Thursday, September 19, 2024

Can You Have Autism And Not Know It

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How Parents Can Spot The Warning Signs

Could you be Autistic and not even know? | 15 Signs of undiagnosed autism

As a parent, youre in the best position to spot the earliest warning signs of autism. You know your child better than anyone and observe behaviors and quirks that a pediatrician, in a quick fifteen-minute visit, might not have the chance to see. Your childs pediatrician can be a valuable partner, but dont discount the importance of your own observations and experience. The key is to educate yourself so you know whats typical and whats not.

Monitor your childs development. Autism involves a variety of developmental delays, so keeping a close eye on whenor ifyour child is hitting the key social, emotional, and cognitive milestones is an effective way to spot the problem early on. While developmental delays dont automatically point to autism, they may indicate a heightened risk.

Take action if youre concerned. Every child develops at a different pace, so you dont need to panic if your child is a little late to talk or walk. When it comes to healthy development, theres a wide range of typical. But if your child is not meeting the milestones for his or her age, or you suspect a problem, share your concerns with your childs doctor immediately. Dont wait.

Regression of any kind is a serious autism warning sign

Common Signs Of Asd In Preschoolers

With some children, the signs of autism might not become entirely obvious until they reach preschool , when suddenly the developmental gap between them and their peers becomes more pronounced.In addition to the signs for babies/toddlers, here are some of the more common ways ASD might present itself in a preschool-aged child.

Social communication red flags

  • The child generally does not point to or share observations or experiences with others
  • The child tends not to look directly at other people in a social way. This is sometimes referred to as a lack of eye contact
  • There may be an absence of speech, or unusual speech patterns such as repeating words and phrases , failure to use âIâ, âmeâ, and âyouâ, or reversal of these pronouns
  • Unusual responses to other people. A child may show no desire to be cuddled, have a strong preference for familiar people and may appear to treat people as objects rather than a source of comfort
  • The child may appear to avoid social situations, preferring to be alone
  • There is limited development of play activities, particularly imaginative play
  • There may be constant crying or there may be an unusual absence of crying

Behavioural red flags

âShe was so distant from us we found it hard to engage her. We would have to say her name at least six times before she would acknowledge us, often staring into space as if in a trance. We put this down to a hearing problem but test results showed otherwise.â

Signs Of Asperger Syndrome

People with Asperger syndrome are generally considered to be on the higher functioning end of the autism spectrum. It is still a form of autism and is a lifelong condition.

Signs and symptoms that are typical of people with Asperger syndrome include:

  • Very narrow and highly focused interests
  • Great importance on rules and routines
  • High standard of language skills, potentially very formal in expression
  • Monotonous or repetitive speech
  • Making the same noise repeatedly
  • Scratching

These behaviors provide the person with a form of sensory input that the person finds appealing or helpful. There are various reasons why someone could be engaging in self-stimulatory behavior:

  • They find it enjoyable
  • It provides something to focus on, thereby reducing the effects of other, nearby stimuli
  • It is soothing and helps with anxiety

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My Story Being Diagnosed With Autism As An Adult

My whole life I thought there was something wrong with me. My diagnosis changed those thoughts. When I learned about my diagnosis I knew nothing was wrong with meI knew that I had something very special about me and my life was about to change.

It was April 3, 2013, two weeks after my 34th birthday, when I heard the words: youre on the spectrum. As soon as I heard those four words, my body collapsed into my mom’s arms. My mom and my stepdad were both in the room with me and you could feel the relief that went out the window.

I remember walking out of work two days after my official diagnosis after a long day and stopping in my steps in the middle of the parking lot thinking to myself I feel normal. Why, after all these years, did I finally feel normal?

Im still trying to figure out what this all means. All I know for sure is that I finally feel whole and as strange as this might sound, my life makes sense now. I dont feel out of place and awkward. I guess the greatest thing that came out of this is how Ive been feeling my whole life has finally been validated.

I think I had two things working against me growing up. The first was that autism wasnt as known as it is today. Second, it was and still is in a small way considered to be a boys thing.

While boys on the spectrum tend to become rowdy, girls on the spectrum tend to introvert and are labeled shy and quiet. Thats all I heard growing upthat I was shy and quiet. It annoyed the heck out of me.

Identify Signs For Delayed Speech In Children

Autism in adults: Signs, symptoms, and diagnosis

So, I assess an 18-month-old or a two-year-old by looking first at pointing. I never realized how important pointing is, but its very important. And by 18 months, or at least by two, a child should be pointing. Not just once a month pointing, but like pointing a decent amount. They should be pointing for things that they want like juice or a toy.

But they should also be pointing to get your attention, for joint attention is what we call it, by pointing to things to show you things, like pointing to an airplane thats flying up above, even if they dont have the language to say airplane, if theyre pointing with their index finger to show you the airplane, like, oh, oh, thats a good sign that it might not be autism because that lack of pointing is such a critical red flag for autism.

