Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Autism Improve Over Time

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How Does Autism Develop

Autism Trauma and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) – What’s The Overlap?

People on the autism spectrum, like most people, develop with age from infancy to adulthood. We could strengthen our understanding of non-autistic individuals, build coping strategies for our sensory sensitivities, learn to conceal our stimming and strong interests, and so on. Many of us can develop social skills in our early adulthood that non-autistic people learn in their adolescent years.

As a result, some of us have employment, partnerships, marriages, and families, and some of us can even be deemed successful. This can mean the loss of anxiety, tension, exhaustion, burnout, and exhaustion, as well as the need for a lot of alone time to settle down and reduce sensory overload and stress.Existence does not, however, come to an end at 30, or even 50. Autistic people, like non-autistic adults, mature and can gradually run out of resources to keep up the mask of coping and social skills. Masking and concealing autistic symptoms can become more difficult as people age. Retirement, on the other hand, can offer more time alone and less tension.

Is it true that non-autistic people improve as they grow older? That, of course, is dependent on the age group. Autism sufferers are in the same boat. Someone in their seventies or eighties can cope in a different way than someone in their thirties or forties.

The Underlying Causes Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

There is no single underlying cause of autism so, even if your child first developed symptoms after a vaccination. It is a combination of issues that lead to the development of autism. The worse the issues are, the worse the ASD.

The cause of autism usually starts with a chronic infection picked up at birth. This is often Candida overgrowth. But it could be a Lymes infection, multiple viral infections, mycoplasma or bacterial infections.

The vast majority of the time, Candida overgrowth is the primary infection. In our experience with thousands of children with autism, every one had Candida overgrowth.

Candida is a yeast that is supposed to exist in small amounts among much greater amounts of friendly bacteria in the intestinal flora.

Antibiotics, medications, chlorinated water and chemicals destroy friendly bacteria but not Candida. As a consequence, Candida overgrows in the intestinal tract, because there are not enough friendly bacteria to keep it in check.

You can read more about Candida overgrowth, learn about a simple test to see if you have it, and what you must do to get rid of it here:

With little friendly bacteria and an undeveloped immune system, the infant has no defenses against it spreading throughout its body.

How Can A Physical Therapist Help

Physical therapists have unique training in child development and motor control. This expertise allows them to assess a child’s motor delays and functional performance. Physical therapists work with your child, the family, and your child’s school to help them:

  • Engage and improve in daily routines at home and school.
  • Acquire new movement skills.
  • Develop better coordination and a more stable posture.
  • Improve play skills, such as throwing and catching a ball with another person.
  • Develop motor imitation skills .
  • Increase fitness and stamina.

A physical therapist will evaluate your child thoroughly. This will include taking a health and developmental history. Your child’s physical therapist also will assess:

  • Postural strength and control.
  • Functional mobility .
  • Body and safety awareness.
  • Ability to change between different activities.
  • How your child jumps, hops, pedals a tricycle or bicycle, and skips.
  • Daily routines in the home, community, and school.

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Understanding Challenges Of Moderate To Severe Autism

Children with moderate to severe autism face similar yet different challenges.

Understand what type of autism your child has as you create a plan that nurtures and equips your loved one to reach his or her full potential and live a life of safety, comfort, and dignity.

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Carry On The Conversation

Change in prevalence of autism spectrum disorders over ...

What has been your experience of the impact of autism over time? Let me know in the comments below. And, if you would like to learn about the many different types of autism then check out this article titled:What are the Different Types of Autism? The MANY Autism Types Explained

As always, I can also be found on Twitter and via my email: .

If you like what you have seen on the site today, then show your support by liking the . Also, dont forget to sign up to the Autistic & Unapologetic newsletter where I share weekly updates as well as a fascinating fact I have found throughout the week.

Thank you for reading and I will see you next week for more thoughts from across the spectrum.

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Early Intervention Yields Better Results

Age at intervention can impact long-term outcomesresearch has shown that the earlier a child is treated, the better the prognosis will be. In recent years, there has been an increase in the percentage of children who can attend school in a typical classroom and go on to live semi-independently in community settings. However, the majority of people with autism remain affected to some degree in their ability to communicate and socialize.

As this video presented by V. Mark Durand, Ph.D. explains, many people with autism engage in challenging and sometimes disturbing behaviors. Families and teachers of individuals with autism can learn to employ positive psychology to help them experience happier and less-stressful lives.

Optimistic Parenting: Hope and Help for Individuals with Challenging Behavior

Presented by V. Mark Durand, Ph.D.

Cognitive Skills In Kids With Autism May Improve With Time

Research Shows Cognitive Skills Vary in Children With Autism, and Sometimes Improve Over Time

Sept 15, 2010 — Many of the behavioral signs of autism spectrum disorder ebb and flow throughout childhood, but less was known about the trajectory of cognitive skills among these children. Now, a new study shows that patterns of cognitive skills, including being able to appreciate another person’s thoughts and feelings and regulating behavior, vary among children with autism, and some may improve over time. The findings appear in the September/October 2010 issue of Child Development.

