Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Is The Life Expectancy Of People With Autism

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Plan For Data Analysis

Descriptive data were computed comparing those adults with ASD who died during the study period and those who survived using chi squares and analyses of covariance . Premature death was computed based on age at Time 1, using sex-specific life tables and was defined as the number of years between age at death of an individual and his or her life expectancy at Time 1. Causes of death were enumerated, with the sex of the decedent noted as well as whether the decedent had intellectual disability. Cox proportional hazard modeling was used to predict survival vs. mortality over the 20-year period, with all predictors measured at Time 1.

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This rate has more than doubled between 2000 and 2012, according to the network, which is a group of programs that is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and tasked with estimating the number of children with autism and other developmental disabilities living in the United States.

Risk is not evenly spread throughout the population, though.

The disorder is about four times as common in males as in females, for example. And among infants who have an autistic sibling, the risk of developing the disorder may be as high as one in five, while the risk for infants without an affected sibling is just one in 100.

Prevalence also tends to be higher among non-Hispanic white children and among children of highly educated parents.

Early Intervention Yields Better Results

Age at intervention can impact long-term outcomes has shown that the earlier a child is treated, the better the prognosis will be. In recent years, there has been an increase in the percentage of children who can attend school in a typical classroom and go on to live semi-independently in community settings. However, the majority of people with autism remain affected to some degree in their ability to communicate and socialize.

As this video presented by V. Mark Durand, Ph.D. explains, many people with autism engage in challenging and sometimes disturbing behaviors. Families and teachers of individuals with autism can learn to employ positive psychology to help them experience happier and less-stressful lives.

Optimistic Parenting: Hope and Help for Individuals with Challenging Behavior

Presented by V. Mark Durand, Ph.D.

Charity Urges Nhs To Carry Out Immediate Review Into ‘shocking’ Levels Of Premature Death Amongst Those With The Condition

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There is a moral imperative to find out why many autistic people die before the age of 40, a charity has said as it published a report highlighting shocking levels of premature death.

The group, called Autistica, urged the NHS to carry out an immediate review as it launched a drive to raise £10m to fund more research, the Guardian reported.

Addressing Factors That Influence Lifespan

Why do people with autism die at a much younger age?

While people with autism tend to have shorter lifespans on average than neurotypical individuals, this doesnât mean that you will. Talk to your doctors and other treatment providers about how to assess your lifestyle and make any changes that can boost your overall health and decrease the likelihood of an earlier death.

Remember that autism itself does not cause a shortened lifespan. You can take steps to minimize your risk.

People On Autism Spectrum Die 18 Years Younger Than Average

People with autism spectrum disorder die on average 18 years before the general population, according to a report released today by Autistica, a philanthropic group based in the United Kingdom. People with both ASD and an intellectual disability die even younger, on average 30 years earlier than those without the conditions.

Fatal accidentsoften by drowning, when a child or adult with ASD wanders away from caregiversare one of the classic causes of premature death in people who have both ASD and an intellectual disability, says Sven Bölte, a clinical psychologist at the Karolinksa Institute in Stockholm, whose research is cited in the Autistica report. Epilepsy, along with several other neurological disorders, is another common cause of death among people with both ASD and learning difficulties, suggesting that early disruption of neurodevelopment is to blame.

Also troubling was the finding that autistic adults without a learning disability were nine times more likely than controls to die by suicide, with women at particular risk of taking their own life. That could be a reflection of the isolation and depression many high-functioning people with an ASD experience, Bölte says.

How Can Physicians Help Mitigate These Risk Factors

The ADHD-related reductions in life expectancy are impressive, but not unchangeable. Nine of the fourteen risk factors used in the UConn calculator can be altered:

  • education
  • tobacco use
  • alcohol use
  • Initiatives to improve overall health will improve life expectancy going forward if ADHD symptoms are under control first, Barkley says. Because ADHD causes underlying problems with inhibition, self-regulation, and conscientiousness, leaving the condition untreated or insufficiently treated will cause most patients to fail in their efforts to live healthier lives.

    First, physicians must focus on reducing impulsivity and behavioral inhibition problems with medication or cognitive behavioral interventions. Additionally, they must broaden their assessment lens to acknowledge that patients who fail repeatedly at self-change programs should be evaluated for underlying ADHD.

    The publication of the study is forthcoming in the Journal of Attention Disorders.

    Why People With Autism Face A Lower Life Expectancy

    When 27-year-old Ben walks into a job interview, he could make a good first impression. Polite, intelligent, passionate, Ben is clearly well-primed with background research.

    Yet more than four years and 50 applications since he began job-hunting armed with a degree in law from De Montfort University in Leicester and a certificate of Legal Practice achieved in his home town of Cambridge – Ben is still unemployed.

