Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Helping Adhd Without Medication

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Allow Your Kids To Make Mistakes

Hansa on Medicine: Treating ADHD Without Medication

Not only should you allow your kids to make mistakes but make them feel safe enough that they can do that. Never shame or blame them instead, normalize making mistakes through your actions.


Arns, M., de Ridder, S., Strehl, U., Breteler, M., & Coenen, A. . Efficacy of neurofeedback treatment in ADHD: The effects on inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity: A meta-analysis. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 40, 180-189. doi:10.1177/1550059409040003

CDC ADHD fact sheet retrieved on March 16, 2022

Always remember Calm Brain, Happy Family

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to give health advice and it is recommended to consult with a physician before beginning any new wellness regime. *The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment vary by patient and condition. Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge, LLC does not guarantee certain results.

Natural Ways To Help Add

In the traditional medical and psychiatric communities, stimulant medications are considered first-line treatments for attention-deficit disorder , also known as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder . From 2006-2016, total stimulant usage doubled, according to a study in Plos One. Many people with ADD/ADHD think medication is the only solution, however, there are many proven natural strategies that can help.

Many alternatives to ADD medication have been found to reduce ADD symptoms, which include short attention span, distractibility, procrastination, disorganization, problems with follow-through, and poor impulse control. This is good news for the 6 million children and 4.4% of adults who are affected by this common condition. In some cases, natural solutions can complement prescription stimulants and allow for reduced dosages. For other people, taking a natural approach is enough to keep symptoms at bay. Talk to your healthcare provider before making changes to your medications.

How To Treat Adult Adhd Without Medication

Despite the brain-based nature of ADHD, it is possible to treat adult ADHD without medication. ADHD medication does have a purpose. Among other things, ADHD medication increases brain chemicals like norepinephrine and dopamine, thus decreasing impulsivity and increasing concentration. Some people respond well to medication. Others either dont respond well or dont want to take medication.

Medication decisions should always be made with a doctor, of course, but treating adult ADHD without drugs is possible . The process starts by identifying goals and considering what symptoms you want to work on. From there, you get to take action to live and thrive medication-free.

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How To Help Adhd Without Medications

If youre an active listener to my Living Beyond ADHD podcast, youve often heard me say: There are no skills in pills! And while that statement is true, I dont want to imply in any way that Im for or against ADHD medications. These medications are intended for helping to treat the three core symptoms of ADHD: inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity.

With medication, your brain may function better. You may find you can concentrate better and regulate your impulses more easily. Those are what I call wins for sure! But maybe youre still suffering to gain control of your life at home, at work, and in your relationships. And maybe youre having medication side effects, like insomnia, or your depression, anxiety and overwhelm are on overdrive. What can be done about those things?

So therein lies the problem with relying solely on medication: your daily struggles do not necessarily stem directly from the three core ADHD symptoms. Your struggles are often a result of something else, and perhaps youre expecting your ADHD medication to solve your challenges, or to even cure you. Its not that simple.

Heres a quick update on the current state of ADHD diagnoses and treatment:

Regardless of whether or not you have been diagnosed and are being treated, heres what you need to know about treatment:

Adhd Treatment Without Medication

Pin on ADHD

In the blogs and articles we post about ADHD, specifically in tandem with neurofeedback therapy, we also like to talk about easy, natural ways to help symptoms. This blog is going to take a look at some of the things you can do to help ADHD without medication. These healthy and natural tips can help enhance any other non-medication therapies you are currently using .

Medication is a valuable tool for managing the core symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder , but it is not the only treatment option available. Some natural ADHD remedies involve nutrition and lifestyle changes, while others tap into technology to train the brain for more focus and less impulsivity. For many, the best ADHD treatment plan includes several of these approaches used simultaneously.

Between 80 and 85 percent of patients with ADHD experience a positive response to methylphenidate and/or amphetamine the two main classes of stimulant medication. Still, the widely-cited Multi-Modal MTA Cooperative Group Study concluded that medication combined with behavior therapy is the optimal treatment of ADHD in school-age children. In many cases, natural treatments augment medication and help to achieve the best possible results.

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Stick To A Consistent Sleep Schedule

Children and adults with ADHD are more likely to show improvement in focus, energy, and attention with consistent and adequate sleep.

People with ADHD are more likely to experience shorter sleep time, problems falling asleep, and staying asleep. Its often that people with ADHD wake still feeling tired or groggy .

Because you feel tired, your ADHD symptoms get worse, and that makes it even harder to sleep the next night.

Going to bed at roughly the same time each night, having a healthy nighttime routine can help you fall asleep easier. Participating in activities which support a healthy circadian rhythm is also beneficial for children and adults with ADHD.

Treatment For Adhd: Overview

“There’s no way to predict in advance if a child or an adult will be helped by any individual ADHD treatment, even medication,” says Duke University’s David Rabiner, Ph.D. His advice? It is critical to monitor your ADHD symptoms to know what’s working and to be open to a variety of changes in nutrition, exercise, sleep habits, and more.

