Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Government Jobs For Autistic Adults

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Programs For Adults With Autism

Getting a Job with Autism- Joanne Lara

When adults with autism are given the tools and resources they need to thrive, they can become the best version of themselves. At the Adult Autism Center, we provide support to adults with autism so that they can work, learn, play, and live in their communities. Since each individual is unique in terms of their interests, skills, and goals, we offer a wide range of programs, all of which encourage a more independent, higher quality life.

Our Center is designed for adults with developmental disabilities, specifically those who have complex needs. Our programs offer person-centered learning that encourages independent living skills, vocational training, supported employment, and community integration.

Autism Workforce Training And Employment Programs

  • The Specialists Guild is a nonprofit social enterprise focused on working with people and companies so individuals with Autism can earn a living doing meaningful and fulfilling work based in San Francisco, CA. Click here to apply for training.
  • The nonPareil Institute is dedicated to providing technical training, employment and housing to individuals who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. They train high-functioning adults with autism ages 18 and older on different aspects of video game and app design and development at a pace each student can manage. This non-profit is located in Texas.
  • Exceptional Minds is a Sherman Oaks, CA, nonprofit vocational center and animation studio for young adults with autism. to learn more about their program.
  • Aspiritech, a nonprofit based in Chicago has a program to train high-functioning people on the autism spectrum to test software for tech development companies.
  • Nobis Works is a nonprofit organization in Georgia that specializes in job placement for people on the spectrum. They also offer training programs that last anywhere from three months to a year and are designed to teach the skills necessary to succeed in the workforce.

Information Security Analyst: $104k

Keeping networks and data systems safe from viruses and hackers requires careful analysis and keen attention to detail, which may be strengths of yours. Information security analysts are responsible for identifying weaknesses that could result in security breaches and developing standards and policies to protect an organization’s data. Security-specific certifications can boost your employment potential.

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Hidden Hiring Benefits Of Autism And Those With Disabilities

Hiring a diverse workforce including those with autism offers hidden benefits outside of longer tenure, less turnover and improved employee engagement. Ninety-two percent of people view companies who hire individuals with disabilities MORE favorably according to a 2005 study published in the Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation.

As companies look to diversify their talent pools, hiring programs like those you see above are an effective way to engage a very eager and engaged group of workers. Companies in the United States who are government contractors are seeing benefits specifically related to the OFCCP and their Affirmative Action Plan good faith efforts.

Small Business Commits To Qualify Of Life Employing Those With Autism

Jobs In Center For Autism Rehabilitation &  Training Sindh

Spectrum Designs is a Long Island company committed to enhancing the quality of life of people with autism, who often face barriers to employment. The company was started in 2010 by Stella Spanakos, whose son Nicholas was diagnosed with autism as a toddler and is now 22. Spectrum Designs already employs 30 people as of 2014. In 2013, the company doubled its service capacity and tripled its sales, nearing over half a million dollars.

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Tap Into Informational And Advocacy Resources

There are a number of organizations that make it their business to inform people who ask about services for autistic individuals. The challenge is to ask the right questions of the right people at the right time.

Depending on where youre located, you can read publications, speak to advisors, attend conferences, or tap into webinars presented by such organizations as:

Best Jobs For Autistic Adults Top 10 In 2022

As an autistic adult, you might have wondered if there are jobs for autistic people in the market. The answer is YES, there are autism-friendly jobs out there, in fact, autism careers that need you.

The secret to finding the best jobs for people with autism is to know your strengths and discover an industry that matches what you have to offer when finding jobs for autistic adults.

One general trait common with Autistic persons is the inability to cope with activities that may require their short-term memory rather autistic individuals excel more in activities that require using long-term memory.

In this Top 10 Jobs for those with autism guide, we have highlighted the top ten best autism jobs and revealed how to get a job with Aspergers.

The guide also explains why each of these best jobs for autistic adults is a good fit as this depends on your level of autism also that is if you fall into the spectrum of being either of these:

  • Aspergers or High-functioning autism
  • Non-visual thinker
  • Nonverbal People with Autism or those with poor verbal skills.

The truth is that there are more jobs for Aspergers sufferers, that is high-functioning autism, those who are visual thinkers and non-visual thinkers. Whereas for those who have severe autism or non-verbal autism, finding a job may be more difficult however, theres something there for you too.

In fact, autism and employment statistics suggest that people with ASD can benefit a business in many ways.

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Employment Choices Should Be Self

Some autistic adults know exactly what kind of work they want , while others have no idea what kind of job theyd like to have.

Just like everyone else, autistic adults have the responsibility and the right to direct their own lives.

Even if a person has limited verbal skills, they still need to know that the work they are doing matches their interests and abilities, and gives them a sense of purpose.

