Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Many Autistic In The World

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Did We Cover Everything You Wanted To Know About Autism Statistics Worldwide

Why are so many autistic adults undiagnosed? | Kip Chow | TEDxSFU

In this post, we took a look at autism rates by country.

We also looked at rates of increase over the years and the countries with the highest autism rates worldwide. But we also looked at rates by gender.

Youll notice that while I did draw some conclusions, I stayed away from conspiracy theories and controversy.

While any discussion of autism is likely to draw some disagreement, my point was to stick with the facts and autism statistics worldwide and not alienate anyone.

After all, parents of autistic kids have enough challenges without being alienated by strong opinions on one side or another.

I am not a parent of autistic kids but my wife is a teacher who specializes in autistic kids and in my 9 to 5 working with kids, I do see a number of kids on the autism spectrum. Thus, while not an expert, I am closely connected to that world.

Any tips, suggestions or questions about autism statistics worldwide?

I am not a doctor, autism expert or a health professional. This post, like all my posts, is based on my research, opinions and observations. If you need medical or professional advice you should seek out a qualified professional in your area.

About 50000 Individuals With Autism Will Leave High School Every Year In The Us

In the US, reports have it that up to 50,000 individuals dealing with autism leave high school every year. These kinds of facts about autism can be the result of several things, but mostly, these students struggle with slower learning processes. Due to their affected learning, dropping out of high school may become an option for them to avoid extra costs.

Highly Focused Interests Or Hobbies

Many autistic people have intense and highly focused interests, often from a fairly young age. These can change over time or be lifelong. Autistic people can become experts in their special interests and often like to share their knowledge. A stereotypical example is trains but that is one of many. Greta Thunberg’s intense interest, for example, is protecting the environment.

Like all people, autistic people gain huge amounts of pleasure from pursuing their interests and see them as fundamental to their wellbeing and happiness.

Being highly focused helps many autistic people do well academically and in the workplace but they can also become so engrossed in particular topics or activities that they neglect other aspects of their lives.

Take a look at the Spectrum magazine, written for and by autistic people

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The Top 5 Autism Rates By Country:

  • Japan

But theres a lot more to know about the Countries with the Lowest Rates of Autism , so definitely check out my post which covers that in much greater detail.

3. Autism rates by country are far higher in the so-called developed world than in so-called 3rd countries

4. Boys are 4 times more likely to have autism than girls

5. Boys are only 2 times more likely to have Aspergers than girls

6. 1 in 59 children in the US are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder each

7. That figure is 181% higher than it was in 2004

8. Autism rates worldwide increase, on average, about 15% every 2 years

9. Diagnosis can be made as early as age 18 months

10. The average age for diagnosis in the US is 4 years

11. Autism rates worldwide are higher for white children than they are for other ethnic groups

12. However, diagnosis of other ethnic groups often happens later and less often than it does for white families

13. In the US, those of Hispanics are the ethnic group with the lowest rate of autism

14. The average family in the US sees the costs of having an autistic child be as much as $60,000/year

This is between medical expenses, additional education costs and lost wages of a parent staying home

15. On medical expenses alone, parents can expect to spend between $4,000-$6,000 more per year than parents who do not have an autistic child

Conditions And Risks Associated With Autism

Global Autism Rates Explained: How many people have autism?
  • Research suggests around 40% of austistic children and adolescents have at least one comorbid anxiety disorder
  • Roughly half of all children with ASD may also experience symptoms of ADHD
  • Children on the spectrum are more likely than neurotypical peers to experience sleep, gastrointestinal, and weight management challenges:

x160: According to the above study, autistic children are 160 times more likely to die from drowning in comparison to the general pediatric population

  • Parents should be made aware that autistic children are twice as likely to report suicidal thoughts. The research suggests deficits in social communication may lead to lack of emotional connectivity which elevates the risk of suicide
  • Children on the spectrum are more likely than neurotypical peers to be the victim of bullying

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Autism Rates By Country In 2021

I know autism is on the rise in the US, but I wondered what the autism rates by country were around the world.

I decided to research it, and heres what I found out:

Poland has the absolute lowest rate of autism in the world, followed closely by Taiwan. The next countries with low autism rates, while having significantly higher rates than those 2, include China, Germany, the Netherlands, and Norway. In the US, the rate of autism is 1 in 59, which ranks as #16 worldwide.

But theres a lot more to know about the countries with the lowest autism rates and the highest.

Surprisingly, the autism rates by country are quite varied. While you can see the entire list at the bottom of this article, well also be exploring how well different countries report instances of autism, and well hear from experts that interpret the data and statistics.