Many experts recommend keeping a symptom log to track improvements, setbacks, and side effects on a daily basis. This can help to pinpoint the areas of greatest need and, when shared with a medical professional, may suggest new strategies or treatment approaches.

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Why Drake Still Uses Add

Many ADHD patients only show “inattentive symptoms” , exhibiting no signs of behavioral problems nor disruptiveness.

In fact, the child with ADHD may be extremely well behaved, but have noticeable difficulty with sustaining effective concentration on non-preferred tasks, such as academic studies or homework.

Today, the child who would have been diagnosed with ADD before 1994, is now diagnosed as having ADHD-Inattentive Presentation, which again can be confusing because there is no hyperactivity.

Accordingly, at the Drake Institute, we still find the former label of ADD to be a helpful description of a distinct or clearly defined group of characteristics in patients diagnosed with ADHD who only exhibit the “inattentive symptoms” of the disorder.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Adhd

ADHD Medication Options

CBT aims to change irrational or negative thought patterns that interfere with staying on task or getting things done two obstacles for individuals with ADHD. For a person with ADHD who thinks, “This has to be perfect or it’s no good” or “I never do anything right,” CBT challenges the truth of those thoughts by getting the patient to examine the evidence.

Some research supports the assertion that CBT can help adults better address their ADHD-related challenges. However, some in the scientific community would like to see more rigorous research conducted with carefully constructed controls. In its 2010 report1 titled, Current Status of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School wrote: The conceptual and empirical basis for CBT approaches in adult ADHD is growing and suggests that targeted, skills-based interventions have a role in effectively treating this disorder, however randomized controlled trials with active control groups are needed and intervention packages must be tested across multiple trials by more than one research group.

1 Knouse, LE., Safren, SA., Current status of cognitive behavioral therapy for adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Psychiatric Clinics of North America. September 2010.

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Youve Got My Attention

ADHD is more than just a stereotype about someones short attention span going haywire. It makes it harder to focus and complete tasks on a schedule something most of us have to do every day at work or school which makes it difficult to be productive. It can also make you forgetful, less than great at organization, and prone to losing things.

In children, it can result in constant fidgeting, moving around, or behavior that others might interpret as rowdy .

In adults, ADHD causes impatience and restlessness, which make concentration difficult. Sometimes an adult with ADHD may be described as driven by a motor .

Adults with ADHD might also be frequent hand and foot tappers who thrive on starting projects but have trouble finishing them.

While medications like Adderall can help reduce these symptoms, some people might not like the ways their bodies react to medication. These drugs can have side effects such as mood swings, sleep problems, and loss of appetite.

If youre concerned about side effects, talk to your doctor. And dont worry there are other options you can try.

Attention Deficit Disorder And The Brain

While every childs case is different, research shows brain function in individuals with ADD/ADHD shares certain similarities. ADD/ADHD-associated brain activity often occurs in the frontal lobe. When doctors look at QeeG readings of individuals with ADD and ADHD, the readings demonstrate that their brains nervous response is sleepy or slow, also known as the under-aroused state. An under-aroused state is characterized by too little of a certain brainwave known as Beta or too much Delta, Alpha, or Theta brainwave activity. Beta is associated with high cognitive function and stress, while Delta waves promote deep relaxation or sleep. An excess of Alpha waves can increase daydreaming and reduce focus Theta brainwaves are associated with a strong emotional response. By bringing these brainwaves into balance and healthier function together, you will see a major reduction in attention deficit behaviors!

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Psychostimulants: Pros And Cons

Taking stimulants has some advantages and disadvantages for people with ADHD, so it’s important to weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks. The biggest advantage of stimulants is that they’re highly effective. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 70% to 80% of children taking stimulants have fewer ADHD symptoms. Stimulant medications may also be covered by insurance, making it easier to afford treatment.

Despite these benefits, stimulants have some serious risks, making many parents and adults wonder how to deal with ADHD without medication. One of those risks is that a person with ADHD will misuse their stimulant medication, increasing the risk of harmful side effects. There’s also a risk that children and teens with ADHD will share their stimulant medications with classmates and friends. Stimulants may also cause the following side effects:

  • Abnormal heart rhythms

Neurofeedback Therapy At Nha

How to Help Your Teen Manage ADHD without Medication

Here at Neurohealth Associates, we specialize in Neurofeedback treatments. Neurofeedback may be helpful for treating ADHD symptoms, especially if you are unsure about putting yourself or your child on medication. The easy, noninvasive treatments can painlessly improve your mental health condition and outlook on life. Schedule a consultation with NeuroHealth today and find out how we can help you.

Original article posted by ADDitude Mag.

