Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Teach Speech To Autistic Child

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Why Prt Is The Most Effective Way To Help Kids With Autism Speak

How To Teach Your Autistic Child With A Speech Delay To Read | Autism Tips by Maria Borde
  • New research finds pivotal response treatment may be the most effective way to help young children with autism improve language and communication skills.
  • PRT is a behavioral treatment for autism. This therapy is play-based and initiated by the child.
  • Using a childs interests in therapy helps ensure the child remains motivated while learning and increases the likelihood theyll spontaneouslyuse these same communication skills outside of treatment.
  • Experts say early intervention can also help improve treatment effectiveness.

Raising a child with autism can come with a lot of joys and wins, but there are also a lot of challenges. For many parents, one of the biggest of those challenges is learning how to communicate with their child.

Between 25 and 40 percent of children with autism are nonverbal, depending on whose stats you listen to, speech-language pathologist Susan Berkowitz told Healthline.

Beyond that, she explains, autism is largely a language disorder, always presenting with at least some communication struggles.

Many children have some verbal skills, but not always enough to meet their communication needs. That can be difficult, discouraging, and demoralizing for parents, particularly mothers, if they are the primary caregiver, she said.

She gives the example of the feeling parents describe upon witnessing their babys first smiles, or hearing their first words.

Do Make The Effort To Talk To Them

Because talking to kids with autism can be difficult, many adults take the easy way out and just avoid including them in conversations in the first place. But thats a mistake both you and those children can benefit from attempts at conversation, even if they are not always successful.

Theres also a tendency to assume that if an autistic child doesnt respond or shuts you down that they dont like you or dont want to talk. But thats not always the case that signal would be clear from a neurotypical individual but for someone with ASD, its just a part of the syndrome. Dont take it personally, and dont stop trying to gently involve autistic kids in your conversations. They probably want to engage, they just have more difficulty figuring out how.

Boards With Words For Speech Therapy

One of the best ways of communicating with children with Autism is to use visual support. This type of exercise provides structure to words. There are several ways to use visual support to enhance communication with patients with Autism. For example, picture boards help connect objects and the Picture Exchange Communication System to communicate a request.

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The Six Areas Of Self

1. When my body is going fast

  • Our bodies are going fast when we are excited, happy, have lots of energy.
  • This can cause a level of alertness that is too high to sit down
  • Our thinking can be unclear and it is difficult to concentrate.

2. When my body is going tired / slow

  • We might find it hard to get up in the morning.
  • We might be lethargic and going too slow all day.
  • We can be under responsive and perceived as being lazy.

3. When my body is angry

  • I feel stressed out and on high alert.
  • I cant control my body, I am reacting to an event and might feel hard done by.

4. When my body is in meltdown or tantrum mode

  • I am in overwhelm and my senses are frazzled.
  • I might be in the meltdown zone.
  • I might be in the tantrum zone and Im trying to take back some control.
  • This zone could quickly disintegrate into the sad or angry zone.

5. When my body is sad / slow

  • I feel sad, curl up or have a cry.
  • I might be recovering from a meltdown.
  • I might be tired or sad.

6. When I am a just right kid

  • When I am feeling just right I feel safe, happy and emotionally okay.
  • I have the right attitude to life.
  • I can concentrate, listen and understand what is happening around me.

The goal of the Just Right Kids Technique is that kids are just right for most of the time. When we are teaching kids with autism to self-regulate we can use visual cues, symbols and planners to help them.


Asking Yes And No Questions

5 Principles of Speech Therapy that can help children with ...

Answering yes and no questions is an important speech therapy task, but dont forget about asking yes and no questions!

Asking a yes or no question is actually really easy. Watch, Ill do it with one word:


Now you can tell me yes you want cookies, or no you dont want cookies

Lets talk about what made that question a question though. Written down, I used a question mark. Spoken out loud, I would use a rising intonation.

With that in mind, now think about our kids who use AAC devices. If they are only communicating with single words, there is no way to communicate the difference between Cookies! and Cookies?

Kent-Walsh, Binger, and Buchanan suggest that teaching inverted questions is a valuable way to teach AAC users both sentence structure and question asking . Teaching simple question structures helps AAC users be able to actively direct conversation and actions, rather than just passively respond.

The key is that these kids need structured instruction in order to learn and maintain these sentence types.

Similarly, my yes or no question prompts represent simple questions that can be asked from one peer to another. Work on sentence building while asking AND answering functional questions!

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Massaging Facial Muscles For Improved Speech

Massaging any muscle can provide relaxation and reduce stress. As they get accustomed to physical touch, massaging facial muscles can help children with Autism relax and promote social relatedness behavior. The touch will also help increase attention span and reduce withdrawal or touch aversion. The child might not be able to say yes or thank you during facial massage, so attention to their reaction is critical. If they arent recoiling from touch, know that he or she is making progress.

