Friday, September 6, 2024

What Was Your Autistic Child Like As A Baby

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Develops Symptoms After Early Childhood

What To Do If Your Autistic Child Is Very Needy / Clingy | Autism Tips by Maria Borde

Your child developed and behaved like most children until they reached the age of 6 or older. Then symptoms that seem to point to autism sprang from nowhere.

In order to for be diagnosed with autism, your child must have first shown symptoms at an early age, even if those symptoms only caused problems in later years. A brand new symptom at age 12 or 14 may look a little like autism, but the likely cause is something else.

Communication: Early Signs Of Autism

In the first year of life, childrens social and communication development is an important area to watch for early signs of autism. Social and communication development includes things like learning to smile, make eye contact, and use gestures.

Social interaction and communicationIf young children are autistic, they might:

  • not consistently use eye contact to get someones attention for example, they might not always look at you and then at a snack to show you they want it, or not look back towards you when they see something that excites them
  • rarely point to or hold up objects to show you things for example, they might not point to a dog and look back at you to make sure youve seen it too, or they might drop a toy in your lap and walk away instead of holding it up and looking at you
  • not consistently respond to their name being called
  • not consistently use gestures on their own for example, they might not wave bye-bye or clap without being told to, or without copying someone else whos waving or clapping
  • not consistently smile at you or other familiar people without you smiling at them first
  • rarely copy other peoples actions, like combing their hair when you do it
  • not sound like theyre having a conversation with you when they babble
  • not understand simple, one-step instructions for example, Give me the block or Show me the dog.

Relationships and playIf young children are autistic, they might:

Ways To Prepare Your Child With Autism For A New Sibling

By A. Stout

Growing a family is an exciting time. But its also one of significant changeboth for the parents and for the kiddos who might already be in this world. And if your kiddo is a spectrum kiddo, that complicates things a little further. Change is especially tough for them.

This doesnt necessarily mean you should stop having/adopting/fostering children after you receive the autism diagnosis. If you and your partner want more, have moreyoull just need to keep some important considerations in mind and give your spectrum child plenty of preparation. How can you do that? Here are some tips.

Also Check: Can A Child With Autism Have Dyslexia

When It Comes To Autism One Size Doesnt Fit All

If you put a PlayStation game into an Xbox, would it work? Of course not. So does that mean the Xbox is broken? No. The same thing applies for a child with autism. Just because they dont learn the way typical children do doesnt mean there is something wrong with them. It means that we as parents, caregivers, friends, neighbors and teachers need to find different ways to try and make a connection.

Laura Jones, Lambertville, New Jersey

What Was Your Autistic Child Like As A Baby

Autism diagnosis, treatment often complicated by ...

What Was Your Autistic Child Like As A Baby. We speak to sarah about parenting an autistic child. Many researches have been conducted to study the changes in behavioral, social and physical characters of an autistic child reading thoroughly over the internet and relevant books will further clarify your doubt that is your child autistic.

Every child with autism spectrum disorder is unique and so symptoms may differ in severity and range between individuals. The percentage of autistic children who develop epilepsy is 20 to 30, and children whose verbal skills decline to deterioration before the age of 3 are at risk of i’d like to come in and comment as a teacher specializing in the autism spectrum & as a health educator. Scott was such a happy baby, although we spent long nights walking the floors to settle him and help him sleep. It can affect people in the same family. Even my job where i work as.

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You Cant Always See Autism

There is still a shocking amount of ignorance among the general population when it comes to the Autism Spectrum. Many people assume that children with autism have certain identifiable facial features or particular habits. But as it has already has been mentioned, every single person with autism is different and mild cases of autism are common. These stereotypes and lack of understanding often make things difficult for parents. Its especially hard in the case of schools, coaches, or other organizations who deny a diagnosis because it is not easily seen.

Im Not Someone To Pity Simply Because My Child Has Autism

Autistic children are writing books, making films, creating blogs, and making all sorts of other groundbreaking achievements. Yet, when a parent tells someone their child is autistic, they are usually met with an unnecessary apology or look of pity. Autism is not something to be pitied, and our societys outlook should change to reflect that.

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Detecting Early Warning Signs Of Autism

The sooner these symptoms are noted, the better. If your child is hitting all of their standard milestones, but still has several of these symptoms, discuss it with their pediatrician. If you have been considering autism for a while now, and this list just made you feel confident that your child is autistic, but you dont have the means to get them an official diagnosis any time soon, check out my super cheap eBook. It will give you plenty of information on how to incorporate therapy at home. There are 75 calming techniques, visual schedules, and an overview of therapy options, along with tons of other helpful information! Which of these symptoms have you observed in your child? Let me know in the comments! And dont forget to subscribe, and grab your free gifts!

