Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Are There Different Types Of Autism

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The Five Types Of Aspergers

Autism & Pediatric Diseases : Different Types of Autism

It still pisses me off that the DSM5 got rid of Aspergers. Not only is Aspergers its own thing but theres differentlevels of it. There areso many genes that go into autism that it might even be split into several different disorders someday. Heres a totallyunscientific set of types based on aspies Ive known:


These aspies are run by their ids. Theyre the most high-energy and the most likely to blurt out rude shit.Most prone to repetitive behaviors. Also more likely to showtheir feelings than other types. Prone to addictions from Internet browsing to heroin. They usually have more social awareness than theyre given credit for. They can evenbe charismatic for short periods of time, which makes sense because theyre generally the most social. But theyre the hardest aspies to spend extended periods of time with. They used to let their inner monologue run wild when they were younger, driving people away. They may or may not have learned better. Most have developed some pride in their inadvertent tell it like it is attitude, whichis appreciated by certain people. Misdiagnoses include ADHD, bipolar disorder, & borderline.




Im an Impulsive and myboyfriends a Sluggish. But Ive dated all of them. Especially Methodicals. If you dont like yourself on here you might be able to change with time. Its like the Myers-Briggs for spergs.

Diagnosis And Levels Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Medical professionals can carry out screening for autism in the first few years of a childs life.

Doctors diagnose ASD by assessing the differences and signs listed above, interacting with the child or observing interactions between the child and parent or caregiver, and asking parents and caregivers questions.

There were previously four different types of autism. However, the DSM5 now lists three different levels of ASD, which doctors determine according to the amount of support an individual requires.

However, it is important to note that many mental health professionals do not find these levels helpful, instead preferring to diagnose people with autism based on the spectrum as a whole rather than classifying them using levels.

The three levels of ASD are:

What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, autism spectrum disorder is defined as a group of developmental disorders that includes a wide range of symptoms, skills, and levels of disability. Autism can be found in around 1 in 68 people in some shape or form. Those with autism spectrum disorders have these main characteristics:

  • Repetitive or restrictive behaviors, as well as limited interests.
  • Symptoms that affect their abilities to function properly in social aspects of life.
  • Ongoing social problems that can make it difficult to communicate or interact with others.

To be more specific, they list more symptoms that are split into two categories.

Social communication / interaction behaviors may include:

Restrictive / repetitive behaviors may include:

  • Repeating certain behaviors or having unusual behaviors. For example, repeating words or phrases, a behavior called echolalia
  • Having a lasting intense interest in certain topics, such as numbers, details, or facts
  • Having overly focused interests, such as with moving objects or parts of objects
  • Getting upset by slight changes in a routine
  • Being more or less sensitive than other people to sensory input, such as light, noise, clothing, or temperature

Symptoms can typically be observed early in life, as young as two-years old however, many individuals are not diagnosed until the school-age years or even high school. It all depends on the severity of symptoms and having someone notice that there is an issue.

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Severe Versions Of Autism Symptoms

To qualify for an autism spectrum diagnosis, a person must have symptoms significant enough to impair daily life. Every autistic person must have social, communication, and sensory challenges that make life more difficult/

Even so-called high functioning autism can be very challenging. But those challenges rise to a very different level for people with severe autism.

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Childhood Disintegrative Disorder/hellers Syndrome/regressive Autism

5 Types of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Okay, so Im not going to sugar coat it, those who have found a place on the spectrum due to this last PDD: Childhood Disintegrative Disorder have often been given a raw deal. This is because, those who have CDD, will usually experienece an unimaginable level of distress between the ages of 0-3 when, seemingly out of nowhere, the condition kicks in, causing a quick regression of social and motor skills to the point where sensory processing are often worse than the average autists.

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Social Behavior And Traits

Just as motor skills vary based on the severity of the case of ASD, social behavior will vary as well. Social skills can improve over time with the proper therapy and intervention from professionals. Social behaviors that can signal Autism Syndrome Disorder includes:

  • Aggressive social behavior such as rough play, hitting, scratching or inappropriate aggression towards their peers.
  • Inappropriate language, actions or gestures may be common for individuals with ASD. These inappropriate actions can include lewd language, gestures that are aggressive or sexual in nature or actions that are unfitting for the situation they are in.
  • Feelings, body language and actions can easily be misinterpreted with an individual with ASD. They may take a sentence or action out of context and respond accordingly.
  • Socially, individuals on the Autism spectrum may seem awkward or uncomfortable. They will likely not pursue any sort of social activity on their own and may respond to social interactions in a timid or hostile way.

We hope that this information about the different types of Autism will help you differentiate between the three different categories of Autism. We want to encourage you to embrace all people, whether they have a disability or not, and show them all the same respect. We feel that everyone is just as important and special as the next!

