Friday, July 26, 2024

Autism Acceptance Month 2022

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The Silent High School Graduation: Inclusion In Action

Why Autism Awareness Month shifted to Autism Acceptance Month

Each day, schools across the country are making great strides toward inclusion. This can take many forms and progress through the years. At one high school graduation back in 2019, a dedicated principal took his vision for inclusion a step further which reverberates even today in 2022.

If you were scrolling through your social feeds in June of 2019, you might have chanced upon a video of that years high school graduation ceremonies at Carmel High School in Putnam County, NY. What set this graduation apart from others is that instead of the usual hubbub of cheers and applause of excited high school graduates, respectful silence was offered instead at the request of high school principal, Lou Riolo for one of their students, Jack Higgins.

Accompanied by his brothers, Jack walked up to the podium while his class stayed in almost total silence. Not because no one wanted to cheer him on but because Riolo aware that Jack has autism and is hyper-sensitive to loud noises asked the entire graduating class to stay as silent and as still as possible while Jack made his way up to receive his diploma.

In response, Jacks classmates offered quiet golf claps and stood up to give him a unique, silent standing ovation.

Autism Acceptance Month: Promoting Understanding

What Is Autism?

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disability that interferes with how a person thinks, communicates, learns, socializes, and understands the world around them. ASD is common in children with NF1, affecting 25-30% of children. In this manner, understanding how NF1 causes autism provides a unique opportunity to identify new treatments for children with NF1-associated, as well as non-NF1-associated, autism.

Typically, children with NF1 may show signs of autism as toddlers or preschoolers, but may not be given a formal diagnosis until later in childhood . Prompt recognition is essential in order to provide early interventions and therapies. If you have questions about autism, you should discuss them with your NF provider.

Ways to Promote Autism Acceptance

  • The Someday Birds by Sally J. Plia
  • Planet Earth is Blue by Nicole Panteleakos
  • The Many Mysteries of the Finkel Family by Sarah Kapit
  • A Kind of Spark by Elle McNicoll

Support Self-Advocacy Groups and Autism Organizations. Consider supporting organizations that provide resources for children and families living with autism.

  • Autistic Self-Advocacy Network

Many Autistic People Like Routine

Repetitive behaviours are a major part of life for many autistic children and young people. Having a routine, such as a certain way to get dressed or eat breakfast, can be an essential way of regulating emotion and providing someone with a source of comfort or enjoyment that enables them to carry on with their day.

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The 2022 World Autism Awareness Day Observance

This years observance will address inclusive education in the context of SDG 4 – the promise and reality – through a virtual event that will include a moderated panel discussion, along with brief presentations by self-advocates, educators and other experts.

The theme of inclusive education is intrinsically linked with the focus of last years WAAD observance, Inclusion in the Workplace. Panelists in last years event emphasized how crucial it is to foster inclusive quality education for people on the autism spectrum so that they can fulfill their potential and achieve sustainable success in the labour market. In this respect, inclusive education is the key to the transformative promise of the Sustainable Development Goals, to LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND.

The event is organized by the UN Department of Global Communications and UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, with the support of civil society partners including the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, the Global Autism Project and the Specialisterne Foundation. The event is co-sponsored by the United Nations Permanent Missions of Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Denmark, Italy, Malta, and Poland.

World Autism Awareness Day

World Autism Awareness Day 2020: when is it, whats this year

Every April Autism Speaks celebrates World Autism Month, beginning with the United Nations-sanctioned World Autism Awareness Day on April 2. This year marks the 15th annual World Autism Awareness Day.

Throughout the month, we focus on sharing stories and providing opportunities to increase understanding and acceptance of people with autism, fostering worldwide support. This year, we are committed to creating a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential.

Supporters can participate in World Autism Month by:

Everyone is encouraged to participate. Whether you have autism, love someone who does, or are looking to support a diverse, accepting and kind community youre invited to take the pledge to help create a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential.

Also Check: What Do Autistic Babies Look Like

Support The Ascv And Our Local Autism Community

During AAM, we partner with local businesses to host events and raise funds to support the ASCV. Heres how you can support the ASCV this April:

  • Form a team for the 20th Anniversary ASCV Challenge, 5K & Family Fun Day and fundraise together. Visit to register. The Challenge kicks off on April 14!
  • for the ASCV. Share why the ASCV is so important to you, and how the funds you raise will support our local individuals with autism and their families with important programming and resources. Make a video or piece of art to accompany the fundraiser and share with friends and family through email.
  • Join the ASCV! Visit to learn more about our membership options, including our new Professional Membership!
  • If you shop on Amazon, register for Amazon Smile and choose the Autism Society Central Virginia as your charity. A portion of the cost of what you purchase will be donated to the ASCV. Simple and easy! From supporters shopping Amazon Smile October 1 to December 31, 2021, the ASCV received $470!
  • Participate in the Kroger Rewards Program. To register, log into your account, then search for the Autism Society Central Virginia and click enroll. After you enroll, anytime you use your Kroger Rewards card, your purchase will count toward the ASCV.

