Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What It’s Like To Have Autism Video

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Answers To Common Questions About Autism

What Does it Feel Like to Have Autism? | Autism Awareness | Operation Ouch | Nugget
  • The Autism Blog This nationally recognized blog is a resource on the constantly evolving world of autism spectrum disorder. It is written by experts at Seattle Childrens and gives you an opportunity to comment on and engage with our posts.
  • Autism 101 This free, 90-minute lecture is offered quarterly by Seattle Childrens for families of children recently diagnosed with autism.
  • Autism 200 This is a series of 90-minute classes for parents and caregivers of individuals with autism who wish to better understand autism. You can watch past presentations online. Topics cover early intervention through adulthood. Created by Seattle Childrens.

The following resources were created by Autism Speaks, an advocacy organization dedicated to promoting solutions for individuals with autism and their families, across the spectrum and throughout the life span:

  • Vaccines and autism
  • Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Measles Facts Public Health Seattle & King County
    • For a list of agencies and providers who do autism evaluations, email .

    Autism Caregiving: Treatment Helps

    Caregiving for a loved one with autism can be tremendously difficult. But happily, treatment can often make a difference.

    âThe good thing is that people with autism can learn many of the things that they donât know intuitively,â says Shore. âIt just requires direct instruction.â Skills that neurotypical children learn unconsciously â such as evaluating a social situation or reading a personâs behavior â can be taught, step-by-step.

    There are many different approaches to instructing children with autism, including the Applied Behavior Analysis , the Miller Method, and the Floortime method. Shore says that there is no single best approach. As a caregiver, the key is to be flexible, to try different approaches, and see what works best with your child.

    What Was The Campaign About

    Autistic people and their families told us that;the big five things;that they wanted the public to understand were that autistic people can:

    • need extra time to process information

    • experience anxiety in social situations

    • experience anxiety with unexpected changes

    • find noise, smells and bright lights painful and distressing

    • become overwhelmed and experience a ‘meltdown’ or ‘shutdown’.

    Recommended Reading: Can Autistic People Understand Sarcasm

    Early Signs Of Autism Spectrum Disorders Video Tutorial

    The American Academy of Pediatrics , Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, autism advocacy groups and researchers have all drawn attention to the importance of the early detection of autism spectrum disorders to make access to early intervention possible. The scientific literature indicates that the average age of ASD diagnosis is 4 years, despite the fact that about half of children with this neurodevelopmental disorder may be detected by age 14 months.

    The AAP recommends that ASD-specific screeners be administered within pediatric practices beginning at age 18 months. However, these screeners are imperfect and often require parents to provide yes or no answers to questions about the presence of certain behaviors. Yet ASD-related behaviors often present inconsistently, and are intermixed with behaviors seen in typically-developing children. In addition, ASD-related behaviors often differ from typical development in quality, not just in quantity.

    Dr. Rebecca Landa is the director of the Kennedy Krieger Institutes Center for Autism and Related Disorders. The videos and information presented within this tutorial were obtained through her research, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, focused on early markers of autism spectrum disorders and early developmental characteristics of children with and without ASD.

    What Do Autism Symptoms Mean

    By Spencer Timmes: WHAT IT

    What are some aspects of life that are difficult for people on the autistic spectrum?

    Sound. Intense sensitivity to sound is a common autism symptom.

    Loud noises may be painful. The din of a city street or a mall can be too much. When overwhelmed, people on the autistic spectrum may cover their ears to try to block out the noise. They may also start up self-soothing behaviors such as rocking or shaking their hands. Some people with autism also have central auditory processing disorder , a condition that makes it difficult for them to perceive subtle differences in sound and language.

    Touch. Just like sound, physical sensations can be exaggerated and overwhelming to people with autism. Feelings that most people barely register — the sensation of clothing on the body, a breeze — can be unpleasant.

    Janice McGreevy, of Browns Mills, NJ, has an 8-year-old son with autism. Since age 1, his haircuts have been a terrible ordeal, but only recently could he explain why. âHe told me that the individual hairs, when they touch his skin, feel like needles,â she says.

    Communication. Difficulty communicating is a common autism symptom â one of the early signs of the condition is a delay in speech. But this doesnât indicate a lack of intelligence. Instead, many children with autism simply canât discern how language works. That can be terribly difficult and isolating.

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    Parents Are Teachers Too Embedding Instruction Into Daily Routines And Activities

    The goal of this workshop is to help parents reconceptualize teaching and learning as something that occurs during daily activities to teach a multitude of skills. Regardless of the skill level or age of their child, parents have the opportunity to not only involve their child in daily routines and activities that occur at home and in the community, but to teach important skills within the context of those routines and activities.

    Family Centred Culturally Responsive Pbs

    Dr. Joseph Lucyshyn presents a multi-method study of family centered positive behavior support , designed to be culturally responsive to families raising a child with developmental disabilities. A fascinating case study demonstrates how the family was coached to use PBS strategies to transform their childs ability to eat a nutritious diet and play with her sibling.

