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What Is The Stigma Of Autism

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How To Overcome Stigma

Reducing stigma around Autism

An individual needs to accept that they are different and acknowledge that it is their right to be here just like the birds and the mountains . The first way of dealing with stigma is to avoid building up negative feelings and emotions. It is important that AS persons talk to friends, family, and aid centers that are dedicated to helping people with the syndrome. Seeing a family therapist or counselor can help beat stigma. A person who is discriminated against writes about it and in so doing it should help others who have been discriminated against. Talking and sharing experiences of stigmatization will get those bad feelings out and in so doing one feels accepted by society. Help to champion your rights and never feel ashamed. Through this one can raise self-esteem and acceptance of their shortcomings by society.

The Experience Of Stigma Among Individuals With I/dds

Stigma against the I/DD population begins in childhood, increases with age, and is perpetuated through limited exposure to individuals with I/DDs. For instance, by age 9, children without I/DDs have distinctly negative perspectives of children with I/DDs, and that negativity is greater among older children and those with less contact with the I/DD population . Middle school students without I/DDs report that they have limited contact with peers with I/DDs, believe that they are unable to participate in academic classes, and do not want to interact socially with them . Stigma continues to proliferate throughout adolescence. For instance, 13-year-olds with I/DDs are significantly more likely than their peers without I/DDs to report being bullied . High school students with I/DDs report experiencing overt stigma, including name-calling, ridicule, and exclusion . Thus, there appears to be a snowball effect throughout adolescence, whereby more implicit and subtle forms of stigma that originate in childhood become more explicit and pronounced.

Strengths And Limitations Of Study

Findings from this study contributes to the information base on this topical issue especially in the developing countries where mental health services are grossly inadequate. The use of mixed-method approach increased the body of knowledge and rigorous data collection processes speaks to the scientific quality.

Being a cross-sectional study, causality cannot be inferred. Consecutive recruitment of respondents could also have some clustering effect. Likert statements assessing stigma were phrased one-directional thereby increasing chances of response-set bias. In addition, the generalizability of findings may be limited. Further studies with a community component should be carried out to understand the issues surrounding enacted and self stigma.

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Peer Support For Autistic Individuals

Peer support and advocacy are key for autistic individuals. Those looking to connect with organizations run by and for autistic people can refer to the Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network and the Asperger/Autism Network.

These organizations include information about getting diagnosed, treatment options, advocacy, and social support for autistic people and their loved ones.

Respondents Knowledge Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Understanding Autism: The Path to Erasing Stigma ...

The most common sources of information on ASD were health care workers 111 and media 73. Seventy-three of respondents thought birth complications were the cause of ASD. Many, 126 knew ASD usually manifests in early childhood and that children with ASD are unable to communicate with others, 130. Almost half knew economic status of the parents as a factor associated with ASD. A quarter 57 knew ASD cannot be cured. Interventions most mentioned by respondents were behavioural therapy 143 and speech therapy 105. Most 227 of the respondents had poor knowledge of ASD. The main sources of information on ASD were health workers 111 and media 73 .

Table 3 Respondents knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Autism As A Natural Variation

I am a Proud Autistic. Tito Mukhopadhyay15

Some adults with ASD have led a neurodiversity movement that celebrates autism as a natural variation of the human condition and opposes efforts to cure it. These advocates prefer supports and accommodations for people with ASD, rather than treatments that would erase harmless autistic behaviors.16

As professor Ralph J. Savarese explained in Disability Studies Quarterly, neurodiversity means “a willingness to make room for difference as difference .”17

Some neurodiversity advocates with milder forms of autism have garnered media attention, but what about those with severe autism? They appear in the mainstream media most often when they have been given the opportunity to demonstrate extraordinary skills or to challenge preconceptions of autism.

The poet Tito Mukhopadhyay was diagnosed with severe, nonverbal autism in India in the 1990s. His mother, Soma Mukhopadhyay, taught him to communicate through writing, by using her own style of teaching. Mother and son have been the subject of television shows, articles and blogs. The author of The Mind Tree and other books, Mr. Mukhopadhyay looks forward to a world beyond stigma. He writes: “One day I dream that we can grow in a matured society where nobody would be ‘normal or abnormal’ but just human beings, accepting any other human being ready to grow together.”18

Why Aspersers Individuals Are Stigmatized

Aspersers disorder is categorized under pervasive developmental disorders or PDDs. Speech of children with AS starts to develop when they are aged two. This lag in development often persists even into adulthood. Because individuals with Aspergers are socially confused, they are often castigated in society by other normal beings. Adolescents are the most vulnerable group because stigmatization or seclusion by society often affects what they become in the future. Stigma makes social confusion worse and it leads to the development of low self-esteem and self-concept . Stigma also affects the mental health of an individual and the psychological well-being of a person. Stigma also affects life satisfaction among individuals because they tend to understand themselves as different. This shows that there should be universal ways or methods that persons with Aspersers syndrome can use to overcome the stigma or how society should avoid subjecting those individuals with Aspersers syndrome to stigma.