In addition to pointing, I also look for a child, even a child thats not talking, to understand some language. I remember when my boys were two years old and six months old, I had a photographer come to the house to try to get some pictures. This is back in the late 1990s. I remember the photographer giving Lucas a film canister and saying, Here buddy, throw this away. And he had no idea what the guy was talking about. The guy looked at him like you should know this, youre old enough.

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Camouflage Or Compensate For Disorder

For many years, De Pauw was one of the most popular media figures in our country and had a busy social life. His public image may therefore not be in line with the cliché image that many people have of people living with ASD. It often happens that people can camouflage or compensate for their disorder for years so strongly that they themselves do not even notice that it exists.

In the event of a major life event that involves change, such as the birth of a child, a new job or a divorce, they may suddenly notice that they have been struggling with certain aspects of life for some time. In the case of Bart De Pauw, it is therefore quite possible that he only realized what his reactions caused after the accusations of the women. I didnt read you properly, I didnt feel it right, he said in court.

In any case, De Pauws disclosure is far removed from the defense that his lawyers conducted during the trial. They did their best to dismiss the statements of the bourgeois parties as unreliable. For example, lawyer John Maes cited an expert who pointed to the existence of collaborative storytelling. In addition, statements become more similar because witnesses speak to each other and it becomes difficult to distinguish fact from fiction.

Emotional And Behavioral Difficulties

  • You have trouble regulating your emotions and your responses to them.
  • Changes in routines and expectations cause outbursts or meltdowns.
  • When something unexpected happens, you respond with an emotional meltdown.
  • You get upset when your things are moved or rearranged.
  • You have rigid routines, schedules, and daily patterns that must be maintained no matter what.
  • You have repetitive behaviors and rituals.
  • You make noises in places where quiet is expected.

Also Check: Is The Actor On The Good Doctor Autistic

Communicate With Your Team

Communicating with the doctor, therapist, teachers, and other healthcare providers can help make your daily tasks a lot easier.

For parents, this can mean asking for suggestions to continue practicing the skills your child is learning in therapy, which makes it easier for them to be more successful.

Learning Accounting By Herself At Home

Could YOU be autistic? (and not know)

Sophies wish is granted: the interviewer asks her instead about her time at university. Relieved, she happily launches into an explanation of her masters thesis on meteorological modelling, but he cuts her off abruptly, clearly irritated. He wants to know why she is applying for a temporary job as an accounting assistant when she has no experience or training. Although her heart is racing wildly, Sophie manages to keep her composure, explaining that she taught herself accounting at home in the evenings. She describes the excellent MOOC she found on the website of the French Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, and tells him how one of the questions she asked the teacher on the forum led to a fascinating debate on the concept of depreciation expenses.

Sophie is not good at guessing what people are thinking, but she understands from the way the man is staring at her that he believes she is lying. Overwhelmed, she feels weaker by the minute. She watches his lips move but does not understand what hes saying. Ten minutes later shes in the street, with no memory of how the interview ended. She is shaking and holding back tears. She curses herself, wondering how anyone could be so stupid and pathetic.

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Living With An Autism Diagnosis

Receiving an ASD diagnosis as an adult could mean a greater understanding of yourself and how you relate to the world. And it can help you learn how to better work with your strengths and strengthen areas of your life that are challenging.

Getting diagnosed can help you gain a different perspective on your childhood. It can also help those around you to understand and empathize more with your unique characteristics.

Better understanding the set of challenges you face can help you find new and inventive ways to work with or around those challenges. You can also work with your clinician and your family to seek treatments that may be right for you.

Signs Of Asd Primary School Aged Children

Children are often diagnosed with autism once they get to school, when their social communication and behavioural characteristics mark their development out as different to their peers.

  • Issues with conversation, perhaps dominating conversations with their favourite topic and not knowing how to take turns.
  • Not being able to interpret the non-verbal communication of peers and adults.
  • Unusual speech patterns, a monotonous tone or an old fashioned way of talking.
  • Seeking solitude, and finding being with others very stressful and exhausting
  • Being rigid in following rules at school and in sport and games
  • Finding it hard to read social cues and the unwritten rules of friendship
  • Having unusual interests and obsessions, no breadth of interests
  • Sometimes there are unusual physical movements, such as touching, biting, rocking or finger flicking
  • Having sensory issues, either heightened or lack of sense of smell, touch, taste, sound and vision
  • Need to follow routines to feel secure, become very upset when expected routines change
  • Having few or no real friends
  • Aggression is sometimes seen, usually as a way of avoiding overwhelming situations
  • Anxiety is also common, especially as children enter the teenager years

âReally didnât know until it was suggested to us by the school counsellor who recommended we have our child assessed.â

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Screening Tools And Tutorials

There are some great screening tools and tutorials to help parents and carers spot the early warning signs for autism. Below are some we highly recommend. Please be mindful that they are just screening tools, and not a diagnosis.