Using A Parents Hand To Communicate

Autism and Food – What foods can help your autistic child

Sometimes a child will take their parents hand and pull them toward the kitchen to let them know they are hungry, often while glancing back at the parent. They may pat a parents arm or try to turn their parents face toward them if they want attention, such as when the parent is using their cell phone. This is not unusual. However, pay attention if your child tries to use your hand as a tool without looking at you. For instance, if they cant open something, do they pick up your hand and place it on the object without looking at your face? This is seen more often in children with autism than in typically developing children. It is as if they understand that this hand is able to open this thing, so they go directly to the source, the hand, to get the job done. 

Also Check: How Do You Get Autism

Early Identification Is Key

Importantly, no single symptom is necessary or sufficient for a diagnosis. However, more symptoms do increase the potential for a diagnosis.

As well, many children display symptoms consistent with ASD yet grow out of them naturally and do not receive a diagnosis. Experienced clinicians take typical child development into account when determining if a diagnosis is warranted.

If you are concerned that your child may have ASD, an important first step is to speak with your doctor or pediatrician. Autism Canada is an excellent resource that provides information on assessment and intervention opportunities.

Assessment often involves teams of professionals working together to identify a childs fit with the symptoms of ASD and typically includes observation of the child in different settings, interviews with parents and completion of assessment tasks to evaluate a childs development.

Early Signs In Infants And Toddlers

Early signs of autism can often be detected in infants as young as 6-18 months. For example, if a baby fixates on objects or does not respond to people, he or she may be exhibiting early signs of an autism spectrum disorder.

Older babies and toddlers may fail to respond to their names, avoid eye contact, lack joint attention , or engage in repetitive movements such as rocking or arm flapping. They may play with toys in unusual ways, like lining them up or focusing on parts of toys rather than the whole. Parents who notice these signs, or are concerned their children are not meeting developmental milestones, should contact their pediatricians and request a developmental screening. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends routine screening of all infants for autism as part of 18-month and 24-month well-baby examinations.

Early diagnosis and early intervention are critical. Studies show that about half of children with autism who are in an evidence-based early intervention program from age 3-5 can gain enough skills to be mainstreamed for kindergarten. There are now evidence based interventions for babies as young as 12 months old, and studies are underway to design treatments for 9 month old babies at risk for autism.

Learn more about the early warning signs of autism including milestones for development up to age 5 and what to do if you are concerned.

Also Check: What Is Occupational Therapy For Autism

Autism Could Be A Genetic Disorder

In efforts to identify people who are at risk for developing Autism, Scientists conducted the largest case study known about Autism. This particular study compared the genes of families with several people who have been diagnosed with the disorder. 15 genes were confirmed as Autism-related. Scientists say that there could be as many as 200-400 genes that are responsible for Autism. Researchers say that this information has been published in medical journals, but is not being currently being used in clinics for genetic testing. They say that relaying this information is critical, as early diagnosis and intervention have the best chance of improving patient outcome. The only real hope for recognition on these findings is even larger studies that reflect the same findings. The information should be interpreted carefully, as is important to understand that not every person with Autism will have the gene for it. It is still believed that Autism has many causes that influence in each other for a collective impact.

Strong Interest In Unusual Sensory Experiences

What Is it Really Like To Have An Autistic Child?

Babies with autism can show very strong interest in unusual sensory experiences, such as excessive rubbing of certain textures, looking out the side of their eye or closely inspecting a block or toy train as it rolls by, or licking objects.

If your child shows strong interest in unusual sensory experiences, this may be an early sign of autism.

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How Do You Know If Your Child Has Autism Spectrum Disorder

ASD can be hard to diagnose. Theres no medical test, like a blood test, to check for ASD. No two children with ASD have the exact same signs or symptoms. Providers diagnose ASD by looking at your childs behavior and development.

Children with ASD usually show signs or symptoms when theyre 12 to 24 months old, but some may have them earlier or later. Some children with ASD develop normally until theyre around 18 to 24 months old, but then they stop gaining new skills or lose the skills they once had. This is called regression.

Babies may show signs of ASD before their first birthday if they have severe developmental delays. Developmental delays are when your child doesnt reach developmental milestones when expected. A developmental milestone is a skill or activity that most children can do at a certain age. Milestones include sitting, walking, talking, having social skills and having thinking skills.

