Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Do Autistic People Talk

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The Program For The Education And Enrichment Of Relational Skills

What it’s really like to have autism | Ethan Lisi

PEERS for Young Adults is the only evidence-based social skills training for individuals over the age of 18 years old. It includes 16 group sessions covering topics such as communication, humor, dating, disagreements, and bullying. Each session is accompanied by home practice assignments designed to reinforce the groups understanding of the skills learned during each meeting. For more information about this program please email


Individuals with autism often have an average or above-average IQ. However, challenges in school can create learning difficulties. The goal of the Academics Program is to encourage lifelong learning, focusing on each clients interests and goals. The skills developed and milestones achieved within this program continue to benefit clients for years to come.Learn more about the Academics Program

Fitness Education

Learning the value of a healthy, balanced lifestyle is critical especially among those living with autism. Unfortunately, obesity is common among adults with autism, which is why a fun, interactive Fitness Education Program is so beneficial. This program keeps on giving, supporting the physical and mental health of those who take part.


Vocational Training

Are People With Aspergers/autism Chatterboxes Or Super Quiet

There are people who have rather fixed ideas as to how talkative or quiet a person on the autism spectrum is. In this article, I will be writing about this. I will also be discussing what has sometimes been believed to be one of the main differences between Aspergers and regular autism. Now, before I continue I will say that I am aware that the diagnosis of Aspergers is no longer autism spectrum canon. And rather most types of ASD have all been brought under the one diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder which I for one am mostly in favour for. However, Aspergers is still a term a lot of people use, so it is something I will be bringing into this article. In most of my articles I use the word autism to refer to people all over the spectrum, but I want to discuss possibly believed differences here.

The thing is when it comes to the autism spectrum some people are very talkative and others arent. It is also a mistake to believe that if someone is talkative, that must mean theyre sociable. No it doesnt. I mean, it really doesnt! You might find this ironic but you can actually be very chatty but still be unsociable.

Echolalia: Repeating Phrases Someone Else Has Said

Echolalia means repeating after people, and young toddlers just learning to speak do it all the time “Would you like a cookie?” might yield “Cookie” in response. This serves a few different purposes, as the child both practices saying the word or phrase and attempts to communicate.

Autistic people, both children and adults, may also engage in echolalia. When it happens right after another person said something in the context of a conversation, that can’t be considered self-talk, really, but it can give the person some time to process what was said and decide how they want to respond. The person may also be communicating, or they may be stimming, either because they are stressed or excited.

It may be a form of the social scripts we’ve already mentioned. Perhaps the phrase comes from a friend or a TV show, and the person saying it believes it fits the situation. Perhaps the person has accomplished a task and now repeats a phrase they’ve heard others say in the same situation, like “well done”. Sometimes it even appears to be completely random. In this case, the person may be processing something.

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The Benefits Of Improving Your Communication Skills

Learning how to best converse with people who may not communicate in a way youre familiar with can help you appreciate how people experience the world differently.

When improving your communication skills, youll also learn how to better express yourself and your own ideas in various ways.

Youll also, of course, be able to connect with more people, build relationships and help cultivate a more understanding environment, making discussions an enjoyable and productive experience for everyone.

Timing Can Be Very Important

Resources for Therapists, Teachers, Parents and Carers

One common trait in autistic people is the ability and even the need to focus intently on something for periods of time to the exclusion of everything else around them. If you try to speak or communicate with an autistic child while they are highly focused, you are unlikely to get much, if any, of their attention. If you do want to interact with them at one of these times, try to speak to them about the thing they are focused on. As well as focusing intently on their special interests, autistic people often love to share them with others. Show a genuine interest in an autistic childs area of focus, however strange or mundane it may seem to you, and you may find you make an instant connection. Having made this connection, you may find the autistic child much more open to you moving forward.

Alternatively, it may be best to leave the child to focus for a while they may not respond well to being taken away from something that gives them great joy without any notice of the change. If it is important that you speak to them about something else in the near future, perhaps say to them that you need to speak to them in 10 minutes, for example, or using a measure that they will understand if they find telling the time difficult. This gives them time to adapt mentally to the change and you will likely get more of their attention a few minutes later having prepared them in this way.

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What If My Friend Has Autism Spectrum Disorder

Some people with ASD do not feel that they have a disorder and dont want to change. Theyre proud of who they are and they want to be accepted, even though they may have different strengths and weaknesses than most other people.

