Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Live With Adhd

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How To Create An Organized Home For Adults With Adhd

Living with Adult ADHD

Home organization and tackling clutter can feel intimidating for most people, particularly those with ADHD. Due to distractibility, decision-making and difficulty with categorizing, adult organizers with ADHD benefit from a targeted approach:

  • Focus on only one area or room at a time.
  • Schedule specific cleaning and organizing times in your planner plan to spend only 30 minutes to an hour on each task.
  • Categorize boxes for items as you organize toss, donate and keep.
  • When you fill a donation box, make an appointment for that action. Schedule a day and time to take those items to the donation drop-off point.
  • If distraction continues to interfere with your goals, hire a sympathetic professional organizer for extra help.
  • Here Are 5 Behavioral Strategies To Help Manage Your Child’s Adhd:

    1. Give praise and rewards when rules are followed.

    Children with ADHD often receive and expect criticism more so than other children. This can really impact self-esteem. Some days, you might have to really look for the good behavior, but you should praise good behavior at least five times more often than you criticize bad behavior.

    2. Give clear, effective directions or commands.

    Make eye contact or gently touch on arm or shoulder to get his or her attention. Give brief, simple steps and short commands that get to the point rather than multiple directions or wordy statements and questions.

    3. Establish healthy habits.

    If your child is on a medication, it should be taken as prescribed. Contact your child’s health care provider if problems arise. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep, eating a well-balanced diet consisting of three meals, a snack and adequate fluids daily, and has an outlet for some form of daily exercise. These healthy habits will help your child to feel his or her best and help minimize ADHD symptoms.

    4. Develop routines around homework and chores.

    5. Help your child build relationships, strong social skills and maintain friendships.

    Amanda Logan is a nurse practitioner in Family Medicine in , Minnesota.

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    The Latest Treatment Technology: Neuromodulation

    In addition to qEEG brain mapping and neurofeedback, the Drake Institute now uses Neuromodulation technology that consists of a low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic generator , transcranial Direct Current Stimulation , and transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation to treat ADD & ADHD symptoms.

    How does it work?

    Simply put, Neuromodulation can stimulate a brainwave pattern that the patient is deficient in. In turn, the dysregulated brain will then mimic or emulate the stimulation to produce healthier brainwave patterns.

    This technology has had such a tremendous impact on our success rates that it is fully integrated into our treatment protocols available for each patient, resulting in faster improvements in symptom reduction and more normalization of post-treatment brain maps. In other words, it gets the brain healthier, faster.

    Like all treatment protocols used by the Drake Institute, Neuromodulation Therapy is a non-invasive, safe, and clinically effective treatment option for individuals looking to reduce their ADD symptoms.

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    This year, Ive seen a shift in where people are starting to place their attention, and its not social media. I do my utmost to talk to the people around me or message them privately or call them. This way I still have connections with others, but I dont give a crap now about what other people think, so ditching social media for me was easy. But everyone is different and we just have to do the best we can. and then keep trying.

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    Overcoming Challenges In Treatment

    Living with ADHD

    Following a treatment plan can be tricky because you might need to create new routines, such as attending regular therapy appointments and taking medications consistently.

    Once you get into the rhythm of treatment, these things can become like second nature. But it might take some trial and error to get there.

    Here are some tips for overcoming common challenges in ADHD treatment:

    • Create calendar reminders. You might find that youre missing therapy appointments because you get distracted or forget. Creating calendar reminders and alarms for appointments can help. This is also useful for remembering to take your medication.
    • Take notes during therapy. If you find that youre forgetting to complete tasks between sessions, it can help to take brief notes. You can also work on action points with your therapist to complete during the week.
    • Talk to your doctor about medication side effects. Some people worry that ADHD medication can have serious side effects or is addictive. But at the right dosage, side effects tend to be fairly mild. Talk with your doctor about what to expect.

    When it comes to medication, there are a few guidelines to follow:

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    Dont Be Afraid To Help Out Offer A Helping Hand

    Its important to teach your loved ones how to be responsibly and independently. But also remember, that there are times when its okay to offer assistance. Even Einstein had a helper. His wife cooked for him, cleaned up after him and did his laundry because his high-powered mind was too busy discovering the quantum workings of the universe to take time to put his dirty socks in the laundry bin.

    Understanding The Role Of Adhd In Relationships

    How ADHD affects relationships can be viewed as positive or negative. Sometimes, getting an outside perspective can be mutually beneficial for an individual with ADHD and their family members whether those are spouses, children or siblings. ADHD can alter the family dynamic in a very negative way if simple routines or established boundaries are ignored or defied. Importantly, there are many tips for living with someone with ADHD. Not all suggestions will work for every family. Families may try some tips that will ultimately fail. Nevertheless, family relationships are always a work in progress. Nobody is perfect. As long as all parties are willing to self-reflect, be non-judgemental and improve upon their shortcomings, then relationships involving someone with ADHD can thrive.

