Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Are There Doctors With Autism

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Paige Layle Talks Autism On Tiktok

Paige Layle is an eyelash technician from Ontario who recently went viral on TikiTok after posting a 4-part series about being an autistic woman. Her TikTok account is filled with facts about autism and she talks about how it took a long time to get her diagnosis because she is a woman that doesnt necessarily fit the mold of being autistic. People Magazine reported that:

Layle also said that girls with autism tend to live with mental disorders, disclosing that she currently has seven, including OCDAll of these mental illnesses stem from having autism, but OCD, anxiety, and depression are very, very common, especially in girls

  • Matthew Labyorteaux Actor

The Prison Break star told CBSNew York:

Autism is central to who I am. I wouldnt change it.

  • Kim Peek Inspiration for Rain Man Movie
  • Sue Ann Pien Actor
  • Henry Rodriguez Reality-TV Star

Known for getting Married at First Sight, there has been a lot of speculation on as to whether Rodriguez is on the spectrum.

  • Scott Steindorff Producer

Steindorff produced top films like the Lincoln Lawyer. Now according to The Hollywood Reporter, he is producing a documentary called Spectrum Neurodiversity. Steindorff is on the spectrum himself and said the documentary:

will focus on conditions such as dyslexia, ADD, ADHD and autism as examples of diversity in the human condition rather than disorders that must be cured.

  • Ian Terry Big Brother Star

Ian said on Twitter:

  • Stanley Kubrick Film Director & Chess Mastermind

What Do You Enjoy Most About Your Work As A Junior Doctor For The Nhs

I really love when you get to solve something vitally important to the patient. As a junior, you are the ‘middle person and responsible for finding out what matters to each patient and making sure the team knows about it, as well as ensuring the patient understands what is happening. This can mean little things like organising a trip out for a long-term patient or tracking down the one type of food a child will eat, or big things like controlling someones pain or helping them understand their treatment.

When I have autistic patients, I always take particular care to find out their needs and make sure they are met. Although these things may not influence somebodys physical health, they have a big influence on peoples experiences in hospital and how likely they are to continue to engage with healthcare.

“When I have autistic patients, I always take particular care to find out their needs and make sure they are met.”

Finding The Right Pediatrician For Autism

Finding the right pediatrician for autism will make it easier for an autistic child to receive the care they need. Asking a physician questions before bringing a child in can help to provide parents with peace of mind and also help to create a plan for how to treat the child and ensure they are comfortable during the appointments.

Why Does A Diagnosis Matter

It’s easy to confuse the word mild with the word ignorable. If someone’s troubles don’t automatically qualify them for a formal autism spectrum disorder diagnosis from every doctor out there, why bother?

It’s true that people must demonstrate difficulties with everyday functioning to merit an ASD diagnosis. But even people with cases doctors consider mild have very real difficulties. 

Researchers say people with mild, but recognizable, autism can’t always form close relationships. As they age, they’re likely to deal with mental health challenges, including depression and anxiety. 

It’s reasonable to believe that people with a low level of autism, even if doctors don’t recognize it, would also struggle. 

First-person accounts describe days in which they try very hard to both fit in with the world around them and control their impulses so others will accept them. They describe feeling misunderstood, angry, and isolated. These feelings are real and they matter. 

Knowing that you fit an autism phenotype could even help you protect your health later in life. Researchers say, for example, that people with ASD tend to developthan people without ASD. If you’re at risk, you could work with your doctor on techniques to preserve your mental acuity. 

Doctors Want More Autism Training

Thoughts on The Good Doctor TV Show From an Autistic ...

More than 600 of the health care providers surveyed wanted to learn strategies for communicating effectively with adults with autism. In interviews, some expressed frustration at not knowing how to establish a rapport with such patients. Most providers also said they would benefit from an autism conference, and they wanted special clinics for adults with developmental disabilities within Kaiser Permanente. 2

Autism is a developmental condition affecting the brain; it is technically a psychiatric diagnosis. Yet that does not mean that mental health providers are necessarily better prepared for adults with autism. Seventy percent of mental health providers in the Kaiser Permanente survey rated their autism knowledge/skills as poor or fair, and a similar percentage did not believe they had the tools and resources to accommodate adults with autism in their practices.2 “We were surprised by these findings,” said the lead researcher, epidemiologist Lisa A. Croen PhD, director of the Autism Research Program at Kaiser Permanente.