However, facial massage should be carefully approached. Unexpected contact may scare the child and make them react adversely. The SLP should start out by making the child feel comfortable with touch, and give them the opportunity to participate in the session.

Early Intervention Could Help Autistic Children Learn To Speak

Follow-up study shows long-term language improvement for kids with autism after an intensive, targeted behavioral therapy program

  • Print

Autistic children struggle with many obstacles, including learning to speak. And, experts have noted, if these children learn verbal skills by age five, they tend to become happier and higher-functioning adults than do their nonverbal peers. Thirty years ago, psychiatrists expected only half of all autistic children would gain speaking abilities. Recent studies, however, indicate that as many as 80 percent of children with autism can learn to talk. One such study in 2006 showed that toddlers who received intensive therapy aimed at developing foundational oral language skills made significant gains in their ability to communicate verbally. Now researchers have followed up with a number of those kids and found that most of them continued to reap the benefits of that therapy years after it had ended.

In the initial study, Connie Kasari of the University of California, Los Angeles, and her colleagues evaluated 58 children between three and four years old in a randomized controlled study. The children played with trained graduate students for 30 minutes each day over a period of five to six weeks. The time-intensive interventions focused on either symbolic play or joint attention. A third group, serving as a control, participated in playtime but was not directed to complete tasks and goals.

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Find The Right Program

Youll want to use a program that restricts distracting graphics and limits games that could be off-putting to an autistic learner who finds the sensory experience overwhelming. You also need to be able to adjust the settings, including volume levels, visuals and any speaking prompts that may be included. Ideally a typing program will include a reward system and provide some form of automated feedback.

Communicate In Order To Develop Friendships And Interact With Peers

How To Teach an Autistic Child | 5 Therapy Tips for Autism, ADHD, Language and Learning Disorder

Some children with autism struggle with the spontaneity and unpredictability of casual conversations. Some children also have very specific interests and find it hard to talk about other things. Speech therapy can teach these children strategies for mixing with other kids so that they can make friends, play and experience social success.

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Tip Five: Start Small And Simple Then Add On

Along the same lines of not over-explaining, it’s important to start slow with simple communication. Doing this will help your child follow what you’re saying. It also makes it easier for him or her to imitate your speech. If your child is nonverbal, try starting by speaking mostly in single words, not complete sentences. You can then build on simple vocabulary by adding a verb to the noun learned. If your child masters the word for car, pick up a toy car and say, “drive car” while modeling the action and pretending with your hands turning the steering wheel.

Speech Therapy For Nonverbal Toddlers

Speech-language pathologists can really help children with their language and speech problems. They will first assess the best way to approach the situation. Here are a couple of techniques used during speech therapy for toddlers:

  • Utilizing picture boards
  • Exercising facial muscles to improve articulation
  • Modulating the tone of voice
  • Understanding body language

In speech therapy, the social communication and behaviors of the child are modified.

Caregivers and parents are also included in the process to create an approach best suited for the child. Certain techniques and combinations of them will be used in these sessions.

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How To Teach An Autistic Child To Talk

Although there is no cure for autism, there are therapies and interventions that help the individual to be able to communicate.

It is important to remember that each child is unique. One effort that works with one child may not be helpful for another. In addition, although a child with autism can learn to communicate, this may not alway be through spoken language.

Nonverbal autistic individuals can have and live fulfilling and comfortable lives with the help of therapies and assistance.

Here are some of the treatment options for nonverbal autistic individuals:

Medicine: There is no medicine that will specifically cure autism. However, certain medication could help alleviate related symptoms and conditions. The child could have anxiety or depression, and medication could help with these.

Counselling: Counseling parents and caregivers as well as the siblings of the individual with autism could really benefit from therapy. Through counseling, they can learn how to approach the situation to achieve positive outcomes and to cope with the challenges of nonverbal autism.

Education: Children with autism respond really well to structured sessions. These sessions could help them develop skills and behaviors that will be beneficial in communication. They can gain social and language skills while also getting education and working on their development.

Attach Labels To Things And Feelings

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Let your child know the names of things and feelings. The best way is to teach him is to keep it subtle, for example, if he is going towards the fridge, tell him that hes doing it because hes hungry or thirsty. This will enable him to learn the names of the things around him, and attach names to different emotions.

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Contemporary Applied Behavior Analysis

A variety of practitioners of applied behavior analysis have confronted the major shortcoming of classic behavioral approaches: the lack of generalization. Hart & Risley were the first to attempt to apply operant principles to more functional communicative situations. Their major insight concerned the importance of making access to the object of the childâs interest contingent on the childâs initiating some communicative exchange about it. These contemporary ABA, or naturalistic methods share some aspects of the didactic approaches from which they are an outgrowth. They are moderately teacher-directed, address goals specified by the adult, and rely on reinforcement, although the reinforcement is more intrinsic than the tangible rewards used in more traditional DTI methods. The effectiveness of these methods has been amply documented in the literature, at least in single case studies, both for initiating speech in previously nonverbal children , as well as for increasing the complexity of spoken language . Direct comparisons of TD and naturalistic approaches have shown some advantage for the more natural techniques, including maintenance and generalization of new behaviors , although not all investigators accept this .