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    Tune Out Distractions At Work

    Distractions at work can be a big challenge for adults with ADHD. Try these strategies:

    • Route your calls to voicemail, then check it only at set times during the day.
    • Ask for a quiet cubicle or office at work, so you arenât distracted by others.
    • Use a “white noise” machine or listen to earphones to drown out other sounds at work.
    • Stick to doing just one task at a time.

    Behavioral Problems May Be Neurologically

    How I Manage My ADHD Without Medication

    ADHD and ADD symptoms are based on neurologic dysregulation, not psychological causes.

    The frontal region of the brain is responsible for inhibiting motor activity and impulses, but if this region is under-activated or dysregulated, then our motor activity may not be inhibited adequately.

    This under-activation or dysregulation also leads adults and children to act out on their impulses without thinking of the consequences. In these cases, the ADHD and ADD patients do not have the neurophysiologic inhibition mechanisms functioning adequately enough to resist some of their impulses.

    As a result of ADD or ADHD, their brains are not able to put the impulse “on pause” for a few seconds so they can think about the consequences of acting on the impulse. Instead of being able to think about how to respond appropriately, they act out spontaneously/impulsively.

    These individuals are behaving normally as far as their brain is concerned because their brain is not inhibiting their impulses. This is the only way their brain has ever worked, so they have no personal history or reference point to understand that their impulsive behavior is inappropriate.

    ADHD and ADD patients are sometimes unable to fully understand cause and effect. They may not understand why they are being criticized for their behavior, and may even feel like they are being criticized unfairly, which can eventually lead to argumentative and oppositional behavior.

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    Dont Feel Guilty Know That You Are Doing Your Best

    Feeling that your loved one is hard to love, or that you dont like their behavior is a sad feeling to experience. If youre a parent and are upset about your childs behavior, guilt runs through your veins. Its not your fault. Youre doing the best you can. Youre in a tough situation and you arent always sure which is the best way to handle it. Be gentle with yourself.

    Tips For Increasing Understanding In Your Relationship

    Study up on ADHD. The more both of you learn about ADHD and its symptoms, the easier it will be to see how it is influencing your relationship. You may find that a light bulb comes on. So many of your issues as a couple finally make sense! Remembering that an ADHD brain is hardwired differently than a brain without ADHD can help the non-ADHD partner take symptoms less personally. For the partner with ADHD, it can be a relief to understand whats behind some of your behaviorsand know that there are steps you can take to manage your symptoms.

    Acknowledge the impact your behavior has on your partner. If youre the one with ADHD, its important to recognize how your untreated symptoms affect your partner. If youre the non-ADHD partner, consider how your nagging and criticism makes your spouse feel. Dont dismiss your partners complaints or disregard them because you dont like the way they bring it up or react to you.

    Instead of labeling your partner irresponsible, recognize their forgetfulness and lack of follow-through as symptoms of ADHD. Remember, symptoms arent character traits. The same goes for the non-ADHD partner too. Recognize that nagging usually arises from feelings of frustration and stress, not because your partner is an unsympathetic harpy.

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    Educate Yourself About Adhd

    This is the first step if you are really serious about making things work. It is important to understand what ADHD is and how it affects your partner. There are a lot of misconceptions about ADHD so you need to make sure that you are getting your information from reliable sources.

    Moreover, there are numerous ways that ADHD can manifest itself so it is also important to be familiar with the different symptoms. This will help you to be more understanding and patient when your partner is experiencing them. And, researchers have found that education about ADHD can actually improve relationships.

    Check Your Planner 3 Times A Day

    Pin on Living with ADHD

    Whether you have ADHD or just too much to remember, organizing tips can help you manage your time and activities better. Get into the habit of putting all your appointments and activities on a calendar. It doesn’t matter if it’s a day planner, a smartphone app, or just a plain old desk calendar. Keep it in one spot and check it at least three times a day. Make it a habit to check at the same times each day.

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    Take Responsibility For Your Role

    Once youve put yourself in your partners shoes, its time to accept responsibility for your role in the relationship. Progress starts once you become aware of your own contributions to the problems you have as a couple. This goes for the non-ADHD partner as well.

    While the ADHD partners symptoms may trigger an issue, the symptoms alone arent to blame for the relationship problem. The way the non-ADHD partner responds to the bothersome symptom can either open the door for cooperation and compromise or provoke misunderstandings and hurt feelings. If youre the one with ADHD, youre also responsible for the way you react to your partners concerns. Your reaction can either make your significant other feel validated and heard or disregarded and ignored.

