Friday, July 26, 2024

Which Month Is Autism Awareness

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Acceptance Instead Of Awareness

At this point, most people know what autism is. We dont really need awareness, but we do need acceptance and understanding. Each autistic person is unique and has their own amazing way they see the world. Autism acceptance can look like not judging when a child is having a meltdown in the middle of a grocery store because they have gotten overwhelmed because of lights and sounds. Or understanding when someone is stimming to self-regulate. There is a lot to learn about autism from autistic individuals that you wont find from doctors, psychologists, and books. Check out the hashtag #StimDancing on Instagram or TikTok and find some amazing autistic creators finding themselves through stim dancing.

Autism Speaks And Autism Awareness

In 2005, Autism Speaks was founded. Created and funded by the extremely wealthy and influential Bob and Suzanne Wright , the organization quickly became the major autism-related non-profit in the world. With their strong connections, the Wrights were able to create very high profile autism awareness programs, including:

  • World Autism Awareness Day , adopted by the United Nations in 2007
  • Light It Up Blue, an international effort to light iconic buildings in blue to raise awareness of autism
  • The Power of One March, which takes place annually on April 2

Autism Speaks sells blue T-shirts, provides resources to groups interested in fundraising or running autism-related programs, and also promotes fundraising marches and events during the month of April. Institutions ranging from museums and zoos to libraries, schools, and even businesses run special events during that period. 

Autism Awareness Month Becomes Autism Acceptance Month

The Autism Society of America isnt the first autism organization to push for a rebranding of AAM. The Autistic Self-Advocacy Network has called April Autism Acceptance Month since 2011, saying: Acceptance of autism as a natural condition in the human experience is necessary for real dialogue to occur. Other groups, such as the Association of University Centers on Disabilities, Autistic Women and Non-Binary Network, National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities , and more, also use Autism Acceptance Month over Autism Awareness Month.

In March 2021, the Autism Society of America urged the media to use the new language in their coverage. Christopher Banks, President and CEO of the Autism Society, said: While we will always work to spread awareness, words matter as we strive for autistic individuals to live fully in all areas of life. As many individuals and families affected by autism know, acceptance is often one of the biggest barriers to finding and developing a strong support system.

Ultimately, the goal of Autism Acceptance Month is to be more inclusive of the very community it seeks to celebrate. It promotes not just education about the differences of people with autism, but understanding and respecting those differences. It calls for more tangible progress toward equal rights and resources.

Why Your Help Is More Important Than Ever

The coronavirus pandemic has been particularly tough for many autistic people and their families. Services have closed and many people have been left stranded. The ever-changing guidelines and restrictions can be confusing to understand and extremely difficult to implement for autistic people with high support needs. 

Thanks to our supporters, we’ve been able to campaign to ensure autistic people’s needs are taken into account by governments across the UK in these challenging times. Autistic people have been included in mask exemptions and have been given more opportunities to exercise. 

We’ve developed online resources for autistic people and increased the number of online social groups we run. There is still so much to do and we desperately need your help to continue this vital work. 

Events That Take Place During Autism Awareness Month

Show Your Support for National Autism Awareness Month 2017 ...

Autism Awareness Month kicks off on April 2 with World Autism Awareness Day. On that day, you can expect to see an awful lot of blue. People in blue T-shirts, homes with blue lights, and personal profiles with a blue puzzle piece will be everywhere. There will also be media coverage of autism, special stories about autistic people, and promotion of merchandise featuring the autism puzzle piece icon.

Look for buildings lit with the blue light. In the past, some iconic buildings that have been lit up blue include the Empire State Building in New York City, the Sydney Opera House in Australia, and the CN Building in Toronto.

During the month of April you’ll find, among other things:

  • special “sensory friendly” days at all kinds of venues, from movie theaters to amusement parks
  • autism awareness events at schools, community centers, hospitals, and elsewhere
  • fundraising marches and events across the United States and beyond

So March Is The Month To Beware Of Autism Awareness Month

It is our time to prepare ourselves to fight for our right to be.

