Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is National Autism Awareness Month

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Traditions Of The Day

National Autism Awareness Month

World Autism Awareness Day celebrates the resilience of those affected by the disorder and supports causes that promote awareness of it. Children in schools are educated about autism and encouraged to be accepting of it. As autistic children are subjected to bullying, it is very important for their peers to be tolerant and inclusive of them. The signs of autism are at times not so prevalent, which is why adults are also educated on this matter. Local businesses and shopping centers are also big on autism awareness, and a portion of their sales go towards autism causes and organizations.

The Prevalence Of Autism

In Utah, 1 in 58 people are diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. With such a high prevalence of autism in our community, nearly everyone has been affected by it in some way. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma around autism which often prevents parents from getting their children the diagnosis and treatment they need.

How Can You Get Involved In National Autism Awareness Month

Weve listed below 3 areas where you can help during April, but theres no reason why you cant extend these activities throughout the year.

Raise Awareness

The National Autistic Society have been running an awareness and information campaign for the last few years called Too Much Information and they have a lot of resources on their website you can use in your setting, not just with the children who attend, but with staff and parents too.

It includes a new short film about how unexpected changes can affect autistic people, and you can sign up to make a pledge to take some action in your setting to help. This could be as simple as:

  • Giving clear instructions in simple, literal English
  • Understanding sensory overload and melt downs
  • Giving warnings when things change
  • Developing your patience and allowing more processing time

You could run a general information session for your staff and/or parents, or if youd like to get more involved, there are training courses online or in person to increase your understanding of the condition and the skills of your staff. The Autism Education Trust offer specific training for early years practitioners on the subject. These courses could count towards your continuing professional development and will increase your general skill level.

Become “autism friendly” or “autism accredited”

Donate or fundraise

For more information, see:

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Autism Coordination Across The Federal Government

The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee continues to play an important role in ensuring open lines of communication across federal agencies and between the public, academicians, and government. Under the leadership of Dr. Susan Daniels, the NIMH Office of Autism Coordination supports the IACC. Last year, the IACC released its 2016-2017 Strategic Plan for ASD. I encourage you to take a look at this document, which articulates many of the challenges faced by the autism community, current federal efforts in services and research, and gaps in knowledge and care that deserve our attention. The IACC called for additional resources to cover these gaps, and for continued cooperation and communication within and across agencies and with the relevant stakeholders.

Since that report, Dr. Novotny retired from federal service, but I am pleased to announce that NIMHs own Dr. Ann Wagner has been appointed to succeed him. Dr. Wagner is the chief of NIMHs Biomarker and Intervention Development for Childhood-Onset Mental Disorders program and serves as the Chair of the internal Trans-NIH Autism Coordinating Committee, which oversees autism-related research across the whole of the National Institutes of Health . Her expertise and knowledge about ASD will be of critical importance as she takes on this additional responsibility.

Autism Awareness Month Has Traditionally Focused On The Negatives


And honestly, focused on the negatives doesnt go far enough.

Up until autistic advocates got involved, it was seen as perfectly acceptable to portray autism as a tragedy or an epidemic that has stolen our children , and that a cure is not only desirable, but essential.

The most infamous example of this was the 2009 I Am Autism commercial from Autism Speaks which literally did accuse autism of stealing normal children.

Quotes from the video included:

  • I work faster than pediatric aids, cancer, and diabetes combined. And if youre happily married, I will make sure that your marriage fails.Your money will fall into my hands, and I will bankrupt you for my own self-gain.I dont sleep, so I make sure you dont either.
  • I am autism. I have no interest in right or wrong. I derive great pleasure out of your loneliness.I will fight to take away your hope. I will plot to rob you of your children and your dreams.
  • And the truth is, I am still winning, and you are scared. And you should be.

For those who want to see what autism awareness can become without the input of autistic people, heres the video.

History will condemn that video. In fact, a mere eleven years on, history is already condemning it.

If all you do is talk about the problems and finish the conversation there, dont be surprised when the solutions dont magic their way into existence or if your listeners think the only way of improving autistic peoples lives is the complete annihilation of autism.

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National Autism Awareness Month

  • Applied Behavior Analysis, Therapy Brands

The entire month of April is Autism Awareness Month and April 2 is recognized as World Autism Awareness Day. Established in 1972, advocacy groups such as the Autism Society began by founding National Autistic Childrens week, with it eventually evolving into what we recognize today. The theme for 2021 National Autism Awareness Month is Light Up With Kindness.

The goal of Autism Awareness Month is to spread awareness about autism, share stories, provide resources and encourage acceptance. There are various ways to show your support and get involved including political advocacy, volunteering with children on the autism spectrum, and sharing your personal stories with the world.

How To Get Involved

There are many easy ways to get involved in National Autism Awareness Month.

