Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Prevent Having A Child With Autism

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Increase: The Diet Stinks


Everyone has an opinion on what others eat. Prepackaged food is loaded with unnatural colors, arsenics and chemicals that are not really meant for consumption. There is a lot of chatter about how a child is fed and behavioral problems. There is talk that certain eating habits and chemicals can increase the risk for autism in kids. For pregnant women, the same risk is there. Prepackaged foods can put a womans unborn kiddo at a risk for autism. Of course, we all know the best foods to eat are natural foods and fresh fruits and vegetables. Going with organic is not a bad idea because they are not sprayed with the yucky chemicals that non-organic foods are. It can be hard to know what foods increase the risk of autism, so the best bet is to do thorough research and have the family eat as healthy as possible.

If Possible Use A Schedule To Let The Child Know How His Day Will Go

For children who have trouble reading or understanding language, a visual schedule would be best. A schedule for after school could include eating a snack, doing homework, watching TV, playing a game with the family, reading a book, taking a bath and going to bed. A visual schedule at school could include math, reading, gym, lunch, recess, art, science, packing up, and getting on the bus. Below is an example of a visual schedule:

See How to Use Schedules to Improve Childrens Behavior for more on getting the materials for and utilizing first/then boards and visual schedules.

Restricted Or Repetitive Patterns Of Behavior Or Activities

In addition to the communication and social issues mentioned above, autism also includes symptoms related to body movements and behaviors.

These can include:

  • repetitive movements, like rocking, flapping their arms, spinning, or running back and forth
  • lining objects, like toys, up in strict order and getting upset when that order is disturbed
  • attachment to strict routines, like those around bedtime or getting to school
  • repeating words or phrases they hear someone say over and over again
  • getting upset over minor changes
  • focusing intently on parts of objects, like the wheel of a toy truck or the hair of a doll
  • unusual reactions to sensory input, like sounds, smells, and tastes
  • obsessive interests
  • exceptional abilities, like musical talent or memory capabilities

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Special Steps With Liquid Medication

In addition to using the steps above to introduce liquid medication to a child with autism, you may also be able to introduce additives to make the medication taste better.

Ask your pharmacist if its okay to mix the liquid medication with water, juice, or another liquid that will hide the medications taste. Your pharmacist will be able to make sure certain drinks or foods dont interact with the medication. You should also only use a small amount of additional liquid because you need to be sure that the child is ingesting enough of the medication.

If your child refuses liquid medication, you can ask a medical professional if the same medication is available in a chewable tablet form.

Activities Teaching Strategies And Resources For Teaching Children With Autism


Because approximately 1 in 59 students are diagnosed with autism, learning how to help students with this disorder in the classroom is so important. Teaching young students with autism communication skills and learning strategies makes it all the more likely that theyll reach their academic potential later on. And the more you learn about autism spectrum disorder, the better youll be able to prepare these students for lifelong success.

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that causes hypersensitivity to sights, sounds, and other sensory information. Symptoms of autism generally fall into three categories:

  • Communication issues
  • Social impairment
  • Repetitive behaviors

Here are 15 fun activities to help children with autism feel welcome in your class while addressing their symptoms and individual learning styles. Whether you play them one-on-one or as group activities, these are excellent ways to keep students with autism engaged and ready to learn.

Also Check: What Causes Autism Exploring The Environmental Contribution

Adulthood And Old Age

The main prevention target in this last period is the achievement of a good quality of life . Even after a successful transition to adulthood, pressing needs remain, as recently stated in relevant laws both in the USA and in the UK . Based on these laws, the community is urged to take supportive measures for adults with ASD without intellectual impairment, so as to expand and retain their autonomy and participation and, also, to prevent mental and physical health deterioration .

2.4.1. Prevention for Adult Ages Consists of

The continuation of the practical measures described for the transition period through relative initiatives by the local community and support by the welfare system. Meaningful employment can be key in improving the quality of life, offering structure, social inclusion and participation, financial stability and independence, upgraded housing and leisure activities, better subjective well-being and the protection of their psychological and physical health .

The enhancement of the social skills attained in the previous stages and their adaptation to the new age context. Social skills group interventions seem to be effective at increasing social skills knowledge, as well as social participation .

2.4.2. Data for Autism in Old Age is Scarce

Dealing With Fear Of Needles

An extreme fear of needles is associated with autism in children. A childs inability to have blood taken or receive injections can, in some cases, be life-threatening. So children with an extreme fear of needles must sometimes be sedated or restrained.

A better solution is to work to overcome fear of needles.

In the case of a boy who required regular blood monitoring for diabetes, a stimulus fading method was used. The needle was positioned increasingly closer to the boys finger over a period of training sessions until he was able to successfully complete blood draws.

