Friday, April 26, 2024

Why Is Adhd So Common

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Tiktok Trends Or The Pandemic Whats Behind The Rise In Adhd Diagnoses

Why Does ADHD Seem So Common?

Dani Donovan almost didnt post the illustration that changed her life: a deadpan visual gag that translated her ADHD-addled storytelling style into a 12-point flowchart.

When she released her drawing into the Twittersphere in December 2018, she figured that few people would see it. Instead the post went viral almost immediately, amassing more than 100m views across social media channels. Just over a year later, she quit her corporate graphic design job to make ADHD comics full-time.

Donovan, now 31, has become something of a grand doyenne in the widening arena of ADHD influencers, a niche that virtually didnt exist when she shared her inaugural post just three and a half years ago.

ADHD, or attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, is having a moment. On TikTok, videos tagged #ADHD have been viewed more than 11bn times. Most of the creators are twenty- and thirtysomethings who identify as having the executive function disorder, whose symptoms commonly include difficulties in concentrating and regulating emotions. Some are practicing clinicians who use their platforms to correct misconceptions . Altogether, they post to ever-expanding audiences.

It helps to break things down. Theres ADHD as a neurodevelopmental impairment with known anatomical correlates , and ADHD as a clinical diagnosis with hefty profit potential for the pharmaceutical industry. Then theres #ADHD as an algorithmic content incentive and affirmation of experience.

The Need For A More Cautious Diagnosis Of Adult Attention

The increase in the prevalence of adult ADHD reflects the effects of many forces. Physicians are faced with complex clinical problems for which a simple solution, leading directly to a prescription, is a tempting option.

The absence of objective measures for the diagnosis of adult ADHD suggests a need for caution, as well as a more systematic approach using self-report, clinical interviews, collateral information, childhood documentation, and, when available, neuropsychological testing. Given that this kind of assessment is unlikely to happen outside of research clinics or private clinics, clinicians should at least require collateral information and solid evidence for a childhood onset. We suggest even more caution when these data are absent or unavailable.

The main concern about overdiagnosis is overtreatment. More research is needed on the impact of increased stimulant prescription on adult patients receiving a treatment that can be maintained for years or decades, a period of time that has not yet been examined in research.47

It may be argued that even if stimulant treatment is given to normal people, it need not be withheld if it is effective in improving performance. However, as long as there is little long-term follow-up research to determine the effects of administration of these drugs over years, clinicians should be cautious.

What Is The Treatment For Adhd

The treatment for ADHD can include medicine and therapy.

Medicine can make it easier to pay attention, slow down, and be more patient. Your doctor can explain more about this to you.

Therapy can help you learn ways to improve your attention, deal with distractions, cope with feelings, and get along better with others. Therapists can help you see the best in yourself and find ways to use your strengths. They can teach you to use mindfulness to improve attention.

Parents can help too. They can learn more about ADHD. They can help you listen better or be more organized. Parents can also give encouragement, love, and support. They can get coached on ways to bring out the best in you.

Teachers can do things to help you do well in class, such as:

  • Break schoolwork into parts.
  • Help you organize your work.
  • Let you sit where they are fewer distractions, like away from a window or door.
  • Give you quick breaks to get up and move during class.

You can do things to help yourself, like:

  • Eat healthy food.

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Symptoms Of Impulsivity In Children

Your child may:

  • Act without thinking.
  • Guess, rather than taking time to solve a problem blurt out answers in class without waiting to be called on or hear the whole question.
  • Intrude on other peoples conversations or games.
  • Often interrupt others say the wrong thing at the wrong time.
  • Be unable to keep powerful emotions in check, resulting in angry outbursts or temper tantrums.

Parenting Tips For Children With Adhd

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If your child is hyperactive, inattentive, or impulsive, it may take a lot of energy to get them to listen, finish a task, or sit still. The constant monitoring can be frustrating and exhausting. Sometimes you may feel like your child is running the show. But there are steps you can take to regain control of the situation, while simultaneously helping your child make the most of their abilities.

While attention deficit disorder is not caused by bad parenting, there are effective parenting strategies that can go a long way to correct problem behaviors. Children with ADHD need structure, consistency, clear communication, and rewards and consequences for their behavior. They also need lots of love, support, and encouragement.

There are many things parents can do to reduce the signs and symptoms of ADHD without sacrificing the natural energy, playfulness, and sense of wonder unique in every child.

Take care of yourself so youre better able to care for your child. Eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, find ways to reduce stress, and seek face-to-face support from family and friends as well as your childs doctor and teachers.

Establish structure and stick to it. Help your child stay focused and organized by following daily routines, simplifying your childs schedule, and keeping your child busy with healthy activities.

Help your child eat right. To manage symptoms of ADHD, schedule regular healthy meals or snacks every three hours and cut back on junk and sugary food.