Spread Awareness

The website offers free digital resources such as printable posters, detailed infographics and more. Want more ideas? Youre invited to email for additional support.

Get Social

Be vigilant about sharing positive, factual articles about autism research, progress and news via social media channels like Facebook and Twitter. Be sure use the official hashtag #CelebrateDifferences to boost the signal.

Raise Funds

Choose an autism charity that aligns with your values and host a fundraiser for them. You can solicit donations amongst friends and family online through various tools and platforms, free of charge.

Take the Pledge

Complete the form on this page to commit to take action and sign up for an informational newsletter to stay in the loop with autism information updates.

Join the Community

Though in-person events to celebrate the month have been canceled to adhere to Coronavirus social distancing guidelines, there is still support available online. Autism Speaks has a page dedicated to navigating the pandemic and the CDC provides a list of recommended helpful websites covering a wide range of autism support topics.

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Scotts Message April Is National Autism Awareness Month

As you likely know, the Autism Society began the movement which led to celebrating April as National Autism Awareness Month. Over the years, the increase in awareness of autism within our nation and the world has grown significantly. However, people on the autism spectrum are still misunderstood by many. The result of this misunderstanding is that we are long overdue in moving from awareness to acceptance. It is simply way beyond time for us as a nation to assure that each person with an autism diagnosis is provided the highest quality of life possible. To get there, we must fully accept the value, worth and dignity that should be afforded each autistic individual. To do anything less cannot be tolerated!

So, why do these dangerous statistics continue? I believe it is because we continue as a nation to not fully value and accept that each person with autism is a person deserving of the highest quality of life possible. Autism may be a key aspect of people on the spectrum, but it must not lead to a denial of opportunity. As a nation, we continue to band-aid support to individuals instead of engaging in a national discussion on how best to fully support the needs of all impacted by autism so that each can maximize his or her quality of life. We attempt to fit the needs of individuals with autism into an antiquated Medicaid system developed in the 1960s that was never really setup to support the needs of people with a disability.

Autism Speaks And Autism Awareness

National Autism Awareness Month

In 2005, Autism Speaks was founded. Created and funded by the extremely wealthy and influential Bob and Suzanne Wright , the organization quickly became the major autism-related non-profit in the world. With their strong connections, the Wrights were able to create very high profile autism awareness programs, including:

  • World Autism Awareness Day , adopted by the United Nations in 2007
  • Light It Up Blue, an international effort to light iconic buildings in blue to raise awareness of autism
  • The Power of One March, which takes place annually on April 2

Autism Speaks sells blue T-shirts, provides resources to groups interested in fundraising or running autism-related programs, and also promotes fundraising marches and events during the month of April. Institutions ranging from museums and zoos to libraries, schools, and even businesses run special events during that period.

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The History Of Autism Awareness Month

The Autism Society, based in the United States, came up with the awareness month concept in the 1970s. But a lot has changed since then.

In the early 1970s, the general public knew very little about autism. The Autism Society launched a nationwide event in 1972, which they called National Autism Awareness Month.

The Autism Society is one of the first and oldest autism-focused organizations within the United States. The group started advocacy work in 1969, and the organizers stood behind the development of the autism awareness ribbon released in 1999.

As a national event, the scope of the National Autism Awareness Month was limited to the United States. Plenty of people with autism live outside of the country, and some advocates thought they could expand their audience and do more good.

Autism Speaks, founded in 2005, took over the idea and expanded the concept. Now, the organization holds an annual World Autism Month, which also takes place during April.

If your family is discussing Autism Awareness Month, you could be talking about either version of these awareness events. They are both critical.

Myths about autism persist, as Autism Speaks explains. Some people falsely believe that people with autism:

  • Have no emotions at all.
  • Dont want any friends.
  • Cant understand emotion.
  • Are intellectually disabled.

What Is World Autism Month

Every April Autism Speaks celebrates World Autism Month, beginning with United Nations-sanctioned World Autism Awareness Day on April 2. Throughout the month, we focus on sharing stories and providing opportunities to increase understanding and acceptance of people with autism, fostering worldwide support. This year, we are committed to keeping the spirit of the month alive, as now more than ever we know the autism community needs support, kindness and compassion. In April 2021 we’re inviting the community to #LightUpWithKindness.

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So How Do We Change This

Here, have a few bullet-points.

  • Change the name of it to World Autism Acceptance Month. Because you can be aware of something and still be an unhealthy influence over it. The negative advocates responsible for those DNR orders were very much aware of autism. We need acceptance now.
  • If youre running an autism event, have autistic speakers.
  • If you share stuff on social media, share from autistic writers.
  • Buy things from autistic artists, musicians, craftspeople, authors and so on.
  • Change the narrative from tragedy to difference, and talk about our strengths as well as our difficulties.