Another approach, used in conjunction with stimulus fading, is to try to understand the nature of a childs needle anxiety, or what causes them to fidget during medical procedures.

Karen Levine, Ph.D., writing for Autism Spectrum Monthly, suggests three steps for addressing fear of needles in children with autism.

  • Step 1: Figure out the components of the event the child fears.
  • Step 2: Determine and use self- or co-regulation strategies .
  • Step 3: Determine the techniques to use for gradually exposing the child to the components from Step 1, and then pair these with the anxiety-decreasing measures from Step 2.

Also Check: Life Expectancy With Autism

Tip : Create A Personalized Autism Treatment Plan

With so many different treatments available, it can be tough to figure out which approach is right for your child. Making things more complicated, you may hear different or even conflicting recommendations from parents, teachers, and doctors.

When putting together a treatment plan for your child, keep in mind that there is no single treatment that works for everyone. Each person on the autism spectrum is unique, with different strengths and weaknesses.

Your childs treatment should be tailored according to their individual needs. You know your child best, so its up to you to make sure those needs are being met. You can do that by asking yourself the following questions:

What are my childs strengths and their weaknesses?

What behaviors are causing the most problems? What important skills is my child lacking?

How does my child learn best through seeing, listening, or doing?

What does my child enjoy and how can those activities be used in treatment and to bolster learning?

Finally, keep in mind that no matter what treatment plan is chosen, your involvement is vital to success. You can help your child get the most out of treatment by working hand-in-hand with the treatment team and following through with the therapy at home.

Recognizing The Motivation Or Purpose Of The Tantrum Behavior

Which Foods To Avoid For Your Autistic Child?

Here are a few examples of motivation children might have:

  • to get attention
  • delayed access to what he wants/needs

Once you identify WHY your child is tantruming, you can respond more appropriately.

Recognize your childs needs in the moment, without giving into them.

For example: Bobby wanted to choose the TV show but his sister put on Sesame Street before he got to the remote to turn on Dora. Bobby is now on the floor kicking, yelling, and crying . Bobby wanted to choose Dora as the TV show but didnt get his way . The adult could calmly, concisely respond with I see that you are because you didnt get to choose your TV show. When youre calm, well talk about it .

When Bobby calms down, he can then be engaged in conversation about how to solve the TV show problem but he does not get his Dora TV show immediately.

Also Check: Level 2 Autism Symptoms

Autism And Hitting: How To Stop A Child With Autism From Hitting

Sometimes being a parent to a child with autism is hard. Not being able to understand why they are upset or frustrating is heartbreaking when you just want to be able to help your child. Unfortunately sometimes being upset, frustrated or angry can lead to aggression and lashing out. It is not uncommon for an autistic child to hit their parents, siblings, teachers or anyone close to them.

In this blog, SpecialKidsCompany will look at autism and aggression, potential triggers and strategies for hitting behaviour.

Autism aggression triggers and strategies for hitting behaviour

There are lots of things than can trigger aggression in a child with autism. Finding the root cause of your child’s aggression is important to enable you to find the right strategy to help them overcome it.

Trigger: Sensory Overload/Deficit and their environment

It is worthwhile exploring whether your child’s behaviour changes depending on the environment that they are in. Do they behave differently at home or at school? This could be due to sensory issues.

Children with autism often have sensory differences, which can mean that they are either over-sensitive or under-sensitive with certain senses. This could be touch, taste, smell, noise, light sensitivity, temperature sensitivity or even colour sensitivity. Sensory issues can have a huge impact of an autistic child’s life and how they feel and react.

Strategies to deal with aggressive behaviour caused by sensory issues

Trigger: Changes to routine

What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder Previously Called Autism And Pervasive Developmental Disorders

Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the following:

  • Difficulties in social communication differences, including verbal and nonverbal communication.
  • Deficits in social interactions.
  • Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities and sensory problems

Many of those with ASD can have delayed or absence of language development, intellectual disabilities, poor motor coordination and attention weaknesses.

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Educate Yourself About Your Childs Condition

Youll need to do some research before fully understanding how to discipline a child on the autism spectrum.

Read up on the condition to make sure youre setting realistic expectations for your child. Some behaviors cannot be disciplined away by a parent, and should instead be evaluated by a professional.

For example, self-stimulation is very common in children with autism. These behaviors help them regulate their emotions, and you could do more harm than good by punishing them for doing it.

Remember that autism exists on a spectrum, meaning every child will experience different symptoms in different ways. Its a good idea to speak with other parents whose children have autism. Youll get a better idea of how to set expectations, especially if you speak with a parent whose child has symptoms similar to yours.