We dont have all the answers by any means, but we do know the questions. And this post is steering clear of conspiracy theories and just focusing on facts.

So today, well be reviewing the countries with lowest autism rates to see if there are any correlations that could help shed some light on this epidemic. Well also look to see if there are any countries with no autism.

If you are a parent of a child with autism, one of the scariest things can be letting them out of your site.

The company GPS SmartSole makes shoe inserts you can track on your phone, giving you peace of mind but still letting them be kids.

Early Treatment Of Autism Can Help Improve Outcomes

Medical reports made on autism patients who had early autism treatment always showed better results than parents who acted late. Many autism diagnosis statistics have revealed that the earlier the diagnosis and the sooner ASD is treated, the better the outcomes are among the children affected by it.

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How Do These Results Impact Families Of Children With An Asd

Overall, when considering the research, it shows that autism rates are continuing to increase in the United States. It is likely that the increase in autism prevalence is due to many factors.

First, autism is increasingly becoming more well-known and discussed by the general public, health professionals, and parents, which helps improve awareness of potential symptoms. Also, there has been an emphasis on increased screening for autism spectrum disorder, as early intervention has shown to improve outcomes.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that potential risk factors are discussed at every well-child visit, with official screening happening at 18 and 24 months. Finally, the diagnostic criteria have widened over the last several years, likely including more children under the ASD diagnosis than before.

Researchers suggest that each of these factors combined have all contributed to the increase in reported ASD prevalence.

This new research is also helpful in that it further highlighted children at a higher risk for autism in relation to gender, socioeconomic status, and other co-occurring diagnoses. This further demonstrates the need for early screening and intervention for children specifically in these groups.

Additionally, the survey results emphasized the difficulties many families with children with autism experience when trying to obtain proper services for their child.

It Is Characterised By Differences In Social Skills Communication And Behaviour

Why everything you know about autism is wrong | Jac den Houting | TEDxMacquarieUniversity

This means that people with Autism experience differences in the way they communicate and interact socially, and their behaviour may be repetitive or highly focussed . People with Autism also tend to experience differences with their senses that can affect the way they feel about and respond to their surroundings. Autism is not a disease or illness.

Autism is also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder . Spectrum refers to the wide range of characteristics, skills and abilities that different people with Autism have. No two people are affected by Autism in exactly the same way. Every person experiences Autism differently and has different support needs. Although the core characteristics of Autism can cause a range of challenges, it is important to recognise that they can also result in unique skills and capabilities.

While Autism is a life-long condition, with appropriate and tailored support, children and Adults with Autism can make significant progress and live fulfilling lives. Consequently, it is imperative that people with Autism have access to specialist services that understand their needs and are experienced in developing their skills and strengths.

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Autism Age Of Diagnosis Statistics

Going back to Autism Speaks:

  • Autism can be diagnosed between 18-24 months
  • The average age of diagnosis in the US is 4 years
  • While autism affects all ethnic groups, it is diagnosed later and less frequently in minority groups. Thus most reports show higher autism rates worldwide among whites compared to other ethnic groups

Unfortunately, not all countries track autism the way many of the more developed countries do.

There is also disparity among countries in the criteria used to diagnose autism. Thus in some cases measuring autism rates worldwide isnt always an apples to apples comparison.

So lets review the . . .

Prevalence Estimates And Etiological Factors

Several hypotheses have emerged linking variations in prevalence in different populations and the time trends of increasing prevalence to possible differences in underlying etiological factors. Moreover, there is accumulating evidence in the studies reviewed that the variation in prevalence reflects disparities linked to a broad category of social determinants including demographic, racial, and socioeconomic. Evidence pertaining to factors identified in the review are discussed next.

Biological sex

Male sex is one of the most well established etiological factors for autism, giving rise to the notion of a female protective effect, where females would require greater etiologic load to manifest the same degree of affectedness as males . This pattern is confirmed by reviewed estimates, where males outnumber females across studies. Paradoxically, the female protective effect also implies that when identified as having autism, females are more likely to exhibit a more severe phenotype. Consistently, most of the studies that reported IQ levels also found a higher proportion of autism cases with ID among girls than boys . Similarly, another set of studies found that males with ASD were overrepresented in the range of higher IQ . These findings are consistent with previous observations in the US stating that the male-to-female ratio increased as the severity of ID decreased .

Sociodemographic status

Race/ethnicity and nativity

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In England Most Autistic Children Continue Their Education In Mainstream Schools

Many autistic children dont get the education they need. Most autistic children study in mainstream schools, which frequently lack resources to accommodate and tend to autistic students. Autism rates by country uncover that around 71% of autistic children in England continue their education in mainstream schools, whereas the rest decide to enroll in specialist provisions.