    Also Check: Can Autistic Child Study In Normal School

    Iepswhy They Still Matter

    Educators and parents have long recognized that a well-developed Individualized Education Plan is essential to ensure quality educational programs for diverse learners. In this video, Dr. Richard Stock demonstrates that a well-developed IEP, which includes input from educators, therapists and the family, is crucial to the effective support of students with autism and related neurodevelopmental conditions.

    William Wobbly And The Very Bad Day By Sarah Naish

    What it’s like to walk down a street when you have autism or an ASD

    With descriptions of what worry actually feels like in the body , Sarah Naish helps children to identify anxiety. This is a book that helps children to understand that theyre not alone and that others have the same worries too. This, along with the other books in the series, is a great one for children who are fostered, adopted or live with autism as it tackles the feeling that arise for children who are put into new situations.

    Recommended Reading: How To Approach Someone With Autism

    Common Autism Coping Mechanisms

    People with autism may use some of these behaviors to try to impose order on their world:

    âStimming.â Short for self-stimulatory behaviors, this includes all sorts of things: flapping hands, echoing phrases, making noises, and walking in circles. Sometimes, these autism symptoms can be self-injurious, like head banging.

    To outsiders, these may seem some of the strangest autism symptoms. But Dawson points out that theyâre really not so different from all sorts of habits that lots of people have â biting fingernails, fidgeting, or bouncing a knee. People with autism might have more severe versions of these behaviors.

    Many with autism characterize stimming as pleasurable; for some, stimming is a way of coping with a stressful or overwhelming situation. It can also help them concentrate. McGreevy says that her sonâs particular habit is to rub the back of his neck â even to the point where itâs raw or bleeding â especially when heâs reading. âI think it somehow helps him focus on the book instead of the 15 other things that are going on around him,â she says.

    What To Do When You Worry Too Much By Dawn Huebner Phd

    Psychologist Dawn Huebner has created a guide full of practical advice that children can use to control their own anxiety. Its written in kid-friendly language, so can be read together or by the child alone. Putting worries in a strong box and having designated worry time rather than letting it affect them all day are just a couple of the tips included. Its also very informative about what causes worries, so can help you to understand your childs thought process.

    Recommended Reading: How Do You Get Autism

    Practical Information For Parents & Professionals

    ACT Videos are presented by respected clinicians committed to sharing the latest in research and clinical experience. We now have 70 videos on diverse topics, including Toilet Training, Sleep, Mental Health, PBS, IEPs, Research, and much more. Choose a video below, or sort by topic.

    Autism Videos @ ACT is a free resource that ACT supports through donations and sponsorship. For more information and to donate see Support ACTs Work.

    Visit Autism Videos @ ACT on YouTube or subscribe:

    Learning Streams:

    We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia Community Gaming Fund, and Simon Fraser University.

    Make It Stop Understanding And Preventing Problem Behaviors

    What Its Like To Have An Autistic Brother!

    This presentation provides parents and caregivers an overview of Positive Behavior Support with the goal of supporting them to be proactive in helping neurodiverse children to be safely included in home, school and community activities. Core features of PBS include the application of behavioral science , the use of practical strategies to promote desired behavior, and a focus on improving the quality of life for the individual and their family.

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    Concerned About Your Childs Development: What To Do

    If youre concerned about your childs development, talk to your child and family health nurse or GP about a developmental assessment. Getting an assessment and diagnosis is the first step to helping your child and getting services and programs suited to your childs needs.

    Its important to get help and support as soon as possible. Early therapies and supports are the best way to help autistic children develop and thrive. Thats because they can help autistic children learn the skills they need for everyday activities. Sometimes children who get early intervention need less or no support as they get older.

    The Lion Inside By Rachael Bright

    The rhyme and rhythm in this book make it a delight to read and listen to, meaning youre likely to be asked for it over and over again. With a strong moral thread, it helps children to understand that no matter how small we sometimes feel, there is courage inside all of us. Stunning illustrations by Jim Field add humour to the message of self-acceptance and children will love predicting what rhyming words will come next.

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    How Is Autism Spectrum Disorder Treated

    There is no cure for autism, but treatment can make a big difference. The younger kids are when they start treatment, the better.

    Doctors, therapists, and special education teachers can help kids learn to talk, play, and learn. Therapists also help kids learn about making friends, taking turns, and getting along.

    Autism Anxiety And Covid

    What its like to have autism (coming from a autistic teenager)

    COVID-19 has profoundly heightened anxiety in the autism community internationally. Our families and organizations are struggling to provide a stable environment for children, youth and adults with autism spectrum disorder. Able adults with ASD are also feeling the strain. ACT has invited three respected mental health clinicians, who have presented for ACT on autism and mental health, to answer questions on Anxiety and COVID-19.

    Don’t Miss: What Is A Common Challenge For An Individual With Autism

    Videos To Help You Understand Autism

    Sometimes it is hard to understand how someone may be feeling if they have autism, or if you as a parent or carer are unsure if they have autism. Here are a few videos that may help you:

    • My autism and me” a BBC video Rosie, a 13 year old takes viewers into her world to explain what it’s like to grow up with autism.
    • Can you watch to the end?” a National Autistic Society video which explains how some autistic children may see and hear the world.
    • Make it stop” a National Autistic Society video explaining how some children cope with overload of information.
    • Could you stand rejection?” – a;National Autistic Society video showing how young people with autism may feel when being interviewed for a job.

