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Cerebral Palsy And Autism

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Cerebral Palsy And Mental Health Conditions: Why Certain Children Are At Higher Risk

The treatment of Autism, Cerebral Palsy & Benefits of Latest Integrative Therapies | #39

Unfortunately, mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression are much more likely to affect people with cerebral palsy than the general population.

One reason for this is that sustaining a brain injury or impairment reduces our ability to positively react and problem solve through stress and change. This makes it even more difficult to adapt to unexpected circumstances or events.

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Is Cerebral Palsy A Form Of Autism

Cerebral palsy is not a form of autism.

According to the Mayo Clinic, cerebral palsy which develops after the brain suffers severe damage before, during, or shortly after birth causes problems with muscle control and tone, movement, and posture.

On the other hand, autism mainly affects behavior, speech, and social interactions. According to the National Institutes of Health , the causes of autism are not fully known, but researchers believe that genetic problems may play a big role in how the condition develops.

Autism is more common than cerebral palsy. According to the CDC, 1 in 59 children has autism, while 1 in 323 has cerebral palsy.

While not one and the same, cerebral palsy and autism share similarities.

Both cerebral palsy and autism:

  • Are considered groups of disorders with different subtypes
  • Are more likely to affect boys than girls, according to the Mayo Clinic and the CDC
  • Can negatively affect a childs ability to learn and interact with others
  • Can occur alongside other conditions

It is also possible for cerebral palsy and autism to occur together.

Identifying Autism In A Child With Cerebral Palsy

With overlapping symptoms and communication difficulties complicating diagnosis, how are parents supposed to know whether their child with cerebral palsy has comorbid autism? The problem with diagnosing autism in a child with cerebral palsy includes testing methodology and other factors like the heterogeneity of symptoms associated with both cerebral palsy and autism.

Clinicians often use aids like toys and play-based methods when diagnosing autism. For children with motor function impairments handling of toys may not be possible. Another example is the emphasis of atypical eye gaze as a reg flag for autisma young child with cerebral palsy may have difficulty lifting their head, therefore, atypical eye contact may not be a symptom of autism but rather a manifestation of poor muscle control.

Some feel children with cerebral palsy are being let down by testing standards that do not take their limitations into consideration. Others speak about the long battle to get their child diagnosed with cerebral palsy, a battle which often leaves parents too weary to seek further diagnosis for possible co-occurring conditions.

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Prof Dr Vladimir Trajkovski: Cerebral Palsy And Autism

President of MSSA Prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski prsented the his topic: “Association between cerebral palsy and autism spectrum disorders” at 8th interdisciplinary congress: “Cerebral palsy and other movement disorders” on 1-2 of November 2018 in Moscow, Russia.

President of MSSA Prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski prsented the his topic: “Association between cerebral palsy and autism spectrum disorders” at 8th interdisciplinary congress: “Cerebral palsy and other movement disorders” on 1-2 of November 2018 in Moscow, Russia.

Prevalence Of Cerebral Palsy Co

CEREBRAL PALSYWhat age does cerebral palsy appear?  Autism Candles

The Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology journal has published a new study: Cerebral Palsy, Co-Occurring Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Motor Functioning Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, USA, 2008.Cerebral palsy remains the most common motor disability in childhood, and children with cerebral palsy and their families continue to need support. Communities can use CDCs information on the number and characteristics of children with cerebral palsy to plan for services, guide policy, and promote full participation in community and family life. Information about the co-occurrence of cerebral palsy and other conditions, such as autism spectrum disorder, can also help direct research into shared risk factors and causes.

You can read the articles abstract hereexternal icon. See below for a summary of the findings from this article.

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Gross Motor Function Classification System

The Gross Motor Function Classification System is a tool used to determine the type of cerebral palsy a child may have. Each type of cerebral palsy affects muscle tone in different ways.

The GMFCS consists of five levels that provide a better understanding of a childs overall motor function and can help to determine future treatment to improve the childs quality of life. The GMFCS scale can help specialists determine which mobility aids may be necessary to assist movement.

Specialists will examine a childs gross motor skills, such as sitting and walking, to determine which GMFCS level they are on to accurately diagnose the cerebral palsy type.