Children On The Autism Spectrum Are Not Dumb

Pin on Sensory Resources For Parents

Kids with autism have the potential to be absolutely brilliant. Theyre also talented, philosophical, kind, and creative. This is something much of society fails to see, but in truth, the autistic mind is simply wired differently than those not on the Autism Spectrum. Hans Christian Andersen, Emily Dickinson, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Michelangelo, Mozart, and Sir Isaac Newton all are said to have exhibited autistic tendencies.

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Don’t Miss: Psychology Today Autism

Can Folic Acid Lower Autism Risk

A 2011 Epidemiology study found that taking prenatal vitamins three months before conception and during at least the first month of pregnancy halves a child’s autism risk. Women with a strong genetic link to the disorder who didn’t take vitamins were up to seven times more likely to have a child with autism. Additional studies suggest high levels of folic acid, a B vitamin important for brain development, are key.

All women of childbearing age should get between 400 to 800 micrograms of folic acid every day. Most women get about 150 mcg of daily folic acid from fortified foods such as breads and cereal.

A 2012 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study suggests that women need at least four times that amount — 600 mcg — to lower autism risk. Check your vitamin’s nutrient label, and if necessary, discuss upping your folic acid intake with your doctor, and add more foods rich in folate to your diet.

RELATED: Can Folic Acid Prevent Autism?

Make Directions Clear Short And Concrete

For example, if your child is throwing food at the table say, eat your food rather than Be good at the table, Dont throw your food or Would you stop with that! You are always throwing your food. For children with difficulty understanding language, showing them a picture or a visual demonstration of the behavior you want to see, can be helpful.

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How To Prevent Meltdowns

For parents, dealing with ASD meltdowns can be exhausting. Preventing them can be a better strategy than trying to respond to them.

Sometimes you can use the information you know about the child to avoid common triggers:

  • Know the childs sensory sensitivities such loud noises, bright lights, or strong smells
  • Know the daily routine such as reading a story before bedtime, eating a certain food for breakfast
  • Know the childs favorite things/places such a dinosaur toy, favorite blanket, a specific shop/store

Once you have these pieces of information, it will be easier to identify meltdown triggers and avoid them as much as possible.

For instance, if your child does not like a specific sensory input like bright lights, but you are in a public place where there are bright lights, try to redirect your child to avoid this area.

It might be necessary to improvise if you can not avoid a meltdown trigger. If you need to skip breakfast because you need to leave early for a trip, pack the childs breakfast so he/she can still eat it on the way.

Averting a meltdown may not be possible at all times, but here are a few ways to try to prevent them:

A Parents Guide To Autism Treatment And Support

Foods you should avoid feeding your child with autism

If youve recently learned that your child has or might have autism spectrum disorder, youre probably wondering and worrying about what comes next. No parent is ever prepared to hear that a child is anything other than happy and healthy, and an ASD diagnosis can be particularly frightening. You may be unsure about how to best help your child, or confused by conflicting treatment advice. Or you may have been told that ASD is an incurable, lifelong condition, leaving you concerned that nothing you do will make a difference.

While it is true that ASD is not something a person simply grows out of, there are many treatments that can help children acquire new skills and overcome a wide variety of developmental challenges. From free government services to in-home behavioral therapy and school-based programs, assistance is available to meet your childs special needs and help them learn, grow, and thrive in life.

When youre looking after a child with ASD, its also important to take care of yourself. Being emotionally strong allows you to be the best parent you can be to your child in need. These parenting tips can help by making life with an autistic child easier.

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Can You Prevent Autism 5 Ways To Offer Support Instead

You cannot prevent someone from developing autism. But therapies are available that can make a big difference in the lives of people with autism. With early intervention, you can help your child learn the skills they need to navigate social communication like facial expressions or verbal language.

How To Handle A Meltdown In Public

This can happen to anyone. Parents and caregivers could be low on patience while also hurting for their struggling child.

Remember that autistic children do not have meltdowns and cry or flail just to get at you.They cry because they need to release tension from their bodies in some way. They are overwhelmed with emotions or sensory stimulations.

There are some ways to effectively support your child when they are having a meltdown in public. Here are some of them.

Equip them with coping skills: Meltdowns cant be helped at that very moment. But afterwards, you can teach your child how to regulate their emotions. Try relaxing activities like going for walks. These calming activities will help them calm down even before the meltdown happens.

Feeling safe and loved: Trying to talk a child down from having a meltdown is not a great strategy when it comes to calm an autistic child. Be there for them. Let them know that they are safe at that moment. Stay close as much as their comfort allows. Dont leave them alone to be out of a meltdown and find no one in the room. This could send a message that they dont deserve to be around the people they love when it gets tough.

Empathy is key: Listen and understand their situation. Tell them expressing emotions is okay, and sometimes it can get overwhelming. If your child with autism can feel like they are being heard, they will feel that their experience is validated. Try to give them tools to express themselves in a safe way.

Also Check: Autism Doctor Series

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