Levels Of Autism From A Less Neurotypical Perspective

Id like to share something I came across a good while ago. Though Ive been able to locate it on the web, Im not quite sure of its original source. It goes something like this :

I know an autistic person who can typically make eye contact, understand body language, and understand sarcasm, while not having a lot of meltdowns and keeping their stims to themselves. This person would be considered high-functioning. I also know an autistic person who gets overloaded in public places, often cant stand to be touched, go to the store alone, or switch from one activity to another. They might also forget to shower or eat. This person would be considered low-functioning. Guess what? Theyre both me.

Autistic people arent the only ones who suggest that this classification system is no good, mind you some researchers argue against it as well.

  • American Psychiatric Association. . Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders . Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.

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How Diagnosis Of Autism Changed With Dsm

The DSM is the official publication of the American Psychiatric Association which defines psychiatric and developmental disorders. While it has no legal status, the DSM does have an enormous impact on the way insurers, schools, and other service providers think about and treat autism.

Until 2013, the DSM described the autism spectrum as a disorder that included five distinct diagnoses. Asperger syndrome was, essentially, a synonym for high functioning autism, while autistic disorder meant almost the same thing as severe autism. People with PDD-NOS had some but not all of the symptoms of autism . Rett syndrome and Fragile X syndrome, rare genetic disorders, were also considered to be part of the autism spectrum.

Then, in May 2013, the DSM-5 was published. The DSM-5, unlike the DSM-IV, defines autism as a single spectrum disorder, with a set of criteria describing symptoms in the areas of social communication, behavior, flexibility, and sensory sensitivity Anyone who had already been diagnosed with one of those disorders was grandfathered into the new autism spectrum disorder. A new diagnosis, social communication disorder, was created to classify people with very mild versions of autism-like symptoms.

The Three Levels of Support

The autism spectrum is incredibly wide and varied. Some people with autism are brilliant while others are intellectually disabled. Some have severe communication problems while others are authors and public speakers.

Managing Symptoms Of Pdd

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Treatments for PDD-NOS are mostly similar to those meant for other types of autism. However, children diagnosed with PDD-NOS are advised to pursue an Early Intervention Program for a preschool child or Individual Education Program for a school-age child.

Regardless of where you may find yourself on the spectrum, or your child may be on the autism spectrum, there are several resources available for managing symptoms of autism spectrum disorder .

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What Are The 3 Levels Of Autism

Pipkin said the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has provided three levels of severity in order to better individualize autism diagnoses and communicate a persons need for support.

She provided helpful markers in better understanding the levels of autism:

At Level One, an individual is expected to need some degree of support based on their degree of impairment related to social communication and restricted or repetitive behaviors, Pipkin said. They may be someone who, with the appropriate supports, can function fairly well in most settings. However, upon closer inspection they may be seen to struggle in the back-and-forth aspects of conversation or lack close friends due to their lack of interest or inability to initiate friendships.

At Level Two, an individual is likely to require substantial support based on their social communication abilities and their restricted or repetitive behaviors, Pipkin explained.

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So What Are The Different Types Of Autistic Spectrum Disorder Definition

All types of autism have a handful of similar symptoms those who are affected have difficulty interacting with others, communicating both verbally and non-verbally, and display unusual behaviors and interests. From there, the symptoms branch off into 5 distinct subtypes.

The 3 most common subtypes are Aspergers syndrome, autistic disorder, and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified . There are 2 rarer conditions Rett syndrome and childhood disintegrative disorder that we will not focus on.

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Challenges In Severe Autism

According to some researchers, the extreme behaviors seen in severe autism are very often the result of either frustration, sensory overload, or physical pain. Because people with severe autism have such a hard time communicating their needs verbally, they may find expression in behaviors that can be frightening to their caregivers and others.

If the behaviors cant be addressed or managed, they can actually be dangerous in many cases, it becomes impossible for parents or siblings to live safely with a severely autistic teen or adult.

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What Are The Three Types Of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Types Of Autism

Just like there is more than one type of anxiety disorder, diabetes, or developmental disorder, there is more than one type of autism. In anxiety, for example, there are five completely separate types, each with their own symptoms, some unique to the other types and some types sharing similar symptoms on a spectrum. Autism Spectrum Disorder is considered the broad term for autism, but there are actually three separate sub-types that fit within the ASD category.

When you think about a spectrum, think of seeing different shades of blue all together in one band. All of the shades are technically blue, but they range from lightest to darkest. You can also think of a rating scale with two extremes or opposite points. The term autism spectrum disorder should be viewed similarly there is a spectrum of symptoms that someone with autism can exhibit, ranging from mild to severe.

