Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Do Autistic People Like Trains

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Why Autistic People Love Pokmon

Why Do Autistic People Love Trains? | #AutismWithSav Weekly Vlog Series

Nevertheless, autistic people dont just fall in love with Pokémon because it offers them an escape to a simpler and safer reality. There is also a valuable lesson in self-reflection, which comes from watching and playing the series.

Take for example the inclusion of the disguise Pokémon Mimikyu: a Pokémon who spends its life masked in a Pikachu costume , or maybe consider Hatenna: a Pokémon whose entry in the Pokédex states that If this Pokémon senses a strong emotion, it will run away as fast as it can. It prefers areas without people. It doesnt take much of a leap to say that autistic people would see ourselves in these personas and, sure enough, we have plenty of articles out there with autistic people stating just that.

So why is this important? Well, while on the surface most people can see themselves in a bowl of Cheerios , whats brilliant is that this therapeutic comparison is further rewarded in the Pokémon world where, despite change and evolution playing a huge part in how Pokémon can develop, many games and episodes revolve around the theme that this change isnt always necessary to become the best you as altering your identity can bring a whole new slew of issues.

In a life where a real Mimikyu would be subsequently looked over, whilst Hatenna would be forced to socialise, its hard to imagine that this isnt a message autistic people wish we could hear more.

Lack Of Imitation Skills

Typically-developing children watch how others play with toys and imitate them. For example, a typically developing child might choose to line up blocks one next to the other the first time they play with them. But as soon as the typically developing child sees others build with the blocks, the child will imitate that behavior.

A child with autism may not even notice that others are playing with blocks at all and is very unlikely to observe others’ behavior and then intuitively begin to imitate that behavior.

Fictional Struggles They Relate To

One story James mentioned was that people with autism have trouble getting up in the morning. So, he could really relate to Ash in the first episode of Pokemon, who gets up late and rushes to Professor Oak’s lab in a panic, worried that the three starter Pokemon are already taken. They are, and that’s how Ash ended up with Pikachu.

That’s just one example, but oftentimes a character need not be autistic canonically to have some of the same as some people with autism. Many anime characters face school problems, bullying, harassment, social uncertainty, communication problems, social mistakes, and other problems common for people with autism spectrum disorders. For some people with autism, anime can be a way to see how best to handle their “worst case scenario” situations. Knowing how one might handle a worst case scenario helps people face a potentially awkward social situation with more confidence.

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What Is A Meltdown

A meltdown is where a person with autism or Asperger’s temporarily loses control because of emotional responses to environmental factors. They aren’t usually caused by one specific thing.

Triggers build up until the person becomes so overwhelmed that they can’t take in any more information. It has been described as feeling like a can of cola that has been shaken up, opened and poured out, emotions flowing everywhere.

They can look like a common or garden tantrum, but unlike tantrums, meltdowns can’t be stopped by giving the person their own way.

Dependent on the cause of meltdown, it may be best to help the person leave the situation they find distressing. Everyone is different but some say that what they need to recover from a meltdown is being left alone in a place where they feel safe, listening to music, having a bath or sleeping.

After a meltdown the person often feels ashamed, embarrassed, and very tired.

Does It Officially Exist

Why Do Autistic People Love Trains?  Aspergers Autism News

In March 2013, Asperger’s syndrome was removed from the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual . Instead, people with the same set of difficulties who are diagnosed using the DSM after that time are described as having an autism spectrum disorder.

But people who were assessed before March 2013 keep their original diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome.

The DSM is the mental health diagnostic bible for US doctors, but UK doctors tend to refer to the World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Diseases instead.

No similar change has been made to this manual, and so UK doctors continue to diagnose Asperger’s syndrome.

The term is much used in the international autism community and is part of many people’s identities. It is likely that many in the US will continue to say that they have Asperger’s, despite the changes.

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Anime Often Shows School Bullying

If you’re an adult-adult like me, it can be a little irritating that there are so many anime centered around middle school or high school aged kids. But for people in middle and high school, anime can help viewers understand many everyday social challenges associated with school. I said before that anime fans primarily watch anime to escape reality. And if you’re talking about something like Flip Flappers, that’s completely true. But people also watch more realistic anime sometimes, and this is probably why: they get to see how other people handle distressing real-life situations. Stuff they wouldn’t know how to deal with if it happened to them.

Many anime protagonists face bullying and social ostracism, which unfortunately many autistic people can relate to.

Instead Of Encouraging Autistic People Away From Their Obsessions Recognise Them As Actual Legitimate Interests Which May Be Secretly Doing Them A World Of Good

If you believe in parallel universes, therell be a universe where I obediently cast Sonic aside.