Tell your babys health care provider if she isnt meeting her milestones. Its not unusual for a healthy baby to fall behind in some areas or move ahead in others. But babies who dont meet these milestones need their development checked more closely by a provider:

  • Babbling by 12 months
  • Making gestures by 12 months
  • Using single words by 16 months
  • Using two-word phrases by 24 months
  • Losing language or social skills at any age

It Won’t Always Be Like This

“During the hardest times, when my son wasnt sleeping or eating or when he melted down over lights and sounds, I wish I knew it wouldnt always be like this. I wish someone would have told me that the child I have now will grow and change and regress and thrive. You will feel frozen in time at different points. Know that it will get better. And harder. It will change.”

Kate Swenson, Cottage Grove, Minnesota

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This Is A Great Time To Parent A Child With Autism

“I am grateful that we live in the times that we do. So much new information has been discovered about autism. We live in the age of the internet and I can connect with another autism mom who lives several states or even countries over and talk about our shared experiences. I am grateful to have things like iPads that not only help my son communicate but also gives us a chance to share a moment while watching one of his favorite YouTube clips. A tip of my cap to the families that went before us. They really helped pave the way for the benefits my son has now. I hope I can do the same for the ones coming behind us.”

Eileen Shaklee, Wall, New Jersey

Signs That Your Baby May Have Autism

5 Autism Signs in Babies 2 Years or Younger

Most of these are that would show up between the 6 months to 1 year range. Before that, many of these may not show up at all. It is also important to know that any one of these traits on its own is not a diagnosis. If your child is showing a number of these traits over the 6 month period, it is always good to see a doctor for assessment. Early diagnosis and treatment can really make a difference in skills building later on. Again this list should not be considered a diagnosis, only used as a tool to start a conversation with your doctor who can then start a proper assessment process.

  • No social smilingTypically a baby will reflexively smile back if you smile at them starting as early as the first month, but certainly by the age of 3 months. As a test you can try looking at your baby with a neutral face, and then break into a wide smile that you hold for a few seconds. You can try three or four times. A typically developing infant should smile back most if not every time.
  • Lack of eye contactMost babies are born with an innate interest in the human face, particularly their parents and family.
  • Not responding to their nameMost infants will be responding to their name when you say it by 9 months at the latest.
  • Poor visual trackingTake a brightly coloured toy and track it back and forth slowly in front of your baby. Does your child easily follow a brightly coloured toy with their eyes? Or do they seem to loose interest in it or disengage quickly?
  • Recommended Reading: Why Do Kids Have Autism

    As Parents We Arent Looking For An Autism Cure

    Parents of neurotypical children are often surprised to hear that parents of children on the Autism Spectrum arent really looking for a cure. Autism is part of their childs life and identity, and they wouldnt be themselves if they werent autistic. These parents might research to find management tips and tricks , but they understand that finding a magical cure to get rid of autism altogether is, for lack of a better word, just silly.

    Prioritize Independence And Communication

    After baseline medical needs are met and you figure out how to deal with the everyday, I recommend that parents pay particular attention to the areas of communication, self-help and socially appropriate skills. A child who has a high academic ability, but poor communication skills, hygiene or a proclivity to hurt others will greatly limit their opportunities.

    Nicole Sugrue, Port Washington, New York

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    Center For Disease Control: Learn The Signs Act Early Campaign

    The Autism Science Foundation is a partner in the CDCs Learn the Signs, Act Early Campaign. The following early indicators of autism were developed by the experts in this program.

    Get a PDF of these early warning signs. Also, read more about the importance of early diagnosis.

    If your child is two months old, you should consider talking to your doctor if your child exhibits the following behavior:

    • Doesnt respond to loud sounds
    • Doesnt watch things as they move
    • Doesnt smile at people
    • Doesnt bring his/her hands to mouth
    • Cant hold his/her head up when pushing up on tummy

    If your child is four months old, you should consider talking to your doctor if your child exhibits the following behavior:

    • Doesnt watch things as they move
    • Doesnt smile at people
    • Cant hold his/her head steady
    • Doesnt make sounds or coo
    • Doesnt bring things to his/her mouth
    • Doesnt push down with legs when feet are placed on a hard surface
    • Has trouble moving one or both eyes in all directions

    If your child is six months old, you should consider talking to your doctor if your child exhibits the following behavior:

    • Doesnt reach for things
    • Shows no affection for caregivers
    • Doesnt respond to sounds around her/him
    • Doesnt make vowel sounds
    • Doesnt laugh or squeal
    • Seems unusually stiff or unusually floppy

    If your child is nine months old,  you should consider talking to your doctor if your child exhibits the following behavior:

    If you of autism in older children, teens and adults:

    How Is Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosed

    10 Tips to Get Your Autistic Child to Talk

    Different health care providers evaluate your child to help diagnose ASD. Providers include:

