How To Use Visuals And Scripts
Read the list of possible functions for echolalia from Dr. Prizant. Then use your data to make a hypothesis about what the child is using the echolalia for. This helps you figure out what language to model.
Model visually as well as verbally! Use pictures that SHOW the language and symbols that show the words.
Use scripted words, phrases, or sentences. This means to use symbols, draw pictures, or write the language your student needs.
The script can be a word, a phrase, or a short sentence that you are going to practice over and over. Symbols are great for nonverbal students. Read more here about how to choose symbols.
Make the script as short as the student needs to communicate well in the situation.
Choose a situation that is functional. We want to improve communication in daily life.
Teach the language for situations where the student gets frustrated or acts out. With visual symbols, you can help the student point to communicate. This helps the student get needs met before frustration and acting out behaviors occur. Behavioral problems often decrease when the student can communicate what is wanted.
Autism Relaxation To Decrease Stimming
This autism relaxation script is for helping to decrease stimming. Stims are repetitive behaviors that stimulate the senses, and are used to regulate ones level of sensory arousal. Regulating the levels of sensation experienced, called sensory regulation, can help to decrease these types of behaviors. This guided relaxation script aims to increase your ability to achieve optimal levels of sensations.
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Before you begin the relaxation to decrease stimming, find a room that is dark and quiet. A room that is as plain as possible works best, with a comfortable bed or chair. In this room, you can adjust the sensations around you to fit your needs and provide just the right level of stimulation. Going to a dark, quiet room removes some of the sensations around you to help decrease stimulation and allow you to become calm.
There are some more things you may need for this relaxation to decrease stimming, which I will list in a moment. Please gather some of these items, or ask someone else to get them for you. Its okay if you dont have these items yet. Even if you dont have any of them, you can do the relaxation exercise anyway.
Pause the recording here to gather the things you need, and when you are ready, press play to resume.
Breathe in…and out…
In…and out…
Why Do Children With Asd Restore To The Behavior Of Scripting
Scripting is a behavior found in children with autism. Like other activities, people on the spectrum are more likely to use scripting, as a coping mechanism, especially in situations related to mental health such as high stress or anxiety during social circumstances. Scripting phrases can also act as a backup for persons on the spectrum who are under pressure to come up with creative ideas or things to say, particularly in a group context.
Functional echolalia and non-interactive echolalia are the two types of echolalia found in children and people with scripting autism.
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Data Collection And Analysis
In the first stage, there was a session of interviews with six parents/guardians, , through a questionnaire with fourteen questions about the age of ASD diagnosis, use of dialogue, use immediate and/or delayed echolalia, occurrence and frequency of echolalia, emergence of echolalic behavior, speech therapy time and the reduction or not of echolalic speech after the beginning of the therapeutic intervention . In addition to the parents, the questionnaire was applied with the two speech therapists who met the children. Among the seven children, six attended speech therapy and only one had not attended because the diagnosis was still recent at the time of the survey.
Figure 1:
Later, the children went on a 30-minute speech therapy session with individual filming of children at play. This shooting took place with the participation of the researcher in the same environment of the child and the professional, but where was noted behavioral instability, it was decided to perform the activity only between the therapist and the child.
First Step: Look For And Eliminate Stressors
Sensory behaviors can be a response to stress or anxiety. These behaviors are used to self-soothe. Again, we all do this. Think about the last time you were really nervous. You maybe bit your bottom lip or cracked your knuckles or rapidly tapped your pen. Take data on scripting to see if it occurs during specific times or events to help identify potential sources for stress. See if those activities could be changed to reduce how and why they are anxiety provoking. Now that you know that those times may be more difficult add in additional teaching procedures on other self-soothing strategies that may be helpful.
Teaching Where and When
Reinforce Intervals Without Scripting
How to Set up this Intervention:Tips for this Intervention:
- This can be used more easily with students with more language. Explain the rules. Put a name for the behavior you are trying to decrease so you have a way to talk about it. For reducing scripting, have a name for it. We called it bad talking with a student recently to reduce this behavior. We didnt want to reduce all talking but more specifically the disruptive and violent themed scripting behavior that the student was engaging in.
- Use visual timers or an iPod app to illustrate the length of the timing.
- Fade this to a token economy. Student can earn a point for every interval without a behavior and exchange points for reinforces.
- Use visuals to clarify the rules.
Teach Other Verbal Behaviors
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Is Scripting A Repetitive Behavior
Scripting & Repetitive Behavior Those physical and more visual symptoms are called repetitive behaviors. Scripting is the repetition of words, phrases, or sounds from other people’s speech. Most commonly scripting phrases and sounds are from movies, tv, or other sources like books or people they interact with.