All people deserve respect. But kids with ASD may be teased, bullied, or left out because theyre different. Bullying and teasing are never the right way to treat other people, but it may be hard to be a friend with someone who has ASD.

Kids with ASD often dont understand playful jokes. You may need to be very clear when you communicate with someone who has ASD.

Try to be patient and kind. Remember how hard it might be for the person with ASD to understand how to be a friend. Stand up for classmates who are bullied. Tell adults, so they can help protect kids who are bullied.

Focus On Individuals Strengths

What is important to understand is that these terms are not generally accepted by people in the autism community. The reason for this is that by labeling a person as being high-functioning or low-functioning, you leave out the specific characteristics and strengths of the individual that are much more noteworthy and telling of who he or she truly is.

These terms used to describe autistic individuals have never appeared in any diagnostic manual, rather, they are colloquial conventions used to refer to an individuals intellectual or verbal ability and/or level of apparent social and everyday capabilities .

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Can A Child Be Nonverbal And Not Autistic

As we have mentioned numerous times, children develop at their own rates. But there are some milestones they hit while growing up.

Studies show that typically developing children generally produce their first words between 12 and 18 months old. However, in the case of children with autism, this rate is reported to be an average age of 36 months.

Late speech does not necessarily mean autism diagnosis. A child could be nonverbal or have delayed speech for some other unrelated reasons. Here are some:

  • Problems with the mouth
  • Autism spectrum disorder

Understanding Autism And Communication

Autism: How to be normal (and why not to be) | Jolene Stockman | TEDxNewPlymouth

When considering how to improve the way you communicate, it can be helpful to first appreciate how communication might be more difficult for people with autism.

Historically, wider society has perpetuated assumptions that people with autism struggle with social skills, are shy or unfriendly, or cannot feel or express emotions.

These assumed traits are unfair, untrue and should be dismissed as ignorance.

Instead, someone with autism may be unable to find the right words to start a conversation, they may not understand body language and social cues, and they may deal with emotion internally rather than expressing it outwards.

Some people with autism cannot quickly adapt to conversations or respond to words in the same way neurotypical people might. This is not because they cannot communicate correctly they may simply communicate in their own way.

Because the autism spectrum is vastly different for each person, there is always variety in the way people with autism will behave and talk. People with autism are not deliberately being strange or unsociable but are seeking the best ways to express themselves.

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Communicating With Adults Who Have Autism

Carola is a disability advocate with many years of experience working in the disability community. She is also a freelance writer.

Communicating with people with autism has several unique challenges.

As a writer who focuses on people with disabilities, I know that talking to a person with autism spectrum disorder may seem daunting for people who have not had the opportunity to meet someone on the spectrum. Here are some tips and things to know that can help make a conversation more comfortable for everyone.

Child With Autism=adult With Autism

Despite stories you may have read on the Internet, it is incredibly rare for a child accurately diagnosed with autism to become an adult who is no longer diagnosable.

Yes, children with autism may build skills and workarounds that make autism less obvious. Yes, teens with autism may learn social skills and be able to “pass” in some situations. But no, a child with autism won’t just get over their autism to become a neurotypical adult.

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Question: Since Kids With Autism Can Get Special Education Services Does That Mean Autism Is A Learning Disability

No, autism spectrum disorder isnt a learning disability. But it does affect learning sometimes in ways like learning disabilities. And kids who have autism are often eligible for special education

Special education law covers 13 types of disabilities, including a category known as specific learning disability . Autism is another category.

Kids who have an SLD have challenges in certain academic skills. Reading, writing, and math are the main ones. Autism may cause challenges in those areas, too. However, it also has a broader impact on how kids develop.

It affects communication and can cause trouble with social skills. It also tends to involve sensory processing issues, repeated movements, and limited interests.

Teachers and doctors know a lot about how to help with autism and with learning disabilities. But the strategies can be very different. Some supports that are great for kids with learning disabilities may not work for kids with autismand vice versa. Autism and learning disabilities can co-occur, too.

See two grade-schoolers explain what autism and dyslexia feel like in this video from Not Your Mum.

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What Does The Future Look Like For Nonverbal Children

5 great nonfiction books about disability written by kids

Nonverbal children with autism could have a comfortable and quality life. It is important that with the right help, they could equip themselves with the necessary skills to live their life normally.

Although nonverbal, children with autism use other methods to communicate. Certain strategies, which we will discuss here, could be used to leverage these methods and add on to them.

