Friday, July 26, 2024

Autistics On Autism Book

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What Is Your Final Overall Opinion On The Book

12-year-old writes a book about living with autism

I really enjoyed reading this book. Hewitson has an open and chatty writing style that is extremely easy to read. The book is littered with her personal reflections, as well as accounts from other parents and from autistic adults. She frequently provides lists of practical tips, while also drawing on research evidence effectively. All in all, a great read for parents of autistic children a book that educates and problem-solves, but also uplifts and inspires.

Ten Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew By Ellen Notbohm

Ellen Notbohms personal experience with her own autistic and ADHD children makes her book both personalized and empathetic. Written in first person from the voice of an autistic child, Notbohm expresses ten critical traits of autism including I interpret language very literally, and Please be patient with my limited vocabulary. The book has won multiple awards and has consistently been lauded as a must-have for any parent raising a child on the autism spectrum.

Reading Books For Social Skills

The following books are good for young readers and parents who are wanting to help their autistic children understand social skills and develop their conversational skills using picture books.

Mo Willems is a seasoned childrens author with many popular published books under his belt. For social skills, Mos books,My New Friend Is So Fun, Should I Share My Ice Cream?,and Can I Play Too, show young kids how to interact with friends and how to show empathy in social situations.

A book that parents might also love to read to their kids is the fun and heartwarming story,Bronco, and Friends: A Party to Remember by Tim Tebow with A.J Gregory. This book celebrates children with special needs and encourages young children to embrace each others differences.

The Social Skills Picture Book: Teaching Play, Emotion, and Communication to Children with Autism by Jed Baker, PhD is a picture book and educational resource offering pictures of how to handle a social situation. The Social Skills Picture Book shows almost 30 pictures of real-life social situations allowing the child to interpret the most appropriate way of handling a social situation, with the book showing the consequence of choosing the wrong way.

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Love Anthony By Lisa Genova

From the same author who wrote Still Alice, now a major motion film that covers dementia, Love Anthony dives into the world of autism through the eyes of two non-autistic women. The first, Olivia, had a young autistic boy named Anthony, who died at age eight. After the death of a child, then divorce, Olivia befriends Beth, who is also recently single. Beth writes a novel as a way to cope with her grief, and as the women share their tales, Anthonys positive outlooks on life start to shine through.

A Freshman Survival Guidefor College Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism: How to raise a happy autistic child by Jessie Hewitson

How do you know which college is right for you? What happens if you dont get on with your roommate? And what on earth is the Greek system all about? As a university student with High-Functioning Autism, Haley Moss offers essential tips and advice in this insiders guide to surviving the Freshman year of college.

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Sincerely Your Autistic Child By Emily Paige Ballou Sharon Davanport Mornike Giwa Onaiwu And The Autistic Women And Nonbinary Network

If your child was just diagnosed with autism, this is the book for you! You might be scared. You might have heard negative things from doctors about your childs future. But the most important people to listen to are those who have been where your child is right now Autistic adults. These autistic adults have written a book to help you help your child and learn more about autism. If youre a parent and you can only buy one book from this list, make it this one.

Looking For Autistic Authors Only

Listing with a indicate the author identifies as autistic or that the book has autistic contributors. Listings without a indicate either the authors neurology is unknown, or the author is allistic . Some titles show that the author is ND . Some authors choose not to share their neurology with the public.

Shake It Up: How to be Young Autistic & Make an Impact by Quincy Hansen*

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Nerdy Shy And Socially Inappropriate: A User Guide To An Asperger Life:

For her blog, “Musings of an Aspie,” Cynthia Kim is well known in the autism community and beyond. Her book is full of personal stories and useful advice. This insider’s guide will help adults with ASDs and their partners, family members, friends, and coworkers, but it also gives a new and witty look at a different world.

Failure To Communicate By Kaia Snderby

Autistic Author Hopes Book Will Raise Awareness About Autism

Xandri is one of the last autistics left. Shes also the head of Xeno-Liaisons. The xenophobic Anmerilli put her negotiating skills to the test. Theyve invented a weapon that could change combat forever. Xandri must convince them to become her allies, or the entire galaxy could be at stake. This series also contains polyamorous rep!

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I Think I Might Be Autistic By Cynthia Kim

Have you been wondering if you could be on the spectrum? This autism educational book is perfect for people who feel like they are neurodivergent but dont fit into the narrow boxes of the DSM and/or didnt realize the criteria for autism might apply to them. The writer is autistic and went on the same journey to discover the truth about herself that youre going through right now. I was diagnosed as kid, but I gave this book to my friend who was becoming aware of her sensory and social challenges. I thought she could be autistic and after reading this book, she realized it too and sought an autism diagnosis, which she got.