Short Term Strategieswhich Ones Used Depend On The Function Of The Questions
- Redirect the person to augmentative communication materials or topic notebook in order to assist himself with initiation or topic shift.
- Remind the person, using a visual or verbal cue, of what has been learned in scripted practice that would apply to this situation.
- Set a limit on the number of repetitive questions or the amount of time for the interaction and share this information with the person with autism spectrum disorder. Let the person know when you will be free to talk on a different topic and have it built into his/her schedule.
- Reverse the question to see if the person already knows the answer to his/her own question.
- Suggest an alternative activity so the opportunity for interaction is maintained but the focus shifts from the attempt at conversation to something of mutual interest and less stress.
- Use a checklist so that if the questions reflect anxiety about his/her schedule, the person with autism can independently check off events until the target activity occurs.
- get in van at 6:30
- drive for 30 minutes to shopping mall
- buy CD
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Cultural And Linguistic Considerations
Awareness of individual and cultural differences is essential for accurate diagnosis. For example, direct eye contact with an authority figure may be considered disrespectful in some cultures, and silence may be valued as a sign of respect. In a U.S. school system, these behaviors could easily be misinterpreted as socially inappropriate.
The core characteristics of ASD may be viewed through a cultural lens leading to under-, over-, or misdiagnosis . Signs and symptoms that are clearly “red flags” in the U.S. health care or educational system may not be viewed in the same way by someone from a culture that does not formally define the disorder.
Cultural and linguistic variables may contribute to the disparity in the diagnosis of ASD among some racial/ethnic groups . For example, Begeer et al. found that Dutch pediatricians might be inclined to attribute social and communication problems of non-European minority groups to their ethnic origin, while attributing these same characteristics to autistic disorders in children from majority groups.
Replacing Harmful Behaviors With Functional Behaviors
As both a BCBA-D and a mom of a son with autism, you might be surprised to learn that unless a stim behavior is dangerous, I almost never work on decreasing minor stim behavior directly.
Instead of focusing on decreasing the stimming , I work on improving language and learning skills and eventually replacing very odd and immature stim behaviors with more socially appropriate leisure activities.
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Treatment Considerations: Transitioning Youth And Adults
The core challenges associated with ASD can have an impact on the ability to succeed in postsecondary educational programs, employment, and social relationships, and to acquire the skills needed to live independently .
Individuals with ASD who are transitioning to young adulthood experience high rates of unemployment and underemployment and may have difficulty maintaining employment once secured . Socially, they may discontinue friendships, participate in fewer social activities , and experience social isolation .
These findings highlight the need for continued support to facilitate a successful transition to adulthood. SLPs are involved in transition planning in high school and may be involved, to varying degrees, in other support services beyond high school.
Transition planning for individuals with ASD may include
- determining the need for continued therapy, if appropriate
- identifying career goals and educational needs
- providing academic or career counseling
- providing opportunities for work experience
- discussing housing options and
- facilitating community networking .
Effective transition planning involves the student as an active and respected member of the team as well as their family, who can provide valuable information about the student’s needs. See ASHA’s resource on transitioning youth.
Basic Types Of Echolalia
Immediate echolalia is when a child with autism answers your question by repeating the question or echoes whatever you just said.
Delayed echolalia happens when a child with autism repeats something that was said earlier in time, often a statement that has been heard frequently or even sections of a favorite TV show or movie.
Echolalic statements may or may not have communicative functions. What is that?
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Will You Be Treating Your Child Like A Dog If You Use Tagteach
Many commenters on this post have suggested that its not appropriate to use TAGteach since you will be treating your child like a dog. TAGteach is based on the same science as the popular and effective clicker training method used with dogs and many other species. Because its based on sound science that has been perfected through testing with animals , TAGteach works with everyone. Maybe youd prefer to teach your child like an elite athlete or an orthopedic surgeon? TAGteach is used successfully with both these groups and with many more. TAGteach began outside the work of autism, with sports, and has spread to many disciplines. So, no, you will not be treating your child like a dog, you will be treating your child with respect, kindness and a with a view to building skills that will help them to self-calm and develop functional skills skills that will make life better for everyone in the family. to read a more detailed explanation of why you will not be treating your child like a dog.
What Causes Delayed Echolalia
As mentioned, echolalia in autistic individuals serves a couple of purposes. There are a couple of reasons as to why an autistic individual echoes phrases.
Delayed echolalia may be a way of
self-stimulation. Autistic individuals may find it enjoyable to repeat the words or sentences. This may provide them satisfaction. However, this may also lead to inappropriate interactions in daily life.
communicating their mood. Individuals with ASD may relate certain phrases or words with certain feelings. For instance, when you are angry and say Im late, the individual with delayed echolalia may associate anger with this phrase. Later on, whenever they are angry, they may link anger with that phrase and say Im late to express their mood.