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Adult Adhd And Seven Non

When I met Charles*, he was a 33 year-old married man who worked in the publishing industry. He had jumped from job to job. Sometimes he left a job due to boredom, other times he left because he felt overwhelmed. On occasion, his managers asked him to leave.

These work issues prompted Charle to contact me. In the past, Charles sought out treatment for depression and discontent. Antidepressants, anxiety medications, nor therapy helped.

Charles long suspected he had some type of learning problem. He was an average student, though he worked relentlessly at homework and class assignments. He seemed to spend two to three time longer than most of his classmates on tasks. This left Charles feeling discouraged and ashamed of his performance, and at times would go through episodes of depression. He just couldnt understand why he couldnt keep up with work or achieve his goals.

When I first met with Charles, I asked him if he daydreamed, was easily distracted and chronically procrastinated. He was always late for school, classes, and carpool. The other students teased him as a space cadet. He often forgot his homework or lunch but his mother would come to the rescue. Charless father and first cousin had similar symptoms but were never diagnosed with ADHD.

We discussed options for treatment, including medications and cognitive behavioral therapy . He was interested in trying therapy and using medications only as a last resort.

Dietary Factors In Add/adhd

Mealtime habits and dietary factors provide yet another point of comparison between the U.S. and France. In the last 30 years, both the quality of food and mealtime habits has changed dramatically in the U.S. These days, junk foods and fast foods are frequently consumed. Families have fallen away from eating together and meals are often eaten while on the go. Childrens diets, even at school, are high in simple carbohydrates , poor in protein and healthy fat, and deficient in vegetables. If a person is vulnerable to ADD/ADHD, a high-carbohydrate, low-protein diet typically makes their symptoms worse.

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How To Deal With Adult Adhd

If you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder , previously known as ADD, everything from paying the bills on time to keeping up with work, family, and social demands can seem overwhelming. ADHD can present challenges for adults across all areas of life and can be tough on your health and both your personal and on-the-job relationships. Your symptoms may lead to extreme procrastination, trouble meeting deadlines, and impulsive behavior. In addition, you may feel that friends and family dont understand what youre up against.

Fortunately, there are skills you can learn to help control your symptoms of ADHD. You can improve your daily habits, learn to recognize and use your strengths, and develop techniques that help you work more efficiently, maintain organization, and interact better with others. Part of helping yourself may also include educating others to help them understand what youre going through.

Change wont happen overnight, though. These ADHD self-help strategies require practice, patience, and, perhaps most importantly, a positive attitude. But by taking advantage of these techniques, you can become more productive, organized, and in control of your lifeand improve your sense of self-worth.

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Sleep Better With Adhd

Recognizing ADHD in Adults | Heather Brannon | TEDxHeritageGreen
  • Set a Wind-down Alarm: Most smartphones allow you to program your bedtime and will alert you an hour before you intend to be sleeping. Use this alert to power down electronics, dim the lights and begin your bedtime routine.

  • Happy Lamp: Many people with ADHD have physiological differences in their circadian rhythms that make it hard to get consistent sleep. Using a happy lamp or getting 20 minutes of early morning light exposure is a great way to help boost your circadian rhythm.

  • Melatonin: Many people with ADHD have lower levels of melatonin. Try a supplement or have melatonin-inducing snacks like tart cherry juice.

  • No Late Lattes: It takes your body up to 12 hours to fully metabolize caffeine. Skip caffeinated beverages within 5-7 hours before bed for better sleep.

  • Quiet your mind: Racing mind keeping you awake? Using techniques like progressive muscle relaxation can help quiet your mind and ease you into sleep.

  • Get Noisy: Noise machines, especially pink noise , can boost sleep and improve sleep stability.

  • Keep it Cool: Turn the temperature in your room down to 65-68 °F , the ideal temperature range for sleep and melatonin production.

  • Wake up at the same time every morning: Your bodys sleep system thrives on consistency. Keeping a regular wake time is the most realistic way to maintain a consistent schedule and regulate your sleep hormones.

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    Exercise And Spend Time Outdoors

    Working out is perhaps the most positive and efficient way to reduce hyperactivity and inattention from ADHD. Exercise can relieve stress, boost your mood, and calm your mind, helping work off the excess energy and aggression that can get in the way of relationships and feeling stable.

    Exercise on a daily basis. Choose something vigorous and fun that you can stick with, like a team sport or working out with a friend.

    Increase stress relief by exercising outdoorspeople with ADHD often benefit from sunshine and green surroundings.

    Try relaxing forms of exercise, such as mindful walking, yoga, or tai chi. In addition to relieving stress, they can teach you to better control your attention and impulses.

    Enroll Them In Behavioral Therapy

    For many cases of ADHD, doctors recommend behavioral therapy as the leading solution. Also called behavioral modification, this method involves setting rules and goals for the child to resolve problematic behaviors. Doctors may also recommend parental therapy to provide parents with knowledge and the proper tools in helping children with ADHD manage their condition.

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