In that universe, Im not starting an MA in Creative Writing because I never wrote all that fan-fiction that got me off the starting blocks.

In that universe, I never learned how to explore everywhere, whether locally or internationally.

In that universe, me and my young cousins arent very close because we never had much in common.

In that universe, Im less willing to stand up for whats right.

Next time you see an autistic child obsessing over dinosaurs and you personally dont like it, think about the parallel universe in the future where the child doesnt become a palaeontologist.

We have the same love of things as everyone else. We just express it differently. And sometimes we rely on those interests more, especially if being popular in social groups is off the table. Losing an interest because of other peoples perceptions would simply be another reminder of why were not good enough.

And besides, dinosaurs are bloodyawesome. Let us love them.

Chris Bonnello / Captain Quirk

Are you tired of characters with special needs being tokenised and based on stereotypes, or being the victims rather than the heroes? This novel series may interest you!

Book one can be found here:

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Dont Forget Thomas The Train

I am bringing this up strictly as my own personal hypothesis.

Thomas The Train® is a pretty popular dude! A lot of kids are introduced to this character early in life when they are just becoming intellectually aware.

Many people with autism can be several years behind their neurotypical counterparts as it relates to maturity. As I often point out, this is not true of all people with autism, but certainly some.

If they were introduced to Thomas The Train® and enjoyed the program, thats going to have an impact. At a young impressionable age, a favorite character may well have a strong influence on things you like as you get older.

A kiddo on the spectrum who grew up watching this show, could certainly be seen as having an affinity for trains as they grow older.

Of course Im not saying that all autistic kids who watch Thomas The Train® will grow up loving trains. Nor am I saying that all autistic people who have a keen interest in trains watched that show at some point in their life.

What I am saying is that it doesnt take a big stretch of the imagination to see there could be a possible correlation for some autistic people who love trains.

Why Do Many Kids With Autism Flap Their Hands

Why do autistic people seem weird?

Kids with autism flap their hands for four reasons. The first is a form of self stimulation. The flapping applies pressure to the carpal tunnel nerves inside the wrists which in turn creates an unusual throbbing sensation and a fuzzy fingers feeling. Because a lot of autistic kids are very sensitive to every feeling and sensation their bodies make, this is a fun way to feel something out of the ordinary.

They may also flap because they are bored and need something to do. Bored hands have to do something, and sometimes its not always the most productive choice. However, flapping the hands keeps the hands busy, nonetheless.

Feeling angry or anxious or excited about something may also resurrect the flapping hands movement. Even the average person when they win a prize or are doing something really exciting will flap their hands out of disbelief. Does it make them autistic? No, its just a physical response to a unique situation. We all fan ourselves when weve gotten hot under the collar about something its kind of the same thing for children with autism.

The very last reason is because its a repetitive movement, something children with autism really enjoy. They probably will dance, sway or jump up and down at the same time. They will repeat these movements when it interests them most to be repetitive in their behavior.

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Sonic The Hedgehog Made Me A Good Cousin

When I became a teenager, I had a young cousin who was just growing into Sonic. That brought us very close together, especially when I wrote stories for him. This was before the days of the internet so we only spoke on the phone once every few months and only met face to face a couple of times a year, but wow those times were awesome.

Ill forever remember me and my cousin growing up together with a friendship partly based on Sonic. Yes, it was also based on the fact that we got on really well, but several nights of reading him Sonic stories helped a lot.

Then he became a teenager, and found other interests. Around the same time, I had another younger cousin who was just growing into Sonic same story again.

If theres one thing I want people to take away from this article, its this:

The Night Riviera London

Sleeper trains involve late nights and early wake-ups, so wont suit all children. But if yours can cope with the disruption, the newly refurbed night trains between Paddington and Penzance offer an experience they wont forget quickly. The stylish new cabins are already in service the redesigned cocktail lounge arrives soon.

Details:, double cabin £90-£110 + regular ticket price.

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Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism

No link has been found between vaccines and autism, despite many scientific studies. Researchers have scrutinized the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine since a 1998 British report raised concerns. That report has been retracted by the Lancet medical journal for poor science and fraud. Thimerosol, a form of mercury, was removed from childhood vaccines in 2001 as a precaution — though no good evidence ever linked it to autism.

Things To Know About Dating Someone With Autism

Why do Autistic People LOVE Trains?

When I started dating at 18 I had NO idea how to talk to people, let alone women. Many of the people I dated had good intents, but they may not have understood some of the quirks that people on the spectrum like me may have. For example, as a kid I hated being touched. Ten years later as a 28-year-old adult, I embrace affection.

Here are some things you need to know when it comes to dating someone with autism.

Some of us want to unwind after a long day just like anyone else.