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The Relationship Between Negative Experiences/treatment And Internalization Of Stigma

There was a low-moderate positive correlation between experience of stigmatization and self-stigmatization . The more the negative experience , the higher the level of internalization .

Table 7 Spearmans correlation matrix of the self-stigma score, enacted stigma score, knowledge score and socio-demographic variables

Autism Research Centre Programs

World Autism Day | Fighting stigma and discrimination

At the Autism Research Centre, scientists in conjunction with Cambridge University are looking into the biomedical causes of AS. In so doing, they are trying to study and build-up up a novel and authenticated ways of intervening and treating AS. The Autism Research Centre has constituted six programs which are focused on Intervention, Neuroscience, Genetics and Proteomics, Screening and Diagnosis, Perception and Cognition, and lastly Hormones.

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Reframing Autism And Stigma

The parents of diagnosed children generally worked to reduce the stigma of ASD, according to Russell and Norwich. When their child was behaving “inappropriately,” for example, some would explain that he has autism or that his brain was wired differently. They encouraged other parents to seek assessments for autism. Some also focused on their child’s strengths. One parent described how she grew to marvel at the way in which children on the spectrum think, and “how fantastic they are.”

Efforts to de-stigmatize disability have led to changes in the language. The phrase “special needs” takes the focus away from the “deficits” of a disability.11 British autism expert Simon Baron-Cohen, among others, wants to replace autism spectrum disorder with autism spectrum condition because condition is “less stigmatizing.” It also “reflects that these individuals have not only disabilities which require a medical diagnosis, but also areas of cognitive strength,” they pointed out.12

In the case of Asperger’s Syndrome, a high-functioning form of autism, that de-stigmatization effort may also involve pointing out the advantages of having Asperger’s. For example, some advocates point to brilliant historical figures such as Albert Einstein, whom, they speculate, may have had traits of Asperger’s.

It’s Time To Stop The Stigma

This guest post is by Ryan Lee, a rising self-advocate. Read his previous blog or watch his SBSK interview.

There is still so much stigma around autism and it has to stop. Some autistics still feel forced into hiding their true selves. For example, if an autistic does something out of the ordinary or makes a mistake, people might tell them that they dont want to be friends. But some autistics get curious about certain things and they sometimes dont realize when theyre going in too deep. I know this from experience.

There are also some autistics who arent totally open to change and know you have to act a certain way in order to be accepted into society. And this can be tough on us. Society can force those of us who are different to hide or mask their autism. Thats not how it should work though, at least not in any way thats healthy. When youre accepting to be someones friend, you should accept and try to understand all aspects of the person.

We autistics shouldnt feel the need to hide anything. Some of us may look different or act different, but we still have feelings just like anybody else. For example, I may get a bit irritated when I get interrupted or when someone doesnt let me finish speaking, but that doesnt mean I dont care about people.

Its not fair to place judgement upon anyone when you dont even fully know them. Having a true friend is having someone who accepts you for you, regardless of your flaws.

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Stigma Of Autism Can Take Toll On Psyche

THURSDAY, Nov. 1, 2018 — Social stigma may play a large role in the depression, anxiety and other mental health woes experienced by many people with autism, a small new study indicates.

British researchers found that 72 percent of the psychological distress reported in 111 adults with autism was linked to social stigma, including discrimination and rejection.

Many people with autism said they’re treated like no one thinks they’re smart or that no one will hire someone like them. This kind of stigma can take a toll on the psyche, the researchers said.

“We already suspected there would be a significant impact of discrimination on the mental health of the autistic population, it’s just that no one’s really studied the impact of that before,” said study author Monique Botha. She’s a doctoral student and post-graduate researcher at the University of Surrey, in England.

“The only thing we were surprised by was how potentially strong a relationship there was,” added Botha, who has autism. “To put it colloquially, it blew our minds.”

A disorder that can affect communication, social interaction and creative play, autism is diagnosed in about one in every 59 children in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and persist through adulthood.

“When that happens, we should find a way of reacting that supports their social inclusion,” he added.

More information

Society and Mental Health

Reframing Mental Illness: From Asylums To Consumer Activism

Autism Stigmas Throughout Different Cultures

Capitalism did not cause psychological impairments rather, psychological impairments acquired new meanings under capitalism. In every era, there were people who were seriously depressed, who had delusions and hallucinations, whose moods swung wildly there were people who could not speak or, if they did, spoke mostly to themselves, who purposefully injured themselves, who were unable to take care of their daily needs . But only during the first industrial revolution did the person addicted to alcohol become an alcoholic, the person who hears voices become a schizophrenic, and so on. Before psychiatry began as a discipline in the late eighteenth century, mental illness was not a category distinct from physical illness . Mental illnessthe notion of a distinct group of abnormalities of thought and behavioris a distinctly modern invention, appearing in Europe and the African colonies in the early nineteenth century, and then in East Asia by the late nineteenth century, as the result of European influence . The unseemly history of mental illness, including the growth of horrific asylums, illustrates the vital role classification played in the simultaneous emergence of mental illness and stigma.

