Thursday, July 25, 2024

Did Trump Sign Autism Bill

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Trump Signs Autism Cares Act Into Law Funding $18b For Autism Research

Trump signs $1.8 billion autism funding bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Autism CARES Act was signed into law Monday by President Donald Trump.

It provides $1.8 billion dollars in funding for autism programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , National Institutes of Health and Health Resources and Services Administration.

The bill was sponsored by Representative Chris Smith and Representative Mike Doyle.

The CDC says about 1 in 59 children has been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder and its about four times more common among boys than girls.

Great news! Yesterday, the Autism CARES Act was signed into law. I introduced this bill with to reauthorize funding for research on autism spectrum disorders and support individuals with autism throughout their lives. My thanks to advocates for your work!

Mike Doyle

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges.

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President Donald Trump signed the “Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support Act of 2019” on Monday.

In addition to re-authorizing the Autism CARES Act of 2014, the Autism CARES Act of 2019 will see $1.8 billion in funding go towards people with autism spectrum disorder and their familiesa package that will be spread out over a five-year period.

The National Institute of Health , the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Health Resources and Services Administration will each oversee autism-related programs funded by the bill within that time frame. Combined, the programs are expected to cover disability surveillance, research, education, early detection and intervention.

“Additional research funding is welcome and warranted as the prevalence continues to rise and the argument that it’s just ‘better awareness’ no longer passes muster,” John Rodakis, Founder N of One: Autism Research Foundation, told Newsweek.

“My hope is that some of that additional research funding will be directed beyond genetics to newly emerging areas like the microbiome and the immune system that have been historically underfunded and hold great promise.”

A key element of Autism CARES Act of 2019 is its emphasis on adults with autism, who are frequently misdiagnosed and overlooked.

The act stresses diagnosis, detection, prevention and treatment of ASD should be available throughout an individual’s life.

Donald Trump Will Be A Disaster For Autistic People

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Donald Trump has never been a fan of disabled people. He’s got an obsession with the appearance of being “weak” or “crazy,” was hyperfocused on the idea that Hillary Clinton had some kind of neurological disorder like epilepsy, which he clearly viewed as a sort of human failing, and infamously mocked reporter Serge Kovaleski. But of all of the groups out there whom Donald Trump disdains, whom his policies will endanger profoundly, autistic people stand to suffer the most.

Trump’s coming at them from all sides. First, there’s his coy dabbling with antivaccine generalissimos like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and the Vaxxed crowd. Kennedy met with Trump and claimed that Trump had invited Junior to head up a “vaccine safety and scientific integrity” commission of some kind. It would certainly be richly ironic to have avowed antivaccine irrationalist Kennedy head up a commission on anything having to do with public health. The Trump team almost immediately equivocated about Kennedy’s statements, basically categorizing them as the equivalent of a nice chat. Currently, Kennedy is reported to be saying that he will be heading up such a commission while the Trump camp has no more comment.

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Legislation Related To Funding Or Government Operations

S.139 – FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2017

This reauthorizes a controversial portion of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act until December 31, 2023. Section 702 allows the US government to collect communications, such as emails and phone records, of foreigners on foreign soil without a warrant.

H.R.2331 – Connected Government Act

This law requires federal agencies to make their websites mobile friendly.

H.R.2142 – INTERDICT Act

This law is aimed at improving Customs and Border Protections ability to interdict fentanyl, other synthetic opioids, and other narcotics and psychoactive substances that are illegally imported into the United States.

S.1266 – Enhancing Veteran Care Act

This law allows for independent oversight of VA medical centers.

S.371 – Department of State Authorities Act, Fiscal Year 2017, Improvements Act

This legislation makes several technical changes to the Department of State Authorities Act and provides the House and Senate Appropriations Committees with oversight authority regarding congressional reports on: high-risk diplomatic and consular posts, embassy construction costs, combating sexual exploitation in United Nations peacekeeping operations, Department of State overseas staffing levels, and reducing illicit drug supply and abuse in the Western Hemisphere.

H.R.2810 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018

H.J.Res.123 – Making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2018, and for other purposes.

President Trump Signs Bill Pledging $18b In Research Funding For Autism

Trump signs $1.8 billion autism funding bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. President Donald Trump signed a bill into law this week that pledges $1.8 billion in research funding for autism over five years.

The Autism CARES Bill was signed by Trump on Monday.

You are not forgotten, we are fighting for you! Trump tweeted following the bills signing.

Today, I was proud to sign the Autism CARES Bill! We support research for Americans with Autism and their families. You are not forgotten, we are fighting for you!

Donald J. Trump

The Autism CARES Act was sponsored by Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey. The $1.8 billion will fund research, early detection and treatment.

