Thursday, July 25, 2024

Welcome To The Autistic Community

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Welcome To The Empathic Autistic Community

Welcome To The Autistic Community

Hello and welcome!

I just received an email from a young newly-identified autistic man* who was looking for resources, and I realized that I need more pages devoted to resources on my site!

*I use identify-first language for most disabilities, including my own, and its an intentional choice. Before you prepare a person-first lecture, see the note at the bottom of this page for an explanation.

Ive written a lot on this site about autism and empathy , and I explicitly identify autistic people as hyper-empaths in my book, The Art of Empathy. When people authoritatively claim that autistic people are unempathic, know this: Those people dont understand the first thing about empathy.

I also based my Masters thesis on an international survey study of social skills programs for autistic people that yielded astounding information that Im still processing. Because of this, many people write to me and ask if I know anyone who can help, or if I know of any programs or supports for autistic people who want to be more comfortable in a neurotypical-dominated world.

So if youre an autistic person looking for some support, I want you to be careful.

As a passing neurotypical person, I can tell you that NT social behaviors are often-hilarious failures. NT understanding of emotions and empathy is also very iffy, which is why I wrote my books. If anyone tells you that NT social functioning is preferred and that autistic functioning is wrong, theyre not paying attention.

Welcome This Is Blog Is A Place For People Who Are New To The Autistic Community To Safely Explore And Ask Questions Without Having To Be Afraid Of Being Wrong Or Being Yelled At Older Members Of The Autistic Community Who Are Willing To Be Patient With New Members Are Welcome Toowe Are Not Affiliated With Asan’s Publication Of The Same Name

Anonymous asked:

heyo feel free to ignore if this is inappropriate but i was wondering if i could get a shoutout for my new blog @autistic-crows maybe?? it’s chill if you can’t but i’d like to get to know more autistic friends and reach out to more of the community and this seemed like the right kind of place to try and do so


zephyrrain asked:

So I was thinking maybe you could help me with a question? My mom and I made a presentation a while ago about autism to educate the family and some teachers because me and 2 of my sisters are diagnosed with it. We used a blue puzzle piece theme, but I recently learned about Autism Speaks and don’t want anything to do with them so we want to change the theme. Do you know the correct symbols and colors to represent Autism? And do you know where those colors and symbol originated from? Thank you!

RED instead – from ASAN

An infinity symbol – again from ASAN and autistic advocates.

the puzzle piece and blue all originate from Autism Speaks

-Mama Spider

Anonymous asked:

So i almost always experience symptoms of a burnout, and i have for years, is that actually something to do with a burnout or is that depression?

Hi there.

I cant answer that for you, unfortunately. It would be best to talk this through with a mental health professional . Depression and burnout have very similar symptoms, so you have to look at your own life and experiences to try and determine which it is.

I wish you luck!


Welcome To The Autistic Community

This book is about what it means to be a part of the autistic community. Autistic people wrote this book. Some autistic people are just learning about their autism. We wanted to welcome them and give them a lot of important information all in one place.

This book talks about what autism is and how it affects our lives. It talks about our history, our community, and our rights. We wrote this book in plain language so that more people can understand it.

We wrote this book for autistic people, but anyone can read it. If you are not autistic, this book can help you support autistic people you know. If you are wondering whether you might be autistic, this book can help you learn more. If you are autistic, think you might be autistic, or if you want to better understand autistic people, this book is for you.

Welcome to the autistic community!

Don’t Miss: How To Tell If Youre Autistic

Why You Should Join Us

  • To be part of conversations, events, and growth experiences you won’t find anywhere else.

  • To connect with autistic adults like you who are at a similar point in their journey of self-discovery.

  • To feel seen. We’re a small community with authenticity at our core. You matter here.

  • To share stories and ideas with people who want to hear what you have to offer

  • To dive into your interests with like-minded members — some of whom may live in your country, region, or even city.

  • To get inspired and explore possibilities for creating the life you want.

  • To relax, find your people, and be your self.

Found Out You’re Autistic

Welcome To The Autistic Community: This handbook, written in plain ...

Welcome to peer circles, expert-lead workshops, and events #ForUsByUs and built with love to educate, empower, and shift the narrative for all late-identified autistic adults, with a focus on autistic people of colour.

We are unique within the larger autistic community

If you’re like us, you made it well beyond childhood, adolescence, and even well into mid- or senior life before learning you’ve been autistic the whole time. Many of us earned multiple degrees, held a stack of jobs, built careers, started our own families, maybe even had grandchildren and retired. Many of us did none of those things. Our lives don’t look one way or follow any singular path.

What do we have in common?

Most of us had zero idea that autism applied to us.

We were hiding in plain sight, even from ourselves.

Living through those years of not knowing shaped our self-view, set the expectations we hold for the world around us, informed our sense of belonging, and so much more.

That was where we were.

This is now.

You’ve found a small community of peers who share so much of what you might have thought was you alone. Join us and change your path. Come be part of a global, inter-generational, multi-ethnicity community that spans every and all parts of society and life.

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Flight And Airport Readiness And Rights

Potential Conflicts For A Neurotypical Parent Audience

I think the important thing here is to acknowledge ASANs goal for neurotypical people to recognize autistic peoples rights. Whether theyre children, not-speaking, or if they need lots of help, they are human beings who deserve our respect. This leads to a fundamental conflict with the book and one potential audience. Autism is seen as a developmental disorder that is diagnosed when someone is a child. Often, neurotypical parents and therapists plan and act out therapies on behalf of the neurodiverse child, for their benefit.

For parents, this role of being your childs primary advocate means you sometimes forget that they are people too. Even for neurotypical families, parents sometimes treat their children as less than a whole person. While children are still developing, we sometimes have a tendancy to treat them as less important than fully grown adults. Because their opinions, values, and passions are not fully formed, we dismiss children. Sometimes, it may be because those opinions are not realistic but rather than try and rationalize or influence them otherwise, we shut them down completely. And this is because as parents, most of the time we are exhausted. Its tedious and draining to respond reasonably to every request our kids make, so we fall back on no!, or because I said so!

Also Check: Why Has There Been An Increase In Autism

Guide: Welcome To The Autistic Community

This handbook, produced by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network with support from the Autism NOW Center, offers an introduction to the autistic community and is a valuable resource for newly-diagnosed individuals with autism spectrum disorders . It addresses the most common questions that people may have about their new diagnosis examines differences and similarities between people with ASD and people without ASD and discusses the reasons why autistic experience, advocacy and people are important to the world as a whole.

This booklet is available at two reading levels: Adolescent and Adult.

Sexual Education And Health

Welcome to the Autistic Community!

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