Thursday, July 25, 2024

Adhd Books For Parents

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The Insider’s Guide To Adhd: Adults With Adhd Reveal The Secret To Parenting Kids With Adhd

PARENTING ADHD Tip #4: ADHD Books for Kids || Parenting ADHD || Homeschooling ADHD

Winner of the 2016 International Book Awards Finalist Award in Parenting & Family!

Who knows better what kids with ADHD need than adults who grew up with similar struggles? In her quest for the ultimate ADHD insights, award-winning author Penny Williams went right to the source, interviewing dozens of adults whose childhood was clouded by ADHD. Williams analyzes the wisdom and valuable perceptions of these adults, including what works and what doesnt work for kids with ADHD.

Bright Kids Who Cant Keep Up By Ellen Braaten Phd And Brian Willoughby Phd

Many children with ADHD have slow processing speed. This book does a deep dive on that topic. It explains what processing speed is, how it affects life in a variety of settings, how one goes about assessing processing speed and what accommodations can help a child with slow processing speed. If you often ask yourself why is my child so slow even though he seems smart?, this is probably a good book for you!

Smart Moves By Carla Hannaford

I ordered Smart Moves along with Movements that Heal on the advice of our Physical Therapist. I was so fascinated by this idea of lack of proper movement being at the core of my sons challenges that I wanted to continue to learn about the ideas that Bloomberg presented in his book.

Carla Hanfords, Smart Moves, goes really in-depth with the science behind the brain and has many extremely helpful case studies.

Like Bloomberg, Carla shows us how movement and play are essential to our growing brain and vital to becoming the best possible learner we can be. She focuses a bit less on ADHD and more on learning and emotional issues, which often come hand in hand with attention issues.

In Smart Moves, Carla Hannaford describes how emotions and the physiological stress reaction can affect the everyday lives of both children and adults. She invents the term SOSOH for people with learning disabilities or attention difficulties. She argues that ADD, ADHD, and all other learning problems are related to stress, as stress produces survival-oriented behavior while inhibiting the learning process.

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Thriving With Adhd Workbook For Kids: 60 Fun Activities To Help Children Self

Understanding their ADHD diagnosis can be a frightening time for children, but this helpful workbook reframes ADHD as a positive asset and offers tons of activities for children to better understand themselves and manage their symptoms. Children can learn about the different types of ADHD, find skill-building activities, and learn real coping strategies to help them grow and succeed.

Taking Charge Of Adhd: The Complete Authoritative Guide For Parents

ADHD Support Groups For Parents: Parent Training in Behavior Management ...

From distinguished researcher/clinician Russell A. Barkley, this treasured parent resource gives you the science-based information you need about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and its treatment. It also presents a proven eight-step behavior management plan specifically designed for 6- to 18-year-olds with ADHD. Offering encouragement, guidance, and loads of practical tips, Dr. Barkley helps you:

*Make sense of your childs symptoms.*Get an accurate diagnosis.

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Smart But Scattered By Peg Dawson Edd And Richard Guare Phd

Ah, this is another book full of sticky notes. This book is also a wealth of information, but it is very much a workbook that helps you develop very specific plans to teach very specific executive function skills. It will help you help your child to organize, complete daily routines, improve self control , improve working memory, strengthen sustained attention, prioritize and initiate tasks, improve time management, and be more flexible. We could probably all benefit from this book, dont you think!?!

Are Adhd Books Effective

No research suggests ADHD books can treat or relieve symptoms associated with the condition.

But online reviews by people with ADHD, therapists, and parents indicate that reading self-help books can be helpful to understand and manage the condition.

Though we tried to put together a comprehensive list of ADHD books tailored to different populations, its, of course, possible that you didnt quite find what you were looking for.

When searching for a book that meets your needs, we recommend considering the following:

  • Type of book: What kind of book would you find most engaging? Are you looking for a self-help book, a memoir, or an overview?
  • Audience: Who will read the book? Do you live with ADHD yourself and are looking for yourself, or do you want to educate yourself to help a child, teen, or adult living with the condition?
  • We recommend looking for books written by people with extensive experience with ADHD, either as mental health professionals, people living with the condition, or both.
  • Recommendations: Reader reviews are a good place to begin, but if youre working with a mental health professional or are part of a support group, consider asking for book recommendations.

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Behind The Behavior By Lindsay Leiviska Mat

I cant help but share my book, Behind the Behavior. In it, I share my journey of radical transformation in my parenting. When I first became a mom, I had it all planned out. I was going to be the good Christian momma and raise my kids as such.

We homeschooled, memorized Scripture like no ones business, and I tolerated zero crap from my girls. And the pride oozed from my skin without me even realizing it.