    I always knew it would be difficult, he says. There are lots of people who want to become solicitors but I dont think I appreciated just how hard it would be. It is dispiriting not to make headway. But I wont give up.


    Ben, who is one of the subjects of a new BBC Two documentary series, Employable Me, which explores what life is like for those who have become excluded from the workforce thanks to neurodevelopmental diagnoses of Aspergers, and Tourettes, is not just looking for work in a highly competitive sector.

    He is also facing the prejudices unwitting or not of prospective employers who cannot see past the Aspergers syndrome with which he was diagnosed at 14.

    It is a scenario that anyone with a diagnosis of autism plus their families and friends will know well. But finding work is just one challenge. Many will find it difficult to make friends or have relationships, and will always struggle to live independently.









    The first of three parts of Employable Me is on BBC Two at 9pm tomorrow

    Mitochondrial Disease And Autism

    Mitochondria are cellular components that turn sugar into energy. Mitochondrial dysfunction interferes with proper cell functioning within various systems of the body, including the brain. In the Federal court case of Hannah Poling, mitochondrial disease was found to be the underlying condition that led to autism after she received double doses of the MMR vaccine. It is important to note that not every case of mitochondrial dysfunction manifests as autism, and not every person with autism has disease in the mitochondria.

    Increased Stress For People With Autism

    Other research has suggested that the general population tends to have better overall health than people with autism.

    There are connections between autism spectrum disorder and other medical conditions, like gastrointestinal disorders and heart disease. One of the connections may be stress, resulting from discrimination and bullying because of the autism, distress from sensory overload, and alienation due to the socio-emotional and communication limitations caused by the autism.

    Many people who have autism experience being in a chronic state of âfight or flightâ when it comes to situations that would be considered ânormalâ for neurotypical individuals. Everything from having a job interview to attending a social engagement can be mentally debilitating, causing a number of physical and medical problems. Some adults struggle with stress and anxiety for the rest of their lives, even as they deal with the realities of living with autism.

    So What Do I Want You To Do About It

    Ive spent my whole life being told that non-autistic people are so brilliant and intuitive when it comes to social issues. Like many autistic people, though, I havent always felt like Ive seen much empathy, compassion, or understanding. And the evidence is starting to suggest that were not wrong about the level of judgment and stereotyping we face.

    If you want to understand people on the spectrum, Id recommend starting with some of the following: Listen to us. Invest in our work. Invest in science and actions that actually make our lives better now instead of chasing a hypothetical cure. Dont kill us. Think twice about sympathizing with the parents who do kill us. Dont rush to armchair-diagnose every mass murderer with autism like what happened with the most recent Florida school shooting. Give your money to marginalized autistic people instead of charities like Autism Speaks, which dedicate only a small percentage of their budget to programs that will actually help autistic people. Think about how hard were working to exist in your world and consider meeting us halfway.

    Tell us we dont bore you. Tell us we dont drain you. Look at us somewhere other than the eyes were really not comfortable with eye contact and are tired of being forced to make it for your benefit and tell us that we deserve to be alive.

    And then act like it.

    A Host Of Health Problems

    The general population, according to the Autistica report, also tends to have better overall health than people with ASD.

    People with ASD may experience a variety of medical problems, such as gastrointestinal disorders. However, one of the most common is heart disease.

    Theres no scientific evidence to explain why this condition is so common with autism, but Fournier says stress may have a lot to do with it.

    Bullying may lead to feelings of alienation. Other people with ASD may experience sensory overload and sensitivity to noise and bright light.

    The stress of engaging with other people or going on a job interview may also be overwhelming.

    For many, normal social situations are an acting job, Dr. Janet Lintala, the author of The Un-Prescription for Autism and the mother of a 21-year-old son diagnosed with autism, told Healthline.

    Fournier said this daily burden of social awkwardness and physical ailments takes a toll mentally and physically.

    They suffer from lifelong stress and anxiety, she said.

    Its almost like this perfect storm that follows them, added Lintala. Theyre wired into a constant state of flight or fight.

    That, both women said, can lead to physical ailments, including heart disease, brain inflammation, strokes, and diabetes.

    The Causes Of Early Death

    Facing Autism in New Brunswick

    The researchers reported suicide was one of the leading causes of early death among people with ASD.

    In fact, the researchers concluded suicide rates of people with ASD who had no cognitive disability were nine times higher than the general population.

    Previous studies had shown that 30 percent to 50 percent of people with ASD have considered suicide, according to a report issued last week by the nonprofit organization Autistica.

    The suicide rate is higher among girls with ASD and people with milder forms of the condition.

    The experts said thats because this group are more aware of their condition and possible difficulties assimilating.