When Were You Diagnosed As Autistic

I was diagnosed as autistic in the penultimate year of university, but it wasnt a particular revelation to me. My dad and grandad were never diagnosed, but my family always thought they were autistic and accepted it as part of who they are. I had a speech delay and a few other big clues that were picked up on as a small child, but, possibly because I was female , a full diagnosis was never made. When the Glasgow autism team diagnosed me, they were shocked I had got as far as I had with my education and living independently without the support that would have benefited me so much. Although we have always been close, talking about being autistic has brought my dad and me closer.

Anatomy Of A Hit: How Abc’s ‘the Good Doctor’ Became The Season’s Breakout

Sociologist William Petersen coined the term model minority to describe positively stereotyped demographic groups that achieve success despite marginalization. For instance, Asian Americans transformed from the yellow peril and brown horde of the late 19th century to a respected and industrious group that closed the wage gap by the 1970s  not because of educational gains, economist Nathaniel Hilger found, but because of less racist public perceptions. Contrast The Mask of Fu Manchu  the infamous pre-Code film where Myrna Loy and Boris Karloff don yellowface for the roles of dragon lady and evil criminal genius to Bruce Lees martial arts films of the 70s in which Asian protagonists are idealized.

Idealizing traditional Asian values conveniently upheld the racist status quo. Asian Americans were elevated while other minorities, especially African Americans, were denigrated because they were not perceived to be as hard-working or self-sufficient. This undermined the call for systemic anti-racist changes demanded by the Civil Rights Movement.

For example, in The Good Doctor pilot, Dr. Murphy exists to enlighten his neurotypical peers. In an exchange with a skeptical hospital board, the president of San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital justifies hiring the autistic surgeon because of Dr. Murphys genius-level skills and because it will feel goodWe hire Shaun and we make this hospital better for it. We hire Shaun, and we are better people for it.

How To Find A Functional Medicine Doctor

We wish we could say that doctors with this specialized training are located in every city and town throughout the United States.  Like most specialists, convenient access to a trained and experienced functional medicine provider depends largely on where you live. As a result, many families travel to see their childs doctor. 

Below are some tried and true ways to find a doctor who can help your child:

  • Ask for recommendations from local parents of kids with autism who are using medical interventions:
  • Hook up with your local TACA Chapter.
  • If there isnt a TACA Chapter near you, join TACAs private Facebook group where we have a file on parent recommended doctors listed by state.
  • Attend a TACA conference to see doctors speak in person.
  • Watch presentations from doctors to see who you feel would be a good fit for your family.
  • You can get access to TACA’s entire webinar archive by becoming a TACA+ member.
  • Check websites of organizations who provide functional medical training and certifications. They often maintain lists of doctors who have completed their programs.
  • To clarify, these lists simply indicate a doctor has attended a training offered by the organization. However, they don’t indicate whether or not the doctor has clinical experience treating patients with autism.
  • Integrative Medicine for Mental Health
  • We Are Close To Having A Complicated Character; We Are In The Apology/role Model Phase But We Arent There Yet

    Its the role model thing, right? said Michael McCreary. We are placing a character with cultural baggage based on a diagnosis in a well-intentioned way. We are on the cusp of something potentially good. Michael liked how the character of Dr. Murphy was played as a flawed human, rather than as a stereotyped precious child. He added, I feel we are close on the autism front. We are close to being characters who are screw-ups up for any human reason, not DSM-5 reasons. We are close to having a complicated character; we are in the apology/role model phase, but we arent there yet. 

    I think, said Nicole, the message is that autistic people are versatile  that they are empathetic, complex.” Although, she says, there are not a lot of PhDs or savants, The Good Doctor remains a positive depiction of an autistic person who does meaningful work, lives on their own and has a committed relationship. It doesnt infantilize autism as other media have. 