Mindful Parenting For Adhd

ADHD 101 – Why Kids With ADHD Need Different Parenting Strategies

If you are a parent of a child with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder , you probably face many unique daily challenges. Kids with ADHD are often inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive, since ADHD affects all of self-management and self-regulation. As a result, you might become chronically frustrated or stressed out, which makes caring for ADHD that much harder. In this book, a developmental pediatrician presents a proven-effective program for helping both you and your child with ADHD stay cool and collected while remaining flexible, resilient, and mindful. Bertin addresses the various symptoms of ADHD using non-technical language and a user-friendly format. In addition, he offers guidelines to help you assess your childs strengths and weaknesses, create plans for building skills and managing specific challenges, lower stress levels for both yourself and your child, communicate effectively, and cultivate balance and harmony at home and at school.

If you are a parent, caregiver, or mental health professional, this book provides a valuable guide.

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Anatomy Of The Soul By Dr Curt Thompson

A friend of mine recommended Anatomy of the Soul to me a few years back. After we adopted our son and after years of absolute chaos, she knew we needed help.

The author, Dr. Curt Thompson, is a Christ follower and a psychiatrist. In his book, he weaves together his understanding of the brain and behavior from a Christian worldview. He offers insight into the often-misunderstood child in a Gospel-centered way. Excellent read.

The Cover Page Says It All

As they say, dont judge a book by its cover, sometimes its okay to do so. The cover page provides a purpose beyond just decoration. You get the intention of the book before even buying it. The cover page can help you connect with it and leave an impression without reading a single word.

It also enables you to absorb the story by observing the pictures and the texts in it. Dont worry, figuring out the meanings from the cover page isnt rocket science. Its mostly the publishers job to make it as easy as possible for letting any age group reader to understand it.

If the cover page of the book builds up interest in you then its the right way to go. Its made in a way to intrigue the right readers for their book.

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What Is Attention Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder

Also known as attention deficit disorder, ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental condition. Typically diagnosed in childhood, it often continues into the childs adult life.

ADHD makes it difficult for a child to pay attention to tasks. It also leads to impulsive behavior, which means the affected individual often acts without thinking. ADHD kids may also struggle with problem-solving and self-regulation, with more extreme versions of the condition affecting self-esteem.

These symptoms are typical in children, adolescents, and adults. If you suspect your child has ADHD, consult a relevant clinician, such as a pediatrician.

The Childhood Roots Of Adult Happiness By Edward M Hallowell Md

ADHD Parenting: The Secret Strategies of Positive Parenting to Overcome ...

This is a research-based book on the roots of joy in people. It gives you a five step plan to help your children grow into happy, responsible adults. There is a chapter on each of the steps, which include connection to others, unstructured play both alone and with others, practicing tasks until children achieve mastery and then receive recognition and approval from others. There is a chapter on being careful as parents not to provide too much pleasure, but rather allow children to create their own pleasure. I think this is a great reminder in our current culture!

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Best Adhd Books For 2021

Dena Westphalen

Pharm. D.

Whether you have ADHD or have a friend or loved one with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, finding stories from therapists, doctors, and those living with ADHD can help you make sense of ADHD symptoms and provide insight into the way ADHD brains work.

Perhaps youre a parent whose child was recently diagnosed, or youre an adult wondering why you cant seem to focus on the right things. Either way, these books on ADHD can help with advice, insight, or, at the very least, let you know youre not alone.

For our audiences convenience, we include links to Amazon so recommended books can be easily purchased. Choosing Therapy may earn a commission from Amazon when purchases are made using the links on this page. Read more about our high editorial standards and

Boys Without Instructions: Surviving The Learning Curve Of Parenting A Child With Adhd By Penny Williams

Most of these ADHD books for parents focus on how a parent can better support their child, but parents need support, too. You arent alone, and this book offers the raw and personal story of a mother as she navigates the ups and downs of raising her child with ADHD. Its sure to offer catharsis and perspective, as well as some support and tools.

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Number Four: Easy To Love But Hard To Raise

This book includes an anthology of personal experiences written by parents of children with ADD and ADHD, along with various other diagnoses. The written experiences of parents focus on honest feelings and lessons learned, epiphanies, commonplace and extraordinary experiences. Some of the topics include how children came to be diagnosed, the experience of dealing with problem behaviours, experiences with/feelings about treatment, school experiences, childrens social interactions, parents emotional and physical health, marriage, and other relationships.

