Thursday, July 25, 2024

Does Jerry Seinfeld Have Autism

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Jerry Seinfeld Drops A Junior Mint Into Autism Community

Seinfeld – Men have No Idea what woman want….spot on

By Kim StaglianoA fews days ago I began Tweeting Jerry Seinfeld like a madwoman about his interview with Brian Wiliiams of NBC. He told Williams, “I think on a very drawn out scale, I’m on the Spectrum.” You know what, Jerry? I think on a very drawn out scale, I’m a 19 year old SuperModel. Oh wait, I’m not. I’m a 50 year old mother of three daughters with autism. Actual autism.

  • Earlier this month I visited “Dayhab” programs for my 19 year old.
  • I haven’t slept a full night in 9 months courtesy of my 18 year old who is convinced the house alarm is going to go off in the middle of the night and wakes 2, 3, 4, 5 times in a tizzy. By tizzy I mean screaming fit.
  • I’m waiting for test results for my 14 year old to hopefully tell me what is going on inside her body, everything is a guess. She does not speak.

So when I heard that Senfield, whom I adore as a comic, blithely said he thought he was on the Spectrum, I became angrier than The Soup Nazi. Sure, he probably meant Asperger’s Syndrome and not full autism. I get that. Many people use the terms interchangeably – which is incorrect – but I understand how it happens when you are outside of the autism community.; But Asperger’s is is also a diagnosis that is fraught with challenges of a different sort. Not better, not worse, but different.;Let me give you one idea of what it’s like to have Asperger’s Syndrome, or autism for that matter.;THAT.

Judy Gold Talks Being A Comic In Quarantine

As Jerry Seinfeld puts it, comedians mess up sometimes.

The beloved TV legend is backtracking on his recent autism self-diagnosis in a new interview with Access Hollywood.

I dont have autism. Im not on the spectrum. I just was watching this play about it and thought, Why am I relating ? I related to it on some level. Thats all I was saying, the;Seinfeld star;told Billy Bush.

In early November, the 60-year-old;revealed his difficulties communicating and interacting with others in an interview with Brian Williams on NBCs Nightly News.

I think, on a very drawn-out scale, I think Im on the spectrum, he said. Basic social engagement is really a struggle. Im very literal. When people talk to me and they use expressions, sometimes I dont know what theyre saying.

Despite having;trouble interacting with others, the Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee host told Williams he didnt;see;it;as a dysfunction, but rather an alternate mindset.

His comments didnt sit well with many, including Kim Staglinano, the managing editor of Age of Autism.

The mother of three autistic daughters told the Washington Post, Autism is a neurological condition that requires a clinical diagnosis based on serious behaviors and issues and challenges. Its a medical diagnosis not a personality or a gift.

How Lionel Messi Asperger Syndrome Autism Has Helped Him To Best Football Player

Lionel Messi is the best football player in the world according to many who have either played with him or opponents who have faced him on the football pitch. But do you know that the Barcelona forward suffers from Asperger Syndrome?

Asperger Syndrome is a light form of autism that leads or makes one to have a greater level of concentration than others. This type of developmental disorder manifest when one is child and is noticeable by one having difficulty in reading or in social cues. Lionel Messi had these problems when he was a child. El pais journalist proved this;

Messi came to training with a plastic spoon in his mouth and didnt remove it until the end of the session. It was a way of showing how annoyed he was no one knew why he was annoyed and no one tried to ask him or find out why. Other behaviors manifested are shyness and when Messi want to express himself mostly he use text message.;When Guardiola was coaching Barcelona he texted him to tell him that the presence of Zlatan bothered him.;

Asperger Syndrome help Lionel Messi to be agile and sees things very quickly on the pitch. Messi can make exceptional passes or score unbelievable goal. These articles is intended to showcase the exceptionality of Lionel Messi.

