Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Do You Know If You Are Autistic

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He Consistently Forgets Important Dates

Are You Undiagnosed Autistic? How To Tell If You’re On The Autism Spectrum | Patron’s Choice

For someone on the spectrum, they may not understand why there’s so much importance placed on certain dates. If they want to celebrate or buy a gift, they can do it any time they want, not because a specific date tells them they’re supposed to.

Myles says, “If birthdays, anniversaries, or other important events are overlooked or forgotten, try not to take it personally.”

Signs And Characteristics Checklist

If youre reading this page, you may be thinking that you, your partner, or someone you know or love is showing some of the signs or characteristics of autism.

These signs cover a range of human behaviour from social communication and social interaction, to restricted, repetitive and sensory processing.

Note that the information below is just a list of some of the common signs and characteristics of autism.

It is unlikely that an adult will display all of these characteristics, and its important to remember, only a qualified professional can carry out an assessment for autism.

Some of the characteristics that adults with an autism diagnosis commonly report, include:

What Are Autistic Traits

I like to start by thinking what Autistic traits really are. And to do that, first we need to talk a little bit about what autism really is.

Autism is a diagnosis that you can go get.

You can go to the doctor, you can fill out forms, you can see therapists and neurodevelopmental pediatricians and neuroscience and a million different people

And you can get an official diagnosis when you see the right person and they say, yes you are autistic.

But being autistic is also an identity.

If you are around autistics, it wont take long for you to kind of start to see that. Autism is an identity and its a culture of itself.

Because of that, asking what is autism? is kind of like asking what is French?

There are some overlaps between being French and being Italian. They might even do some of the same things.

But it doesnt mean its not a French thing if Italians also do it, and it also doesnt mean that it is a French thing, just because French people do it.

I know this analogy is a little strange, but the basic point is, defining with clarity, this is autism and this is not is really just an endless battle.

Because the fact is, what is autism and what is not is different for me and different for my son and different from my Autistic best friend. We all experience our identity and our culture, a little bit differently.

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Autism And Understanding The Emotions Of Other People

An autistic person may find it hard to understand the emotions of other people. Emotions are interpreted by subtle messages sent by facial expression, eye contact and body language. These are often missed or misinterpreted by an autistic person. Because of this, autistic people might be mistakenly perceived as being rude or unfeeling. Autistic people may find it difficult to understand how others perceive their behaviour.

Restricted Or Repetitive Behaviors Or Interests

Parody Autism Help Chart

People with ASD have behaviors or interests that can seem unusual. These behaviors or interests set ASD apart from conditions defined by only problems with social communication and interaction.

Examples of restricted or repetitive interests and behaviors related to ASD can include:

  • Lines up toys or other objects and gets upset when order is changed
  • Repeats words or phrases over and over
  • Plays with toys the same way every time
  • Is focused on parts of objects
  • Gets upset by minor changes
  • Has obsessive interests
  • Flaps hands, rocks body, or spins self in circles
  • Has unusual reactions to the way things sound, smell, taste, look, or feel

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Why Do Some Young People Get A Late Diagnosis

It is common for a young person to get a late diagnosis if they are high functioning or academically able. This also occurs more in girls than in boys, as girls are generally more adept at copying neuro-typical behaviours, including verbal and non-verbal communication in order to mask their autism.

Late diagnosis can happen because there is some ambiguity which makes it difficult to be sure a young person has autism, or because other conditions have presented as being their primary need e.g. challenging behaviour or ADHD. Typically, children are also often able to cope in a primary school environment but find the increasing demand of secondary school very stressful, leading to their difficulties becoming more apparent.

Is There A Cure For Autism

No, currently autism has no cure. Early intervention during the preschool years can help the child manage their behavioral issues.

Treatment options include

  • Behavioral therapy: This focuses on reducing problem behaviors. Children are taught how to behave in social situations and communicate better with others. It also involves counseling the parents and teaching them ways to reach out to their child.
  • Educational therapies: Children with autism spectrum disorder respond well to highly structured educational programs. Successful programs consist of various activities to improve social skills, communication and behavior. Speech therapy to improve communication skills, occupational therapy to teach activities of daily living and physical therapy to improve movement and balance may be beneficial.
  • Medications: Specific medications can help control symptoms such as hyperactivity, extreme anxiety and severe behavioral issues. Some kids may also have medical issues, such as epilepsy, poor sleep and constipation that need medical management.

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He Resists Changes In Plans

It may not seem like a big deal, but it can be very difficult for someone with ASD to cope with a sudden plan change. They have usually been thinking about the event for a while, and it’s very confusing to them and can be another cause for anxiety. They like rigid routines and firm plans.

On the WrongPlanet forum, user Steel Maiden said, “If someone called me suddenly and asked me to change my whole day’s plans, just like that, I would shout at them and refuse to leave the house. The change of plan would be far too traumatic.”

