Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Tell The Difference Between Social Anxiety And Autism

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Diagnosing Anxiety In Autism

Do you have Symptoms of Social Anxiety or AUTISM! 20 questions to pinpoint Autism vs Social Anxiety

Mental health providers and physicians can diagnose anxiety in someone with autism, although it may be more challenging than in a typically-developing child or adult.

Youth may have language or learning problems that make it harder for them to describe their symptoms and emotions.12 Some, even if they speak fluently, may not connect their symptoms to having anxiety. Several research studies say that anxiety seems highest in fluent speakers with autism,2 although fewer studies exist of people with nonverbal autism and anxiety.

Anxiety is typically diagnosed based on answers to questionnaires, not by blood tests or brain scans. But the standard tests for measuring anxiety may not work as well in youth who also have ASD.12,20 Researchers are developing and testing autism-specific tools for diagnosing anxiety, Drs. Hardan and Vasa said.

If someone with autism receives an anxiety diagnosis, what’s next? What does research says about effective treatments? What steps can family members, schools, and others take to help? See part 2 of this series, What Anxiety Treatments Work for People with Autism?

  • Watch Dr. Antonio Hardan’s one-hour webinar on Anxiety in ASD at SPARK for Autism.
  • van Steensel, F. J., Bogels, S. M., & Perrin, S. . Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders: A meta-analysis. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 14, 302-317. doi:10.1007/s10567-011-0097-0 . Abstract.
  • How To Support A Child With Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder At Home

    After you have a diagnosis and treatment plan, help your child succeed by remaining an active participant in his therapy.

    In addition to providing transportation to therapy appointments, work closely with the therapist. You can reinforce skills learned during sessions when youre at home or in the community, and you can learn beneficial skills that help you support your child at home.

    You can also practice several therapeutic activities with your child, including:

    Finally, bridge the gap between home and school. Contact the special education department and ask for an Individualized Education Program that includes speech therapy, social skills training, and other supports, including possibly a teachers aide.

    An alternative to the IEP is a 504 plan. It also provides accommodations that help your child, including extra time to process information or reading support.

    Autistic Symptoms And Ocd Can Look Similar

    Autism Spectrum Disorder and OCD are two different conditions, however, it is true that some symptoms of autism overlap with those of other disorders, such as OCD, and can look similar . For example, people with autism and people with OCD may display repetitive behaviors, obsessive behaviors and severe anxiety. Both children with OCD and children with autism can become very rigid and resistant to change. A key difference between OCD and autism is the purpose or motivation for the behavior.

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    Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety And Adhd

    A big difference between anxiety and ADHD are the physical symptoms.

    With anxiety, these can include:

    • Hyperventilating
    • Stomachaches

    However, people who have ADHD will experience quite different symptoms.

    For instance, one includes having difficulty sitting still for long periods of time. They may have all of this nervous energy that they just cant contain. Often what helps is using a fidgeting device to give them something to do with their hands.

    Another symptom is that people with ADHD, especially children, may have poor self-control and are impulsive. They blurt out whatever is on their minds or do things spontaneously.

    How To Tell The Difference Between Autism And Just Not Having Social Skills For Some Other Reason

    When They All Look Alike Adhd Anxiety Spd

    Recently ive started to wonder whether I could be on the spectrum since Ive recognized some symptoms / qualities in myself that are associated with autism, but when it comes to social skills im not sure if its autism related or just not being social in general.

    I do have ocd and anxiety which could cause most of these things. I also have a speech related disability which is why for most of my life during conversations ive had to focus on getting through the conversation and being fluid rather than the things I want to say. So its hard to determine what is caused by what exactly.

    I feel like I just dont know how to interact with other people and therefore ive never had lots of friends. And I feel like the older I get the harder it becomes. But on the other hand I do like being by myself and dont really feel a need to socialize. Even the concept of small talk is weird to me and I feel awkward when people share random things to me cause I just dont how to respond, and for that reason I often come off rude. I try to mimick things that other people say in conversations or sometimes I ask a friend what they would say in a certain situation. Its really hard even through texting.


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    Questions To Ask And Points To Make

    Whittaker says asking questions and further discussing factors that may be triggering symptoms can help provide clarity on a diagnosis.

    She recommends covering these bases:

    • the age and year of the diagnosis
    • anything going on at school or home at the time of the diagnosis
    • description of symptoms, including how frequent and how long theyve been present

    Asperger Syndrome Asd And Social Anxiety

    Some, if not most of you have noticed that I still use the term Asperger Syndrome, even though the American Psychological Association, the American Counseling Association and the American Psychiatric Association have all elected to depart from this terminology in favor of the all-encompassing Autism Spectrum Disorder, . This is because it is generally agreed upon that there is little difference between those who are high functioning on the autism spectrum and those who were previously diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. While I agree that the differences between those high functioning of the spectrum and those with Asperger is minuscule, the differences in language acquisition and use in early childhood is significant. With those diagnosed with Asperger having more command for language than those on the spectrum.