Content created and supplied by: Stephenmwang4

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Third Copa Amrica Final Retirement And Return

Messis place in Argentinas Copa América Centenario squad was initially put in jeopardy when he sustained a back injury in a 10 friendly win over Honduras in a pre-Copa América warm-up match on 27 May 2016. It was later reported that he had suffered a deep bruise in his lumbar region. He was later left on the bench in Argentinas 21 opening win over defending champions Chile on 6 June due to concerns regarding his fitness. Although Messi was declared match-fit for his nations second group match against Panama on 10 June, Martino left him on the bench once again; he replaced in the 61st minute and subsequently scored a hat-trick in 19 minutes, also starting the play which led to Sergio Agüeros goal, as the match ended in a 50 victory, sealing Argentinas place in the quarter-finals of the competition; he was elected man of the match for his performance.

Did it annoy me that Messi took the record? A little, yes. You go around the world and people say, hes the top scorer for the Argentina national team. But the advantage I have is that Im second to an extraterrestrial.

Gabriel Batistuta on the consolation of Messi breaking his record.


A lot of things went through my mind on the night of the final and I gave serious thought to quitting, but my love for my country and this shirt is too great.

Messi reversing his decision from retiring on 12 August 2016

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Open Letter To Jerry Seinfeld From An Autism Mama

My son has autism, Jerry Seinfeld does not

Dear Jerry,

First off, Im a big fan of Seinfeld. I still love the reruns and enjoy great belly laughs watching it with my friends. Secondly, its cool to know that you overcame difficulties relating to people to build such a successful and downright funny persona and show. Its great to see that you didnt let that hurdle get in the way of your dreams.

But, yesterday during a Brian Williams interview, my ears pricked up when you said this:

While its one thing to speculate on whether or not you have autism, I had to stop myself from getting upset when you said this:

But I dont see it as dysfunctional. I think of it as an alternate mindset.

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Jerry Seinfeld Suspects He Is On The Autism Spectrum: Basic Social Engagement Is Really A Struggle

Jerry Seinfeld believes he’s on the autism spectrum and it’s no laughing matter.

The 60-year-old comic legend made the surprising admission in an interview with NBC’s Brian Williams.

“On a very drawn-out scale, I think I’m on the spectrum,” Seinfeld said in an interview that aired Thursday night.

Williams then asked what led Seinfeld to conclude he suffers from the widespread developmental disorder that impedes social interaction.

“You know, never paying attention to the right things,” the Manhattan-based funnyman said.

“Basic social engagement is really a struggle.”

Seinfeld, known for his have-you-ever-noticed brand of observational humor, is considered one of the top comics of his generation.

On stage, he kills. But he revealed to Williams that he often finds himself floundering during casual conservations.

“I’m very literal,” Seinfeld said.

“When people talk to me and they use expressions, sometimes I don’t know what they’re saying.”

That description fits the symptoms of the disorder, which include an impaired ability to communicate with others and repetitive behaviors or interests.

“I don’t see it as dysfunctional,” he added. “I just think of it as an alternate mind-set.”

Seinfeld’s candid admission was cheered by many on social media.

“Jerry Seinfeld just revealed he has autism,” tweeted Lisa Long. “Love him and gives me hope! #jerryseinfield #autismawareness.”

“Autism is not a designer diagnosis,” Fournier added.

Early Relationships And Marriage

Years before Seinfeld was created, Seinfeld dated Carol Leifer, a fellow comedian and one of the inspirations for the Seinfeld character Elaine Benes. On national television with Ruth Westheimer, he explained how, in 1984, he was engaged but called it off. When he was 39 years old, Seinfeld started a romantic relationship with Shoshanna Lonstein, who was much younger, 18 years of age, when they began dating. Early in their relationship, Spy Magazine referred to her as “a legal voter”. They dated for approximately four years, from 1993 to 1997, before the relationship ended. She transferred from GW to UCLA, in part to be with Seinfeld, and cited missing New York City and constant press coverage as reasons for the relationship ending.