How To Begin A Diagnosis Process

Are You Autistic? 25 Questions To Ask Yourself! | Patron’s Choice

Adults who suspect they or a loved one might be autistic can do a self-assessment test for adults. A person can find these tests online. While they cannot give a diagnosis, the tests are a good starting point.

A person seeking a diagnosis can take the results of such a test to a primary care doctor who will try to determine whether ASD may be present by:

  • enquiring about the symptoms, both current and during childhood
  • observing and interacting with the person
  • speaking to a loved one
  • checking for other physical or mental health conditions that may be causing symptoms

If no underlying physical condition can explain the symptoms, the doctor may refer the person to a psychiatrist or a psychologist to make an ASD diagnosis.

If symptoms are not present in childhood but begin in adolescence or adulthood, this may indicate a cognitive or mental health condition other than ASD.

It may be difficult to find a specialist who can diagnose ASD in adults. Individuals who would like a diagnosis for themselves or a loved one may need to do research to find a provider with experience diagnosing autistic adults.

Another option is to speak to a developmental pediatrician or child psychiatrist who is willing to see adult clients.

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Brain Chemistry And Asd

The neurochemistry of autism is far from clear and very likely involves several different chemical systems of the brain. This information provides the basis for medication trials to impact the way the brain works in order to elicit a change in behavior.

An analysis of neurochemistry in children with ASD alone has consistently identified involvement of at least two systems.

  • Dopamine: regulates movement, posture, attention, and reward behaviors and
  • Serotonin: regulates mood, aggression, sleep, and feeding behaviors.
  • Additionally, opiates, which regulate mood, reward, responses to stress, and perception of pain, may also be involved in some children.

    Detailed studies of brain chemistry in children with DS-ASD have not yet been done. However, our clinical experience in using medications that modulate dopamine, serotonin or both systems has been favorable in some children with DS-ASD.

    Signs You Could Be On The Autism Spectrum

    Most of the stories you hear about people on the autistic spectrum feature them being diagnosed as children. It’s definitely common for signs of autism to first be noticed in childhood, when autistic kids don’t do much pretend play and find social interaction difficult. But it’s also perfectly possible for people, particularly those with more functional forms of autism , to reach adulthood without ever knowing they actually have a place in the autistic community.

    When we talk about “the autistic spectrum,” we’re referring to a very wide range of disorders under the one banner of autism. There’s no one way to present autistic signs, which is why diagnostic tests about the possibility of autism in adults tend to be seriously involved. One quiz, offered by Psych Central to determine whether you might want to seek diagnosis from a medical professional, offers 50 different questions, from social interaction to patterns and empathy. But the basics of autism of any kind, according to The National Autistic Society, are three difficulties: with social communication, social interaction, and social imagination.

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    Common Signs Of Autism

    Some of the more common signs that may indicate a person has autism include:

    • Avoiding eye contact
    • Delayed speech and communication skills
    • Reliance on rules and routines
    • Being upset by relatively minor changes
    • Unexpected reactions to sounds, tastes, sights, touch and smells
    • Difficulty understanding other peopleââ¬â¢s emotions
    • Focusing on or becoming obsessed by a narrow range of interests or objects
    • Engaging in repetitive behavior such as flapping hands or rocking
    • Children not responding to their name by 12 months
    • Children not pointing at distant objects by 14 months

    Worried you or someone you know might have some of the signs of autism? The Ada app can help you check symptoms. or find out more about how it works.

    Signs Of Autism Meltdown

    Help: How Do I Know If My ASD Child Has Memory Issues ...

    For some people with autism, sensory overload can become overwhelming. In these situations a person may have a meltdown. A change in routine can also precipitate a meltdown.

    A meltdown is not a temper tantrum and can be experienced by someone with autism of any age. A meltdown should be managed by calming the person and addressing the cause of the distress.

    Signs that a meltdown may be developing, sometimes known as the rumbling stage, include:

    • Nail biting

    Many people with autism spectrum disorder also have food intolerances and may find that a diet which excludes gluten or casein helps.

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    Other Signs Of Autism

    You may also have other signs, like:

    • not understanding social “rules”, such as not talking over people
    • avoiding eye contact
    • getting too close to other people, or getting very upset if someone touches or gets too close to you
    • noticing small details, patterns, smells or sounds that others do not
    • having a very keen interest in certain subjects or activities
    • liking to plan things carefully before doing them

    Signs And Symptoms Of Autism In Babies And Toddlers

    If autism is caught in infancy, treatment can take full advantage of the young brains remarkable plasticity. Although autism is hard to diagnose before 24 months, symptoms often surface between 12 and 18 months. If signs are detected by 18 months of age, intensive treatment may help to rewire the brain and reverse the symptoms.