    Regardless, I will be using the terms Asperger syndrome and ASD interchangeable for the near future. So, in addressing the title of this post, why do people on the spectrum often struggle with social anxiety? Well, the answer is a bit complicated.

    Further, people on the spectrum who actively work on improving their deficit in understanding nonverbal communications, make radical progress, as their brains start to rewire in response to the efforts they are putting in to practice change.

    Ugo is a psychotherapist and life coach.

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    Dimensions Associated With Social Anxiety

    The results presented in Table 2 showed no significant association between LSAS score and age or age category , as well as IQ level . Social anxiety level was significantly associated with anxious symptoms level represented by HARS score but not with depressive symptoms level represented by HDRS score .

    Table 2 Correlations between Liebowitz social anxiety scale and demographical and clinical factors in ASD.

    Autistic symptoms were associated with social anxiety level in a complex manner. LSAS raw score was positively and significantly linked with SRS-2 total score . All SRS-2 sub-scores, except social awareness, were significantly associated with social anxiety and especially social motivation . The RBS-R total score was significantly linked with the LSAS score The subcategory self-injuring behavior shows a moderate correlation and sameness behavior a strong one .

    Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between social anxiety and social skills impairments and between social anxiety and restricted interests and repetitive behaviors . There is a positive relationship with a moderate correlation represented by a coefficient of determination R2 = 0.23 between LSAS scores and SRS-2. This correlation is weaker between the LSAS scores and the RBS-R .

    Table 3 Descriptive statistics for High and Low functioning patients.

    No association was found between the general communication assessed using the CC2 and the LSAS score.

    Finding A Therapist Who Specializes In Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder Or Autism

    What is the difference between Avoidant Personality Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder?

    Regardless of whether or not your child has ASD or SCD, its important that he or she works with professionals who specialize in the specific condition.

    For example, if your child has SCD, a speech-language pathologist who specializes in SCD may be available via your childs school. If not, speak with your healthcare provider or reach out to ASD resources who may be able to offer referrals.

    Speech-language pathologists are trained to work with individuals who have non-verbal communications as well as social interactions.

    In addition to providing individuals and their families with practice and training, they also offer interactive visual tools such as picture boards or tablets which can help to bridge the gap as the individual makes progress through therapy.

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    Growing Up With Autism Spectrum Disorder And Anxiety

    The world was so unknown and stressful to her. I was her safety net.

    Fearfulness, it seems, has been associated with autism since it first got its name. When Dr. Leo Kanner described the disorder he called autism, he noted that some of his young patients were worriers. If not for his boyish voice, Alfred, 9, “might have given the impression of a worried and preoccupied little old man,” Dr. Kanner wrote in 1943. Many of the children he described would react with “horror” and “panic” at vacuum cleaners, loud noises, or moving objects.10

    Susan Gilroy understands the fearfulness that can affect people with autism. Her daughter, Lindsay, 39, has autism and anxiety. When she was a child, Lindsay desperately wanted things to remain the same. “Insistence on sameness” is a defining symptom of autism,5 but it also may be related to anxiety.11 The girl would get very upset if her mother closed the kitchen cabinet doors, or if she left her sight. “The world was so unknown and stressful to her. I was her safety net,” Mrs. Gilroy explained.

    In her late teens, Lindsay’s anxiety grew and led to aggressive behavior. A service provider worked with her to help identify her emotions and manage anxiety. “They helped her develop some coping skills, such as deep breathing, counting, and clenching her hands when anxious, that she still uses today,” Mrs. Gilroy said. Medication also helped.

    Commonalities And Differences In Social Difficulties Of Sm Sad And Asd

    Apart from the observed links between SM and SAD/ASD, there is also evidence that children with ASD frequently display SAD . Thus, SM, SAD, and ASD can be viewed as three allied psychiatric conditions. At a categorical level the three disorders frequently co-occur, while at a dimensional level symptoms of these disorders are substantially correlated and sometimes similarities are so prominent that it is difficult to distinguish them from one another . In this section, we zoom in on various social difficulties associated with SM, SAD, and ASD with a focus on communalities as well as differences. More specifically, we will consider four aspects that are highly relevant for understanding social functioning and dysfunctioning: emotional responses in social situations, or more briefly, social emotion, social cognition, social skills, and social motivation .

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    How To Treat Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder

    Treatment for social pragmatic communication disorder typically includes several stages which can be guided by a professional. These stages require the involvement of your entire family along with other adults in your childs life. They most importantly necessitate the need for practice and patience.

    How To Seek A Second Opinion

    (PDF) Autism and Anxiety infographic

    Whittaker says you dont have to discuss that you wish to seek a second opinion with your healthcare professional, though it can be helpful for the second practitioner to get the information from the initial diagnosis.