What Is Autism Awareness Month

Show Your Support for National Autism Awareness Month 2017 ...

Each year during the month of April, individuals and organizations across the globe celebrate Autism Awareness Month with events to educate local communities and raise public awareness about autism. Almost 50 years have passed since the Autism Society held the first National Autism Awareness month in April of 1970. Since then, autism has become the fastest growing developmental disability in the world, with the diagnosis rate of children with autism increasing from 1 in every 2000 children in the 1970’s and 1980’s to 1 in every 68 children today.

How Has It Changed?

Momentum around Autism Awareness month has increased with higher diagnosis rates, particularly evidenced by the more recent establishment of World Autism Awareness Day. This day helps to kick off a month of events and takes place on April 2nd every year, a date chosen by the United Nations General Assembly. This year will mark the tenth annual World Autism Awareness Day with the theme of Toward Autonomy and Self-Determination.

How You Can Participate

1. Fundraisers and Walks

Many groups and organizations will choose to hold fundraisers throughout the month. If youre looking to participate in one with your child, research different options in your area to see what activities might be involved and where the money for each one goes before picking the best fit for your family. Awareness Walks are a fun, low key event to show support in groups while enjoying the spring weather.

2. Hands-on Awareness Activities

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Autism Awareness Month: Nurturing Greaterunderstanding Compassion And Support

Accordingto the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , autism spectrum disorder is becoming more prevalentamong our nations youth.

TheCDC, which releases a biennial update of the pervasivenessof autism, estimates that 1 in every 59 children in the United States isdiagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, a 15 percent increase from 1 in every68 children just two years earlier.

Inhonor of Autism Awareness Month in April, Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health a leading provider of autism services for children, adolescents and adults wants to highlight the need for greater understanding, compassion and supportto help individuals diagnosed with autism lead more independent, fulfilling andsocially connected lives.

Individuals with autism offer a wonderful and differentperspective on life. They have a true desire to be part of their communities,and we are here to provide those opportunities, said Devereux Executive Director ofAutism Services Todd Harris, Ph.D. At Devereux, we are privileged to help and support individuals at every life stage, and it is our responsibility to help them sharetheir unique gifts with the world.

Autism In Girls And Women

Not only is April Autism Awareness Month, but on April 2, 2018, we recognized World Autism Awareness Day as proclaimed by the United Nations. Of note this year, the theme of this event is Empowering women and girls with autism. Although current estimates indicate that males are approximately 3-fold more likely to develop autism than females, the increasing recognition that autism and its symptoms and causes may manifest differently in females has drawn attention to the need for targeted research in this area. Accordingly, NIMHs OARC, joined by our Office of Research on Disparities and Global Mental Health, sponsored a panel discussion on Autism in Girls and Women this past September. We have also made research on the subject a priority by renewing funding for an NIH Autism Center of Excellence with a specific focus on studying ASD in females.

These and other efforts underscore NIMHs commitment to increase our understanding of ASD, with a laser focus on using this understanding to improve the lives of all those affected by autism.

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Princeton Public Health Review

The month of April is National Autism Awareness Month. As suggested by the name, the purpose of this month is to educate and inform others about autism. This includes defining the disease, learning what it means to have autism, learning the difficulties that someone with autism faces, and of course learning how to accept and appreciate those living with autism. Considering that over 3.5 million Americans are currently living with autism, it is important that we are educated on this topic.

Considering that over 3.5 million Americans are currently living with autism, it is important that we are educated on this topic.

Autism spectrum disorder, which is more commonly known as autism, is a disease which is usually diagnosed at a very early age. It affects an individuals speech, behavior, and social skills, however, some individuals may have unique strengths. The disease affects people in different ways, in varying degrees hence the term spectrum disorder and is associated with delayed learning, poor motor skills, and a lack of reasoning. Similarly, the severity of these effects may differ from person to person. Autism is not a curable disease, but it is treatable. Studies show that it is better to treat it at an earlier stage, but in order to do so, doctors need to be able to diagnose patients at the early onset of their symptoms.

World Autism Awareness Day Social Media Buzz

National Autism Awareness Month: How Much Do You Know About It?

2 years ago today we sat in a room while getting told Jacob has AutismI had no idea what that meant for you or us. You have worked so hard. You continue to grow & show us that amazing personality inside you!I am so proud of you.I love you so much buddy.

Joe Ingles

No messing about this is some serious commitment from our Joe! Well done bro #Autism#strength#disabilities

Billy Moore

Joe has autism and struggles with the smallest of tasks but hes got heart and Im proud of him. #AutismAwareness#alderherheyhospital

Billy Moore

Autism isn’t linear.

Brad Weinstein

Recommended Reading: Symbols For Autism

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