Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Feed Autistic Child

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Eats Alone Most Or All Of The Time

Getting Kids with Autism to Eat

Extreme picky eaters are more likely to eat alone than traditional picky eaters. This can be because they cannot tolerate being around non-preferred foods or because they have trouble experiencing other people eating. The sounds and smells that come with shared mealtimes are sometimes just too much. Rather than endure an uncomfortable mealtime that could further impede intake, many extreme picky eaters become accustomed to eating on their own.

Theres no need to worry about a child who sometimes eats on their own. Its when a child is unable to eat with others that you might want to consider seeking treatment. Eating with others is an important experience with tremendous social benefits. Plus, eating with friends and family can also help children to expand their diets.

Reasons Behind Picky Eating

Children with autism should work with a behavior therapist as early as possible. This will help them adjust symptoms of autism that become maladaptive behaviors, like socially isolating, developing repetitive or ritualistic behaviors, or rejecting all but a few foods.

There may be gastrointestinal issues associated with some food rejection. People with autism often struggle with digestive discomfort, constipation, diarrhea, and related issues. If a child feels that a specific food triggers that pain, they may refuse it, become suspicious of mealtimes in general, or throw tantrums around food.

Finally, motor issues may be a cause of food rejection. Children with autism often have less muscle tone and motor coordination than their peers. This might manifest in rejecting tougher, crunchier, or fibrous food that requires more chewing in favor of softer foods with uniform textures.

Check For Other Conditions

Some children with autism may have poor muscle tone in their stomach and back. Autistic children may be unaware of how they are displaying their bodies in the context of space, so they may present with bad postures for sitting and eating.

Your child may show discomfort by fidgeting, wriggling, slouching or leaning at the table. Support them by providing cushions, using ergonomic chairs and by placing a footstool to support their feet.

Sometimes children with autism may have medical conditions that make eating unpleasant for them. Physical problems or discomfort may include difficulty chewing, swallowing or painful acid-reflux.

Over half of all children with autism also have gastrointestinal problems, including diarrhea, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Make sure you rule out these underlying issues with a medical practitioner.

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Other Potential Texture Problems

Not every child who has an aversion to a particular food texture has sensory processing disorder.

For example, if your child will only eat soft food, it may be that they have difficulty chewing and swallowing other foods.

This can be due to dental problems such as untreated cavities, pain in the mouth or throat, lack of muscle control, or a physical difference in mouth structure that makes chewing and swallowing difficult.

A child who has always been in pain believes that pain is a normal state of being and probably won’t describe feelings of pain when eating.

It’s also worth noting that food allergies may be a possible cause of food aversion. In some cases, a child may refuse to eat a certain food , due to an underlying allergy that has yet to be diagnosed. It is possible that even a tiny taste may cause a mild reactionand more severe reactions could occur with continued exposure.

Children with autism often have rigid rituals around meals that can include refusing to eat certain textures, tastes or temperatures of food. They’re also more likely to have a sensory processing disorder. The two conditions are separate but linked.

Picky Eating Vs Food Rejection: Autistic Children Struggle More With Food Preferences

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Many children become picky eaters as they enter toddlerhood, refusing certain foods because of taste, smell, texture, and other reasons. For parents, it may seem like your child is being obstinate for no reason, and that can be very frustrating, especially as you try to move them from baby food to regular food, encourage them to eat fruits and vegetables, and experience new food that may not be like the food they enjoy the most.

Problems with eating in children on the autism spectrum are significantly different from the colloquial picky eating. While most children become picky eaters at some point, they grow out of it.

Children with autism retain this hyper-focus on certain types of food unless they receive behavior therapy. Nutritional therapy can also help to ensure your child is getting a balanced diet.

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Cause Of Feeding Problem In Autism May Be Unclear

However, Dr. Girolami said, the cause of the feeding problems sometimes may not be as clear. “For example, if the child is eating only fries, they’re chewing, and you can rule out motor issues. Then the resistance to other foods may just be a preference,” he explained. “But if you have a child who is only eating smooth food, we don’t know if he/she has an oral/motor issue or if it’s just a preference.”

In such a case, Dr. Girolami said, health care professionals present the child with different foods and observe their reaction. If the child who only eats smooth food and seems averse to other textures, health care providers judge the child to have motor deficits, such as jaw weakness that may prevent them from chewing his/her food. On the other hand, if the child seems open to trying other types of food, eating smooth food may be a preference.

“If we don’t get a reaction to some of the foods, we can assume that the child is not averse to trying it,” Dr. Girolami explained. “We can say, ‘Hey, he didn’t seem too put off by the carrot or he picked up that pear and sniffed it’. This can be helpful for us to get going with some kind of treatment.”

Treatments can help children overcome sensory problems by repeatedly exposing them to a food item they may be refusing until they eat it. This reduces their defensiveness to unfavorable sensory input, such as sound, light or color5.