One in 110 children in the U.S. has an autism spectrum disorder, according to the CDC. Autism spectrum disorder is the umbrella term for a group of developmental disorders that can range from mild to severe and that often affect social interaction and communication.

The study compared cognitive skills of 37 children with autism with 31 children who did not have the developmental disorder. Researchers evaluated the children at age 5 through 6 and again three years later. The children were asked to predict a character’s behavior after watching a video clip, perform a problem-solving task that required planning and flexibility, search for shapes hidden in pictures, and make patterns with wooden blocks. These tests measured the cognitive skills that are most typically affected in autism.

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Some Factors Impacting Autism Growth

I would like to say that autism improves over the period, regardless of where you were born or where you fall on the spectrum, and, for the most part, general autism awareness and recognition appears to be growing, elevating all facets of autistic existence. However, as a breakdown in some populations shows, were not completely out of the woods yet.

While early autism diagnosis seems to be critical for having the right help in place as fast as possible, this ability seems to be even more limited when it comes to B.A.M.E families . This can be reflected in the fact that, considering the fact that autism symptoms differ less by ethnicity, white autistic children are more likely to find a concrete coping plan by adulthood.

Similarly, low-income households have been shown to have less growth than those in the upper or middle-income classes, indicating that in some areas, treatment is most readily accessible by those with the deepest pockets.

Does Autism Get Better Or Worse During Adulthood And Beyond

What is Autism (Part 1)? | Written by Autistic Person

Autism as a condition is still rather fresh-faced when it comes to the pantheon of medical diagnosis. This is because, while understanding of autism has been explored since the 1940s, it wasnt until the late 70s/80s when rates really took off. This means that, while we can expect our understanding of autism and ageing to pick up , right now, this understanding is more a work in progress.

Nevertheless, what we have come to understand from autistic people who received a diagnosis in the later stages of life, is that adulthood can be an exceptionally liberating/challenging time for people on the spectrum as many of us will finally achieve a better sense of identity, only to age out of many of the support services which helped us receive this realisation.

Of course, while there is evidence to suggest that older autistic people are less likely to adapt , this is not always the case as, autistic or not, people become more steadfast and stubborn as they age as can be seen from the countless hours I have wasted teaching relatives over 60 to operate an iPhone!

Furthermore, anecdotal accounts from children of autistic people have found that, in later stages of autistic life, coping strategies which have taken a lifetime to perfect can tragically become the first victim to conditions such as:

  • Alzheimers
  • Dementia
  • Huntingtons Disease

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One Dealing With Candida And Other Pathogens

A major concern when dealing with candida overgrowth, or other pathogens for that matter, is that candida, when killed, release toxins, and when the body is already not adequately handling toxins, which is the case with everyone on the autism spectrum, these additional toxins cause numerous die-off symptoms.

Even when you can deal with candida without killing it, as CandXpel does, cells start releasing toxins that are in them when candida is sent out of the body. Start at very low doses to avoid more toxins being released than the body can handle.

For infants up to adults on the autism spectrum, and for anyone with chemical sensitivities, the best way to fight candida, mold and also other pathogens at the same time is to use….


This elixir uses a unique approach to eliminate candida and mold, the spores they produce, viruses, mycoplasma, and bad bacteria. It tells the immune system to identify candida, spores, and other pathogens. Then to package them up, and to carry them to the skin or colon wall to push them out of the body. It also activates the lymph system to do the same.

CandXpel has been working spectacularly well. It causes much less die-off. More importantly, it gets rid of the spores so that candida can eventually be eliminated. If you don’t get rid of the spores, you will not be able to get rid of the candida.

Vitamin D Activator Supercharging The Benefits Of Vitamin D

Zinc Transport Elixir Supercharging The Benefits Of Zinc

Does Autism Get Better Or Worse During Mid

But autism can get better, right? I mean, weve all heard a story about someone who seemingly shook off the spectrum the boy who went from not being able to speak to suddenly being unable to shut up, or the girl whose obsession with Harry Potter one day magically disappeared.

Well, the truth here is that, in21% of these examples, there is a lot more than meets the eye as what might sound like an overnight success to an outsider, actually comes from a lot of blood, sweat and tears, usually beginning with early diagnosis and followed by years of trial and error.

I say trial and error because, as is always the case with autism, not only does the success of learning coping tactics vary from person to person but, what might work one day, might suddenly stop the next. As such, its crucial to note that learning to manage negative autism traits can often be an uphill marathon where, by the end, you feel drained physically .

