Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Autism Awareness Month April

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Autism In The Classroom

Autism Awareness Month takes place in April

It is important to realize, like any other child, each child with autism is different from the other. Each child has their own way of seeing the world, which makes each child with autism unique. This means that, just because strategies that have been used and have worked for one child with autism, may not work for the next child who is on the spectrum. Here is a list of ideas to help create a supportive learning environment for children with autism.

Try to learn as much as you can about the child Find out special interests and possible obsessions, as this can be a valuable teaching tool and will help interacting with the child.

Routines and schedules As with any child, creating a predictable routine give a child confidence, independence and reduces anxiety. This can be especially important with a child on the spectrum. In a classroom setting using a visual schedule can assist with successful transitions between activities. Using a timer to give a time warning can also be helpful.

Visual supports Research shows that children with autism have visual strengths. Use visual strategies to improve their understanding and positive interactions with learning. Where possible, include visual images when teaching.

Why Puzzles Are Important To Kids With Autism

  • Puzzles Can Help Improve Fine Motor Skills
  • Hand-Eye Coordination
  • Puzzles Can Help Develop Problem-Solving Skills
  • Basic Logic
  • Concentration and Focus
  • They Can Also Help Autistic Children to Stay Calm and Focused.

So this April, show your support for autism awareness by putting together a puzzle with your child. Who knows, you might just have a blast in the process!

World Autism Awareness Day Social Media Buzz

2 years ago today we sat in a room while getting told Jacob has AutismI had no idea what that meant for you or us. You have worked so hard. You continue to grow & show us that amazing personality inside you!I am so proud of you.I love you so much buddy.

Joe Ingles

No messing about this is some serious commitment from our Joe! Well done bro #Autism#strength#disabilities

Billy Moore

Joe has autism and struggles with the smallest of tasks but hes got heart and Im proud of him. #AutismAwareness#alderherheyhospital

Billy Moore

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Why Many People With Autism Dislike Functioning Labels

Neurodiversity advocates say that April should be called Autism Acceptance Month. This may seem like a minor semantic difference but is in fact a massive shift. Organizations like Autism Speaks have spent 20 years depicting autism in all its worst manifestations. It has shown images of parents struggling with nonverbal children having meltdowns and shutdowns. It has promoted awareness of autism through depictions of how hard people with autism can be when we are at our worst.

These images are awareness of autism, and they are real depictions. However, acceptance is something else. It is taking the time to get to know people with autism in all our weird awkwardness and not judging us for it. It is learning about adults with autism and their perspectives and not just embracing the stereotype of the difficult child. It is learning about how autism manifests across the spectrum in well-known people with autism like Temple Grandin, Hannah Gadsby, Elon Musk, Daryl Hannah, and Anthony Hopkins. It is supporting organizations like Autism Self-Advocacy Network that promote the voices of people with autism and advocate for research into improving the quality of life for people with autism.


Luderman, Sara The biggest autism advocacy group is still failing too many autistic people. The Washington Post.

Beaudrot, Lee . This April, Dont Support Autism Speaks. FSU News.

Bonus: 6 More Awareness Activities

April is National Autism Awareness Month

1. Go surfing, hiking or trekking.

If the sun is warm and the weather soothing, pack up your kids in the right safety gear and hit the trails for a family adventure.

2. Play with Legos.

Stacking and building gets the ASD kids creatively going.

3. Learn about trains.

Do train-spotting which is a fantastic way of learning history. Visit a train museum, or build a model.

4. Host your own fundraiser.

One of the simple yet effective fundraising ideas for little ones is having a lemonade sale for autism awareness day.

5. Create a stunning handmade gift or a decorative piece in the form of a shredded paper bouquet.

Which kid wouldnt love tearing and ripping apart colorful paper into shreds?!

6. Download FREE printables like interactive autism worksheets.

Playful yet informative, these worksheets talk about autism in the most kid-friendly way possible.

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How Is Asd Diagnosed

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, some examples of the types of behaviors that are seen include:


  • Trouble understanding, talking, reading, or writing
  • Having conversations
  • Learning to read or write
  • Repeat words he just heard or words he heard days or weeks earlier, called echolalia
  • Sound robotic or talk in a singsong voice
  • Have tantrums instead of telling you what he wants

Social communication / interaction behaviors

  • Making little or inconsistent eye contact
  • Tending not to look at or listen to people
  • Rarely sharing enjoyment of objects or activities by pointing or showing things to others
  • Failing to, or being slow to, respond to someone calling their name or to other verbal attempts to gain attention
  • Having difficulties with the back and forth of conversation
  • Often talking at length about a favorite subject without noticing that others are not interested or without giving others a chance to respond
  • Having facial expressions, movements, and gestures that do not match what is being said
  • Having an unusual tone of voice that may sound sing-song or flat and robot-like
  • Having trouble understanding another persons point of view or being unable to predict or understand other peoples actions

Repetitive behaviors

Although people with ASD experience many challenges, they may also have many strengths, including:

Autism Awareness Month April 2022

April 2nd is celebrated as World Autism Awareness Day, with April being the month of choice to raise money and resources spread awareness and teach kids, teachers and caregivers the importance of autism, and the life-altering issues faced by kids with ASD through engaging autism awareness activities.

