Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Are Nosebleeds Linked To Autism

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Data Management And Statistical Analysis Plan

Autistic meme connoisseur on Autism memes (and challenging false generalisations)

The principal investigator and co-investigators will monitor data as it is acquired to ensure the quality of the data. Data monitoring and auditing will be performed on a monthly basis on RedCap. All information regarding experimental patients will be kept in a file cabinet in the office of the principal investigator. All data for presentation will be identified by a code number only. All data spreadsheets will be housed on the password-protected server at the lab and de-identified as described above. All MGH collaborators will have access to the de-identified data as needed for analysis and manuscript preparation.

For statistical analysis, we will assess intervention credibility and acceptability and track the number of patients who meet the study criteria, the number approached for enrollment, the number enrolled, reasons why patients chose not to participate, dropout rate, and reasons for dropout. These data will be summarized by standard descriptive statistics. For all participants in the trial, descriptive statistics will be provided to characterize recruited patients at baseline for treatment and control groups and ensure that balance is achieved by randomization. The presentation of the data will follow the CONSORT recommendations for reporting results of RCTs. Statistical procedures carried out use = 0.10 as the significance level. All analyses will be performed using SAS, version 9.4 .

Description Of Randomization And Blinding

Randomization and allocation concealment will be performed in collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital research pharmacy. Randomization sampling numbers will be electronically generated, and central randomization at the research pharmacy using coded drug containers of identical appearance prepared by the research pharmacy will ensure allocation concealment. Blinding will be maintained by making the capsules look identical. Both participants and the research staff who collect the outcome data will be blinded to treatment status.

Are Nosebleeds Linked To Autism

Are Nosebleeds Linked To Autism. This is the most common type of nosebleed and it is usually not serious. Autism spectrum disorder is called a spectrum because autistic kids may have a wide range of symptoms, cognitive abilities, language skills and behaviors.

Nosebleeds can be due to injury or trauma to nose, environmental factors, illnesses or certain medications. What disorders are related to autism? It can affect both nostrils, but most often occurs in only one nostril. If you’re autistic, it’s fairly common to also live with another medical, neurodevelopmental, or genetic condition. How much do genes contribute to the condition?

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Key Points About Nosebleeds

  • Most nosebleeds occur from the front part of the nose and are easily stopped by pinching the nostrils together.

  • People should try the 10-minute pinch technique to stop a nosebleed.

  • If pinching the nostrils does not stop the bleeding, people should seek medical attention.

  • During the history and physical examination, doctors ask people about bleeding disorders and their use of drugs that affect blood clotting, such as warfarin, clopidogrel, and aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs .

How Can I Help Prevent A Nosebleed In My Child

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If your child has nosebleeds often, you can help prevent them in these ways:

  • Run a cool mist humidifier in your child’s room at night, if the air in your home is dry. Clean the humidifier regularly so germs and mold dont grow in it.
  • Teach your child not to pick his or her nose or blow it too hard.
  • Put petroleum jelly inside your childs nostrils several times a day. This is to help protect the mucus membranes.
  • Use saltwater nose drops or spray as directed by your child’s healthcare provider.
  • Talk with your child’s healthcare provider;if your child has allergies that may lead to nosebleeds.
  • Dont smoke in the home or around your child.

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Key Points About A Nosebleed In Children

  • A nosebleed is bleeding from tissues inside the nose caused by a broken blood vessel.
  • A nosebleed can look scary, but is usually not a serious problem. Nosebleeds are common in children. They happen more often in dry climates. They also happen more during the winter. Thats when dry heat in homes and buildings can cause drying, cracking, and crusting inside the nose.
  • Nosebleeds can be caused by many things, such as dry air, nose picking, and allergies. In many cases, no specific cause for a nosebleed is found.
  • Have your child sit up and lean forward slightly. Dont have your child lie down. This is to prevent him or her from swallowing blood. Swallowing blood may make your child vomit.
  • Gently pinch the nostrils closed for 5 to 10 minutes. Dont stop pinching to check if bleeding has stopped.
  • Run a cool mist humidifier in your child’s room at night, if the air in your home is dry. Teach your child not to pick his or her nose or blow it too hard. Apply petroleum jelly inside your childs nostrils several times a day.

Posterior Vs Anterior Nosebleeds

A nosebleed can be anterior or posterior. An anterior nosebleed is the most common, with blood coming from the front of the nose. Its caused by the rupturing of tiny blood vessels inside the nose, known as capillaries.

A posterior nosebleed comes from deeper inside the nose. This kind of nosebleed is unusual in children, unless its related to a face or nose injury.