Would You Teach A Fish To Climb A Tree A Different Take On Kids With Add Adhd Ocd And Autism By Dr Dain Heer Gary M Douglas And Anne Maxwell Lcsw

How To Parent A Child With ADHD When You Have ADHD Yourself (w/ Elaine Taylor-Klaus)

Einstein famously said that everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will believe it is stupid. This book leans into the idea that children with ADHDas well as autism and OCDare gifted, just in different ways than were used to measuring. As an ADHD kid who routinely scored high on AP tests but could barely pass the correlating classes, and who became deflated over years of being scolded for not living up to my potential, the approach of treating kids with learning disorders as gifted brings tears to my eyes.

Such an approach can quite seriously change lives, and the books and tools that help parents, teachers and other key adults in a childs life accomplish this are something I consider worth special priority.

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Movements That Heal By Harald Bloomberg

We have had great success treating the symptoms of ADHD with Reflex Integration Training. Harald Bloomberg literally wrote the book on the subject.

Movements that Heal explains the stages of a developing brain and body in an easy to understand way. They highlight why a lack of both movement experiences and normal rhythmical baby movements wreak havoc on the developing nervous system. And how this lack of input can lead to problems with attention, emotional regulation, motor challenges, etc.

Harald looks beyond the band-aid effect of treating the symptoms of ADHD with medication and looks at ADHD as a developmental disorder. He suggests that simple movements can grow the brain and, in turn, lessen or eradicate the symptoms of ADHD.

This book turned my preconceived ideas about ADHD on their head, giving me so much new information to digest! Here was an explanation of ADHD that was rooted in lack of movement with specific strategies to overcome these symptoms!!

I have no idea why these ideas are not more mainstream and part of the common treatment process for ADHD and other attention or learning issues.

This book is a great basic primer on the concepts behind reflex integration and really gives a completely different view of ADHD than we are used to in the US.

If you are interested in reading more about Reflex Integration, readmy postabout our experience with a Physical Therapist trained in Rhythmic Movements and Reflex Integration. The process has been life changing for us.

Nowhere To Hide: Why Kids With Adhd & Ld Hate School And What We Can Do About It By Jerome J Schultz Phd

I just finished reading this book and I think it the best one I have seen on helping children with ADHD be successful in school. The book focuses on traditional schools, but there is plenty here to help homeschool parents to better teach their children. This book is key helping children learn to de-stress and control their emotions around academic experiences.

It contains four parts: 1) The Neurobiology of Stress, 2) Making Sense of LD and ADHD, 3) How Kids SAVE FASE and DE-STRESS and 4) Special Messages for Teachers and Parents.

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The Messages Kids Receive Matter

Many children with ADHD, autism or other differences live in a world that tells them that they are inherently defective. To name a few:

  • teachers who label them as troublemakers,
  • derogatory comments from neighbors, relatives and other members of society,
  • even those frustrating glares or comments of disappointment from mom and dad

Chronic exposure to such messaging can have a devastating impact on kids mental health and well-being. This is especially true when children are unable to process these situations. In the end, unprocessed little t traumas impact brain functioning which impacts learning and behavior.If youre interested in learning more about trauma, the brain, and behavior on a deeper level, this is an excellent read.

The Add/adhd Checklist: A Practical Reference For Parents And Teachers By Sandra F Rief

ADHD Books for Parents

If your child has ADHD, you will have battles with your childs teachers at some point. The education system is not made for them. At some point, a teacher is likely to tell your or your child that their ADHD is not real, or that your child is just lazy, stupid, or doesnt care enough. It comes in many forms, but your child will need you to advocate for themand they will need your help to learn to advocate for themselves. This book offers tools to help you navigate the challenges fo the education system so your child can get the support they need in the classroom.

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Books With The Greatest Impact For Parents Of Kids With Adhd

Parents are sent out into the world with a prescription and maybe a fact sheet or two when their child is diagnosed with ADHD. When my son was diagnosed , there was no manual or guidebook for this special parenthood . Most parents are still thrust into it blind, and usually take a beating before you get this special parenthood figured out. Ive since written a guidebook for parenting ADHD What to Expect When Raising Children with ADHD and The Complete Guide to Parenting ADHD Online Course but the following books on parenting ADHD have been my greatest resources to learn to effectively parent my son, Ricochet, who has ADHD .

1. The Explosive Child I learned the most about my son and what makes him tick by reading The Explosive Child, and my son isnt even explosive. This book gives insight to frustration issues and inflexibility like no other book Ive read. UPDATE: Dr. Greene has a new book out that outlines the same approach as The Explosive Child, but is an easier read for parents of kids who are not necessarily explosive Raising Human Beings.

2. In Superparenting for ADD, famed ADHD expert, Dr. Hallowell, teaches parents to focus on the positives and the gifts to raise a childs self-esteem and make life about success, not weakness.

3. Raising Boys with ADHD explores the impact of ADHD on both family life and academics. This is a good starter book if your child was recently diagnosed with ADHD. The author now has Raising Girls with ADHD available as well.

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