These also help to smash silly myths and bash typical stereotypes.

Activities like families of autistic children sharing powerful, inspiring stories about their beautiful, different children is a great idea for educating, and at the same time, building a strong support network.

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How Can You Participate

Be informed. Youll find excellent resources at the Autism Societys Autism Awareness Month websiteincluding infographics to share. And youll find the Autism Societys resources on Coronavirus with several toolkits organized by topic.

Show your support. Use the hashtags #CelebrateDifferences, #KindnessCounts, and #WorldAutismMonth when you post anything relevant on social media in April.

Get involved: Consider participating in the Autism Speaks Kindness Questa weekly kindness activity to make 2020 the year of kindness and help create a kinder, more inclusive world Share Autism Societys COVID-19 resources for the autism community with family, friends, and educators.

Learn more about how the autistic brain works: PresenceLearning hosted a webinar with leading autism expert Dr. Temple Grandin to give special educators and administrators a deeper understanding of neurodiversity and how they can help students reach their fullest potential. You can watch a recording of the webinarhere, read a summary of the webinars Q& A portionhere, and download a free ebook, 5 Tips for Working with Children with Autism,here.

Do you have any plans to celebrate Autism Awareness Month? Tell us about it in the comment section.

Can I Use The Autism Speaks World Autism Month Marks For My Event/fundraiser

April is national Autism Awareness Month

Yes. resources page and used for informational or educational purposes during World Autism Month. All uses of the Autism Speaks World Autism Month logo must comply with the following Terms of Use:

  • The logo must remain intact. You may not change or add anything to it.
  • You may not place the logo on any product or use for selling purposes.
  • In the US, any fundraising activity utilizing the World Autism Month marks must have the authorization of Autism Speaks. Contact and an Autism Speaks representative will contact you directly to review guidelines.

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An Alternative To Autism Awareness Is Autism Acceptance

In order to combat the idea that autism is the enemyand to celebrate the unique gifts of autistic peopleseveral autism advocacy groups created an alternative celebration called Autism Acceptance Month. According to the Autism Acceptance Month website:

During Autism Acceptance Month, we focus on sharing positive, respectful, and accurate information about autism and autistic people.

Autism Acceptance Month promotes acceptance and celebration of autistic people as family members, friends, classmates, co-workers, and community members making valuable contributions to our world. Autism is a natural variation of the human experience, and we can all create a world which values, includes, and celebrates all kinds of minds.

In a nutshell, Autism Acceptance Month is about treating autistic people with respect, listening to what we have to say about ourselves, and making us welcome in the world.

For many families, particularly those who benefit from or support programs at Autism Speaks, Autism Awareness Month is a very important observance. For those with a different neurodiverse perspective, however, Autism Acceptance may be a better choice.

Total Costs Are Much Lower

Universities and colleges can earn high profit margins on e-courses because a vast majority of the classroom sessions are taped and can be viewed at any time. In short, schools spend much less on e-students than on those who live and matriculate on campus. In general, expect to pay about half the cost of a traditional diploma when you are a remote learner.

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The 2022 World Autism Awareness Day Observance

This years observance will address inclusive education in the context of SDG 4 – the promise and reality – through a virtual event that will include a moderated panel discussion, along with brief presentations by self-advocates, educators and other experts.

The theme of inclusive education is intrinsically linked with the focus of last years WAAD observance, Inclusion in the Workplace. Panelists in last years event emphasized how crucial it is to foster inclusive quality education for people on the autism spectrum so that they can fulfill their potential and achieve sustainable success in the labour market. In this respect, inclusive education is the key to the transformative promise of the Sustainable Development Goals, to LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND.

The event is organized by the UN Department of Global Communications and UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, with the support of civil society partners including the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, the Global Autism Project and the Specialisterne Foundation. The event is co-sponsored by the United Nations Permanent Missions of Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Denmark, Italy, Malta, and Poland.

World Autism Awareness Day

Autism Awareness Month : Treatment Options for Autism Spectrum ...

Every April Autism Speaks celebrates World Autism Month, beginning with the United Nations-sanctioned World Autism Awareness Day on April 2. This year marks the 15th annual World Autism Awareness Day.

Throughout the month, we focus on sharing stories and providing opportunities to increase understanding and acceptance of people with autism, fostering worldwide support. This year, we are committed to creating a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential.

Supporters can participate in World Autism Month by:

Everyone is encouraged to participate. Whether you have autism, love someone who does, or are looking to support a diverse, accepting and kind community youre invited to take the pledge to help create a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential.

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Autism Awareness Day History

The campaign started as “an initiative rooted in the medical model of autism and focused on autistic children and finding a cure,” wrote Ludmila Praslova, a professor and director of graduate programs in industrial-organizational psychology at Vanguard University of Southern California, who is autistic, in the Harvard Business Review on Friday.

Now, many autistic adults take a different perspective, she wrote, seeking “acceptance and inclusion rather than a cure and prefer the symbolism of diversity and completeness.”