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Autism Is A Developmental Disorder Characterized By Difficulties With Social Interaction And Communication And By Restricted And Repetitive Behavior

This is the most common type of nosebleed and it is usually not serious. You can stop most nosebleeds by tipping your child’s head forward and pinching the to prevent frequent nosebleeds, keep the air from becoming too dry, and discourage your child from putting her fingers in her nose. 10 weirdest things linked to autism. Dysfunctional immunity and impaired brain function are core deficits in asd. How much do genes contribute to the condition? Autism spectrum disorder is called a spectrum because autistic kids may have a wide range of symptoms, cognitive abilities, language skills and behaviors. What disorders are related to autism? They’re usually nothing to worry about. Nosebleeds are very common and are rarely a cause for concern. Being autistic does not mean you have an illness or disease. It means your brain works in a different way from other people. Nosebleeds in children are very common. However, it’s important to keep in mind that increased risk is not the same as cause.

A Tale Of Autistic Blood

Vaccine side effects are actually a good thing

This may be the most important article about autism Ive ever written.; But first I need you to do a little work.; I need you to go to this site ;;and watch the approximately five minute long video comparing the blood of six autistic children put together by Mark Squibb.

Ill wait.

Good.; Youre back.; Maybe youve watched it several times.; Ive probably watched it close to twenty times.; I keep wondering if what Im seeing on the screen is autism.; Not in the way I know that when my child was born she was healthy and after those shots she wasnt, but seeing whats different in my beautiful daughter at this very moment from a normally-developing child.

My daughter has bad blood.

Or to be more precise my daughter has moderately clumpy blood, shows evidence of an infectious processes, and only 2% of her red blood cells appear healthy.

Lets go over a few of these factors as I believe they require a more complete explanation.; In my fifth grade science class I teach about the importance of red blood cells.; Specifically, I teach about how individual red blood cells travel through capillaries in order to drop off oxygen and take away waste products like carbon dioxide.;

The final factor reviewed in the videos, and in some ways the most chilling to me is the Healthy RBC Ratio, which looks at the ratio of healthy red blood cells to unhealthy cells.; Mark said really sick adults usually have “at least 25% healthy looking RBCs.”;

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At The Pool With Your Young Children

Your son or daughter is looking forward to showing off their newly learned swimming skills at the community pool. But once you arrive, theres so much loud noise from other children playing that you notice your child become hesitant.

Everyone gathered around the pool seems to have a loud squeaky pool toy or is crunching a loud snack. When your child dips their feet in the water, they start having an emotional outburst running out of the water and refusing to try again.

While the water was the trigger factor in this scenario, it was the other environmental stimulants that caused sensory overload.

Sample Size And Power Calculation

This project is intended to evaluate the feasibility of implementing an oral supplementation of L. reuteri probiotics with and without an intranasal OXT spray therapy to inform an eventual larger-scale randomized trial that will allow for a more rigorous assessment of the efficacies of the proposed single or dual interventions. Hence, our sample size is calculated based solely on the primary outcomes: scores of behavioral assessment questionnaires, including the ABC and SRS-2; scores of objective ASD behavioral tests, including eye-tracking and emotional face matching tests; and serum OXT changes. To achieve statistical power of 80% with an overall one-sided significance level of alpha = 0.10, if we assume a large effect size of 0.8 in each of primary outcomes for the effect of L. reuteri probiotics alone vs L. reuteri probiotics plus OXT therapy, an estimated number of 26 ASD patients in each group would be needed based on independent two-sample t test. If a potential noncompliance or dropout rate of 10% is assumed, we plan to enroll 60 autistic subjects totally for this pilot study. Sample size calculation was carried out using the PASS 16 Power Analysis and Sample Size Software .

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What Are The Side Effects Of The Mmr Vaccine

The NHS has outlined some of the typical side effects of the vaccine.

These include children having a very mild form of measles about a week to 11 days after the MMR injection.

They describe it as a rash, high temperature, loss of appetite and a general feeling of being unwell for about two or three days.

Three to four weeks after having the MMR injection, one in 50 children develop a mild form of mumps, which includes swelling of the glands in the cheek, neck or under the jaw, and lasts for a day or two.

One to three weeks after receiving the rubella vaccine component of MMR vaccine, some adult women experience painful, stiff or swollen joints, which can last for around three days.

Rarer side effects include bruising, and seizures six to eleven days after the jab.

There is also a small chance children can have an allergic reaction to the inoculation and go in to;anaphylactic shock.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Nosebleed In A Child

Signs and symptoms of autism

The main symptom of a nosebleed is blood dripping or running from the nose. Bleeding from the mucus membranes in the front of the nose comes from only one nostril. Bleeding higher up in the nasal cavity may come from both nostrils. It may be painless. Or your child may have pain caused by an injury or an area of sore tissue inside the nose.

The symptoms of a nosebleed can be like other health conditions. Make sure your;child sees his or her healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

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Childrens Therapy Connections My Journey With Autism

The school year is almost over and before schools close for the summer let CTC help.

  • Did you know that we can be an advocate present at IEP meetings?

  • We can collaborate with your childs support staff to incorporate what your child was learning at school into their therapies at CTC?
  • We can provide e-learning support at the clinic in a 1:1 setting.
  • Did you know we can provide academic support within our services.
  • We have a counselor with 20+ years experience helping families of children with special needs.