Beware of April celebrations.

Beware of those who celebrate dismissing our humanity.

Autism Awareness Month was never about Autism, or Autistics. It has always been a pity-party-fundraiser on the backs of our right to exist as we are.

Autism Acceptance Month Vs Autism Awareness Month: Which Is Correct

July 1, 2021

If you have a connection to the autism communityor even if you dontyou may have heard that April is Autism Awareness Month, also referred to as World Autism Month. There is no formal designation for this month, but the celebration evolved from the Autism Society of Americas first National Autistic Childrens Week in 1972 and the United Nations official observance of World Autism Awareness Day on April 2.

In many places, Autism Awareness Month is a big dealhomes, buildings, and landmarks will glow with blue lights, part of Autism Speaks Light It Up Blue campaign. Donations will be raised, social media posts will be shared, and rallies will be held. Its a time to both spread awareness of the challenges and celebrate the differences of those affected by autism. But some organizations have called for a change in how we frame this month and their calls have been heard. 

Hamad Medical Corporation’s Asd Programme

A team of specialised professionals work together at HMC’s Child Development Centre to early identify and screen children who may have a high risk of ASD. This programme was established in collaboration with the Primary Health Care Corporation with the aim of ensuring the early identification of children with moderate to high risk of ASD and to empower and train parents and caregivers to best understand and provide the appropriate care and support required by Autistic children.

CDC’s ASD services

  • Comprehensive multidisciplinary and developmental assessment using internationally approved tools and practices
  • Identify a childs and family needs and advise on resources and priorities in order to develop a joint plan of care
  • Provide families with clear home programs and activities
  • Follow up and reassess needs at regular intervals
  • Recommend referrals to other health care providers if needed
  • Arrange smooth transition to the AutismProgramme for children continue to be at risk of autism for comprehensivediagnostic assessments
  • Facilitate discharge or transition to the community or other care providers if required

Referral to the programme

The programme only takes referrals only from Primary Health Care or from HMC physicians.

Autism Acceptance & Awareness Month 2021

As a company that celebrates autism awareness and acceptance year-round, AngelSense wants to do our part to shed light on the wonderful world of autism and help families not only protect their loved ones with ASD, but also help them to support their children to realize greater independence than ever believed possible.

As the only Autism GPS Tracker & Safety Solution made for autism parents by autism parents, AngelSense is dedicated to providing people with autism maximum safety, independence, and peace of mind to their parents and caregivers. Get the lowest price of the year during Autism Acceptance Month + call or sign-up for an additional $20 Off! 

Heres a series of articles that delve into what autism is, how it impacts those affected, specific concerns and challenges, autism safety products and solutions, and insight into what the future holds for autism.

Autism Awareness Month Facts & Statistics

Why Doesn’t Everyone Love Autism Awareness Month

Because Autism Speaks has become such a large and ubiquitous organization, it essentially “owns” autism awareness month. Television specials, telethons, multimedia advertising, and other forms of outreach are all part of the event.

But Autism Speaks has hadand continues to havea very questionable relationship with the autism community. Both autistic self-advocates and many groups of parents have had issues with their funding priorities, governance, and perspectives on the causes of autism. While some issues have gone away , others are still of concern.

Just a few of the issues people have with Autism Speaks:

Looking For One Way To Acknowledge Autism This Month

In donating your vehicle this month consider,

And Autism Speaks

Receiving gifts from $100.00 , all the way up to $40,000.00 in a few short years of being part of our program , our Autism honoring charities are a mindful choice as you consider vehicle donation.

In the course of time I had the privilege of working with other autistic children and adults. Each taught me something of wit and intellect and patience and goodness. From M who would patiently stare me in the eye until I got the so-subtle joke he was willing me to catch on to , to C who had my mind racing to keep pace with her busy busy hands and fast-as-lightning feet, and right back to Amir.

Amir, who is a man now. Just a few years older than my oldest son. No doubt having won the hearts of many professionals and teachers and fellow students alike. Heres to the ones you love who know the many challenges and hopes of Autism. May they swim so free.