For more specific information about the ideas included above, email us at .

Autism Awareness Month 2022

Every April, AIM Services joins our nation in celebrating Autism Awareness Month. We recognize the incredible contributions and accomplishments of people with autism, and we also strive to learn from the people we serve. We share their stories and ways for people to connect with people of diverse abilities, and we provide helpful resources for families and loved ones.

Below, we share a few ways you can be more informed and stay connected with this incredible community!

  • Look Around: Sometimes the answer to how you can help contribute to a more inclusive community is right in front of you. For example, many local business owners engage with AIM Services and employ people with disabilities. The Employment Services Program at AIM supports business owners as they make this important decision. AIM Services can also supports businesses by helping employees better support customers and visitors with disabilities. Businesses can take steps to ensure their building or storefront is accessible to all. With this, the ADA Website is a helpful website for businesses to explore.
  • Also Check: Can A Therapist Diagnose Autism

    Everyday Challenges For People With Autism

    Its important to note that ASD is a spectrum condition. This means it affects individuals differently and to varying degrees of severity. Some people are able to live relatively independent lives but others may have accompanying learning disabilities and need a lifetime of specialist support. All people on the autism spectrum learn and develop. With the right help and an inclusive environment around them, people with autism can live fulfilling lives.

    Supporting Clinical Trial Patients With Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Autism acceptance month

    As a result, when planning a clinical trial for those with ASD, pharmaceutical sponsors must first understand the many unique requirements of this patient population. As outlined above, social interactions are often complicated, and patients have varying levels of communication and comprehension. Many have other underlying health and mental conditions that contribute to their reluctance to enroll in a clinical trial and their inability to remain in the study through completion.

    Clincierge has supported several clinical trials studying autism spectrum disorder, providing patient support services to several hundred participants and their caregivers.

    • In one instance, the patients mother was concerned her child could not tolerate the sensory overload of air travel. We instead provided them with long-distance ground transportation to the site visits.
    • Another patient and their caregiver spoke only Spanish and worried about the challenges associated with a language barrier. They were paired with a bilingual Clincierge Coordinator and Spanish-speaking ground transportation drivers to ensure seamless service to the clinical site and home

    Recommended Reading: Tips For Working With Autistic Students

    Meeting The Dream Team

    First on our list of four streamers is Lennic, influenced by one of his best friends whos also streaming, Lennic started streaming and found that it worked for him within just a few months. He is described by his community as chill and laid back with a focus on gameplay.

    Lord, mostly known as Lordsbathwater on Twitch, began streaming around a year ago mainly for his friends who wanted to watch. Eventually, a couple more people started tuning in and he started making new friends to hang out with. His community would describe him as a dumb doodoo who does stupid stuff and laughs at himself.

    Another streamer that will be joining this event is the imfamous test subject but the rest of the world knows me as imfamousx1x. She initially stepped into streaming through a friend by the name of DarkZero_Omega and has been streaming for 5 years since then.

    Autistic People Stim In Lots Of Different Ways

    Stimming is short for self-stimulatory behaviour. It is a repetitive behaviour that can include the use of any of the senses, for example making sounds, staring at objects or lights or tapping hands or feet. Stimming can bring autistic people great joy and its really important for health and wellbeing. People should never be forced not to stim.

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    Perseverance Through Art Finding A Creative Voice Even In A Pandemic

    The arts have always been a valuable piece of The Arc Westchesters culture. Throughout our 70+ years of service, we have found that art provides an important outlet for expression and fosters inclusion in an individuals greater Westchester community.

    Consistently, art has been a favorite activity for many of the over 2,000 individuals we support. Regardless of age, ability, or medium of choice. From simple seasonal projects in group settings to personal poetry, in ourGallery265 collection, every piece of art has intrinsic and intangible value.

    Autism Acceptance Month 2022

    In celebration of Autism Awareness &  Acceptance month here is an ...

    In years past, April was celebrated as Autism Awareness Month, however since April 2021, we instead celebrate it as Autism Acceptance Month. Rather than simply focusing on spearing awareness, organizations like The Arc Westchester hope to use the month of April as an opportunity to encourage our community to understand and embrace the inclusive goals of the greater autism community. And become aligned with the consistent language autism organizations and individual advocates have been using for years.

    As always, our services take place by embracing our mission and practicing our five core values:

    Fostering Independence Ensuring SafetyCultivating Relationships Promoting Happiness Supporting Good Health

    Recommended Reading: How To Calm An Autistic Child

    Autism Is A Male Condition

    People of all genders can be autistic but there is still a big assumption it mainly affects boys. The presentation of autism can be different between males and females and some autistic people, particularly girls, learn to mask autistic traits to fit in for example, by practicing maintaining eye contact or rehearsing social interactions before they happen.