According to the Cerebral Palsy Alliance, a child over five years of age that ranks at Level IV on the GMFCS scale will generally not improve their level and will more than likely use a mobility device throughout their life.

Causes And Risk Factors

Autism is a complex disorder that can be caused by an array of factors. ASDs have no single known cause, but there are at least three aspects that researchers agree contribute to the development of autism, including:

  • Maternal illness during pregnancy


There are several biological differences in children with ASDs compared to children who do not have autism. Some of these genes can affect brain development and the ways in which brain cells communicate. Some genetic problems appear to be inherited, while others can occur spontaneously.

Due to the relationship between genetics and autism, parents who have one child with autism have an increased risk that their next child will also have an ASD. Additionally, if you have two children with autism, the chances that your third child will have autism increase to about 35%.

Environmental factors

Environmental factors have recently been recognized as a potential cause of autism. Researchers are currently investigating the connection between things such as viral infections and air pollutants and the subsequent development of autism.

Maternal conditions

There are various maternal conditions or illnesses that have been tied to autism in children. These include diabetes, hypertension and obesity during pregnancy. Additionally, a mothers use of drugs or alcohol while pregnant has been linked as a potential cause of autism in children.

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In Early 2017 Duke University Released The Results From A Phase I Study On The Safety Of Treating Children With Autism With A Single Intravenous Infusion Of Their Own Umbilical Cord Blood10

The researchers found that among 25 children ages 2-5, more than two-thirds appeared to show improvements in speech, socialization, and eye contact. The trial included two evaluations: one at six months and another at 12 months. At the six-month evaluations, between 60 and 70 percent of the children showed improvements in aspects of their autism including sensory behaviours, receptive and expressive communication, and social withdrawal.

Prevalence And Characteristics Of Autism Spectrum Disorders In Children With Cerebral Palsy

Speech and language treatment approaches for children with Autism & Cerebral Palsy | #2

Inserm UMR 1027, Toulouse, France

Université de Toulouse III, Toulouse, France

CHU Toulouse, Registre des Handicaps de lEnfant en Haute-Garonne, Toulouse, France

Inserm UMR 1027, Toulouse, France

Université de Toulouse III, Toulouse, France

CHU Toulouse, Registre des Handicaps de lEnfant en Haute-Garonne, Toulouse, France

Inserm UMR 1027, Toulouse, France

Université de Toulouse III, Toulouse, France

CHU Toulouse, Registre des Handicaps de lEnfant en Haute-Garonne, Toulouse, France

Inserm UMR 1027, Toulouse, France

Université de Toulouse III, Toulouse, France

CHU Toulouse, Registre des Handicaps de lEnfant en Haute-Garonne, Toulouse, France

Inserm UMR 1027, Toulouse, France

Université de Toulouse III, Toulouse, France

CHU Toulouse, Registre des Handicaps de lEnfant en Haute-Garonne, Toulouse, France

Inserm UMR 1027, Toulouse, France

Université de Toulouse III, Toulouse, France

CHU Toulouse, Registre des Handicaps de lEnfant en Haute-Garonne, Toulouse, France

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Cerebral Palsy Is Not Contagious It Is Not Communicable

In the majority of cases, Cerebral Palsy is caused by damage to the developing brain. Brain damage is not spread through human contact. However, a person can intentionally or unintentionally increase the likelihood a child will develop Cerebral Palsy through abuse, accidents, medical malpractice, negligence, or the spread of a bacterial or viral infection.

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How Is Autism Managed

There is no known cure for either cerebral palsy or autism. These permanent brain conditions will last for the rest of a persons life. However, there are ways to manage these conditions to make the affected persons life easier.

Cerebral palsy treatment includes therapy, medications, and sometimes surgeries to manage the disorder. Some patients may also find assistive devices useful for more independence.

Management of autism depends on the severity of the condition. Some patients are only mildly affected and can function well and live independently, although they often benefit from some support. Others experience more severe effects and may need lifelong care.

Some of the options that may be used for managing autism include:

Management of ASD may also include changing the childs environment. For example, training for parents can teach them how to relate to their child with ASD, and managing the educational environment may allow children with autism to integrate into a mainstream classroom.