You may be one of the millions of people around the world affected by autism. Or you might know someone personally affected by the disorder or have realized its impact on people and the world. Either way, it is encouraged that you educate yourself on what autism is and what the three types of autism spectrum disorders are. In doing so, you will have a better understanding about the disorder, which can help you to interact and communicate more effectively with individuals who are on the spectrum and to put yourself in their shoes.

The three types of ASD that will be discussed are:

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How Is Autism Spectrum Disorder Treated

ASD is most often a life-long condition. Both children and adults with autism benefit from behavioral interventions or therapies that can teach new skills to address the core deficits of autism and to reduce the core symptoms. Every child and adult with autism is unique. For this reason, the treatment plan is individualized to meet specific needs. It is best to begin interventions as soon as possible, so the benefits of therapy can continue on throughout the course of life.

Many people with ASD often have additional medical conditions, such as gastrointestinal and feeding issues, seizures and sleep disturbances. Treatment can involve behavioral therapy, medications or both.

Early intensive behavioral treatments involves the entire family and possibly a team of professionals. As your child ages and develops, treatment may be modified to cater to their specific needs.

During adolescence, children benefit from transition services that promote skills of independence essential in adulthood. The focus at that point is on employment opportunities and job skill training.

Restricted Behavior And Play

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder are often restricted, rigid, and even obsessive in their behaviors, activities, and interests. Symptoms may include:

  • Repetitive body movements moving constantly.
  • Obsessive attachment to unusual objects .
  • Preoccupation with a narrow topic of interest, sometimes involving numbers or symbols .
  • A strong need for sameness, order, and routines . Gets upset by change in their routine or environment.
  • Clumsiness, atypical posture, or odd ways of moving.
  • Fascinated by spinning objects, moving pieces, or parts of toys .
  • Hyper- or hypo-reactive to sensory input .

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How Is Autism Managed

If your child is diagnosed with autism, you will be guided through the various treatment options. There are education programs and support services available for children with autism and their parents or caregivers from a number of organisations such as Autism Spectrum Australia.

Treatments used to manage autism are best started as early in a persons life as possible. Specific symptoms and social skills can be improved with the right support and programs. Because everyone with autism is different, the best results are obtained from a treatment program specifically tailored to their individual needs.

Language and social skills are taught through intensive educational programs and behavioural therapies. Speech pathology focuses on developing communication and social skills. Occupational therapy concentrates on sensory motor development, such as learning play and fine motor skills, as well as how to cope in social situations.

Public and private schooling options are available for children with autism. Find out more about schooling options on the Autism Awareness website.

Sometimes claims are made about treatments that are misleading. Avoid treatments that offer a cure or recovery as there is no evidence to support these claims. Ensure that the treatments and supports you choose are informed by evidence.

Autism Awareness Australia provides self-care tips and helpful links and resources.

Do Symptoms Of Autism Change Over Time

The Different Levels/Types of Autism Spectrum Disorder | High Functioning vs Low

For many children, symptoms improve with age and behavioral treatment. During adolescence, some children with ASD may become depressed or experience behavioral problems, and their treatment may need some modification as they transition to adulthood. People with ASD usually continue to need services and supports as they get older, but depending on severity of the disorder, people with ASD may be able to work successfully and live independently or within a supportive environment.

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Autism Is A Spectrum Disorder

The answer to what is autism spectrum disorder is complicated. People withautism fall into different categories, exhibit different symptoms, and may not exhibit symptoms at all unless theyre facing certain triggers.The only way to know if your child or loved one has autism spectrum disorder is to speak with an experienced professional. If youre seeing certain behaviors that make you wonder if there are things you can do to better help your loved one live a happy and fulfilling life,schedule an appointment today.

How Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Play

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder tend to be less spontaneous than other kids. Unlike a typical curious little kid pointing to things that catch their eye, children with ASD often appear disinterested or unaware of whats going on around them. They also show differences in the way they play. They may have trouble with functional play, or using toys that have a basic intended use, such as toy tools or cooking set. They usually dont play make-believe, engage in group games, imitate others, collaborate, or use their toys in creative ways.

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Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder

In order to determine whether your child has autism spectrum disorder or another developmental condition, clinicians look carefully at the way your child interacts with others, communicates, and behaves. Diagnosis is based on the patterns of behavior that are revealed.

If you are concerned that your child has autism spectrum disorder and developmental screening confirms the risk, ask your family doctor or pediatrician to refer you immediately to an autism specialist or team of specialists for a comprehensive evaluation. Since the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder is complicated, it is essential that you meet with experts who have training and experience in this highly specialized area.

The team of specialists involved in diagnosing your child may include:

  • Child psychologists
  • Physical therapists
  • Special education teachers
  • Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder is not a brief process. There is no single medical test that can diagnose it definitively instead, in order to accurately pinpoint your childs problem, multiple evaluations and tests may be necessary.

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