    Matthew agrees with Michael McCreary and Nicole.  Overall, this is more positive depiction. I am happy we have it. I agree with Mike that we are on the cusp of where we need to go. 

    Its a start. Theres a long way to go, said Anthony. COVID isnt making this easy, but I am very hopeful. Maybe we just need to advertise ourselves for consult in the industry. 


    Could Someone With Autism Be A Superstar Surgeon

    That’s the premise of the new ABC series The Good Doctor, and given the 130-year history of “savant syndrome,” yes, its definitely plausible

    The remarkable savant syndrome has come of age. What began as a description of 10 cases by Dr. John Langdon Down in 1887 at the Earlswood Asylum in London culminates now, 130 years later, with Shaun Murphy as a gifted autistic savant pediatric surgeon in the ABC television series The Good Doctor.

    Quite suddenly and conspicuously, books, movies and TV series featuring people with exceptional brain performance, including underlying autism, have become popular depictions. The Good Doctor is based on the 2013 South Korean series by the same name. And there are others as well including The Accountant; Temple Grandin; Life Animated; Gifted; and Mercury Rising to name only a few.

    The first movie version of savant syndrome was Rain Man in 1988. In fact, that movie was the first portrayal of autism itself on the big screen. The writer was Barry Morrow who had successfully and sensitively written a made-for-television movie entitled Bill in which Mickey Rooney portrayed Bill Sackter, a lovable and successful person with intellectual deficiency. When Barry met Kim Peek, the prodigious savant who inspired the movie, the decision was made to cast the main character, Raymond Babbitt as a person with autism, rather than intellectual deficiency.

    The So-Called Idiot Savant Is Born

    The Saga Continues

    Savant Syndrome 2017

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    Autism Symptoms And Screening

    It is commonplace to have a family member or close friend with a child diagnosed with one of the autism spectrum disorders . These are a set of neurodevelopmental disabilities affecting young children and adults, which are currently not considered “curable.” The goals of management include minimizing the symptoms and maximizing both independent function and quality of life. These are not uncommon disorders. Their prevalence has been estimated as approximately 6.5 per 1000 children, or 1 in every 150 children. Many believe that there is an “Autism Epidemic.” However, as with many diseases and disorders, there are many reasons for this high prevalence.

    Fortunately, significant media coverage and increased research have resulted in a better educated public and more vigilant healthcare practitioners. It is clear that early diagnosis and intervention are associated with better outcomes.

    The current Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition identifies two features that are associated with autism:

    • impairment in social interaction and communication, and
    • repetitive unusual behavior patterns .

    Do They Diagnose Autism Or Treat It

    Certain doctors can treat autism, while others diagnose it. Always ask what role a physician will play before scheduling an appointment. In our office, we provide ongoing treatment that can help a child get the treatment they need to live, function and feel comfortable in the world around them. Children with autism have special needs, so it is important for them to see a physician that can provide a high level of specialized care.

    Autistic Adults Review The Good Doctor

    Is This New Experimental Autism Treatment Unsafe?

    ~ 7 minute read 

    The Good Doctor, which airs on CTV, has drawn much attention from the autism community. It centres around Dr. Shawn Murphy, a young autistic savant resident surgeon at an American hospital, played by neurotypical actor Freddie Highmore. Highmore has drawn praise from some parts of the autism community for the care he has brought to the role.  However, others have raised concerns over the representation of people on the autism spectrum in the media and the overall message that a program like this presents to the public.  

    Autism Ontario assembled a diverse group of adults with autism to review and discuss The Good Doctor. The group consisted of self-advocates Michael McCreary, comedian and author; Courtney Weaver, freelance writer; David Moloney, Autism Ontario Board Member and Mutual Fund Indexer with CIBC; Matthew Lemay, freelance writer; Anthony Spezzano, Capital Markets Specialist, TD Securities; Christian Maltesta; and, Nicole Corrado. Michael Cnudde, self-advocate and Specialist Communications and Project Development, Autism Ontario, moderated the panel. 