Teachers can be trained in techniques to adjust classroom structure to promote learning for children with ASD, such as maintaining consistency and providing clear instructions in a visual format.

It is common for families of children with ASD to try various complementary and alternative approaches to managing their childs condition. These may include special diets, herbal treatments, vitamins or other supplements, and chelation therapy.

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Even Mild Preterm Brain Injuries Increase Risks Of Cerebral Palsy And Developmental Disorders: Study

White matter injuries suffered by preterm infants increased their risk of cerebral palsy by a factor of 15.

According to the findings of a new study, if premature infants experience even a mild brain bleed or brain injury, they face an increased risk of cerebral palsy and other cognitive impairments.

Researchers from the U.K. report that mild intraventricular hemorrhage and white matter injuries suffered by preterm infants led to an increased risk of cerebral palsy, cognitive impairments, as well as hearing and vision problems. Their findings were published on November 4 in the medical journal Pediatrics.

Cerebral palsy is a childhood-onset motor disability, affecting more than 700,000 people in the United States. Symptoms of cerebral palsy include exaggerated reflexes, developmental delays, involuntary motions, and floppy or rigid limbs, resulting in a permanent disability that limit activity by impairing a persons ability to move, maintain balance, and maintain posture.

Complications during pregnancy and delivery, which result in brain birth injuries, are often identified as the cause of cerebral palsy, and families have been awarded millions in damages through medical malpractice lawsuits where cerebral palsy was caused by a mistake that could have been avoided.

Summary Autism Vs Cerebral Palsy

Bambach supportive seating for children with cerebral palsy is an ...

Autism and cerebral palsy are disorders that mainly affect children. Autism is a disorder of the part of the brain that corresponds with social interactions, language, and behaviour, while cerebral palsy is a disorder of the part of the brain that corresponds with motor functioning. So, this is the key difference between autism and cerebral palsy.


1. What Is Autism? Autism Speaks.2. Cerebral Palsy. Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

Image Courtesy:

2. Cerebral Palsy Types By Ceimile95 Own work via Commons Wikimedia

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Joanne Kurtzberg Is One Of The Most Prominent Researchers Performing Clinical Trials With Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells For The Treatment Of Diseases And Syndromes That Affect The Central Nervous System2

In 2010, Dr Kurtzberg conducted her first trial on the safety and feasibility of cord blood to treat acquired neurological disorders like cerebral palsy 3. Subsequent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II study by Dr. Kurtzberg examined the effect of a single dose of autologous umbilical cord blood. The study from 2017 followed 63 children between ages of one and six years who had cerebral palsy because of brain damage occurred before or in connection with birth, had similar positive study results 4. The participants were given a range of doses, from 10 million cells to 50 million cells per kg of body weight.

The Difference Between Autism And Cerebral Palsy

According to the Centers for Disease Control, nearly 7% of children with cerebral palsy have a co-occurring autism spectrum disorder. This is more commonly found in those with non-spastic CP. Approximately 1% to 2% of kids who do not have CP are autistic.

If you are concerned about your childs development, you can visit here for more information about how you can get help with diagnosing cerebral palsy. Keep reading to learn more about the connection between autism spectrum disorders and CP.

There are many different factors that contribute to cerebral palsy. If your childs disorder was caused by a birth injury, contact a Cerebral palsy expert solicitor in the UK Gadsby Wicks.

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Cerebral Palsy Adhd And Autism

HomeAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism spectrum disorder are both neurodevelopment disorders that affect people with cerebral palsy.children with cerebral palsy.

Individuals with ADHD demonstrate inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity . Since there are symptoms associated with having cerebral palsy that may appear similar to ADHD, it is vital that clinicians carefully evaluate the child with CP to determine if an ADHD diagnosis is warranted. For example, children may have the following difficulties which relate to cerebral palsy, but may be mistaken for ADHD symptoms:

  • Problems with cognitive and executive function skills
  • Slower pacing to process information that presents as day dreaming or slower response times
  • Visual impairments which lead the child to turn their gaze away when being spoken to
  • Communication difficulties

Autism Spectrum Disorder generally refers to a range of neurodevelopmental conditions that include difficulty with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication..In children who have cerebral palsy and seizure disorders, the frequency of autism is 41 percent. This information however, is based on limited data gathered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as part of the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network and further research is needed.