Autism Awareness Month: Autism Wandering & Safety

Families with children who have autism often face unique safety challenges. Among these are wandering, inability to communicate verbally, and no awareness of danger. There are more autism safety products on the market than ever before and with more awareness and understanding of these autism safety concerns, we will hopefully see better solutions for this underserved population.

Autism Wandering is life-threatening and a serious safety concern that requires much more attention and awareness. Today, nearly 50% of those with Autism will wander, elope or run. This is not just an isolated safety concern. For those who have a child diagnosed with wandering it is a life-threatening daily challenge. Every parent worries about the safety of their children, but imagine if your child is prone to quickly taking off without notice, is a master of escaping the most secure home or school, and has no awareness of danger.

AngelSense GPS for Autism was designed by autism parents for autism parents specifically to address this issue. After trying to find a solution to protect their children, the founders of AngelSense realized that none of the GPS products on the market could truly keep their vulnerable loved ones safe.

Many people are unaware of the challenges of raising a child with a wandering diagnosis. To learn more about autism eloping and other safety concerns read: Autism Awareness Month: Wandering & Safety

Autism Awareness Month Inclusion and Independence

The Origins Of Autism Awareness


Autism, as a diagnosis, has changed radically over the past several decades. Back before the 1990s, autism was not considered to be a spectrum disorder. Thus anyone with an autism diagnosis had relatively severe symptoms. Many professionals believed that autism was a result of poor parenting; the famous psychologist Bruno Bettelheim wrote extensively about what he called “refrigerator” mothering. An adult with autism was typically thought to require an institutional setting. 

The movie “Rain Man,” with Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise, provides a good insight into autism in those days. Hoffman’s character has been institutionalized for most of his life, despite his verbal and intellectual abilities. Leaving the institution is a frightening experience; he requires full-time care from his brother in order to successfully navigate the outside world.

Enter Dr. Bernard Rimland. A psychologist with an autistic son, he debunked the “refrigerator mother” theory and created an organization called The Autism Society. According to the Society’s website, The Autism Society began its first nationwide awareness program in the early 1970s. It was adopted by Congress in 1984. The iconic autism awareness ribbon was designed in 1999. 

Qatar’s National Autism Plan

The National Autism Plan was formulated in April 2017 and is the first such plan kind in the Gulf region. It was put together by various stakeholders, healthcare providers, the Qatari government, etc., and launched by His Excellency the Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani What is even more encouraging is how committed the Government of Qatar and other healthcare providers are in putting in place support systems and improving health services for individuals with ASD.

The aim of this Plan is to improve the lives of those with ASD and their families and facilitate them to lead as normal lives as possible. It lists 44 goals that will be implemented by 2021 which concentrate on various programmes to increase public awareness, facilitate early diagnosis and improve the quality of interventions and services, as well as continuity of care and meaningful development in education and social participation.

Autism Awareness Day & Acceptance Month 2021

Autism Awareness Month 2021

Every April we celebrate Autism Awareness Month, with World Autism Awareness Day sanctioned by the UN to be on April 2 every year. This year in particular there is a push to change the name to Autism Acceptance Month. The new name and designation of April to officially be recognized have been submitted to the federal government in an effort to bring more attention to Autism Spectrum Disorder and the needs of the people and families who are affected by it.

Although autism rates have been significantly increasing, there is still a long way to go to understand autism. As the name of the official diagnosis suggests, its a spectrum. There are so many unique and beautiful ways that autism presents itself. Some of the traits are more common and some less, but without greater awareness and acceptance of autism, the individuals and families affected will continue to be misunderstood, misdiagnosed, and misrepresented.

Autism Awareness Day 2021

World Autism Awareness Day 2 April

During the 62nd session of the UN General Assembly in 2007, Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser Al Missned supported a resolution to fix a day to mark Autism around the world. The UNGA approved the resolution and the date of 2 April was set to mark World Autism Awareness Day within the already well-known National Autism Awareness Month every April. Besides, marking a specific day for Autism, the UNGA encouraged all member states to raise Autism awareness within their countries.