    The Role Of Medication In The Management Of Asd

    In this succinct and illuminating presentation, Dr. Anthony Bailey discusses the role of psychotropic medications in the treatment of individuals with ASD with a range of mental health diagnoses. Drawing on nearly 30 years of experience, he addresses the cautious use of medications in treating co-morbid conditions.

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    Building Community Recreation Skills

    Why Its Important to Get Your Child with Autism Involved, and Where to Start

    In this practical presentation, Dr. Stephanie Jull, Canadas leading trainer on promoting community inclusion for autistic individuals, provides parents and caregivers with innovative ideas on how to meaningfully involve their children in community-based recreation. The session begins with assessing the childs interests, choosing an activity, as well as advocating for the right supports.

    Investing In Women And Girls With Autism

    What It

    Girls and women with ASD largely camouflage their characteristics in an effort to pass as neurotypical. Due to their difficulties reading social cues, girls and women with ASD are disproportionately victims of bullying, sexual assault and abusive relationships. The INVEST model has been developed by Dori Zener based on her extensive clinical experience with women and girls with ASD.

    Recommended Reading: How To Tell If My Child Is Autistic

    What It’s Like To Have Autism: Video Lets You Experience Sensory Overload For Yourself

    “I’m not naughty, I’m autistic. And I just get too much information.”

    That’s the message that one young boy with autism is hoping to spread ahead of World Autism Awareness Day on 2 April, as a new report suggests that people with autism feel trapped in their own homes due to negative public perceptions.

    The video above shows what it’s like when a person with autism experiences sensory overload. And it’s certainly an eye-opener.

    The clip follows a young boy who is walking through a shopping centre with his mum.

    Everything is fine, but then all of a sudden he begins to hone in on certain things and his senses become enhanced. Noises become loud and overbearing, there are bright flashing lights, it’s terrifying.

    The young boy begins to lash out and tries to run away. While some onlookers might see it as naughtiness, the reality is that the boy has autism and sensory overload is scaring him.

    The powerful video has been produced by the National Autistic Society to raise awareness of the condition.

    It has been released alongside a new report called ‘Too Much Information’, which reveals how poor public understanding of autism is isolating people with the condition.

    In some cases, it leaves them feeling trapped in their own homes.


    We All Display Traits Of Autism To ‘Varying Degrees’, Study Finds

    A survey of over 7,000 people with autism, as well as their family members and friends, found that the majority said people regularly stare at them.

    Roald Dahls Marvellous Colouring Book Adventure

    Something as simple as colouring can be a great calmer for busy minds. The focus and attention-to-detail needed for such intricate work is totally absorbing, helping children to escape negative thought spirals. This Roald Dahl version is full of images based on his beloved books, which always focused on the power and magic of the imagination.

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    Under The Love Umbrella By Allison Colpoys & Davina Bell

    Captivating neon illustrations add even more charm to this already delightful story. Under the Love Umbrella reminds children that comfort and love is ever-present, even when you are not near your family. As it is quite abstract, it allows you to explore what the love umbrella might mean to different people. If your child suffers from separation anxiety, this could help you explore that.

    Providing Culturally Sensitive Pbs To Families

    What it’s really like to have autism | Ethan Lisi

    BCBA’s Mariko Tachi and Noreen Dunn describe their experience of providing culturally sensitive PBS. They identify three key factors: Developing rapport informed by the familys culture; Incorporating cultural beliefs and parenting practice into development of PBS; Acculturate the key stakeholders beliefs when training for implementation.

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    These Five Videos Show What It Is Like To Experience Sensory Overload

    How does it feel when all of your senses are heightened? And how does it feel when your heightened senses collide? Imagine walking down the hallway of your school having to close your eyes because the flourescent lights are too bright, the school bell rings piercing your ears, you walk into the cafeteria and are bombarded with obnoxious smells, you have to go to the bathroom yet the bathrooms with their flushing echoing toilets and nasty smells are a place to be avoided.

    Many autistic children in schools face these situations. Sometimes when students are overwhelmed with sensory overload they will shut down, other times they will scream and kick someone when he was in second grade. Yet, many school employees have difficulty understanding what is prompting inappropriate behaviors.

    Below are a few videos which simulate the experience of sensory overload.

    The following film posted by the National Autistic Society comes with a warning: this film contains flashing lights, bright colours and loud, sudden noises. Some people might experience motion sickness in this 360 degree virtual reality film.

    To see what it may be like from one who has trouble communicating with words watch Carly Fleishmanns video about visiting a coffee house.

    Last year Sir Ashley Smith shared this video and blog with the Art of Autism. What does it mean to have heightened sensitivity for an Aspie?

    Alison Ludkin shares her experiences at a train station in this art video.

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