Early autism detection – ASDetect

This is a free app that empowers parents and caregivers to assess the social attention and communication behaviours of their children younger than 2½ years .This video-led self-assessment app is based on comprehensive, rigorous, world-class research conducted at the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre

The app guides parents and carers through each assessment using a combination of videos and questions, as well as activities that you can do with your child. Once you have completed an assessment, you receive both an on-screen result of either âlowâ or âhighâ likelihood of autism, as well as a comprehensive formal assessment results email. See more

Early signs of autism tutorial Kennedy Krieger Institute

This free 9-minute video tutorial on ASD behavioural signs in one-year-olds. The tutorial consists of six video clips comparing toddlers who show no signs of ASD to toddlers who show early signs of ASD.

Each video is presented with voice-over explaining how the specific behaviours exhibited by the child, as they occur on screen, are either indicative of ASD or typical child development.

Brain Chemistry And Asd

Autism awareness

The neurochemistry of autism is far from clear and very likely involves several different chemical systems of the brain. This information provides the basis for medication trials to impact the way the brain works in order to elicit a change in behavior.

An analysis of neurochemistry in children with ASD alone has consistently identified involvement of at least two systems.

  • Dopamine: regulates movement, posture, attention, and reward behaviors and
  • Serotonin: regulates mood, aggression, sleep, and feeding behaviors.
  • Additionally, opiates, which regulate mood, reward, responses to stress, and perception of pain, may also be involved in some children.

    Detailed studies of brain chemistry in children with DS-ASD have not yet been done. However, our clinical experience in using medications that modulate dopamine, serotonin or both systems has been favorable in some children with DS-ASD.

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    Signs Of Autism In Girls

    The ratio of boys to girls diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder is 4:1. However, there is some evidence that autism is going undiagnosed in girls, particularly those who are at the higher functioning end of the spectrum.

    There is discussion around whether girls and women with autism may display different symptoms to boys and men, and that the current diagnostic criteria may be biased towards boys and stereotypical male behavior. Girls and women may also be better able to mask difficulties with social interactions than boys, and this may delay a diagnosis. New diagnostic criteria may be needed to assess ASD in girls and women. Past theories, including controversies such as the extreme male brain, may have led to under-referral and under-diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in girls and women.

    Signs that a girl may have autism include:

    • Difficulties with social interactions however, differences from typical autism symptoms may include:
    • Better grasp of emotions and ability to make friends than boys
    • May mask lack of intuitive understanding of social situations by repeating role-plays seen in real life or film/television
    • May be able to make friends but find difficulty keeping them
  • Intense focus on particular topics differences in gender may be expressed as a focus on trains or dinosaurs for boys, and celebrities or animals for girls,
  • Fewer repetitive behaviors and gestures than boys, or may have different gestures than boys
  • Autism Employment Choices Should Be Self

    Some autistic adults know exactly what kind of work they want. Others are flexible, and others have no idea. But just like everyone else, adults with autism have both the responsibility and the right to direct their own lives. Even if a person has limited verbal skills, it’s important to know that the work they are doing suits their interests, abilities, and sense of purpose.

    To help determine an individual’s best career choices, school counselors and agency personnel can use tools such as vocational and aptitude tests. A student’s vision is then made part of the transition plan which, in turn, makes it easier to plan for training, internships, and vocational opportunities.

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    Do I Have Autism A Test For Adults

    Awareness of autism spectrum disorder has grown dramatically in recent years, which reflects an increase in autism tests and diagnoses and in the publics understanding that, even late in life, an autism diagnosis can offer major benefits and relief. Still, symptoms of autism particularly those previously associated with Aspergers are still frequently misdiagnosed as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder , mood disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder , and other related conditions leading to poor treatment and lifelong challenges. If you recognize yourself or a loved one in the following descriptions of autism spectrum disorder, make an appointment with a health care professional to discuss an evaluation test for autism.

    This free autism test was adapted from the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire designed to screen the possibility of ASD, and is for personal use only. This is not a diagnostic tool. An accurate diagnosis can only be made through clinical evaluation. This autism test is for personal use only.

    Planning And Resources For Success

    5 Signs You DO NOT Have Autism

    Lisa Sullivan, MS, is a nutritionist and a corporate health and wellness educator with nearly 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry.

    It can be difficult for people with autism spectrum disorder to find regular, paid employment. However, increasing numbers of employers are open to hiring adults with disabilities, including those with ASD.

    That said, if you’re an adult with ASD and about to embark on a job hunt, be aware that you may have to jump through more hoops and pass more tests and evaluations than neurotypical job candidates. Here are 10 things to know to help you understand the challenges you may face and where to turn for support.

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