Furthermore, in many cases where certain challenging traits are held at bay by some form of a crutch, its not uncommon for them to manifest and mutate in different ways. Take, for example, the boy who found his voice, he will probably now spend extensive hours recharging his batteries after socialising, whilst the girl who abandoned Hogwarts may have moved on to some other fixation, such as work or a hobby.

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Autism & Ageing: Does Autism Get Better Or Worse With Age

Autism doesnt get better or worse with age, nor can you grow out of autism. Autism isnt like a pair of shoes which you have to break in for maximum comfort and, regardless of what youve heard, the idea that one day you can wake up no longer autistic, never is, never was and never will be true.

But autism does change and autistic people do develop, I mean it wasnt long ago that I was a 4ft Chernobyl, but look at me now, 6ft 3 and not a meltdown in sight . So, what is it that is really influencing these ideas that autism gets better/worse with age and how does autism change during the different stages of life development?

Summary Of Top Remedies Almost Every Child With Autism Needs

Autism Increased 30% in Just Two Years: Now Its 1 in 68 ...

Determining what to use from all these supplements can be confusing. So, based on what we have consistently seen when we review the testing that has been done to determine what is most important to use, we have compiled a list below of the very most important elixirs to use.

These are listed in a general order of importance, so if you can only get a few of them, focus on the ones at the top of the list unless you need an elixir or supplement in particular such as Sensory Overload Elixir to help deal with sensory overload.

They start with the fundamentals.

Well Being Elixir to help improve the neurological issues researchers have discovered in the brains of kids with autism. This elixir has specific instructions to help deal with each of these issues.

Brain Barrier Elixir turns on repair and optimization of the blood brain barriers. This is always damaged in autism. Repair of the blood brain barriers will reduce inflammation in the brain, and prevent toxins and pathogens from entering the brain

Liver Detox Pathways Elixir to uniquely and efficiently activate repair of the detox pathways in the liver so that it can start to do a better job of removing toxins.

CandXpel to get rid of candida, it’s spores and other pathogens, virus, bacteria, mycoplasma that are an underlying cause of the development of autism..

Digestion Optimization Elixir to turn on production of secretin like proteins that may help reverse autism.

Then you can add in elixirs for specific issues.

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Autism Improves In Adulthood

Not every adult with autism gets better. Some — especially those with mental retardation — may get worse. Many remain stable. But even with severe autism, most teens and adults see improvement over time, find Paul T. Shattuck, PhD, Marsha Mailick Seltzer, PhD, and colleagues at the University of Wisconsin.

Shattuck, Seltzer, and colleagues followed 241 adolescents and adults, ranging in age from 10 to 52, for nearly five years. They used standardized tests to measure their autistic symptoms and maladaptive behaviors.

“For any individual symptom, and there are three dozen or so we looked at, there is always a very small group of people who got worse, a modest group in the middle who were stable, and a majority who showed improvement,” Shattuck tells WebMD. “Generally speaking, people who are improving in one area are improving across the board.”

Those most likely to improve were those without mental retardation with some degree of language competence.

Study Found Gender Differences In Autism Severity Changes

University of California – Davis Health
A new study found that around 30 percent of young children with autism have less severe autism symptoms at age 6 than they did at age 3, with some children losing their autism diagnoses entirely. It also found that girls tend to show greater reduction and less rise in their autism symptom severity than boys with autism. Children with higher IQs were more likely to show a reduction in their symptoms.

During early childhood, girls with autism tend to show greater reduction and less rise in their autism symptom severity than boys with autism, a UC Davis MIND Institute study has found.

Early childhood is a period of substantial brain growth with critical ability for learning and development. It also is the typical time for an initial diagnosis of autism and the best time for early intervention. In the U.S., about 1 in 54 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder , with four times as many boys with ASD as girls.

Previous studies indicated inconsistent results in terms of changes in autism severity during childhood. The general sense was that the severity of autism at diagnosis would last a lifetime.

Change in severity of autism symptoms and optimal outcome

“It is also true that some children appear to get worse,” Amaral said. “Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to predict who will do well and who will develop more severe autism symptoms and need different interventions.”

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Tips That Improved My Autistic Child’s Behavior

This guest post was written by Chrissy Kelly, a mom of two boys with autism. You can read more about her and her family on her blog, “Life With Greyson + Parker,” and also her page.

Our house has been a revolving door of Behavior Therapists over the past almost four years. Both boys put in about 20 hours a week of intense therapy. I never thought a kidless 20-something year old might be able to teach me something about my own children. The presence of autism in my life has grown my mind a thousand times over. So much of parenting children with autism is counter-intuitive. I say and do things I never thought would work, but they do. Here is a small list of techniques that we use daily that help reduce tantrums, increase understanding, direction following and happiness . There is no one thing that works for all children, and there is no one quick fix, however, many of these techniques will work for many children. Whether or not they have autism.

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