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Discipline Strategies May Not Work

When kids have developed a pattern of negative interaction, discipline that works with other kids may be ineffective. People do certain things naturally in parenting, says Dr. Anderson. For most kids, it works just fine. For kids with a behavioral issue, these things fail miserably.

One thing that doesnt work is losing your temper. For a child who rarely misbehaves, a parent who raises their voice may have an impact. But kids who misbehave often habituate to this quickly. If you yell a lot, they eventually decide thats the way of the world. People are just going to yell at them so why pay that much attention?

Similarly, Dr. Anderson explains, punishment loses its effectiveness. If kids get punished a lot, punishments stop mattering because, after all, theyre living in a perpetual state of punishment. How much is it really going to matter if they get punished a little bit more?

Managing Symptoms: Staying Healthy

Being healthy is important for all children and can be especially important for children with ADHD. In addition to behavioral therapy and medication, having a healthy lifestyle can make it easier for your child to deal with ADHD symptoms. Here are some healthy behaviors that may help:

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What Can I Expect If I Or My Child Has Adhd

ADHD is a complicated condition with various symptom expressions. If you or your child have ADHD, educate yourself as much as possible about the behaviors that make life difficult. Consider medicines and behavioral treatments. Your healthcare provider will help you with these. He or she will sum up the results of the ADHD evaluation and will recommend appropriate treatment. A combination of pharmacotherapy and behavioral treatment, is generally recommended. A trained behavioral health clinician can give general guidelines for managing your own or your childs ADHD and these can be tailored to your familys needs and your childs strengths and weaknesses.

Also, it is always useful to have appropriate expectations for yourself and your child. Dont expect your child to get out of bed the first time you wake them up, and dont be too hard on yourself if making progress is difficult. It is always best to have your partner and friends help with tasks like organizing and time management. Stay in contact with your healthcare provider, especially if there is a change in you or your childs behaviors, or there is a reaction to prescribed medications.

Two important questions to ask yourself are: 1) “Am I moving forward in the world of action or am I living in my head? 2) “Am I moving closer to my values or am I moving away from what I value?”

Analysis: Child Adhd Is On The Rise But Many Of These Diagnoses May Be Unnecessary Or Harmful

Why ADHD Is Not A Psychiatric Disorder Or Brain Disease

During my daughter’s challenging first year of school, we discovered how much effort it took her to sit and learn.

She was the youngest in her class, placing her at higher risk of being diagnosed with ADHD .

While she struggled with attention and hyperactivity, her problems were always more frustrating than truly impairing. Still, constant battles over finishing tasks, the amount of time spent on a child that needs that extra bit of attention and the anger or sadness on her face made me wonder if we should try to get some support.

Maybe a diagnosis could be a straightforward fix to the problem?

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Pesticides Preservatives And Other Food Additives Have Been Linked To Adhd In Children Find Out About The Connection Between A Poor Diet And Adhd Symptoms

Everyday Health: What role does diet play in ADHD behavior?

Will Meek, PhD : We do not know exactly how this works yet. However, it doesnt take a psychologist to point out that food with low nutritional value and high sugar content can alter mood and attention. It certainly never hurts to be eating a well-balanced, healthy diet, rich in vegetables and lean meats.

Robert F. De Maria, DC, NHD : The body is dependent on whole-food nutrients and proper oils and fats. When improper foods are eaten â like trans fats, for example â the brain cannot send signals to the rest of the body effectively. This affects mood, behavior, and physical health. Eating poor-quality food is like putting low-octane gas in a car that needs premium.

Rory Stern, PsyD : Theres not enough evidence that pesticides, preservatives, or other additives cause the condition yet diet is an important factor in ADD/ADHD behavior. Sugar provides a very quick burst of energy and often leads to a crash soon after. For children with ADHD, this can be devastating, given the already complex variables and differences in the manner in which their brains operate and function with tasks of daily living. Because of this, a healthy diet can provide an excellent alternative or nondrug approach to managing ADHD symptoms. This is why we often suggest that a child start the day with protein instead of candy and junk food to provide fuel to the brain and body.

Adhd Diagnoses Are More Accurate Than Ever

In summary, the rise in ADHD diagnoses can be attributed to increased public awareness of how the disorder affects adult lives and the daily activities involved, as well as better testing methods.

So when you hear someone say everyone has ADHD these days, you can explain to them why they think that way. And, why the increase in diagnosis is something to be embraced, not frowned upon.

Check out more articles on ADHD and see what else you can learn today!


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The Worldwide Prevalence Of Adhd: Is It An American Condition

1Department of Community Health and Epidemiology,Abramsky Hall, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6, Canada

2Harvard Institute of Psychiatric Epidemiologyand Genetics, Boston, MA, USA

3Johnson and Johnson Center for Pediatric Psychopathologyat the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Increased Accessibility Of Treatments And Medications

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Access to a variety of treatment options for ADHD has increased, which has led to an increase in the number of people diagnosed with the condition. Current research suggests that there may be many causes of ADHD, but that genetic factors play an important role.