My bill, the Autism CARES Act of 2019 was just signed into law by . This comprehensive new law authorizes $1.8 billion over 5 years to help children & adults w/autism by funding research, early detection & treatment. Read about it here:

According to information from the Centers for Disease Control, roughly one in 59 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder.

Communities across the Grand Strand have worked to provide assistance to families dealing with autism in recent years.

A little less than a year ago, Myrtle Beach was proclaimed an Autism Friendly City.

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President Trump Signs Autism Cares Bill Into Law

Autism CARES bill signed into law by President Trump

Today, I was proud to sign the Autism CARES Bill! We support research for Americans with Autism and their families. You are not forgotten, we are fighting for you!

Donald J. Trump

My bill, the Autism CARES Act of 2019 was just signed into law by . This comprehensive new law authorizes $1.8 billion over 5 years to help children & adults w/autism by funding research, early detection & treatment. Read about it here:

Rep. Chris Smith

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Since taking office, however, Trumps statements on autism have softened and he has not mentioned vaccines and autism together, once a regular topic, in years.

The World Health Organization named vaccine hesitancy the reluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability as one of the top threats to global health in 2019.

In , his first year as president, Trump noted Autism Awareness Day by lighting the White House blue, as is customary.

In a proclamation last year, he said the day is intended to renew our commitment to support the entire international ASD community, including children and adults with ASD, their families, and caregivers.

Together, we can increase access to information, encourage heightened understanding of ASD, promote respect and dignity, and support the services that assist people with ASD to reach their full potential, Trump said.

As with this years Autism Awareness Day tweet, users in 2017 were quick to remind Trump of his past comments.

His position remains unclear. The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

Also Check: Does Gestational Diabetes Cause Autism

President Trump Signs Bill Providing $18 Billion In Funding For Autism Programs

WASHINGTON – President Trump has signed a bill that allocates $1.8 billion in funding to help people on the autism spectrum.

The Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support Act was signed into law Monday. The bill provides funding for autism programs and research at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, and the Health Resources and Services Administration.

The bill, which reauthorizes the previous Autism CARES Act of 2014, expands government programs to include older people with autism “who were — and are– often misdiagnosed, underdiagnosed and overlooked,” according to Rep. Chris Smith , one of the bill’s co-sponsors in the House of Representatives.

It also focuses on early detection and research to develop new treatments and therapies, and aims to provide support programs for families whose children “age out” of services, yet still need help as they get older.

“Children grow up and become adults, and then lose their education and support services,”Smith said in a statement. “But autism is a lifetime neurological disorder, and young adults with autism continue to need their services.”

The bill will “ensure the federal response addresses an individual’s evolving needs well into adulthood and across their lifespan,” said Sen. Bob Menendez , who co-sponsored the bill in the US Senate.

Trump Signs $18 Billion Autism Funding Bill

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A new law allocates $1.8 billion in funding for autism spectrum disorder.

President Donald Trump signed the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support Act into law Monday, which allocates $1.8 billion in funding over the next five years to help people with autism spectrum disorder and their families.

“The problem of ‘aging out’ of services is a real hurdle every parent or caretaker of a child with autism inevitably faces,” Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., who sponsored the bill, said in a statement.

“All children grow up and become adults, and children with autism then lose their education services. But autism is a lifetime neurological disorder, and adults with autism continue to need their services.”

The funding, which backs autism research and autism-related support programs, will also prioritize grants for rural and underserved areas.

Approximately 1 in every 59 children has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The developmental disability, which is characterized by social, communication and behavioral problems, is four times more prevalent in males than in females.

New Jersey has a higher-than-average autism rate, with 1 in 34 children diagnosed with the disorder. While the reason for that high rate isn’t known, one explanation could be the state’s robust screening and diagnostic services.

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President Trump Signs Autism Cares Act Sets Stage For Research Into The Disorder

The Autism Cares Act was signed into law on Monday by President Donald Trump.

It provides $1.8 billion dollars in funding for Autism programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health and Health Resources and Services Administration.

The bill was sponsored by Representatives Chris Smith and Mike Doyle .

The CDC says about 1 in 59 children have been identified with autism spectrum disorder, and its about four times more common among boys than girls.

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges.

Legislation Described As Rolling Back Obama

May 17, 2017: H.J.Res. 66 – Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to savings arrangements established by States for non-governmental employees

This resolution rolls back an Obama-era rule that exempted state-created retirement plans from the Employee Retirement Income Security Act , which sets the standards for workplace savings plans. The Department of Labor had issued the rule in August 2016.

May 12, 2017: S. 496 – An Act to repeal the rule issued by the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration entitled Metropolitan Planning Organization Coordination and Planning Area Reform

This law repeals the Metropolitan Planning Organization Coordination and Planning Area Reform. The Obama-era rule, issued jointly by the Federal Transit Administration, the US Department of Transportation, and the Federal Highway Administration, was meant to revise transportation planning regulations.