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Is Scripting A Form Of Stimming
Reciting lines from movies, commercials, books, etc. is a common occurrence among those with Autism Spectrum Disorder . It is also termed scripting. It is unclear exactly why this is so popular. Some experts predict it is a coping mechanism that is used during high stress periods, hence, a form of “stimming”.
How Is Hyperlexia Diagnosed
Hyperlexia I is not a disorder and doesn’t need a diagnosis.
Hyperlexia II is diagnosed by:
- Ability to read far above what’s expected based on a childâs age
- Obsession with numbers and letters
- Learning in a rote way, such as by repeating chunks of information
- Other behavioral problems
Hyperlexia III can be difficult to diagnose because, in addition to early reading, children often show âautistic-likeâ traits and behaviors. These include:
- Remarkable ability to memorize
- Phobias and fears
- Lining/stacking behaviors
- Pronoun reversals, such as referring to themselves as he, she, or you or by their own nameâ
However, children with hyperlexia are often affectionate, outgoing, and interactive with their immediate family members. Their autistic-like behaviors decrease over time, and they end up being typical for their age. This needs to be diagnosed by a professional who has expertise in ASD and hyperlexia III.
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Phenomenology Of Repetitive Behaviors In Asd
Some of the potential barriers that may be associated with the relative paucity ofresearch on behavioral interventions for RRBs in ASD include: the assumed primacy of socialdeficits relative to repetitive behaviors as defining features of the disorder the fact thatrepetitive behaviors do not appear to be a unitary construct in ASD as there are a variety of formswhich may differ in clinical significance, function, and underlying mechanism the fact that ahost of factors such as age, cognitive ability, and family factors can moderate the expression ofrepetitive behaviors in ASD and the potential phenotypic overlap between repetitive behaviorsand other features of the ASD behavioral phenotype, such as sensory-motor features or comorbidpsychiatric symptoms .
Primacy of Social Deficits Versus Repetitive Behaviors in ASD
Heterogeneity of Repetitive Behaviors in ASD
Moderators of Repetitive Behaviors in ASD
It is also clear that family factors can play a role in the expression of repetitivebehaviors. found that in adolescence andadulthood, the parents of individuals with ASD can impact RRB symptoms, with motherchilddyads having a higher relationship quality, more warmth and praise associated with reductions inthese symptoms over time. This suggests that behavioral interventions targeting this core feature ofASD should include psychoeducation and training for caregivers.
Phenotypic Overlap of Repetitive Behaviors with Associated Features of ASD
Scripting: Out With The Borrowed And In With A New Tale
By Beth Ann Shanks, MS, CCC-SLP
Lets go back to a moment when your child shared a story that was not his/her own and was disconnected from that present situation. Give yourself the luxury of a short daydream. First, focus on your childs adorable, precious face. Next, fill in the scene that you just imagined. Include your shared words or story and the scripted story your child launched.
Now, lets examine the reasons why a child with autism spectrum disorder scripts others stories.
Many of you who are raising a child with autism have experienced this moment. You attempt to have a connected conversation, or perhaps just a word or a phrase. You feel the moment slip away as your child shares a favorite movie script or a phrase instead of connecting to you. Feel is the key word in this scenario. You may feel puzzled by the sudden shift in attention, determined by your desire to draw out a connected response and/or frustrated by your unclear plan on how to make this happen.
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The Calming Tag Points
A tag point is the behavior that will result in a tag and reinforcement.
The calming tag points are five tag points that I come back to time and again because they are so useful. The calming tag points are:
- Quiet Mouth The child is silent
- Appropriate Vocalization or Communication The child communicates in his/her own way
- Hands Down Hands placed at side or in front of body
- Feet On Floor Both feet touch the floor or ground
- Exhales Child breathes out you can see shoulders/chest go down upon exhalation.
All of these are simple behaviors that a child performs often, so there are lots of opportunities to tag and reinforce. Reinforcing these tag points brings about increased calm and communicative behaviors in children with autism. Plus, the more reinforcement and success our children experience, the happier they are.
Computer Applications In Repetitive Behavior Therapy
Computer applications based on applied behavior analysis, which are able to attract attention of children for a long time, is highly effective in reducing the lack of education in children with autism. Otsimo educational game platform is an application that produces very positive results in the treatment of children with autism at all ages and educational levels. In fact, after 2 years of uninterrupted usage, it has been effective in acceptance of children with autism to public schools at the rates of up to 90%.
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