The first World Autism Awareness Day was celebrated on 2 April 2008 and in the 13 years since it was started, ASD awareness has spread rapidly and services have also improved for individuals with ASD and their families.

World Autism Day also goes one step further and celebrates the unique talents that many with Autism have.

Autism Awareness Month Spotlights The Next Generation Of Researchers

In a symposium of early-career researchers and a seminar, scientists shared their work on the role of environmental factors in autism risk.

NIEHS marked Autism Awareness Month with a mini-symposium April 12 showcasing NIEHS-funded research, as well as a guest lecture April 28 that presented a new hypothesis about how microbes in the gut are linked to the disorder.

Autism, also known as autism spectrum disorder , is a broad range of conditions affecting the way people communicate, behave, or interact with others. Once considered rare, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now estimates that autism affects about 1 in 54 children in the United States.

There is a strong genetic contribution to autism, but we know a lot less about the nongenetic or environmental factors that might be at play, said Cindy Lawler, Ph.D., head of the NIEHS Genes, Environment, and Health Branch.

During the mini-symposium, six early-stage researchers presented their efforts to study those environmental factors, describing a variety of approaches from epidemiology to laboratory-based studies of biological mechanisms that may be at play.

Stop Believing Autism Needs To Be Cured Or Is A Tragedy

Autism is part of many autistics identities. If you removed it, many of us dont know who we are without it. It is how we experience the world around us. To imply that we need to be cured implies that we are sick we are not. That doesnt mean autistics dont go through their own struggles, but our lives arent tragic and we dont need a cure. Learning I was autistic has made me feel accepted and apart of a community.

Autism Awareness Month 2021

In April, the Office of Autism Research Coordination/NIMH joins with the United Nations and the U.S. government in recognizing the important role individuals on the autism spectrum play in our lives and our communities across the country and around the world. We join partner agencies and organizations in highlighting the needs of people on the autism spectrum and their families and supporting understanding, acceptance, inclusion, and empowerment of people on the autism spectrum. Throughout the month of April, we will be updating this page with the latest news and events, including OARCs two upcoming special events on April 7, 2021 and April 28, 2021.

Dont Speak Over Autistics

If you arent autistic, you dont know what its like to be autistic. It doesnt matter who you know has it or what education youve had. Its important to listen to autistic voices, thoughts and experiences when it comes to anything that pertains to autism. We tend to be experts on our own bodies and minds. This includes topics like ABA therapy, Autism Speaks, hiring #ActuallyAutistic actors, identity-first language, and many more. Nothing about us without us.

Dont Use The Puzzle Piece Sign

April is Autism Awareness Month

The puzzle piece is problematic as it suggests that autistics are a mystery or a puzzle to be solved. The puzzle piece has also been widely used by Autism Speaks. Consider the rainbow infinity sign instead. Not all autistics are the same and the rainbow infinity symbol represents that neurodiversity in our community. The infinity sign is a positive symbol within the community.

Autism Awareness & Acceptance Month: Autism Beyond 2021

Fortunately, efforts to more fully understand and support people with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families are continuing to increase. Local governments and communities are becoming more aware of the necessity for better programs, assistance, and services. However, there is still a long way to go.

Federal and state legislation is still lacking when it comes to truly supporting this growing population. Many school districts are not fully aware of the challenges and safety concerns, denying children the inclusion and measures needed to support them and keep them safe.

Learn more about how to support those with autism: Autism Awareness & Acceptance Month: Autism Beyond 2021

Ways You Can Become Involved At The Autism Speaks Website

You can help advocate for inclusive health insurance coverage, vital research, early intervention and treatment, and life-long support and necessary services for individuals with autism and their families.

Light It Up Blue, annually observed on April 2 is dedicated to raising awareness of autism. Autism Speaks, the world’s largest autism science and advocacy organization, announced the launch of the inaugural Light It Up Blue campaign in 2010. This initiative is intended to raise international awareness of autism as a growing public health crisis in support of World Autism Awareness Day and Autism Awareness Month in the United States.