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Stigma The Shameful History

As shameful as modern day stigmatizing is, it does not hold a candle to the dark past. The word stigma has Latin and Greek origins, its historical definition being, mark, or brand. The ancient Greek word stizein referred to being branded or tattooed with a sharp stick. Originally the word may have referred to a scar left by a hot iron .

Recorded history allows insights into the stigma attached to mental illness or differences from the time it was linked to sin, and a taint on the hereditary history of families. Stigma attached to mental disabilities may have intensified in the 19th-century with the separation of mental health treatment from mainstream healthcare .

It is obvious from historyand art, if you have a look at some of the ancient works portraying asylumsthat mental health patients or people who behave differently from what is considered the norm have always been ostracized by society.

How Can We Get Rid Of The Stigma Around Autism

Big Hass says the most efficient way to get rid of the stigma is by, Acceptingit the way it is and also giving it more awareness. The more people know about Autism, the better they will be accepting it. I do think, however, that the west has a bigger understanding and a better normality towards the word autism and this is why I always urge our Arab Media to STOP calling it disease, as it messes up the whole understanding of Autism in Arabia. Moreover, I do believe one of the most effective ways is to keep talking about it and for Autism parents to NEVER shy away from autistic children. Keep fighting. Autism is not a disease its a way of life and a way of understanding.

A post shared by BIG HASS on Jul 18, 2019 at 8:40pm PDT

Having a son with autism has changed Big Hasss life immensely. He says Ahmad has taught him countless lessons, such as the importance of patience and the beauty of seeing others grow. His son Ahmad has added an incredible light in his life and he is beyond proud of him!

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Should I Get My Child Assessed

You should get your child assessed for ASD if:

  • you have concerns
  • you notice any signs or symptoms
  • your child has a close relative with ASD

Normally, your health care provider will test your child first. You can help your health care provider understand the unusual behaviour you see by:

  • taking photographs
  • maintaining logs or diaries
  • capturing these behaviours on video

If there are concerns, then your health care provider should refer you to a specialist for more tests. A specialist is the best person to help diagnose your child.

Impact Of Stigma And Social Perceptions In Parents Of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

The stigma of autism

Tiffany Wong

Social Perceptions of Parents of Children with ASD

Children with ASD often experience challenges in prosocial behavior that can lead to frustrating scenarios with parents . This is particularly problematic for low functioning children with ASD who are nonverbal and communicate through nonspeaking cues , which often provide additional challenges in communication . Self-stimulatory behaviors, including loud noises , are commonly used by children with ASD . However, these behaviors can exacerbate challenging behavioral problems, and can provoke other children to act in an aggressive manner if the self stimulatory behaviors are perceived as a threat, which can increase stress and difficulty for parents . The socially inappropriate behavior exhibited by children with ASD can, thus, lead to negative attitudes and poor acceptance by others . In turn, these negative attitudes from families and friends might lead to parents feeling excluded and socially isolated . At the same time, because the behaviors might be considered a nuisance in public spaces, some parents prefer to stay at home with their children . Thus, the behaviors associated with low-functioning ASD can lead to parental feelings of isolation and exclusion, which, in turn, can contribute to greater parental stress in caring for their child.

Role of Parental Stress and Self Esteem


American Psychiatric Association. . Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders . Arlington, VA.

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Autism Stigma And The Role Of Ethnicity And Culture

Dr Chris Papadopoulos, Principal Lecturer in Public Health at the University of Bedfordshire, explores the role that ethnicity and culture play in the stigma surrounding autism

Chris has created the London Autism Group, which is a closed and private Facebook group for anyone living in or near to London whose lives have been influenced by autism.

Stigma can be broadly viewed as the product of negativity towards a target group. This can take the form of:

  • negative attitudes
  • negative knowledge
  • negative behaviours

Stigma also has a number of other guises such as courtesy stigma and self-stigma .

Working To Combat The Stigma Of Autism

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By Al Baker

Autism, or the fear of it, chased one Korean mother from her Queens church. I very carefully told the mom: I think your child is a little different. Why dont you take the test for autism? said the Rev. Joy Lee of the Korean Presbyterian Church in Flushing. She told me, Oh no, my child will be O.K. So then she quit. After that, she did not pick up the phone.

It crushed another Korean mother twice. First, she said, when her son received the diagnosis, and again when friends saw it as a sign that she herself was sick. To cure him, they said, she needed psychotherapy.

Sun Young Ko, of Forest Hills, whose 8-year-old son, Jaewoo Kwak, was given a diagnosis of autism 18 months ago, said her own mother refused to discuss her grandson with relatives or friends. Shes kind of hiding, Ms. Ko said.

Raising an autistic child is hard enough, let alone raising one in a culture in which the stigma surrounding autism still runs high. Now, inspired by a 2011 study of a South Korean city that found relatively high rates of autism, a leading advocacy group is teaming with churches, doctors, schools and news organizations in Flushing, trying gingerly to bring Korean parents around to the idea that if there is something unusual about their child, concealing it and avoiding help are absolutely the wrong things to do.

Often, a diagnosis leads to guilt.

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