School counselors and agency personnel can use tools such as vocational and aptitude tests to help autistic people figure out which career path would be a good fit for them.

An autistic persons vision can then be made part of their transition plan. That makes it easier to plan for training, internships, and vocational opportunities.

Other Considerations When Employing Adults With Autism

We are autistic | NHS

Companies participating in these programs will need to go beyond adapting hiring and interview processes. Autism is considered a disability meaning that requests for accommodation by your employee population fall under the Americans with Disabilities Act which impacts employers with greater than 15 employees. Many of the companies are leading the charge in hiring this hidden talent pool. I am in agreement that adding leadership and manager training is also a step in the right direction, however, companies need to consider making additional accommodations they might not have considered:

  • Relocating autistic workers to quieter areas of the office. Open office environments can lend to sensory overload which can create challenges for your autistic workers who can become overloaded with all the sensory distractions an environment like this can make.
  • Honoring, anticipating and re-evaluating employee requests for accommodation. Take a look at your accommodation program as under the Americans with Disabilities Act. These are often small requests such as noise canceling headphones or wearing hats for light sensitivity inside the office.
  • Adding autism to your corporate diversity and respect training programs. Employers spend a great deal of time and effort on diversity training, respect and awareness programs. They need to consider updating their existing programs to include information and resources on autism for their employee and leadership teams.

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Global Research Company Sees Success In Hiring Adding Autistic Employees To Workforce

ZenithOptimedia is another company who has a commitment to hiring individuals with autism and experienced great success. They are continuing to grow these efforts and are working to increase opportunities for employees with autism in the future. Companies dont need a formal program autism at work program to hire great employees.

Veterinarian Or Veterinary Technician

Average Salary: $80,396 , $33,699 Because many people on the autism spectrum love and feel comfortable around animals, the jobs of veterinarian and veterinary technician were recommended to us over and over again as great jobs for people with autism. While a veterinarian is the main doctor for animals big and small, a veterinary technician meets each animal first and charts its weight, symptoms, and any concerns its owner may have.

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Most Autistic Adults Are Underemployed

Fewer than half of autistic adults are employed. Of those, many have only part-time jobs or are doing work for which theyre overqualified.

There are also many autistic people working as volunteers or in programs outside the mainstream.

Here are a few key reasons why autistic adults end up in these positions:

  • Low expectations: Few schoolsand sometimes even familiesexpect autistic children to find satisfying careers. The exception is if they happen to have extraordinary skills. However, the lowered expectations for most autistic children can be destructive to their self-confidence.
  • Competition and challenges: To get a job in the general community, autistic people have to compete for positions. That can be hard for people with compromised social communication skills. These challenges can hamper their performance in job interviews and make it hard for them to engage successfully with co-workers. Some autistic adults also find it hard to manage the physical requirements of the workplace, especially if they have sensitivities to light, sound, and other stimuli that they might not have any control over in these settings.
  • Lack of programs: Most workplace programs for disabled adults were not developed with autism in mind. Rather, they were intended to work for people with intellectual or physical disabilities.

Employment Resources For People On The Autism Spectrum

Is this a meme yet? " Under our government, not a single person will ...

National Autism Awareness Month in April is a time to highlight how the talents and skills of workers on the autism spectrum benefit employers and bolster the American economy. More and more employers are recognizing that having a neurodiverse workforce makes them more competitive.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has created major barriers for youth and adults on the autism spectrum by disrupting not only employment but also the routines of everyday life. While stressful for all Americans to manage, these disruptions can have a disproportionate impact on people on the autism spectrum, who may not be able to access critical supports and services.

I can strongly empathize because of my experience as an adult and worker on the autism spectrum. I am also a friend, mentor, and colleague of numerous youths and adults on the autism spectrum and their family members. Stories like ours have informed our efforts in the U.S. Department of Labors Office of Disability Employment Policy to promote employment policies and practices for people on the autism spectrum.

During this challenging time, ODEP and the technical assistance centers we fund have many resources that can help young people and workers on the autism spectrum, employers, service providers and others.

Let us stay resilient during these trying times and mutually support each other to help mitigate barriers to work, health and wellness, and everyday living.

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Great Jobs For People On The Autism Spectrum

As more and more individuals with autism enter the workforce, it is becoming clear that finding just the right job presents a bit of a challenge. Thats why we began researching 30 ideal jobs for people on the autism spectrum. Because each person is unique, and no ones experience with autism is the same, we included on our list a variety of jobs, from janitor to veterinarian. While some will be most suitable for those who may be non-verbal or who have additional challenges, others will be most appropriate for those with high-functioning autism or Aspergers. However, all of our listed jobs were recommended to us by those on the autism spectrum. Weve even included the average salary for each job, according to PayScale. Keep scrolling for 30 ideal jobs for people on the autism spectrum!