    In addition, bullying can be a daily occurrence for people with ASD. Anxiety and depression are common responses to such treatment. Both of those mental health stresses are leading factors in suicide.

    This is the emotional cost of being excluded from society, Steve Silberman, the author of NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity, told Healthline.

    The Swedish researchers also noted that epilepsy is common among people with ASD and the likelihood of developing it increases with age.

    The researchers estimated 20 to 40 percent of people with ASD also have epilepsy compared with 1 percent of the general population.

    People with ASD and cognitive disabilities, the researchers added, are 40 times more likely than the general population to die prematurely from a neurological condition.

    Substantially Heightened Risks For Individuals With Autism

    In 2018, Sarah Kurchak penned an essay for where she discussed facing mortality at age 36, âthe average age when people like me die.â People with autism face challenges that neurotypical adults may never be aware of, she writes. While many might assume that those challenges end with socio-emotional language limitations, the fact that autistic people have a higher mortality rate adds to the burden.

    For example, the American Journal of Public Health wrote that people with autism âappear to be at substantially heightened risk for death from injuryâ due to getting lost, not being able to ask for help, not being able to give their name or emergency contact information, or becoming so overstimulated that they panic and put themselves in harmâs way.

    The lower-than-average lifespan for autistic people also has racial and gender overtones. Autism is a âdeadly hazard when dealing with the police,â writes magazine, because of a number of cases where police officers have taken noncompliant and noncommunicative behaviors from autistic people to be signs of suspicion and, in the case of overstimulation, hostility.

    The Life Expectancy Of People With Autism

    A Swedish study on 27,122 autistic peoplefound that they tend to die about 16 years earlier than the general population. The study also found that autistic people with learning disabilities had a worse life expectancy and died about 30 years earlier than people without autism. 

    The sad reality is that people with autism are nearly three times more likely to die than their counterparts without autism. These tragic figures highlight the unfavorable outcomes for autistic people in our communities and call for special attention to improve autistic health care services. 

    Why Do People With Autism Have A Lower Average Lifespan

    • January 11, 2021

    People with autism face many challenges in their lives, but chief among those challenges is that simply having autism spectrum disorder is a risk factor for a lower average lifespan. Autism itself is not a cause of a shortened lifespan, but conditions related to the disorder can affect mortality.

    Then And Now: A Look At Autism Over The Last 20 Years

    Thanks to a supportive community, over the last 20 years SARRC has been able to advance the understanding and treatment of autism. But what exactly did the autism landscape look like in 1997? We asked members of SARRCs research team to explained. Heres a glimpse of how far weve come.

    What is the prevalence of autism among children in the United States?

    In 1997, autism was on the rise and so were peoples concerns, yet there were no dedicated efforts to monitor prevalence rates. Rough estimates suggested that 1 in 2,500 children were likely to be diagnosed with autism. In the year 2000, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began carefully tracking prevalence rates through the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network. Today, the CDC reports that one 1 in 68 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder .

    What is the average age children are receiving an autism diagnosis?

    The estimated average age of diagnosis in the U.S. was 4 years, 4 months in 1997. While parental concerns were noted in earlier development, it was more common for children to be identified and diagnosed upon reaching school age. Currently, the CDC states the average age of diagnosis in the U.S. is 3 years, 10 months. However, research has shown that a reliable diagnosis of autism can be made as early as 2 years old.

    What are the expected outcomes for adults with autism?

    How have diagnostic criteria changed in the past 20 years?

    Autism Results In A Lower

    If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder , you may have been alarmed by recent studies reporting that people with autism have an average lifespan of 36 years, compared with a 72-year life expectancy for the general population. However, this research does not provide a clear picture of the relationship between ASD and overall health and wellness and remains one of the most disseminated myths about autism.While autism itself does not impact life expectancy, comorbidities and an increased risk of accidents explain these statistics. Many people with an ASD also have one or more comorbid conditions such as epilepsy, asthma, autoimmune disorders, Fragile X syndrome or gastrointestinal disorders, which can affect their health and longevity. People with autism, particularly children, are also much more likely to be injured in a preventable accident than the general population.

    Can You Have Mild Aspergers

    One of the recognized symptoms of Aspergers syndrome that is also common in people with mild autism was difficulty making eye contact or discomfort doing so. Along with other social behaviors, avoiding eye contact may give the impression that youre not being interested in social interactions when you really are.

    Let Those In Your Family With Autism Know They Are Loved

    If you have a family member who is on the spectrum, it is therefore critical that you let them know by all that you do and say how much you love and value them. Individuals with autism are worthy of love and acceptance every bit as much as anyone else, but they might not always feel the easy sense of human connection that is present for many of us with no great effort on our parts.