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Remember Seinfeld Jerry Seinfeld Is Known For Joking Around But Hes Serious When He Talking About Autism

NBCs Brian Williams interviewed the comedian back in November 2014 calling Seinfeld the most restless man in comedy as they talked about Seinfelds populate Web series,;Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.

As part of the chat, the topic turned to Seinfeld and what makes him tick, about his love for comedy and about still doing stand-up after all these years.

Yeah. And this gets to a larger perspective, says Seinfeld. ;If youre more interested in what you have achieved or what your financial position enables you to do than that thing that got those things, youre screwed in my opinion, youre screwed.

Williams notes that at 60, Seinfeld is still figuring out who he is. ;For example: in recent years as hes learning about autism spectrum disorders, he sees it in himself.

Seinfeld confirms that, saying, I think, on a very drawn-out scale, I think Im on the spectrum.

to read the entire article published in USA Today

Why So Many People With Autism Have Eating Disorders

Dr Cameron Nov 11

That brings me to my last point overcoming or emerging from disability. Mr. Seinfeld is 60 years old. Hes found a place for himself in the world. Did he do it by figuring out the formula to make people laugh, even though he does not get is himself? Maybe. I dont know.

I do know that the overcoming disability model is an unhealthy goal or way to portray autistic people. Emerging from disability is a healthier perspective. Autism is not a demon to be battled and overcome. It is a difference that can cripple or render extraordinary. Most autistics are disabled as children because our sensory apparatus is different, our communication skills are weak, and we have not yet learned coping strategies, or found our gifts.

When we find comfortable environments, learn to communicate, and find what we can do well we begin to emerge from disability. When we find places that our autistic differences are respected and we discover they give us advantages, we emerge more. Perhaps Mr. Seinfeld will talk of his own emergence and so provide a constructive model to younger people who follow. I dont know what he will do but I say, lets give him a chance.

Please join me to welcome him, and see where it leads. If we dont like what he has to say, we can tune him out and go about our lives. Remember that we must first extend compassion and acceptance to others if we are to ask and expect it for ourselves.

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Learn To Accept Your Failures

Nobody can win all the time. Sometimes you make more progress and learn more from losing and experiencing failure.

You dont have to feel frustrated or upset when you fail. It is just part of the cycle. You cannot have the sunshine every day.

Sometimes it will rain, sometimes it will be cloudy and sometimes the sun will shine up high. Things will come and go. So appreciate what you have right now and enjoy every moment, whether you are winning or losing.

When you win, work hard and continue to move forward. When you lose, work even harder and learn from your mistakes.

Sometimes you have to accept you cant win all the time. Lionel Messi

Heres a quick recap on Lionel Messis success lessons:

  • Fight for what you believe in
  • Success takes time
  • Just do what you love
  • Improvement is always possible
  • My Son Has Autism Jerry Seinfeld Does Not

    The U.S. comedian’s selfdiagnosis of being on the autism scale is beyond a joke.

    Jerry Seinfeld told an American television interviewer recently that he believes he is slightly autistic. A bit on the spectrum. Autism lite. Seinfeld based his public self-diagnosis on what he was feeling that sometimes he doesnt really understand what people are telling him. As a result, in the minds of millions around the world, Seinfeld became the personality most identified with autism. Just as Michael J. Fox is identified with Parkinsons disease and Stephen Hawking with paralysis.

    The new face of autism is a man who made his fame and fortune from a special brand of humor, exposing the most complex nuances of social human behavior. His jokes, which are spot on, sometime focus on the smallest details of verbal expression.

    When Seinfeld is interviewed, he maintains eye contact, distinguishes the important from the trivial, ignores distractions, and speaks to the point. He doesnt lick his hand or interrupt the interviewer with a question that reflects a level of understanding like that of a 5-year-old.

    What can one say? On the spectrum, a great life.

    For parents, the diagnosis of their child as autistic is a terrible blow. For him and them, lifelong. Parents of autistic children suffer from high levels of tension and anxiety. And thats in the best cases, where the children are high-functioning.