Do You Want To Play Making Friends With An Autistic Kid

Do you want to play?” That’s what Jamie, with her favorite yellow truck, asks new kid Dylan, who only seems to want to line up his cars. This story gently explores learning about others and finding new ways to have fun. One of the most common issues for kids with autism is friendship. Children’s books sometimes depict the neurotypical child as doing their autistic pal a favor by befriending them, often forcing them to change a part of themselves. This story shows us that children with autism are more than capable of making meaningful contributions to relationships, and suggests how neurotypical children can alter their own approach to create a true connection.

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The Autistic Brain Helping Different Kinds Of Minds Succeed

Bio Temple is an autistic speaker, author and advocate, 256 pages.

My absolute favourite part of this book is this one line Temple argues that raising and educating kids on the autism spectrum must focus on their long-overlooked strengths to foster their unique contributions.. With her own experience with remarkable discoveries, Grandin introduces the advances in neuroimaging and genetic research that link brain science to behavior, even sharing her brain scan to show which anomalies might explain common symptoms. Templin sheds light on a very mind and how we can best make sure autistic individuals can thrive and succeed in life.

Population One Autism Advocacy And The Will To Succeed

30 Best Children

Author Tyler McNamer.

Bio Tyler is a 17-year-old autistic individual, 205 pages.

Life through the eyes of 17-year-old Tyler, Tyler is autistic, and this book is almost a memoir. Its also a practical guide for parents and teenagers alike. This book guarantees an uplifting message and feeling alongside Tyler all the emotions from hardship to success. A must read for anyone who has autism in their lives.

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The Autism Spectrum Guide To Sexuality And Relationships: Understand Yourself And Make Choices That Are Right For You

$ as of October 8, 2022 8:22 AM

There are SO MANY great autism books by autistic writers, I cant list them all here. But I hope these will at least get you started on the path of learning about autism from those of us who understand it firsthand. Please listen to and support actually autistic people. And if you have suggestions of books by autistic authors that should be on this list or another one, please and well add them!

Get A Grip Vivy Cohen By Sarah Kapit

Vivy Cohen wants to play baseball. Ever since her hero, Major League star pitcher VJ Capello, taught her how to throw a knuckleball at a family fun day for kids with autism, shes been perfecting her pitch. And now she knows shes ready to play on a real team. When her social skills teacher makes her write a letter to someone she knows, she writes to VJ and tells him everything about how much she wants to pitch, and how her mom says she cant because shes a girl and because she has autism. And then two amazing things happen: Vivy meets a Little League coach who invites her to join his team, the Flying Squirrels. And VJ starts writing back.

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The Young Autistic Adults Independence Handbook

Are you living away from home for the first time, graduating from school or perhaps getting a new job? These transitions can be especially overwhelming to deal with as a young autistic adult. This survival guide is bursting with neurodivergent-friendly advice from autistic people themselves for young adults embarking on their own journeys of self-discovery and independence.

Why Johnny Doesnt Flap: Nt Is Ok By Clay Morton And Gail Morton Illustrated By Alex Merry

PECs Communication Book (Version 2)- For Students with Spec

Johnny is different. He is never exactly on time, he cant seem to stick to a routine and he often speaks in cryptic idioms. Johnny is neurotypical, but thats OK.

A picture book with a difference, Why Johnny Doesnt Flap turns the tables on common depictions of neurological difference by drolly revealing how people who are not on the autistic spectrum are perceived by those who are. The autistic narrators bafflement at his neurotypical friends quirks shows that normal is simply a matter of perspective.

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The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice Of A Thirteen

A touching memoir by a nonverbal, autistic adult through the voice of his teenage self. Which, of course, is a time when many adolescent obstacles are being overturned only made more difficult when you cant say a word. In a collaboration of art and storytelling , this book takes you on a sensory journey. Poetic, sincere, and colorful,The Reason I Jump is the perfect book for anyone looking to understand the autistic spectrum from a first person perspective.

The Journal Of Best Practices: A Memoir Of Marriage Asperger Syndrome And One Mans Quest To Be A Better Husband By David Finch

At 30 years old, David Finch received his diagnosis for Aspergers Syndrome. This meant, that for years he and his wife Kristen had worked through Davids quirky mannerisms without knowing he had a disorder. Thus, on a mission to better his marriage, David Finch began writing down notes to himself. Reminders for whenever inspiration would spark like not to change the radio channel when Kristen is singing along. He also wrote tips on how to be a better father. Thus, came to be his book of best practices, a guide he hopes to aid many other spouses living on the spectrum.

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Things A Woman Must Know If She Loves A Man With Aspergers Syndrome By Rudy Simone

Similar to Finchs detailed guide for aspie spouses, this is a book takes on the perspective of a non-autistic spouse. In particular, a wifes perspective. Divided into 22 traits commonly found in the emotionally distant, seemingly uninterested Asperger man, Simone offers hope and understanding to her women readers. From taking the relationship for granted to throwing ill-tempered tantrums, this book shows how to handle it all.