Additionally, there has also been an increase in the number of psychologists who specialize in clinical evaluation to diagnose and treat ADHD. Therefore, it is easier than ever before for parents to find qualified professionals who understand the condition and are familiar with the different types of treatment plans available such as CBT or stimulant medications.

Whats more, discourse around behavioral therapy about mental disorders and how disruptive behaviors such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder are dealt with has increased awareness of the condition. The traditional behavioral strategies involved in behavior therapy as treatment for children are controversial and resonating amongst the wider community.

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When Should I See My Doctor

It is normal for children to get restless and distracted from time to time, and to be active and have lots of energy. But if a child has ADHD, their problems with attention and hyperactivity will be severe enough to interfere with learning and social relationships.

There are many behavioural and developmental disorders that can cause symptoms of ADHD in young children, so it’s important to have a proper assessment. Other reasons for children being inattentive, impulsive or hyperactive are health or emotional problems, learning difficulties or lack of sleep.

If you are concerned that your child may have ADHD, the first step is to see a doctor. The diagnosis can only be made after a detailed assessment of the childs behaviour, including interviews with parents or carers and the school.

How Can I Prevent Adhd

There are certain risk factor categories for the development of ADHD, some of which can be changed, some that cant. They are:

  • Prenatal exposure to toxic substances.

If you or your parents have ADHD, there is a higher probability that your children will, too. Unfortunately, theres nothing that can be done to prevent the genetics from ADHD expression. The same goes for biologic factors. People can be born with chemical imbalances or they can have adequately functioning neurotransmitters.

Environmental toxins have been linked to ADHD in children. Parents may have their home tested for lead, for example, to prevent lead poisoning which increases the risk of ADHD. Another way to help reduce the risk of ADHD is to avoid smoking, alcohol and drugs while pregnant with your child.

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Is There An Increase In Adhd

With a diagnosis rate of nearly 10 percent of children in some areas of the United States, are we really seeing an increase in ADHD in the population?

Probably not, say researchers, but it is still possible. Environmental changes in our food and chemical exposures could be affecting prenatal development, and an increasing use of electronics and decreasing hours of sleep could be creating behaviors that mimic ADHD symptoms.

A study released last year examined the twenty-year trends in ADHD diagnosis. Researchers saw what they claim is a significant increase in diagnoses between 1997 and 2016.

This is a dramatic change, says Wei Bao, MD, PhD, one of the study authors. ADHD was already a common condition in children in the past, and it is becoming even more common. Now 1 in 10 children are affected.

One of the possible reasons there are more diagnoses than before, Bao says, is an increased recognition by doctors about the condition, along with a rising awareness about ADHD among parents and schools.

Prevalence vs. diagnosis rates

When we discuss ADHD and other health conditions, the terms prevalence rate and diagnosis rate are often used in reference to the number of people affected by the condition.

Does this mean, with an increase in diagnosis, that the prevalence rate of ADHDhow many people within a given population could be expected to have ADHDhas actually increased? Researchers are also asking this question.

Why Do Kids With Adhd Throw Tantrums

Understanding ADHD in children

For kids with ADHD, tasks that are repetitive or boring or require a lot of effort can be acutely challenging, and elicit a lot of resistance, especially if it means stopping something thats pleasurable like playing a video game. So things like homework, going to bed, getting dressed and coming to dinner can become battlegrounds. Unfortunately for parents, the avoidance strategies that these kids typically use are tantrums, arguing, defiance and power struggles.

If they throw a fit, its very likely that someone will change the task demands, make it easier on them, or settle for the bare minimum compliance, adds Dr. Anderson. That works for the kid, so the behavior tends to be repeated.

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Help For Behavior Problems

When children with ADHD develop serious behavior problems, whether they had a diagnosis of ODD or not, the most effective treatment is parent training. There are many parent training programs, but what they have in common is that they teach parents how to reset the relationship with the child.

Parents learn how to use praise effectively, to encourage the behaviors they want to encourage, and how to deploy consistent consequences when kids dont comply. The result is that kids learn to modulate their behavior to meet expectations and enjoy much more positive interactions with their parents. Social skills training and individual cognitive behavioral therapy can also help kids interact in a healthier way with both adults and their peers.

For kids with ADHD, stimulant medication that reduces symptoms of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity may also help improve behavior. Anti-psychotic medications like Abilify and Risperdal , which have been shown to reduce aggression and irritability, are frequently used in cases where a child is at risk of being removed from the school or home.

But even when medication is used, experts recommend that it be paired with parent training for the best results.

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