So if were not looking at you right in the eyes when we are having a conversation, dont think were trying to give you the cold shoulder.

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Why Do Autistic People Like Pokmon

Interestingly, despite Pokémon being the biggest entertainment franchise of all time , for many autistic people it is often the smaller ideas it carries that can explain why we are so likely to become hooked.

Take for example the main plot of the franchise where, regardless of whether you play the games or watch the show, the protagonist aims to be the Pokémon Master. When viewed over the shoulder of a loved one, this idea can seem quite grandiose and intimidating, yet, with every new release, this is always about beating 8, very similar gyms, and 4, very similar, elite trainers.

Furthermore, while the Pokémon battles these consist of may look complicated, the truth is, if you can understand Rock, Paper, Scissors, you already have what it takes to win a match wherein:

  • Fire-type Pokémon beat grass-types
  • Water-types beat fire-types
  • Grass-types beat water-types.

For autistic people this is perfect as, while our minds love to make lots of little connections between limited topics , we love it even more when we know that these connections wont be threatened with any kind of looming change. Pokémon therefore gives us this minimalistic security in spades and, as every new release contains hundreds of Pokémon which are new , this is constantly being reinforced without ever feeling overwhelming.

Autism Hobbies & Interests

Programming was my lifeOne characteristic of autism is having special interests and some of the activities people described enjoying could be interpreted as special interests. Interests could be categorised into a love of nature, arts and technology.

Most people enjoyed and were fascinated by or even obsessed with computers. Daniel said, I have to say, probably most sort of leisure time is spent sort of fannying around on the computer while Richard, an obsessive games player played games for as long as he could.

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Lack Of Joint Attention Skills

Joint attention skills are the skills we use when we attend to something with another person. People use joint attention skills when they share a game together, look at a puzzle together, or otherwise think and work in a pair or group.

People with autism often have impaired joint attention skills. While these skills can be taught, they may never develop on their own.

Attention Capture By Trains And Faces In Children With And Without Autism Spectrum Disorder

Why Autistic People Don’t Have Friends | Parallel Play | Chit Chat GRWM (Kinda)
  • Nichole E. Scheerer,

    Roles Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Writing original draft, Writing review & editing

    Affiliations The Brain and Mind Institute, Western University, London, Canada, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada

  • Roles Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Software, Supervision, Writing review & editing

    Affiliation Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada

  • Roles Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing review & editing

    Affiliation Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada

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What Is It About Autism And Trains

What is it about autism and trains? We know its not just our son because we keep meeting other children and adults on the spectrum who are so fascinated by them.

Todays Got Questions? answer is by developmental pediatrician Amanda Bennett. Dr. Bennett directs the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Trains certainly seem to be a popular topic for the children we see in our autism clinic. I see several probable reasons for the wide appeal among individuals on the autism spectrum regardless of their ages.

First, trains have wheels, and this will appeal to those whose sensory interests include watching objects spin. This is certainly common among children with autism. In fact, spending an extraordinary amount of time spinning and rotating toys is among the signs that a toddler may be at increased risk of going on to develop autism spectrum disorder .

Second, trains can be categorized into different models, types, sizes, etc. For some individuals with ASD, the ability to organize objects into categories is very appealing. Ive had several patients who could share more details than I knew existed about different types of trains!

In addition, a passionate interest such as trains can offer an enjoyable opportunity to engage with your child whether it involves talking about a favorite Thomas the Tank Engine video or a recent family trip to a local train depot.

Besides, trains really are pretty cool, dont you think?

Is It Mainly A Boy Thing

Although Austrian paediatrician Hans Asperger thought it only affected boys when he first described the syndrome back in 1944, research since has found that there are likely to be a similar number of females on the spectrum.

The National Autistic Society says that because of the male gender bias, girls are less likely to be identified with autism spectrum disorders, even when their symptoms are equally severe. Many girls are never referred for diagnosis and are missed from the statistics altogether.

Asperger’s affects females in a slightly different way. Girls will have special interests but instead of building up an incredible wealth of knowledge on subjects like trains or dinosaurs – like boys with Asperger’s might – they tend to like the same things as neurotypical girls their age, albeit in a more focused way.

For example, a young girl with Asperger’s might make it her business to collect all of the outfits that Barbie has ever worn.

Women and girls can find it easier to mask their difficulties, making the condition harder to recognise. It might only become obvious at around age 11, when the pressure to be the same as friends gets too much.

Some girls with Asperger’s will manage to keep their difficulties under wraps at school, but might have “meltdowns” at home, where they feel safe to relax and release the feelings that they have been squashing down all day.

Recommended Reading: What Is The Life Expectancy Of People With Autism

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