The Autism Spectrum Guide To Sexuality And Relationships By Dr Emma Goodall

Life...with a Side of Autism: Life... with a Side of Autism : Teaching ...

This book is essential for autistic teens, but also for adults who didnt get the education we needed on sexuality and relationships. Relationships have so many unwritten social rules that are hard for us to master even when our overall social skills may seem OK on the surface. We can get taken advantage of or even abused and not know it, or think that we cant find somebody better because we are neurodivergent. The autistic writers describe things that neurotypical people might not even think to mention because they assume everyone understands, but thats not always the case. But I think even non-autistic people should read this book, because relationships are complicated no matter what.

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A Brief Description Of The Book

In the book, Hewitson covers an impressive range of content, drawing on academic publications, interviews, and knowledge of legal and procedural frameworks in England. She starts by defining autism, exploring the evolution of the construct over the last 80 years. This sets the tone for the rest of the book because, amongst the usual suspects she also highlights the key contributions of autistic people in shaping how autism is understood today. Moving on, we are taken through the early signs of autism in childhood , the diagnostic process, and into a description of the experience of being autistic. Here, once more, Hewitson has made sure to include the accounts of autistic people, including those whose communication is largely non-verbal.

The remainder of the book takes us on a whistle-stop tour of the practical issues a parent may have to confront: mental health, support in education, playdates and holidays. In creating an autism friendly home Hewitson discussed sleep, eating and toileting, in each case giving clear and practical advice. Her writing is enriched by frequent evidence of her own doubts as a parent I wonder if I should be firmer about it she says, referring to her sons reluctance to eat dinner at the table. Its comforting as a reader to feel that Hewitson herself doesnt have all the answers, and a real strength of the book in my opinion.

Born On A Blue Day: Inside The Extraordinary Mind Of An Autistic Savant By Daniel Tammet

Daniel Tammets autobiography is extraordinary in two ways. The first, is that 27-year-old Tammet lives with both autism and synesthesia a syndrome that allows him to understand words and numbers in shapes, colors, textures, and motions. As one of only 50 people in the world who live with both conditions, Tammets perspective on autism and his ability to actually describe what its like through more descriptive bounds is truly incredible. Ideal for anyone who wants to understand more about how someone with the condition understands the world, Born on a Blue Day is the book to turn to.

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The Magic Of Inclusion

Bio Julie is an advocate, public speaker and the mother to Darcy a young man with Down syndrome.

This book is one of my favourites. I got to have a small contribution by answering some questions on inclusion, but Julie also talked about all the work I have done making parks accessible and safe. Julie has written two books as a parent to her son with down syndrome. The magic of inclusion is her second book. It brings to light how we as parents and carers see the world and peoples attitudes toward people in our lives that think a little differently. This book gives you the warm and fuzzies and the hope that we wont have to fight so hard for inclusion one day.

Autistic Community And The Neurodiversity Movement

Autism Books for Kids

Stories from the Frontline

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  • The first book to bring together a large collection of neurodiverse contributors to talk about events that shaped the movement, and which they themselves were involved with

  • Focuses on activists direct experience effecting change for people who identify as autistic rather than abstract accounts that reflect on autisms social construction or essence

  • Provides a one-stop shop for readers interested in the history and ideas of the neurodiversity movement and how these ideas have shaped production of expert and especially lay knowledge about autism

  • Gathers a collective of autistic activist/academic voices and engages in current theoretical debates around knowledge production and epistemic authority within research on autism

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An Approach That Differs From Other Books On Autism

We respect the dignity of autistic individuals and seek people willing to volunteer their stories and advice with us, asserting the most important and valuable messages they want conveyed to parents and caregivers.

Parenting Advice From 12 Autistics

Parenting Advice From 12 Autistics is an advice book for parents and caregivers of autistic individuals with ideas generated from autistic adults themselves who have reflected on their experiences growing up. The advice comes from a variety of autistic adults including writers, journalists, students, an IT professional, a stay-at-home mom, a hotel services employee, a relationship coach, a data architect and analyst, and a Pulitzer-Prize winning music critic.

Unlike many other books on autism written by doctors, psychologists, or parents of autistic children, the topics discussed in this book were selected by autistic contributors and written by a neurotypical parent. This book bridges the divide between the literature of non-autistic parents and professionals and that of autistic memoirists and self-advocates. It teaches neurotypical parents different ways of thinking about their autistic children, with instructions provided by the autistic contributors.

Parenting Advice From 12 Autisticswill be available in February 2019. Check this page for publication updates.

Autism Advocacy Tips for Neurotypical Parents

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