Sit Together At A Table For Meals

I cant overemphasize how important it is for a family to eat together as a matter of routine. Environmental cues help all children and especially those who have autism learn what theyre supposed to be doing. For example, a childs bed is an environmental cue for sleeping. Similarly, the family table needs to be for eating.

In addition, eating together helps your child learn through imitation. Children are wired to copy others. And a child will be more likely to put a new food in his or her mouth after seeing you do so.

Often, the first step is to undo habits such as eating in front of the TV, while seated on a parents lap, while playing with a touch pad, etc. I counsel families to start by having their child sit at the table with them or another family member even if its just for one minute to start. With praise and small rewards, gradually increase the time at the table to around 20 minutes. At first, reassure your child that eating isnt necessary. Just keep the food within your childs reach while the rest of you eat. The idea here is just to increase comfort with the mealtime routine.

I suggest using the same table for all meals and have family members sit in the same chairs to further cue your child where to sit and what to expect.

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Selective Eating And Asd

Selective eating has long been described as a feature of autism. In his initial description of children with autism, Leo Kanner mentioned restrictive diets as being common . In the latest diagnostic manual used by mental health providers, the DSM-5, one of the criteria for autism spectrum disorder includes restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. Under this criterion, eating the same food is provided as an example of restrictive or repetitive behavior . Restrictive mealtime behavior extends from eating only a few foods to specific mealtime routines, such as only eating foods out of the original containers or eating preferred foods or beverages in ritualistic ways . Unfortunately, the insistence on eating the same foods reduces childrens opportunities to taste new foods, increasing the difficulty of expanding diet variety as you have mentioned is the case with your son. Problems with social communication may further complicate the expansion of diet variety, as children with ASD may not imitate when other family members are modeling eating a range of foods.

Interventions For Feeding Problems In Autism

Feeding my autistic child

Dr. Levey said most children with mild feeding issues can benefit from outpatient treatment with an occupational or behavioral therapist, or a speech and language pathologist.

Health care professionals treat feeding disorders caused by motor problems or sensory preferences by evaluating a child’s diet, Dr. Girolami said. He added that this would give them a clue into the possible causes for the selective eating.

Dr. Levey said that speech and occupational therapy can treat obvious motor deficits. He explained that speech pathologists may work with the child to strengthen jaw muscles, and the muscles they use to move their tongues, bite, chew, swallow and perform other functions involved in eating food. Occupational therapists may teach the child to use utensils, good posture, and other supports they may need to eat their meal. They may use aids such as chewy tubes to help with motor functions involved in getting food from the child’s plate and into their mouths.

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How To Introduce Your Autistic Child To New Foods

  • Offer Choices
  • Take Baby Steps
  • Stay Calm

Parents struggling with introducing new foods to their child with autism need to know theyre not alone. Although researchers are still attempting to fully understand the connection between picky eating and autism, there are several strategies that parents can implement to gently expand the diets of their autistic children.

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Gradual Exposure To New Foods

Some children have a strong aversion to the general appearance of food, particularly those with autism. While the severity depends on each child, reasons may include disliking the color, shape, or texture of particular foods.

One autistic child may decide the look of an unripe banana is enough to discourage trying one. In contrast, another may fear the unripe banana to an extent they actively avoid being in the same room with one.

To autistic children, these fears may be as real and significant as fear of spiders or snakes, so try to understand and show empathy. Expose these fears gradually to build acceptance, providing plenty of praise and encouragement.

Sometimes it is easier to identify what your child likes to eat and build upon that. The aim is to offer familiar foods with small and subtle changes. Try providing small amounts of new food similar in taste or texture to foods that your child already accepts.

Remember, autistic children like repetition and familiarity for some, suddenly changing spaghetti to penne pasta might be overwhelming simply because of the difference in appearance.

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Helping Your Child Take Pills Or Capsules

When giving children pills, there are generally two options: They swallow the pill or spit it all out.

Avoid forcing or pressurizing the child to take the pill, especially children with autism. They might end up hating the pills.

This could be something that influences their view of medicine for the rest of their lives. Tread with caution!

Here are the best methods you can try to get your child to take pills and maybe even enjoy it.

Why Do So Many Children With Asd Suffer From Feeding Problems


There are many qualities of children with ASD that could cause feeding problems, including: sensory impairments restricted interests and insistence on sameness anxiety about changes to routines or novel situations ritualized behavior increased focus on details of food presentation impulsivity and challenging behavior challenges with social skills and decreased responsiveness to the social rewards of eating oral-motor skill deficits, biologic food intolerances or history of gastrointestinal discomfort disrupted eating patterns responding to internal states of hunger and/or aversive learning events paired with eating, such as gagging, choking or vomiting episodes.

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Have A Sleeping Routine

Eighty percent of children with autism experience sleeping problems. Sleeping is a very important aspect of human functioning, and lack of sleep can cause irritability, slowed development, slowed cognition, fatigue, and might also cause gastrointestinal disturbances. The cause of sleeping difficulties among children with autism is not very well understood, but there are strategies to help regulate a childâs sleeping schedule.