    The earliest signs of autism involve the absence of typical behaviorsnot the presence of atypical onesso they can be tough to spot. In some cases, the earliest symptoms of autism are even misinterpreted as signs of a good baby, since the infant may seem quiet, independent, and undemanding. However, you can catch warning signs early if you know what to look for.

    Some autistic infants dont respond to cuddling, reach out to be picked up, or look at their mothers when being fed.

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    The Disadvantages Of Not Telling An Employer You Are Autistic:

    Back in the days before my knees made a weird crackling noise every time I stood up, I worked at a pretty big retail store in the centre of a super busy shopping location. No doubt, like some other autists, I thought that as I was more than capable of producing great results without assistance, I didnt need to tell my manager of my situation, nor was it in their best interest to know.

    Other than a few late signs-ins , I was actually doing really well: I had a great sales record, customers compliments galore and I even got tasked with mentoring new members of staff. To the untrained eye, I looked like a model employee. However, this was only on the surface.

    Behind the scenes, this relatively simple job, quickly became a cause of incredible anxiety for me, as every time I arrived at the store, the products and their places within the shop would have shifted to new locations. This turned every new week into a never-ending game of Wheres Wally?, which was made even worse by the managers love of swapping the staffs weekly job roles In their opinion, giving everyone a new duty, every week kept things feeling fresh. However, for me, it meant starting each week feeling as fresh as a gym sock, which has been left in a locker over the summer holidays.

    What Is A Spectrum Disorder

    The AUTISM Spectrum TEST (How To Know If YOU Are Autistic)

    Autism is a spectrum disorder, which means that people can experience a wide range of symptoms and of varying severities. For example, a person with autism who is towards the high functioning range of the spectrum will have a good grasp of language, but a person towards the low functioning range of the spectrum may not speak at all.

    As such, it is important to note that a person with autism spectrum disorder will not display all symptoms and symptoms will vary in severity. However, a person with ASD will display several of these behaviors and signs.

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    Consulting People You Know

  • 1Ask your autistic friends about it. Explain that you think you may be autistic, and that you’re wondering if they’ve observed any signs of autism in you. They may ask you questions to better understand your experiences.
  • 2Ask your parents or guardians about your developmental milestones. Explain that you’ve been curious about your early childhood, and ask when you met different developmental milestones. It’s normal for autistic children to hit their milestones late or out of order.
  • See if they have any videos from your childhood that you could watch. Look for stimming and other signs of autism in children.XResearch source
  • Consider late childhood and teen milestones too, like learning to swim, ride a bike, cook, clean a bathroom, do laundry, and drive.
  • 3Show a close friend or family member an article on signs of autism . Explain that when you read it, it reminded you of yourself. Ask if they also see similarities.
  • They may point out things that you didn’t realize about yourself.
  • Keep in mind that no one understands what’s going on inside your head. They do not see all the adjustments you make to appear more “normal,” and thus might not realize that your brain works differently. Some autistic people can make friends and interact with people without anyone realizing that they are autistic.
  • We Leave Conversations Abruptly

    Like modern-day Houdinis, autistic people are prone to a disappearing act or two. However, unlike the magicians of the past, were not exactly subtle about it. This can sometimes be observed when we are smack bang in the middle of a conversation and then, once weve said our piece, abracadabra, were as good as gone.

    In truth, conversations can be hard work for autistic people, as finding the meaning behind the amalgamation of expressions, words and tone is a long and tiring process. Conversely, Were the ones that can get left behind in discussions and, with so much new information bombarding us, our automatic fight or flight kicks in and were outta there.

    If you want to help an autistic person in these circumstances and ensure that we dont prematurely vamoose, give us plenty of opportunities to ask for more information and, maybe, consider speaking more slowly .

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    What Are The Signs Of Autism

    The autism diagnosis age and intensity of autisms early signs vary widely. Some infants show hints in their first months. In others, behaviors become obvious as late as age 2 or 3.

    Not all children with autism show all the signs. Many children who dont have autism show a few. Thats why professional evaluation is crucial.

    The following may indicate your child is at risk for an autism spectrum disorder. If your child exhibits any of the following, ask your pediatrician or family doctor for an evaluation right away:

    Development Of Repetitive Or Restrictive Habits

    Do You Have Autism?

    Repetitive habits are another sign of high-functioning autism. Those habits could interfere with the persons ability to do what they need to do or what others want them to do. One type of repetitive habit might be related to movement. The individual might have to tie and untie their shoes multiple times before they are satisfied and are able to start walking or leave the house. Some people develop restrictive habits that interfere with socially accepted living. For example, an individual might refuse to wear any other kind of shirt than a tee shirt. This could impact their health and well-being if they live in a place with cold weather.

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