    • Developmental pediatrician. This is a pediatrician who has special training in child development and taking care of children with special needs.
    • Child neurologist. This is a doctor who treats the brain, spine and nerves in children.
    • Child psychiatrist or child psychologist. These are mental health professionals who have special training to take care of children with emotional or mental health problems. 
    • Occupational therapist. This is a specialist who helps people learn to carry out everyday activities.
    • For children, this may be things like brushing teeth, getting dressed, putting on shoes or learning to use a pencil.  
    • Physical therapist. This is a specialist who creates exercise programs to help build strength and help with movement.
    • Speech therapist. This is a specialist who helps people with speech and language problems. For children this may include helping with saying sounds or words correctly and completely.  It can also include in helping children be understood and also understand others.  

    To evaluate your child, the providers may: 

    Your childs providers may use medical tests to see if your child has a medical condition with signs or symptoms that are similar to ASD. These include:

    Also Check: Where To Get Autism Screening

    Talk About The Child’s Interests

    Narrow or extreme interest in specific topics is a core autism symptom. Children can be fascinated by almost anything, including maps, numbers, recipes, geography, and more.

    For children with autism, talking about these topics brings comfort. They enjoy sharing knowledge, and they can talk endlessly about the subject without asking for your feedback. 

    Bond with the child by listening to the topic. Ask questions, if you can. Avoid changing the subject. Just let the child talk until you know one another better. 

    How Parents Can Spot The Warning Signs

    As a parent, youre in the best position to spot the earliest warning signs of autism. You know your child better than anyone and observe behaviors and quirks that a pediatrician, in a quick fifteen-minute visit, might not have the chance to see. Your childs pediatrician can be a valuable partner, but dont discount the importance of your own observations and experience. The key is to educate yourself so you know whats typical and whats not.

    Monitor your childs development. Autism involves a variety of developmental delays, so keeping a close eye on whenor ifyour child is hitting the key social, emotional, and cognitive milestones is an effective way to spot the problem early on. While developmental delays dont automatically point to autism, they may indicate a heightened risk.

    Take action if youre concerned. Every child develops at a different pace, so you dont need to panic if your child is a little late to talk or walk. When it comes to healthy development, theres a wide range of typical. But if your child is not meeting the milestones for his or her age, or you suspect a problem, share your concerns with your childs doctor immediately. Dont wait.

    Regression of any kind is a serious autism warning sign

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    Accept The Child Fully

    Some children with autism seem neurotypical until about age 2, and then they lose skills theyve gained. Its distressing for many adults. You saw the child a year or so ago progressing on course, and now the child seems so much different. 

    Dont judge the child by past behavior or development. Look for things to enjoy about the child right now. The sweet smile you love, their beautiful blue eyes, and their gentle personality may remain, even if verbal skills decline. Accept the child the way they are right now. 

    Top 10 Facts About Adult Autism

    “Your Child Doesn’t Look Autistic!”

    Steven Gans, MD, is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

    People with autism, like everyone else, are adults for much longer than they are kids. That’s an easy fact to overlook when you search online for information about autism, because most articles and images focus on young children.

    While it’s true that symptoms of autism appear first in early childhood, autism is not a pediatric disorder. Adults with autism face lifelong challenges.

    So why is relatively little written about autism and adulthood? While there’s no absolute answer, here are some educated guesses:

    • Autism manifests before age 3, so most new diagnoses of autism are in children.
    • Most people who actively read about autism are worried-but-hopeful parents of children who are or may be autistic.
    • Because of the changes in how autism is defined, many adults now considered autistic never received an autism diagnosis.
    • High-functioning adults with autism are often uninterested in reading about non-autistic perspectives on autism.
    • Some adults with autism have intellectual disabilities that make it extremely difficult to read about autism.

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    Evidence Of First Trimester Brain Defects

    According to researchers who performed a study through the University of California San Diego, there is now clear and direct evidence that autism begins during pregnancy. The study was compiled by comparing the brain tissue of post-mortem children both with and without Autism. Apparently, tissue in the brain cortex was disturbed in the majority of those diagnosed with Autism. This part of the brain is responsible for higher order brain function and it develops in the prenatal period. Scientists say this type of disturbance is viewed as a defect, and could possibly be identified by specific genes that carry the abnormality. Researchers are hopeful that this means that in cases of Autism diagnosed in the toddler years or before, children may still have a chance at significant improvement through clinical treatment. It is not yet clear exactly what is happening in pregnancy to cause the defect, and experts continue to stress that it is unlikely caused by a single factor, but rather by multiple influences from the mother.

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