    All in all, I find that it plays the autism card a little too heavily, said David. He found the shows lead actor and writers tried to show autism as a broad concept or a construct. He thought this was too general an approach and much was lost this way. It doesnt really portray the positivity exuded by people on the spectrum. 

    What Are The Challenges You Face As A Doctor Who Is Autistic

    Perhaps surprisingly to some people, I dont struggle with patient communication. I worked really hard and attended lots of simulations through university to improve my communication skills, and now, although I have my own style, communication is the aspect of work where I get the best feedback.

    Something I do struggle with is the noisy environment of the workplace. I am supposed to get a separate quiet space as part of my reasonable adjustments for breaks to help me cope, but I have never actually had this provided, despite contact with occupational health. As an autistic person, having the structure of your day upended can be really difficult. You sometimes get pulled to another team or another part of the hospital midway through the morning with no warning. This is fairly unusual though.

    Leaving The Pediatrician: Charting The Medical Transition Of Youth With Autism

    Although many teens with autism receive help with the transition to adult services, very few are prepared for another vital transition, that from pediatric doctors to providers who treat adults.

    A smooth transition is crucial because, as a recent study revealed, adults with autism have significantly more medical and psychiatric problems than other adults. They have higher rates of depression, anxiety, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, epilepsy, hypertension, sleep disorders and obesity, for example.1

    An estimated 50,000 Americans with autism spectrum disorder will turn 18 each year2, part of “a surge of children” diagnosed in the 1990s.3 Those young adults will be leaving their pediatricians’ offices for doctors who specialize in adult medicine but who may lack experience with autism.

    Many medical experts in autism, such as developmental pediatricians, only treat children and teenagers. Pediatricians, who are on the front lines of recognizing and managing care for developmental disorders, often stop seeing their patients when they reach ages 18 to 22.

    Experts in adult medicine, such as internists, may not have the same experience with autism as pediatricians. In fact, many doctors who treat adults lack formal training in autism. In a survey of 346 physicians in Connecticut, almost two-thirds said they did not receive any training in the care of adults with autism.4

    What Help Is There For Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Dr. Jeff Jacobsoccupational therapyphysical therapyspeech therapyrepetitive behaviorsDr. Johanna FrickeDr. Ernest Bordini

    Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

    Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

    HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video.

    Could Medications Help

    Plenty of diseases respond to medication management. Even big foes, including HIV, have fallen in response to therapies that rest in a medicine chest. Many researchers wonder if autism could be tackled by a pill or injection too.

    In a study published in January 2020, researchers identified 83 children, ages 3 to 6. The children were split into two groups.

    • Treatment: These children got 0.5 mg of bumetanide twice per day for three months.
    • Control: These children got no active treatment.

    Then, the researchers used the Childhood Autism Rating Scale to assess each child. Before the study began, children all got similar scores. At the end of the research period, the treatment group got better. The control group did not. 

    Researchers used brain scans, and they proved that the test medication boosted two key brain chemicals. They theorize that those chemical changes helped the children get better. But the sample size of the study is small, and the research didn’t last long. 

    Medications can be tricky, and sometimes, solutions are approved before researchers understand the risks. For example, the medication aripiprazole entered the autism market in 2009. In 2020, researchers linked the drug to significant weight gain, movement problems, behavior problems, and more. 

    Parents who give their child a new medication take a risk. Everyone involved hopes the pills make the child better, not worse.

    Autism Test For Adults

    While awareness about autism has dramatically increased in children, there are many adults who, for a number of reasons, may be on the autism spectrum but never have received an autism test or diagnosis. Obtaining an autism diagnosis as an adult is difficult, but not impossible.

    While an autism test and diagnosis may not be quite as impactful for an adult as it is for a child, it is still vitally important that adults formally receive this diagnosis. There are treatment options available for adults. Keep in mind that no one is ever too old to be treated for autism. Even adults can find real benefits to being diagnosed with autism. For these reasons, if you are concerned that you may be autistic, you should consult with an appropriate medical professional.