  • â¢Establish a bedtime routine
  • â¢Have regular sleeping and waking times every day
  • â¢Avoid caffeine and naps late in the afternoon
  • â¢Sleeping should take place in area that is dark, quiet, and comfortable for the child

Rely On Time Repetition And Familiarity:

Take your time and allow enough time for your child to get over any aversion to the food. You try to introduce only one food at a time, and you stick with it. When you first start, the best foods for autism integration diets are similar to foods that your child already enjoys. For example, the new foods you that you target , should be similar to foods that he/she already likes. Introducing new foods to picky eaters might look like going from chicken nuggets to trying baked chicken. Identifying meal ideas for autistic children can be challenging, but following this pattern for gradually transitioning from favorite food into a more adventurous option has proved successful for many families.

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Create A Specific Routine

As mentioned, children with autism tend to engage in repetitive behaviors. Rather than attempting to correct these behaviors by only removing undesirable habits, parents should establish new practices that are more beneficial. This can be accomplished by having a specific place for meals, such as a child-sized table or high chair, and consistent times for meals every day. Further, a statement such as âItâs time to eatâ or a brief song could signal that it is mealtime. This could help with the transition from another activity to a meal. Mealtime could begin with a bite or two of preferred food to encourage eating immediately, followed by non-preferred foods as explained in suggestions 3 or 4, and then offer another bite or two of preferred food to encourage meal completion. Conclude with access to a preferred activity or choices of preferred activities to reinforce eating a meal.

Anything That Will Drive Parents Nuts

Encouranging Your Autistic Child to Eat

Parents of kids with autism have an awful lot on their plates. As a result, you canât blame them if they canât muster up extra patience to deal with a toy that makes annoying sounds or promotes indoor climbing.

Even if you think itâs funny, try not to give a child with autism a toy thatâs likely to say the same things over and over, or a toy thatâs likely to wind up in a thousand pieces on the floor.

In fact, if you really think a child with autism would just love a wild, loud toy, the very best present you can give is to take that child â and that toy â outside, where you can have crazy fun together⦠out of earshot of the rest of the family.

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Improving Food Preference Through Taste Exposure

At the most basic level, the development of a preference for a new food requires only one thing: repeated tasting of that particular food over time. For many children with ASD, this step is neither simple nor easy. There are, however, a number of interventions which provide this repeated taste exposure and have been shown to be effective at increasing diet variety . These interventions often include one or more of the following components:

1) Repeated presentation of small tastes of each new food across the course of several days or weeks. It is best to start with foods that are similar in taste and texture to the foods already in your childs diet as well as foods that your child has previously eaten well, but no longer eats. Further, it is sometimes easier to start with foods that do not require chewing in order to reduce the likelihood that your child will hold the food in his mouth or spit the food out. It may also be helpful to allow your child to take a sip of a preferred beverage immediately after eating the food on the first several exposures.

2) Stimulus fading, which often involves making gradual increases in the bite size of new foods being introduced . We recommend increasing bite sizes when your child has accepted at least three consecutive bites of the food within 30 seconds without gagging and disruptive behavior such as crying or screaming.

Feeding Problems In Children With Autism

Children with autism spectrum disorder may have restrictive and ritualistic behaviors that affect their eating habits. Some of them limit what they eat, in some instances so severely that it results in nutritional deficiencies1 that lead to weight loss, malnutrition and inadequate growth, said Melissa Olive Ph.D., a psychologist who treats children with ASD with feeding disorders at her practice in New Haven, Connecticut.

Research differs on how prevalent picky eating is in children with autism, but says that children with autism are much more likely than typically-developing children to be selective with food1,2.

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Discouraging Cursing And Other Interfering Behaviors

  • 1Understand that autistic people will sometimes act out. The same issues that cause other challenging behaviors frustration, insecurity, and overstimulation can also make an autistic child prone to behave in socially unacceptable ways. They may do unusual things, like screaming or making strange noises.
  • 2Recognize that autistic people often miss social cues. Autistic people may not realize when their behaviors are making others uncomfortable, and they dont necessarily recognize facial expressions or body language. Its important to understand that they are usually not being intentionally disruptive.
  • 3Calmly explain to your child that a particular action is not appropriate. Leave it at that. If the child was not intending to misbehave, then chastising will only make them feel worse, and if the child is looking for attention, then refusing to engage with bad behavior signals that this is not the way to get it.XTrustworthy SourceHelpGuideNonprofit organization dedicated to providing free, evidence-based mental health and wellness resources.Go to source
  • If your child continues misbehaving for attention, even after you ignore the bad behavior, calmly say “Screaming is not going to get you what you want. If you want something, why don’t you talk to me or type me a message about it?” Being explicit, and offering a better solution, clearly communicates that the behavior is ineffective.
  • Only use punishment as a last resort.
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