    Try to be a guiding force in the life of your family member or friend who has autism. You dont want to give them the sense that you are running their life for them. They should be allowed to be independent, but at the same time, you should be there for them as much as they need.

    It is helpful if you know that they have a network of close, reliable friends. If they play in organized sports leagues, belong to clubs, or they are in a relationship, it is probably going to do them a lot of good. If they have a job or a career that they feel is rewarding, that can help as well. It is when people with autism feel disconnected from society that they might resort to suicidal thoughts or ideations.

    Life Expectancy 16 Years Shorter For People On The Autism Spectrum Study Says

    Does Autism Effect Life Expectancy?

    In many ways, autism can be an asset and doesnt need to be seen as a negative thing. However, when it comes to life expectancy, a Swedish study says people on the autism spectrum get the short end of the stick.

    The average life expectancy for the general population is about 70 years of age. The life expectancy for someone with autism, however, is just 54. Thats a substantial 16-year difference.

    Photo: Adobe Stock/Min Chiu

    Sadly, this gap is likely due at least in part to the young age at which a large percentage of people on the spectrum take their own lives. The top three causes of death for people on the autism spectrum were found to be heart disease, suicide, and epilepsy. People with ASD and no other cognitive dysfunction were nine times more likely to commit suicide than those not on the spectrum.

    Photo: Adobe Stock/Sabphoto

    Its likely that the high suicide rate among ASD individuals has a lot to do with bullying and the fact that people with autism have trouble making friends and fitting in with their peers. This leads to isolation, loneliness, and a poor self-image. In a recent study, bullying was found to double an ASD individuals risk of committing suicide.

    Girls were found to have higher rates of suicide than boys, likely because of later diagnoses and a lack of early intervention. Because fewer girls are diagnosed with autism, its also more difficult for a girl with ASD to find solace in a group of peers who are like her.

    Photo: Adobe Stock/zakalinka

    Different Degrees Of Independence

    First, its important to understand that a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder does not mean that your child or family member will not be able to date, make friends, attend college, get married, become a parent, or have a satisfying career. People with ASD do these things and more every day. 

    What an ASD diagnosis does mean is that your child or family member will progress differently than people without ASD.

    At Therapeutic Pathways, our team of therapists and behavior technicians work to help those diagnosed with ASD reach their full potential. This means reaching different stages of independence over time. 

    Again, its not possible to provide a concrete answer of how long it will take your child or family member to develop certain independent living skills. Our staff meets each client where they are and works closely with them to develop skills to keep your child safe and happy.

    Some of the autism independent living skills that we encourage and develop at Therapeutic Pathways include:

    People With Autism Die 16 Years Earlier On Average

    The increased number of annual autism diagnoses in the past years means were more likely to have diagnosed autistic people in our circle.  This reach extends to our families, coworkers, classmates, and many more people whom we love.  In fact, 5,437,988 American adults are currently living with autism. 

    Sadly, studies show that people with autism have a significantly shorter lifespan than their counterparts. This fact raises concern amongst the autism community and their loved ones. The search is on for ways to improve the living conditions for people with autism and keep them from dying younger.


  • 6.1 + 8 sources
  • What Should You Not Say To Someone With Aspergers

    5 things to NEVER say to someone with Autism:

    • Dont worry, everyones a little Autistic. No.
    • You must be like Rainman or something. Here we go again not everyone on the spectrum is a genius.
    • Do you take medication for that? This breaks my heart every time I hear it.
    • I have social issues too.
    • You seem so normal!

    Can A Person With Autism Spectrum Disorder Live An Independent Adult Life

    The simple answer to this question is yes, a person with autism spectrum disorder can live independently as an adult. However, not all individuals achieve the same level of independence. The focus of intervention services is to help the individual achieve their highest possible level of independence, and that wont look the same for everyone.

    Because ASD is variable , treatment plans should be individualized and focused on each persons passions, interests, and skillsets. With the scientifically-validated Applied Behavior Analysis treatments available at Therapeutic Pathways, your family member with ASD will develop skills that will help them tremendously in navigating everyday life and meeting goals.

    There are various degrees and stages of independence. Depending on how early your family member was diagnosed and began treatment, you should treat the journey to independence as just that a journey. It wont happen overnight; it will take patience and perseverance to help your family member become more independent.

    Everyone Is At Least A Little Bit Autistic

    Many well-meaning people, such as comedian Jerry Seinfeld, have remarked that they may be on the autism spectrum. They base their statement on a few observed characteristics or behaviors, rather than on a doctors diagnosis. Myths about autism like this irk people in the autism community and often mischaracterize the experience of people with an ASD. Just as someone does not have a little bit of asthma because they have occasionally experienced shortness of breath, a person is not on the autism spectrum simply because they find eye contact uncomfortable or sometimes engage in repetitive movements.

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