*Reminder: if your child has received summer school services in the past it will be e-learning this summer! CTC can provide IN PERSON 1:1 service all summer long!


Just provide us a copy of your childs IEP and we can discuss how our interventions can assist your childs learning and developmental skills.

Causes Of Anterior Nosebleeds

Sometimes, the cause of anterior nosebleeds is unknown. However, common causes include:

  • Picking the inside of the nose, especially if this is done often, if the fingernails are long, and if the inside of the nose is already irritated or tender.
  • A knock or blow to the nose could damage the delicate blood vessels of the mucous membrane.
  • Sinusitis an inflammation of the sinuses .
  • A cold, flu or a nasal allergy can cause a nosebleed for various reasons: People with these conditions blow their nose more often. Also, the inside of the nose may be irritated and tender during a viral infection, making it more susceptible to bleeding.
  • Deviated septum when the wall separating the two nostrils is off center, or deviated.
  • Hot climates with low humidity or changes from bitter cold to warm, dry climates can cause drying and cracking inside the nose, which can lead to a nosebleed.
  • High altitude as altitude increases, the availability of oxygen decreases, making the air thinner and drier. The dryness can cause the nose to bleed.
  • Excessive use of certain kinds of medications, such as blood thinners or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen.
  • Liver disease can interfere with blood clotting and result in frequent and/or severe nosebleeds.
  • Excessive use of illegal drugs, such as cocaine.

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When Should I Call My Childs Healthcare Provider

  • You cant stop the nosebleed
  • The nose bleeds again
  • Your child has an injury to the head or face
  • There is a large amount of blood
  • Your child feels faint, weak, ill, or has trouble breathing
  • Your child has bleeding from other parts of the body, such as in the stool, urine, or gums, or bruises easily
  • An object is stuck in your child’s nose

Doesnt Engage In Pretend Play:

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A child has beautiful innocence and with whatever small toys or objects he has, he try to pretend them or imitate them for expensive and valuable things like Mobile, Bus, trains etc. But, sadly, the child with autism may be void of such pretending skills. If he doesnt play pretending games or imitate others or use toys in many creative ways, then there is red alert for the parents, which should not be ignored.

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Genetic Tests For Autism Can Sometimes Change Lives

The assays don’t always yield results, but the information they offer can, at times, alter the course of treatment or prevention

Almost as soon as James was born in April 2003, it was clear that he was not well. When he failed a newborn screening test and was struggling to breathe, he was sent straight from the delivery room to the neonatal intensive care unit. Doctors there suspected he had a genetic condition, but genetic testing, such as it was 15 years ago, yielded no answers. So nine days later, James mother, Angela, took him home.

As an infant, James struggled to eat and never slept for more than 20 minutes at a time, but Angela attributed these things to his being a newborn and to the stress of their cross-country move. He didnt sit unassisted at 1 year or crawl until he was 18 months old, but doctors and friends reassured her he was fine. When James was 14 months old, a physical therapist acquaintance took one look at the child and told Angela he clearly had some sort of developmental delay. But even the specialists she then took her son to see dismissed his loud squeals, hand-flapping and tendency to ignore others as consequences of his poor hearing. He was finally diagnosed with autism at age 4.

Even so, most autistic people and their families never gain access to that information: In the United States, roughly one in three children with autism;is offered genetic tests.

What Is The Mmr Vaccine And When Was It First Introduced

The MMR is a safe and effective combined vaccine that protects against three separate illnesses measles, mumps and rubella, which is also known as German measles in a single injection.

The MMR vaccine was introduced in the UK in 1988.

The full course of MMR vaccination requires two doses, and is administered at one year of age, and at around three years four months.

In the first six months of 2018,;there were more than 41,000 measles cases recorded during the first six months of 2018, including 37 deaths, across Europe.

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What Causes Nosebleeds In Children

There are a few common culprits behind a childs bloody nose.

  • Dry air: Whether its heated indoor air or a dry climate, the most common cause of nosebleeds in children is dry air that both irritates and dehydrates nasal membranes.
  • Scratching or picking: This is the second most common cause of nosebleeds. Irritating the nose by scratching or picking can expose blood vessels that are prone to bleeding.
  • Trauma: When a child gets an injury to the nose, it can start a nosebleed. Most arent a problem, but you should seek medical care if youre unable to stop the bleeding after 10 minutes or youre worried about the injury as a whole.
  • Cold, allergies, or sinus infection: Any illness that includes symptoms of nasal congestion and irritation can cause nosebleeds.
  • Bacterial infection: Bacterial infections can cause sore, red, and crusted areas on the skin just inside the nose and in the front of the nostrils. These infections can lead to bleeding.

In rare cases, frequent nosebleeds are caused by problems relating to blood clotting or abnormal blood vessels. If your child is experiencing nosebleeds that arent related to the causes listed above, raise your concerns with your doctor.

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