Iconic landmarks around the globe â including the Empire State Building in New York City and Willis Tower in Chicago along with the CN Tower in Toronto and Kingdom Tower in Saudi Arabia â as well as airports, bridges, museums, concert halls, restaurants, hospitals, and retail stores, are among more than 100 structures in over 16 U.S. cities and nine countries around the world lit up in bright blue on the evening of April 1, 2010 â the first night of Autism Awareness Month in the United States and the eve of World Autism Awareness Day .

About Angelsense Gps Tracker For Autism

AngelSense is a GPS Tracker for Kids that was specially designed for autism and special needs. It is a comprehensive safety solution that has an array of features to provide the highest level of safety and well-being for those who are most vulnerable. It supports independence, inclusion, and integration without compromising safety Giving parents much-needed peace of mind.

AngelSense is committed to creating a safer world for those with special needs and providing peace of mind to their families.

Autism Community Calls On Media To Move From Using Awareness To Acceptance This April To Foster Change And Inclusivity For Those Affected By Autism

Rockville, MD, March 4, 2021 Today, the Autism Society of America, along with leading disability organizations across the country, is announcing that it is formally shifting references of Autism Awareness Month to Autism Acceptance Month and is calling on the media to reflect this in their ongoing coverage. 

April has widely been known as Autism Awareness Month in the United States as a way to empower autistic individuals and their families. Today, the autism community is calling on all media outlets to shift their language to match the growing need for acceptance within the community in preparation for any news coverage in the weeks ahead. 

The shift in the use of terminology aims to foster acceptance to ignite change through improved support and opportunities in education, employment, accessible housing, affordable health care and comprehensive long-term services. 

While we will always work to spread awareness, words matter as we strive for autistic individuals to live fully in all areas of life, says Christopher Banks, President and CEO of the Autism Society of America. As many individuals and families affected by autism know, acceptance is often one of the biggest barriers to finding and developing a strong support system.

*Interviews Available*

About the Autism Society of America

Autism Awareness Month: Autism Diagnosis & Traits

A central topic that Autism Awareness Month aims to shed light on is the several common and unique traits and challenges that people with autism live with on a daily basis. Understanding autism more thoroughly will help communities and families better support people diagnosed with any of the varying degrees of ASD.

Autism is also an often underdiagnosed condition, especially in girls and minorities. Without proper diagnosis, thousands of children are not getting the care and support they need. Also, because autism is a spectrum and the traits can vary so significantly and also in severity, a viable one-size-fits-all support solution would be impossible to achieve. In addition to this, many people with autism are diagnosed with other conditions as well that must be taken into consideration when discussing treatment and therapy plans.

Read more in our full post: Autism Awareness Month: Autism Diagnosis & Traits

Autism Awareness Month Autism Safety and Wandering

Tara Matthews Md Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics Childrens Specialized Hospital An Rwjbarnabas Health Facility And Leader In Research For Treatment And Diagnosis Of Autism

April has long been recognized as Autism Awareness Month, but this year, experts and advocates are calling for a shift from using Awareness to Acceptance to foster change and inclusivity for the 1 in 32 children with autism spectrum disorder in New Jersey.

Autism spectrum disorder or autism is a neurobiological disorder characterized by impairments in social communication and interaction as well as restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior. Individuals with autism typically have difficulty interacting with others. This can include difficulty with building relationships, using language, regulating their emotions, and understanding others points of view.

The shift to Autism Acceptance Month aims to ignite change through improved support and opportunities in education, employment, affordable health care, comprehensive long-term services and more. Furthermore, it challenges non-autistic people to address their own implicit and explicit bias that they may have about autism.

Acceptance: Key in Helping Kids with Autism Reach Their Full Potential

There is no known single cause of autism spectrum disorder but early diagnosis and intervention along with access to appropriate services and support can lead to significantly improved outcomes. Additionally, new research shows that an increased understanding of autism can help improve social interactions amongst those on the spectrum. Many children on the spectrum struggle to connect and communicate with their peers.


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