New Hampshire United States

Illusion of Competence: Don

Before COVID-19, I worked two part-time jobs one in my professional field that has always been remote, and the other at the front desk of an ice rink. I took it so I could get out of the house, talk to people about my interests and be part of my community. Now the ice rink is closed, and I have filed for unemployment. I miss the routine of going there and talking to my coworkers, skaters and their families the most. I am struggling emotionally because this part of my life is suddenly cancelled.

My fiancé is working remotely. I am grateful he still has a job, but we are getting on each others nerves at times. Desk space was an issue: I see our home computer area as my office, so we set up a second office area in another room so we wouldnt be bothering each other.

29 April update: My life has settled into a new normal. I feel a bit less anxious, instead moving into boredom and burnout. Im still trying desperately to be productive, and playing a bit too much Animal Crossing.

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Chapter : Autism Unemployment Rate

  • Only around 15% of autistic adults with a college degree are fully employed.
  • Only around 25% of autistic adults in general are fully employed.
  • Only around 21% autistic young adults are currently or were recently employed.
  • It is difficult to receive social security benefits as an autistic adult, since you have to pay into the program before you can benefit from it.

Important Autism Statistics For 2022

  • The rate of ASD in the US grew by an estimated 14% in just 2 years.
  • ASD generally appears before children hit 3 years.
  • 64% of kids with autism have received therapy within the last 12 months.
  • 1% of the adult population of the United Kingdom has ASD, according to autism statistics in the UK.
  • Around 1% of the worlds population has autism.
  • Research has shown that genetics are a major cause of ASD.
  • Prematurely born babies or those born with a low birth weight have a higher risk of having autism spectrum disorder.
  • Adults who have a child with autism have a 2%18% chance of having another child with the disorder.
  • 4% of children with ASD lost their diagnosis by age 8.
  • On average, autism costs families about $60,000 annually.

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Key Findings: Cdc Releases First Estimates Of The Number Of Adults Living With Autism Spectrum Disorder In The United States

A study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder among adults aged 18 years and older in the United States in 2017*. This study fills a gap in data on adults living with ASD in the United States because there is not an existing surveillance system to collect this information.

An estimated 5,437,988 adults in the United States have ASD.

  • The prevalence of US adults with ASD ranged from a low of 1.97% in Louisiana to a high of 2.42% in Massachusetts.
  • The states with the greatest estimated number of adults living with ASD included California , Texas , New York , and Florida .

Consistent with estimates of ASD in US school-aged children, prevalence was found to be higher in men than in women.

  • Approximately 4,357,667 male adults were estimated to have ASD, with state estimates ranging from 3.17% of men in South Dakota to 4.01% of men in Massachusetts.
  • Approximately 1,080,322 female adults were estimated to have ASD, with state estimates ranging from 0.72% of women in Arkansas to 0.97% of women in Virginia.

ASD is a lifelong condition, and many adults with ASD need ongoing services and supports. The findings from this study can help states determine the need for diagnosing and providing services to adults in the United States who remain unidentified with ASD.

*Estimates were based on modeling inputs from state-based population and mortality data and parent-report survey data of US children diagnosed with ASD.

Number Of People With Asperger Syndrome

What it’s really like to have autism | Ethan Lisi

Globally, an estimated 44 million had Asperger Syndrome and other autistic spectrum disorders in 2016. 4.5-times as many males had Asperger Syndrome than versus females .

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is termed hyperkinetic disorders by the ICD. It uses the following definition and diagnostic criteria:this group of disorders is characterized by: early onset a combination of overactive, poorly modulated behaviour with marked inattention and lack of persistent task involvement and pervasiveness over situations and persistence over time of these behavioural characteristics.

Hyperkinetic disorders always arise early in development . Their chief characteristics are lack of persistence in activities that require cognitive involvement, and a tendency to move from one activity to another without completing any one, together with disorganized, ill-regulated, and excessive activity. These problems usually persist through school years and even into adult life, but many affected individuals show a gradual improvement in activity and attention.

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Causes And Risk Factors

What Are The Medical Costs Associated With Autism

Unfortunately for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder, medical costs are estimated to be as much as 6 times higher than for families with no autistic children.

According to the National Institutes of Health, parents with 1 or more autistic children spent, on average between $4,000-$6,000 more per year on medical costs.

According to Autism Speaks, looking at autism statistics worldwide, the cost of caring for a child with autism is $60,000/year. Obviously, some of that would be covered under insurance and they are also factoring in lost income if one parent chooses to stay home.

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