Not being able to speak to communicate should not be seen as a setback, but as a challenge that could be overcome. Although there is no magic cure to achieve speech, your child could go a long way with your support.

Once they understand and learn a way to express what they are feeling, be it verbal or nonverbal, they will have a more positive attitude towards communication.

Also Check: How To Parent A Child With Autism

What Are The Signs Of A Shutdown

Everyones experience of autistic shutdowns is different. But if someone is having a shutdown you may notice they:

  • Become withdrawn
  • Appear to be staring into space
  • Cover parts of their face or body
  • May not be able to move

The person may not be able to communicate in the moment or explain what is happening. They may appear to go through the motions while appearing more detached and withdrawn, or they may withdraw completely. These are outward indicators that others may be able to see, but do not capture the internal experience of autistic shutdowns.

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Make Sure Your Conversation Is Clear

Use literal, concrete, and clear language in concise terms. Avoid the use of slang, sarcasm, innuendos, and idioms. These types of communication may be confusing to a person with autism.

If you are asking a question, wait for the autistic person to respond. The autistic person may need some time to process the information before answering. Your patience is required at these times. Do not assume that the autistic person did not hear or understand you. Give as much specific detail as possible without overwhelming them with too much info.

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Can A Child With Autism Learn To Talk

Learning your child is diagnosed with autism may be a difficult pill to swallow. You might find relief learning that many children with autism spectrum disorder go on to live very fulfilling and independent lives.

A clinical evaluation to diagnose autism spectrum disorder is not to be taken lightly, but its important to remember that experts have been studying how to improve development for children with ASD for decades.

When it comes to helping your child with autism learn to talk, its important to find an expert you trust, that your child is comfortable with, and that has the patience and experience to help your child expand their speech skills.

What is autism?

Autism spectrum disorder is defined as a complex developmental condition that involves persistent challenges in social interaction, speech, and nonverbal communication, and restricted/repetitive behaviors.

Its important to remember that even if your child is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, their symptoms and capabilities can not only range, but also change over time.

Does autism cause speech delay?

No, autism spectrum disorder does not cause speech delay. It is important to differentiate that while speech delay is common in children with autism, they are also common in children that do not have autism.

At what age should you worry about a child not talking?

What should you not say to a child with autism?

Is autism hereditary or genetic?

How To Talk About Autism

Autism and Self Talk | Why autistic people do this and how to help

Most people who are in the know about autism or have loved ones with the condition are more than happy to talk about it regularly when you live something daily, talking about it is second nature. It is also important to talk about autism outside of ones small circle of family members and friends. Discussing autism is a crucial way to spread information, debunk myths and help others learn how to understand a person with autism. When people have adequate knowledge and appreciation of what autism is , it makes a more inclusive, welcoming society.

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Repetitive And Restrictive Behaviour

With its unwritten rules, the world can seem a very unpredictable and confusing place to autistic people. This is why they often prefer to have routines so that they know what is going to happen. They may want to travel the same way to and from school or work, wear the same clothes or eat exactly the same food for breakfast.

Autistic people may also repeat movements such as hand flapping, rocking or the repetitive use of an object such as twirling a pen or opening and closing a door. Autistic people often engage in these behaviours to help calm themselves when they are stressed or anxious, but many autistic people do it because they find it enjoyable.

Change to routine can also be very distressing for autistic people and make them very anxious. It could be having to adjust to big events like Christmas or changing schools, facing uncertainty at work, or something simpler like a bus detour that can trigger their anxiety.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Nonspeaking Autism

The primary symptom of nonspeaking autism is being unable to speak clearly or without interference.

Autistic people may have difficulty talking to or carrying on a conversation with another person, but those who are nonspeaking do not speak at all.

There are several reasons for this. It may be because they have , a disorder that affects certain brain pathways. It can interfere with a persons ability to say what they want correctly.

It may also be because they have not developed verbal communication skills. Some children may lose verbal skills as symptoms of the condition worsen and become more noticeable.

Some autistic kids may also have echolalia, which causes them to repeat words or phrases over and over. It can make communication difficult.

Symptoms of autism often improve with age. As children grow older, symptoms may become less severe and disruptive. Your child may also become verbal with intervention and therapy.

Researchers do not yet know what causes autism. However, they do have a better understanding of some factors that may play a role.

Vaccines do not cause autism.

In 1998, a controversial study proposed a link between autism and the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. However, additional research debunked that report. In fact, the researchers behind the 1998 study retracted it in 2010.

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