  • Training in everyday environments

  • Scripted, stereotyped discourse

  • Excessively formal style

Ways Typing Can Help Individuals With Autism

  • Self-expression. Autistic people may feel trapped inside their bodies. They can have a lot they want to say but are not always able to express these thoughts and feelings so easily. When speech and handwriting difficulties impair a childs ability to communicate, it can become frustrating, demotivating and cause additional stress. Typing is thus an Augmentative and Alternative Communication technique, a way for people with autism to get their thoughts out, so others can understand. This is especially important for people who are nonverbal. When instruction is provided, the process of typing itself becomes more fluent. Language is expressed on the screen and text-to-speech technology can be used to provide the child with a way of talking through the computer. Some people with autism carry tablets or smartphones with them. They might also have small laptops or other portable electronic devices that have a keyboard that can be used to type.
  • Writing skills. Some learners with autism have trouble with writing because of a desire to create perfectly formed letters and sentences without any errors. This perfectionist drive can cause anxiety and stress when writing by hand and is one reason why autistic students may enjoy writing on a word processor where language can be presented in a neat way and errors are easily corrected using a delete key.
  • Recommended Reading: Level 2 Autism In Adults

    What Are The Best Autism Colors To Teach First

    When in doubt, I would pick red, yellow, and green to start with. I would not pick orange and red at the same time, for instance, or orange and yellow at the same time, because theyre too close. But sometimes, articulation gets in the way with something like yellow, so we might have to substitute something that the child can say more clearly.

    Also, we want to watch out for pastel colors, because they look a little bit different. Id pick primary colors to start with, and avoid teaching brown, black, and white, and certainly gray and pink should wait, unless pink happens to be a favorite color. Those non-primary colors tend to be taught later.

    So, once we have our construction paper, what you want to do is to cut it up so you have basically four to six pieces, all in squares that kind of match of red, yellow, and green. Then we would start pairing, red, red, and they would put it with the other red construction paper. We dont want to start teaching colors with items, such as, This is a red firetruck, because thats too complicated. What we want to do is we want to teach colors with these sample swatches, and then once the child really knows colors, we can start combining the color plus the item name, which is much later down the line.

    Ready to learn more and turn things around for your child or client with autism? Sign up for my free 3-step guide!

    When Is It Decided An Autistic Child Is Verbal/nonverbal

    How To Teach An Autistic Child To Talk

    Each individual develops at their own rate. However, research showed that one third to half of parents of autistic children noticed issues before their childs first birthday. Also, around 80% to 90% saw problems before the child turned 2.

    There are certain symptoms that may indicate that the child has verbal/nonverbal autism. Here are some:

    • Not responding to their name by the age of 1
    • Not babbling towards parents or caregivers by the age of 1
    • Not pointing at objects of interest by the age of 14 months
    • Not imitating the parents or caregivers by the age of 18 months
    • Repeating words over and over
    • Flapping their hands
    • Not meeting developmental milestones in terms of speech and language

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    How Would It Feel To Be : : : :

    Next time you read a book to your class, try asking your students how it would feel to be the main character in the story. If youre reading a picture book about Cinderella, for example, you could ask how they would feel if they had two evil stepsisters who were mean to them. Or if youre reading Peter Pan as a class, you could ask them what happy memories they would think about to fly with magic pixie dust.

    This can help students with autism learn empathy as well as how to see situations in their lives from another perspective. It can also teach them how to recognize emotional cues by encouraging them to put themselves in the perspective of another person.

    How To Communicate With A Nonverbal Autistic Child

    There are an abundance of ways to help promote communication with your nonverbal autistic child.

    They dont replace speech therapy or other interventions that are uniquely designed to the needs of your child. But they can be a great support at home, things that you can do to establish communication with your child.

    Talk: Keep talking with your child. Describe things to them. Include them in conversations and dont leave them out as if they are not there. Your child will still be able to learn from this action.

    Use simple language: Refrain from using sentences with a lot of words in them. Try to use one or two word sentences. Once your child can use one word phrases, you can move into using two phrase sentences to give them direction or describe something. This will help them improve without overwhelming them.

    Make the most of playtime: Play is an amazing tool to both entertain and practice with children. While playing, you can have the opportunity for communication. While playing with toys, you can encourage imitation. You can also involve fun activities like singing or dancing so as to foster social interaction.

    Go different ways: Nonverbal children with autism may express their emotions through some other ways than speaking, like dancing, art, hand movements, and body movements. You can try to help them express themselves better through activities like finger painting or sensory activities.

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