Best Jobs For People With Autism In 2022

You are here:Home Career Ideas Jobs For People With Autism

If you have been told that you are on the autism spectrum, one of the concerns you might have is about how hard it will be getting a job with autism.

You or your family and friends might be wondering if there are jobs for autistic adults. Thankfully, there are a wide variety of positions for you to consider.

Some of them do not require any formal training, and others you can gain the skills to do in two years or less.

One of the best things you can do for yourself when you are thinking about autism employment opportunities is to consider your likes, dislikes, and skills.

Keep in mind that these are good jobs for people with autism, but you will find many others doing them who are not on the spectrum.

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Agencies Are Just Starting To Understand Autism

Most state and federal agencies are only starting to understand what it means to support autistic adults.

Like schools, these agencies are used to finding appropriate jobs and support for people with intellectual or physical disabilitieswhich doesnt necessarily apply to autistic people.

While agencies are doing their best to catch up with the needs of a fast-growing group of autistic adults, theyre also struggling with bureaucracy and funding limitations.

As is often the case, its sometimes up to parents and autistic self-advocates to provide information, websites, and legal information to keep the agencies up to date.

Autism Employment Connector Challenge Winners Selected

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Autism Speaks announced on June 13, 2022, the winners of the ‘Autism Employment Connector Challenge,’ launched in partnership with HeroX, the leading platform and open marketplace for crowdsourced solutions.

The Autism Speaks-sponsored Challenge invited innovators including jobseekers, employers, students, recruiters and members of the community, to identify solutions that support autistic job seekers navigating the employment search and application process while effectively communicating skills and abilities to prospective employers. After careful review by a team of experts consisting of autistic people, family members of people with autism, service providers, HR professionals and corporations that prioritize inclusive hiring, the three submissions that have been selected as winners include:

  • Zensory-Blissful Job Searching for Autistic Adults, submitted by Team Screen Queens
  • Congratulations to all of the applicants and winners! Read more about the Challenge here!

    Welcome to Workplace Inclusion Now . This program was designed by an autistic-led team to help you research, find and keep employment in a competitive labor market. Stories, tips and resources were developed from a collaboration of experts, led by autistic adults, based on multidisciplinary research into what makes a workforce thrive and how employees and employers can be set up for success.

    Other free resources available to job seekers include:

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    Medical Lab Tech: $54k

    Want to play a vital behind-the-scenes role in the healthcare industry? Lab techs study urine, blood, and tissue samples to search for abnormalities or evidence of disease. This is detail-oriented work that requires a high degree of precision. You could choose to specialize in areas like immunology, molecular biology, or cytotechnology.

    Disability Employment Accelerator Program

    We offer the Disability Employment Accelerator program designed to advance employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

    The DEA funds projects to increase employment and re-employment for people with disabilities and assists them in retaining competitive, integrated employment. The DEA funds will implement models that create career pathways for Californians with disabilities who face barriers to employment.

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    Changes To The Program

    Ontario is implementing an autism program that is comprehensive, needs-based and family-centred. During this transition, we continue to offer services and supports to improve outcomes for children and youth on the autism spectrum, promote quality care from autism providers and help as many families as possible.

    The Program For The Education And Enrichment Of Relational Skills

    Close the autism employment gap

    PEERS for Young Adults is the only evidence-based social skills training for individuals over the age of 18 years old. It includes 16 group sessions covering topics such as communication, humor, dating, disagreements, and bullying. Each session is accompanied by home practice assignments designed to reinforce the groups understanding of the skills learned during each meeting. For more information about this program please email


    Individuals with autism often have an average or above-average IQ. However, challenges in school can create learning difficulties. The goal of the Academics Program is to encourage lifelong learning, focusing on each client’s interests and goals. The skills developed and milestones achieved within this program continue to benefit clients for years to come.Learn more about the Academics Program

    Fitness Education

    Learning the value of a healthy, balanced lifestyle is critical especially among those living with autism. Unfortunately, obesity is common among adults with autism, which is why a fun, interactive Fitness Education Program is so beneficial. This program keeps on giving, supporting the physical and mental health of those who take part.


    Arts & Crafts Studio

    Social & Leisure Skills


    Home Living

    Medical, Dental & Hair Salon

    Vocational Training

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    How We Create An Inclusive Work Environment

    Aurora is an affirmative measure recruitment process. Through the affirmative measure provision, we aim to eliminate employment barriers and offer more career opportunities to people with autism.

    Were committed to providing an inclusive workplace. We value our staff for their unique qualities, ideas and perspectives. Read more about how we support workplace diversity and inclusion.

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