H.J.Res. 67 – Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to savings arrangements established by qualified State political subdivisions for non-governmental employees

This resolution also rolls back the Obama-era rule that exempted state-created retirement plans from the Employee Retirement Income Security Act , which sets the standards for workplace savings plans. The Department of Labor had issued the rule in August 2016.

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President Obama Signs Bill To Support The Needs Of People With Autism

On Friday, President Obama signed into law the bipartisan Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support Act, or Autism CARES Act of 2014, into law. Autism CARES, which reauthorizes the Combating Autism Act, continues important investments in research, prevalence monitoring and services for both children and adults on the autism spectrum.

Approximately $1.5 billion has been dedicated to autism spectrum disorders research over the past five years through the combined efforts of U.S. government agencies and private organizations. This investment has helped to support progress in key research areas such as identifying risk factors, treatments and interventions, services, and data collection. The Department of Health and Human Services also supports the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities program, which trains health professionals from a variety of disciplines in evidence-based ASD practice and also supports states in developing and improving the system of health care for autism spectrum disorders, including early identification and coordination of care.

In addition, moving forward, the law ensures that the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee , administered by the Department of Health and Human Services, will include individuals on the autism spectrum, parents or legal guardians of individuals on the autism spectrum, and representatives of leading research, service, and advocacy organizations.

Opinion: Trumps Autism Bill Is A Good Start But Wont Solve All Obstacles

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Societal awareness is also necessary to improve the lives of people with the disorder.

Ally Pronina, Columnist October 15, 2019

About 1 in 59 children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. President Trump recently signed the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support Act, which contains $1.8 billion in funding to help those with autism and their caregivers.

The research this is funding can answer many scientific inquiries about the disorder. Why, unlike other neurodevelopmental disorders, is autism a spectrum? How is it possible for people who have different personalities and levels of development to have it? These are just some of the questions funding for autism research might help answer.

This funding bill has the potential to better the lives of Americans on the spectrum by giving them more opportunities to meet others with autism, learn more about the neurodevelopmental disorder, and how to access services and resources. Autism-related support groups have support across the aisle. It can also provide services and resources to people on the spectrum and their family members.

People with disabilities are often overlooked in the political discussions about diversity and inclusion. No 2020 presidential candidate is proposing to make it illegal to pay someone with a disability below the minimum wage.

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Ceremonial Symbolic And Initiative

H.R.954 – To remove the use restrictions on certain land transferred to Rockingham County, Virginia, and for other purposes.

H.R.2228 – Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act of 2017

This law directs the Department of Justice to report on Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs mental health practices and services that could be adopted by law enforcement agencies.

H.R.381 – To designate a mountain in the John Muir Wilderness of the Sierra National Forest as Sky Point

H.R.1927 – African American Civil Rights Network Act of 2017

This law establishes a Civil Rights Network in the National Park Service.

H.R.1242 – 400 Years of African-American History Commission Act

This bill establishes the 400 Years of African-American History Commission to develop and carry out activities throughout the United States to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the arrival of Africans in the English colonies at Point Comfort, Virginia, in 1619.

H.R.267 – Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park Act of 2017

This bill redesignates the Martin Luther King, Junior, National Historic Site in the state of Georgia as the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park. The bill replaces the current boundary map with a map of a proposed boundary revision dated June 2015.

H.R.2989 – Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commission Act

S.1617 – Javier Vega, Jr. Memorial Act of 2017

This renames a border patrol checkpoint in Sarita, Texas.

Trump Signs Opioid Legislation To Fight Drug Crisis

Wednesday’s bill signing marked a yearslong effort by both the legislative and executive branch to respond to the growing opioid crisis, which killed more than 48,000 Americans in 2017, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Moreover, it will be remembered as a major bipartisan feat at the end of another congressional term that many consider to be the most divisive and bitterly partisan one yet.

Democrats applauded the law Wednesday as a step in the right direction, though many said the legislation did not go far enough to confront the epidemic. Some, like Rep. Frank Pallone of New Jersey, the ranking Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, warned that Republican threats to undo Medicare and Medicaid would only increase the death rate.

“Despite touting this new law today, President Trump and Congressional Republicans continue to threaten to undermine the health care that Americans rely on for opioid treatment,” Pallone said in a statement. “It is disingenuous at best to promise relief to people struggling with opioid addiction while also attempting to cut funding for Medicaid and eliminate protections for people with pre-existing conditions, which include opioid use disorder.”

Congress and the White House sat down for the first time to discuss combating the epidemic last October ahead of a number of congressional hearings by the House and the Senate on the subject.

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