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    The Video Also Indicates That There Are Other Occasions Where Messi Showed Extreme Shyness Such As Texting Someone Instead Of Telling Him Verbally Which Also Shows Messi Autism Behavior

    On one occasion, a friend of Messis raised their hand for him when the teacher asked him a question. Both these traits of shyness can be applied to anyone, whether they have autism or not. The video claims that team sports, like football, are not easy to play for children with Aspergers. Some positive traits of Lionel are that he sees things very quickly, which is reflected in his game.

    The Australian website Autism Community Network has mentioned Messi autism on their website as a celebrity suffering from that syndrome.

    Besides ACN, many other autism awareness associations hailed him as an example of a celebrity with autism.

    However, Lionel did not publicly admit that he has autism or Aspergers Syndrome.

    Cameron Ridgway stated for Wessex Scene, there are unconfirmed reports that; When Messi was a young kid, he was diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome. At the age of 9, he was believed to be nicknamed el Pequeno mudito, which means the little mute because he hardly speaks to his teammates outside of necessary interactions during training sessions.

    Former French footballer Christophe Dugarry interviewed French radio RMC Sports where he was annoyed after Barcelona draw with Atletico Madrid at Camp Nou. He suggested the French star Antoine Griezmann and Barca captain Messi lack harmony between them.

    However, Dugarry crossed all limits when he called Messi Autistic.

    Comparisons To Cristiano Ronaldo

    Jerry Seinfeld Flip

    Among his contemporary peers, Messi is most often compared and contrasted with Portuguese forward Cristiano Ronaldo, as part of an ongoing rivalry that has been compared to past sports rivalries like the Muhammad AliJoe Frazier rivalry in boxing, the Roger FedererRafael Nadalrivalry in tennis, and the SennaProst rivalry from Formula One motor racing.

    Although Messi has at times denied any rivalry, they are widely believed to push one another in their aim to be the best player in the world: since 2008, Messi has won six Ballons dOr to Ronaldos five, six FIFA Worlds Best Player awards to Ronaldos five, and six European Golden Shoes to Ronaldos four. Pundits and fans regularly argue the individual merits of both players; beyond their playing styles, the debate also revolves around their differing physiques Ronaldo is 1.87;m with a muscular build and contrasting public personalities, with Ronaldos self-confidence and theatrics a foil to Messis humility. From 200910 to 201718, Messi faced Ronaldo at least twice every season in El Clásico, which ranks among the worlds most viewed annual sports events. Off the pitch, Ronaldo is his direct competitor in terms of salary, sponsorships, and social media fanbase.

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    Jerry Seinfeld Says He May Have Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Jerry Seinfeld and Brian Williams talk ‘Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee’

    On Nov. 5, 2014, Jerry Seinfeld sat down with Brian Williams on NBC Nightly News to talk about the new season of his web series, “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.”

    Jerry Seinfeld — during a “Nightly News with Brian Williams” piece on the return of “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” on Thursday’s edition — said he likely has autism spectrum disorder, ;a broad term that essentially means he has problems — ;or “deficits,” to borrow the preferred clinical term ;– with social interactions.

    Here’s the clip, but the full piece last night did in fact bury the lead: At the very close, Seinfeld said had;recognized a disorder in himself that millions of parents may well be worrying about in their children at this moment — or perhaps in themselves. Unfortunately, Williams didn’t ;pursue the line of questioning.

    “I think, on a very drawn-out scale, I think Im on the spectrum, Seinfeld said. You know, never paying attention to the right things. Basic social engagement is really a struggle. Im very literal, when people talk to me and they use expressions, sometimes I dont know what theyre saying. But I dont see it as dysfunctional. I just think of it as an alternate mindset.

    ;Among many charities, Seinfeld has been a longtime supporter of Autism Speaks — an organization launched by Suzanne and Bob Wright , to bring awareness to the disorder.

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