    Our Goal: Teach Awareness And Understanding Of Autism

    Kids Included Together is all about celebrating strengths, as well as focusing on inclusion and acceptance. And April being Autism Acceptance & Awareness Month is a great opportunity to build a better understanding of autism.

    We are all created with unique packaging, and we believe those differences enhance our world. At KIT, we recognize that disability is a natural part of life and work to be allies alongside children and youth with disabilities and their families.

    Lets talk about inclusion! We look forward to discussing options that best suit the needs of your organization and the families you serve. Contact KIT today!

    Recommended Reading: How To Teach My Autistic Child At Home

    Learn About Life On The Autism Spectrum

    Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disability that can cause social, communication and behavioral challenges. An estimated 1 in 58 North Carolinians live on the Autism spectrum. Celebrate Autism Acceptance Month by learning about ASD and consider how you can help people with autism in your community, from educating children about their peers on the spectrum to hiring employees with ASD.

    Autism Awareness Month Now Called Autism Acceptance Month

    Autism Acceptance month promotes inclusion in Southwest Florida

    PARKERSBURG, W.Va. -April has been known as Autism Awareness Month but this year, the Autism Society has announced that it is being changed to Autism Acceptance Month.

    The shift in the use of terminology aims to improve support and opportunities in education, employment, accessible housing, affordable health care and comprehensive long-term services for people on the Autism spectrum.

    Brandon Gress, Executive Director of the Wood County Society said they strive to grow awareness and acceptance of Autism throughout the MOV.

    The most important piece is providing the education and awareness that autism spectrum disorder exists in our community, Gress said.

    Its individuals we may love and we may know and be very, very close to but also providing that acceptance that individuals with autism spectrum disorder are just like you and I. Individuals with disabilities are just like you and I and they deserve to be accepted and included in our community and throughout the Mid Ohio Valley.

    Gress said the society held an Autism Acceptance Month kick-off event earlier this month and will hold several others throughout the coming weeks.

    This Sunday there will be a sensitive Easter Bunny ready to great sensory sensitive kids at the Wood County Society headquarters.

    Copyright 2022 WTAP. All rights reserved.

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    Recommended Reading: How To Support A Child With Autism In Nursery

    World Autism Acceptance Week

    Thanks so much for visiting our World Autism Acceptance Week page. Next year’s fundraising campaign will take place from 27 March to 2 April 2023. We are busy making plans, but do add these dates to your diary if you are hoping to take part, especially if you work in a school with a busy events calendar or if you need to request permission from your place of work or a community venue.

    The Link Between Autism & Cerebral Palsy

    Many children with cerebral palsy are also diagnosed with autism. Because both of these conditions are neurological disorders that affect the brain, they can co-occur.

    According to the CDC, about 7.5% of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy also experience coexisting autism.

    The exact connection between cerebral palsy and autism is still being researched. Cerebral palsy is often caused by brain damage before, during, or shortly after childbirth.

    Cerebral palsy can vary from mild symptoms to severe lifelong impairment. Because every childs cerebral palsy diagnosis is different, some may experience autism while others may not.

    Children with cerebral palsy and autism can manage their symptoms through speech therapy, occupational therapy, medications, and more.

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    Autism Cannot Be Cured

    Autism lasts a lifetime and there is no cure. Sometimes people can be taken in by fake cures for autism, these do not work and can actually be very harmful. And why would we want to cure autism? Autistic people have a unique perspective on the world that we should champion. Greater acceptance of autistic people by society would reduce some of the challenges they face.

    Sustainable Development Goal 4 Quality Education

    April Is Autism Awareness Month!  Autism Society of Texas

    The 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by world leaders at the United Nations in 2015 provide a blueprint for addressing the major challenges facing the world, including inequality.

    Sustainable Development Goal 4 focuses on ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all, as the foundation for improving peoples lives and reducing inequalities.

    The specific targets for SDG 4 refer to the need to ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for persons with disabilities and building and upgrading education facilities that are disability sensitive and that provide inclusive and effective learning environments for all.

    In this respect, the SDGs echo the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Article 24 of the Convention recognizes that persons with disabilities have the right to inclusive, quality education on an equal basis with others and that reasonable accommodation of the individuals requirements should be provided.

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    There Is An Autistic Pupil In Every School

    A recent study of seven million young people found that around one in 57 children in the UK are autistic . This means it is highly likely that every school in the UK has an autistic pupil.

    We know that sadly autistic pupils experience many problems in education. Its vital the education system is equipped to support them with the right funding, resources and trained staff.

    Being Autistic Is Part Of Someones Identity

    Being autistic is an intrinsic part of who someone is and makes them who they are. There can be challenges for autistic people but what we need is a world where autistic people are accepted for who they are and get the support and adjustments they need. Its important that autistic people feel proud of their identity!

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