How Cerebral Palsy Guide Can Help

Recent Advances in The Treatment of Autism Cerebral Palsy & Benefits of Latest Integrative Therapies

The Cerebral Palsy Guide team has helped many families across the country find the resources and support they need.

We can assist you, too. One free phone call can help you decide which options are right for you.

Contact us today or call to speak with one of our nurses. We are here 24/7 to listen, offer our support, and guide you through this journey.

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Definition Of Cerebral Palsy

While Cerebral Palsy is a blanket term commonly referred to as CP and described by loss or impairment of motor function, Cerebral Palsy is actually caused by brain damage. The brain damage is caused by brain injury or abnormal development of the brain that occurs while a childs brain is still developing before birth, during birth, or immediately after birth.

Cerebral Palsy affects body movement, muscle control, muscle coordination, muscle tone, reflex, posture and balance. It can also impact fine motor skills, gross motor skills and oral motor functioning.

Why Is This Misdiagnosis So Common

Diagnosis is not an exact science. Many medical conditions have similar symptoms that occur under similar circumstances, and doctors often mistake one condition for another. That is particularly true for autism because of the amount of attention paid in media and popular culture to this particular disorder. In the current environment, doctors may be more likely to over-diagnose autism and parents may be more likely to believe them.

While mistakes certainly happen, there is another, potentially more problematic reason why hospitals and doctors may lean toward autism diagnoses rather than diagnosing cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is often the result of medical malpractice. Specifically, errors made by obstetricians and other medical professionals during labor and delivery can cause the babys brain to become deprived of oxygen, leading to brain damage that causes cerebral palsy. Such an incident can expose the hospital to liability in a medical malpractice claim.

Meanwhile, the causes of autism are not well understood and generally cannot be linked to negligence. Thus, an autism diagnosis insulates the doctor and hospital from liability.

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Dr Joanne Kurtzberg Is A Part Of This Program And The Cord Blood Association Annual Meeting In September 2019 Dr Kurtzberg Stated That To Date Over 320 Children Have Received Treatment Through This Program

The second EAP for the treament of CP and other neurological diseases with cord blood , was launched 2019 by FamiCord Group, where NextCell Pharma´s partner Polski Bank Komórek Maciersystych is an important part. The FamiCord-group collaborates with more than 1300 hospitals around Europe which means that patients from all over Europe will have access to innovative stem cell therapies.

To read more about the EAP for the treatment of neurological diseases with cord blood, click here:

Pyramidal Or Spastic Cerebral Palsy

Autism and ADHD in Children with Cerebral Palsy...and What We Should ...

The pyramidal tract consists of two groups of nerve fibers responsible for voluntary movements. They descend from the cortex into the brain stem. In essence, they are responsible for communicating the brains movement intent to the nerves in the spinal cord that will stimulate the event. Pyramidal Cerebral Palsy would indicate that the pyramidal tract is damaged or not functioning properly.

Extrapyramidal Cerebral Palsy indicates the injury is outside the tract in areas such as the basal ganglia, thalamus, and cerebellum. Pyramidal and extrapyramidal are key components to movement impairments.

Spasticity implies increased muscle tone. Muscles continually contract, making limbs stiff, rigid, and resistant to flexing or relaxing. Reflexes can be exaggerated, while movements tend to be jerky and awkward. Often, the arms and legs are affected. The tongue, mouth, and pharynx can be affected, as well, impairing speech, eating, breathing, and swallowing.

Spastic Cerebral Palsy is hypertonic and accounts for 70% to 80% of Cerebral Palsy cases. The injury to the brain occurs in the pyramidal tract and is referred to as upper motor neuron damage.

The stress on the body created by spasticity can result in associated conditions such as hip dislocation, scoliosis, and limb deformities. One particular concern is contracture, the constant contracting of muscles that results in painful joint deformities.

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