    The signs of autism in an adult are slightly different than those that you may see in a child, as developmental delays are no longer relevant for diagnosis purposes. Indeed, many of these symptoms are specifically related to social situations and emotional intelligence. These signs include:

    • Problems with understanding, reading and reacting to social hints and cues
    • Difficulty socializing
    • Difficulty maintaining close, personal relationships
    • Difficulty expressing emotion and a flat affect when it comes to interpersonal communication
    • Repetitive behaviors
    • Difficulty adapting to changes in routines

    Many adults who think they have autism but werent tested for the disorder often fall into one of two categories:

    Medical Marijuana For Autism

    Cannabis is prescribed as a treatment for autism in 14 states. Is it the wonder drug patients and families have been waiting for?


    Although the research on and autism spectrum disorders is in its infancy, there has been much controversy and confusion. Over the years, more patients and their families are seeking guidance from doctors on using cannabis to alleviate symptoms. From preventing seizures to calming aggression, a slow trickle of research is suggesting that cannabidiol , a component of cannabis, may be the wonder drug families have been searching for. But does it hold up to this standard? Should we be recommending it to patients? How do we weigh the benefits and the risks?

    Unfortunately, many clinicians lack adequate training on the subject, making them unprepared to have a meaningful discussion with patients and families. Efforts to advance research have been limited for technical and logistical reasons, often leaving doctors with just as many questions as patients.

    Cannabis: An Overview

    Used recreationally, it produces a high or mind-altering effect when smoked or consumed. It is also used therapeutically. The National Institute on Drug Abuse defines medical cannabis as using the whole, unprocessed marijuana plant or its basic extracts to treat symptoms of illness and other conditions.1

    THC and CBD are 2 cannabinoids found in cannabis that have particular clinical importance.3

    The Challenges of Autism

    The Case for and Against

    What Common Sociobehavioral Interventions Treat Autism

    There is only one treatment approach that has prevailed over time and is effective for all persons, with or without autism. That treatment model is an educational program that is suitable to a student’s developmental level of performance. One such program is the Son-Rise Program. For adults, that treatment model refers to a vocational program that is suitable to the individual’s developmental level of functioning.

    Under the federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act Act of 1990, students with a handicap are guaranteed an “appropriate education” in the Least Restrictive Environment , which is generally considered to be as normal an educational setting as possible. As a result of this legislation, children with autism have often been placed in a mainstreamed classroom and pulled out for whatever supplementary services were needed. Depending on the child’s needs, he or she could be placed up to 100% of the school day in a mainstreamed or a special education setting or any combination of the two in order to receive the most appropriate help possible.

    It is important to remember, despite some recent denials, that autism is usually a lifelong condition. The kind of support that is appropriate will change as the individual develops. Families must beware of treatment programs that give false hope of a cure. Acceptance of the condition in a family member is a very critical, foundational component of any treatment program and is understandably quite difficult.

    What Are Your Tips For Doctors Nurses And Nhs Workers Who Are Autistic And Working During The Coronavirus Outbreak

    good doctor review too sentimental portrait of doctor

    Identifying sources of overload and the things that relieve them has made a huge difference to my happiness, energy and quality of life. The best change I have made is living alone I have things just the way I like them, so I have far fewer meltdowns.

    When I started work, I was also worried people would judge me based on my quirks rather than my abilities. Ive found as long as you are friendly and honest, and do your job well, nobody really minds. For example, I wear clothing of a non-irritating texture and ear defenders. I also flap and do other stims . If anyone has a poorer opinion of me because of those things, its never been fed back to me.

    The autism team in Glasgow who diagnosed me also explained the recharging effect of engaging in special interests, so now I prioritise time by myself to research things I’m interested in or engage in my hobbies. I tell my partner I am just going away to be autistic for a while

    Famous People With Autism

    There are many famous people with autism. They include athletes, actors, inventors, business leaders, authors and artists.

    There are about 180 famous autistic people I found as part of our research on Ongigs series on neurodiversity. I felt inspired to list all these amazing people in one place!

    Disclaimers: This list includes famous people with Autism who have been diagnosed and those who have been reported or rumored to fall somewhere on the Autism spectrum. I do my best to list resources for any questionable ones and welcome feedback, additions and edits! I am not an expert on autism.

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