Workplaces, for instance, “can do much better than having an outdated, performative Autism Awareness Day,” Praslova wrote. “Celebrating autism acceptance and inclusion rather than simply awareness can not only improve the well-being of your autistic employees.”

Contributing: Mike Snider

How Can I Participate

Everyone is encouraged to participate. Whether you have autism, love someone who does, or are looking to support a diverse, accepting and kind community youre invited to take the pledge to help create a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential.

Supporters can participate in the initiative by visiting autismspeaks.org/wam where they can:

  • Visit autismspeaks.org/WAM and take the pledge to create a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential by increasing understanding and acceptance. Youll receive free information, resources and tools to engage and advocate in your community and learn the impact of your support through Autism Speaks.
  • Join our 2.8 million social followers and help foster understanding and acceptance by sharing the diverse stories of people on the spectrum or telling your own. Submit your story for our social media pages here.
  • Invite your colleagues, classroom and friends to join our Kindness Campaign and encourage acceptance, understanding and inclusion with daily acts of kindness at school, work or in your community. Together, we can create a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential.
  • Make a meaningful, lasting impact for people with autism with your gift. Its one of the easiest and best ways to show your support. Donate today!

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Read Good Books On Autism

Autism spectrum disorders are myriad with different facets in different individuals. Books are a wonderful and highly effective means of celebrating the ASD month and promoting autism awareness. Children love bright, colorful picture books with fascinating stories.

Just hop on Amazon and have your pick from the scores of bestsellers talking about this neurodiversity with tact, sensitivity and charming playfulness.

History Of World Autism Awareness Month

Autism Awareness Month: Snoqualmie center helping local children with special needs

The Society for Autism founded in 1965 by Dr. Rimland, to promote research and help as well as guidance for those who lived with this condition, and to support those living with the people who face the world with Autism gain a better understanding of what was going on with their loved ones. The Society for Autism went to bat for Autism sufferers by helping to establish legislation in Section 504 of the disabilities act to recognize and protect them.

Their campaigns started in the early 1970s and are still going today World Autism Awareness Month was established to promote a better understanding between those with Autism and be a part of the world they live in, not stand outside looking in. The face of Autism isnt set in stone, and there are multiple ways it can manifest. Every person who lives their life with this condition faces different challenges depending on where they lay on the Autistic Spectrum, and which facets of the condition the experience most severely.

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So Why Does Everyone Go Blue Today

Thats a great question to kickstart an interesting, informative conversation about autism with young kids.

You can always rope them in to do a number of autism awareness month activities any other day, but for the autism awareness day, a simple, thought-provoking discussion could suffice specially if going outside for elaborate autism activities is not on the to-do list.

What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder

As communities come together this month to bring awareness and acceptance around autism spectrum disorder, its important to reflect on what this condition means. While there is no single cause of autism identified yet, we do know that it is a spectrum condition that affects people in varying degrees. It is a neurological and developmental disorder that causes social, communication, and other behavioral challenges.

There has been tremendous progress in identifying autism in individuals earlier, creating the possibility for children with autism to receive the services and support as early as possible. While the average age of diagnosis is 6 years old, the AAP recommends children are screened for autism spectrum disorder between 18 months and 2 years old.

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The Footprint Painting Game

Get a paper , and some bright, non-toxic paints. Also, grab towels and a bucket of water to clean up little hands and feet. Then just go wild with your imagination draw anything. Tiny feet can be petals to a big circle, and tiny hands can be leaves. On world autism awareness day, you can also do a blue themed painting. Think a sky with fluffy clouds? Blue flowers? It all works fine.

Why Is Teaching Kids And Raising Awareness So Important

Autism Awareness Day and April

Kids dont come with a manual. Parenting is hard enough without throwing autism into the mix. Young children with ASD think uniquely, behave differently and learn in their own precious style.

To understand their sheer magnificence, to establish them as pioneering, well-adjusted members of your community, and to give them their best chance possible, every one of us has to be an inflexible advocate of autism awareness.

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What Can I Do

Theres plenty you can do to increase awareness about ASD!

Read Books

Books suggested by Teach for America that feature a character with autism and are ideal for children include:

  • Leahs Voice by Lori Demonia and Monique Turchan
  • Keishas Doors/Las Puertas De Keisha: An Autism Story by Marvie Ellis and Jenny Loehr
  • Tacos, Anyone?/Alguien quiere tacos? by Marvie Ellis and Jenny Loehr
  • Ians Walk: A Story about Autism by Laurie Lears and Karen Ritz

For children in middle school and high school, Autism Akron recommends:

  • Of Mice and Aliens by Kathy Hoopman
  • Buster and the Amazing Daisy by Nancy Ogaz
  • Lisa and the Lace Maker by Kathy Hoopman
  • Wishing on the Midnight Star by Nancy Ogaz
  • Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night by Mark Haddon
  • A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon
  • Clay by Colby Rodowsky
  • To OZ and Back: A Bones and Duchess Mystery by Alexandra Eden
  • A Wizard Alone: The Sixth Book in the Young Wizards Series by Diane Duane
  • The Wright and Wong Mystery Series by Laura J. Burns and Melinda Metz

Create some Autism Awareness crafts!

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