    Start Your Day On The Right Track

    For people with ADHD, the idea of starting the day with work is distressing. It can cause them to be avoidant and resist productivity altogether. Make your mornings as stress-free as possible.

    Give yourself plenty of time before work starts. Have a healthy meal with some form of protein. If there’s something that you enjoy doing in the morning, like playing a game, doing yoga, or watching a show, give yourself time to do so.

    When you start working, try to start with a simple and easily accomplished task. This will make the rest of the day seem more “doable” and it’s a great motivator. If you start with something challenging, you’ll be more likely to dawdle.

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    Gender Differences With Adhd

    ADHD is more commonly diagnosed in boys than girls, but research into ADHD in adulthood suggests an almost equal balance between men and women. A lower diagnosis rate among females in childhood can result because girls with ADHD are more likely than boys to have the inattentive form of ADHD and less likely to show obvious problems.

    More than half of children who experience ADHD in childhood continue to have symptoms as adults. Some women only recognize their ADHD after a child has been diagnosed and the woman begins to see similar behavior in herself. Other women seek treatment because their lives spin out of control, financially, at work or at home.

    Dont Be A Coach Be A Cheerleader

    How to Treat ADHD [Without Medication]

    Stand on the sidelines grab your pom-poms and start cheering. Words of encouragement have more power than insults and put-downs. Coaches are in-your-face critics. Their job is to point out the negative. Cheerleaders stand on the side, rooting for success, believing in their teams ability to achieve. Let your loved one with ADHD know that you are on the same team.

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    Clinical Findings Of Adhd And Anxiety Comorbidity

    In my therapy practice, most ADHD adults report anxiety driven by personal dissonance they feel between knowing what they want to accomplish and the struggles they face focusing their attention, planning a course of action, and problem solving to get the task done. When posed with a project or task they are flooded with uncertainty, confusion, lack of confidence, and the resulting anxiety that comes with these emotions. Social anxiety can result because of a dissonance between what they know they are capable of achieving and how they feel others perceive them. Stumbling over simple tasks that others do with ease can leave ADHD adults feeling frustrated, out of control, left- behind, judged and overwhelmed.

    Luckily, people with ADHD tend to be high performers in other areas. They tend to have strong analytical skills and be creative thinkers, all qualities that can be used to help combat anxiety.

    Tips For Living With Adhd As An Adult

    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurodevelopmental diagnosis that involves issues related to attention, executive functioning, hyperactivity, and impulse control. Typically, symptoms emerge in childhood, but many people go undiagnosed until adulthood.

    The Center for Disease Control estimates that approximately 9.4% of children in the United States meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, but only 4.4% of adults have ADHD.This may be due in part to the fact that adults have developed coping skills to manage their symptoms and often have sufficient control over their environment to prevent symptoms from interfering.

    If you are an adult with ADHD whose symptoms are interfering with your functioning, these tips and strategies may help you.

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    Dont Get Mad Pause For Peace

    Make peace in your home and your life your priority. The other lessons will soon fall into place if your home is a loving environment. Anger is easy. Staying quiet takes strength. Put your relationships before your feelings. You dont have to veerbalize every comment that comes to mind. Place your ego on the side until your anger subsides.

    Dont ever accept abusive behavior of any type. There are certain relationships that are unhealthy, toxic, and need to end. Seek professional help.

    Be Patient And Understanding

    Tips for Living with ADHD

    Having patience is key when living with someone with ADHD. Things will not always go as planned and there will be times when your partner may act impulsively or say things without thinking. It is important to be understanding and remember that it is not personal.

    Patience and understanding are already essential things in a relationship. But it is even more important when living with someone with ADHD. There might be a lot of actions and words said without thinking. And sometimes it might feel like its done on purpose, but its not. Just try to remember that and have patience.

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    How Does Adhd Affect Adults

    Some adults who have ADHD dont know they have it. These adults may feel it is impossible to get organized, stick to a job, or remember to keep appointments. Daily tasks such as getting up in the morning, preparing to leave the house for work, arriving at work on time, and being productive on the job can be especially challenging for adults with undiagnosed ADHD. These adults may have a history of problems with school, work, and relationships. Adults with ADHD may seem restless and may try to do several things at the same timemost of them unsuccessfully. They sometimes prefer quick fixes rather than taking the steps needed to gain greater rewards.

    A person may not be diagnosed with ADHD until adulthood because teachers or family did not recognize the condition at a younger age, they had a mild form of ADHD, or they managed fairly well until they experienced the demands of adulthood, especially at work. Sometimes, young adults with undiagnosed ADHD have academic problems in college because of the intense concentration needed for college courses.

    It is never too late to seek a diagnosis and treatment for ADHD and any other mental health condition that may occur with it. Effective treatment can make day-to-day life easier for many adults and their families.

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