget items that reflect who they are and where they are in life. Youre never too old to love cartoons, but a SpongeBob chewy might not be the best fashion accessory for a business meeting or hot date. Thats why weve created this buying guide for chewelry that adults and teens can feel comfortable wearing in school, work, and social settings. Many of the businesses weve included are autistic-owned, and all are small businesses that need your support to keep making jewelry for the neurodivergent community.

    This post contains affiliate links, so if you make a purchase, we may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

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    The 9 Signs Of Hyperactivity And Impulsivity

    • Often fidgets with or taps hands or feet, or squirms in seat
    • Often leaves seat in situations when remaining seated is expected
    • Often runs about or climbs in situations when it is not appropriate
    • Is often unable to play or take part in leisure activities quietly
    • Is often on the go, acting as if driven by a motor
    • Often talks excessively
    • Often blurts out an answer before a question has been completed
    • Often has trouble waiting their turn
    • Often interrupts or intrudes on others

    To confirm a diagnosis of ADHD, six or more symptoms must be identified in a child 4 to 17 years old in a child 17 or older, five or more symptoms must be identified. Symptoms must begin before the child reaches age 12 and must have continued for more than six months. Symptoms must also occur in two or more settings such as home, school, and social situations and cause some impairment, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Symptoms occurring in only one setting may be indicative of another diagnosis, like a learning disability or stress at home.

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    Anxiety, tension, sensory difficulties, boredom, and a general habit are all possible reasons for chewing, as well as other factors. Chewing is a sort of communication with the outside world because the brain is programmed to recognize the mouth as an essential area for interaction with the outside world, according to Dr. Weiss.

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    Suggested Activities To Help Stop A Child Chewing On Their Clothes Or Other Items


    For some children, whole body movement can help with regulation and decrease the need to chew. Soft play is a great option. Crawling can be helpful, especially if you can set up an obstacle course with tunnels go through and cushions to crawl over. Finally, linear swinging can be a great way to provide movement. Linear means going backwards and forwards instead of round and round. So, standard playground and garden swings are great. Straight slides can also provide this input as well. Movement can be especially helpful for children who are quite sedentary. It is not always helpful for children who are very sensitive as it can increase their arousal.

    Chewy Foods

    Please note many of these activities include food. It is expected that the adult using the suggestions considers any allergies or dietary requirements the child may have.

    You could include chewy items into your childs lunch box or for them to use at times when they are needing to calm down. Foods could include:

    • Dried fruit mango is particularly good, as is apple, papaya, pineapple, and small bananas

    • Chewy muesli bars

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