    Your healthcare professional can also refer you to someone else. Theyre used to patients asking for second opinions, Whittaker says.

    From there, you can call different healthcare professionals to discuss your situation and unique needs.

    Social anxiety and autism can feel overwhelming at times, but support is available. Whittaker shares several resources to help you navigate testing, therapy, and support.

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    What Is Social Anxiety Disorder

    Social anxiety disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by intense fear of being scrutinized and negatively evaluated by others and excessive avoidance of social interaction.

    Dr. Rachel Bédard, PhD, a licensed psychologist, further explains: Social anxiety is viewed as an excessive level of fear or anxiety to social situations, including talking in class, talking in front of an audience, or attending social gatherings. Fears include making social mistakes, making blunders, embarrassing themselves or others, etc. Individuals with social anxiety tend to either suffer through the event or find a friend/family/member/peer to lean on for support.

    Dr. Bedard says people with social anxiety are genuinely suffering, and the level of anxiety is quite high. There are a variety of treatment options to support people with SAD, including medications to lessen the anxiety, as well as talk therapy interventions.

    I tend to rely on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , which includes looking at how a person talks to themselves about life/circumstances/success-failure, and how the person behaves in the world, she adds. We create mini-experiments to challenge the beliefs that the anxiety is warranted, and create a pathway to collect the data showing that the person can handle social events. A sense of humor is helpful when engaging in this type of therapy.

    Asd & Social Anxiety Diagnosis

    A psychologist can diagnose autism and/or social anxiety disorder using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders 5th Edition . The DSM-5 is a handbook published by the American Psychiatric Association that helps healthcare professionals make diagnoses.

    A healthcare professional will ask about symptoms and may observe a person in social situations before making a diagnosis. Sometimes a pediatrician or physician will recommend seeing a healthcare professional who can properly diagnose ASD, social anxiety, or other specific mental conditions. Ask your doctor for more information.

    The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for autism include:

    • Persistent differences in social communication, including but not limited to lack of back-and-forth conversations and differences in eye contact
    • Repetitive patterns of behaviors, such as lining up toys
    • Symptoms were present in early development, even if they went unnoticed
    • Symptoms interfere with daily functioning, such as schoolwork

    The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for social anxiety disorder include:

    • Fear of judgment in social situations
    • Consistent anxiety in social situations that does not fit the context
    • Avoidance of social interaction
    • Fear of social interaction that impedes day-to-day life
    • Having fear for at least 6 months

    Note that social anxiety can develop in children or adults.

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    Getting Help For Anxiety Or Adhd

    Although anxiety and ADHD are common in our society, they are not always well understood at all. If you are struggling to determine whether you have anxiety or ADHD, its time to get professional help. There are certain types of therapy that will be helpful.

    We are fortunate to live in time when there a effective non drug treatments for both ADHD and anxiety.

    If you would like to know more about the difference between ADHD and anxiety, Id be happy to provide the support you need either through ADHD counseling or anxiety treatment.

    Contact Premier Nlp Life Coaching

    Autism Q and A: What is the Difference Between Asperger’s, ADHD, OCD, etc…?

    If you have autism spectrum disorder and would like to improve your communication abilities, neuro-linguistic programming might be an effective way for you to accomplish your goals. Neuro-linguistic programming is a set of tools and models that can be used to improve your communication skills by providing you with an understanding of the interplay of the language that you choose, your actions, and your unconscious mind. To learn more, contact Premier Life Coaching today by completing our online contact form.

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    Handling An Autism Or Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder Diagnosis

    Parenting a child with SCD or ASD can be a challenge, and unanswered questions and concerns simply breed more unnecessary worry. Trust your instincts and seek the professional, qualified assistance needed to screen your child and obtain an accurate diagnosis.

    The sooner you have a concrete diagnosis, the better able you and the experts will be at providing the essential tools and support your child needs to be successful.

    To learn more about social pragmatic communication disorder and autism, contact Sarah Dooley Center online or at 804-521-5571.

    Adhd Vs Anxiety: Whats The Difference

    The difference between ADHD and anxiety ultimately comes down to whether or not the individual is not focused because of fearful, apprehensive thoughts, or is not focused because of being easily distracted even though their mind is calm.

    In sum, children with generalized anxiety disorders will have poor focus because their minds are dominated by anxious, worrisome thoughts. Their anxiety can permeate all academic assignments.

    In contrast, an inattentive ADHD childs mind can be quiet, but easily distracted, which results in their inattention. They may only show anxiety sometimes about a specific academic task or challenge.

    A thorough clinical history is important in helping differentiate the cause of the inattention and evaluating if it may be primarily an anxiety disorder.

    Below are some important questions to ask when attempting to make a diagnosis.

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    Is Comprehensive Best

    There are psychological, psychoeducational, neuropsychological, and hybrid evaluations that study a childs functioning across a broad range of areas. These look at psychological functioning, thinking and intelligence, academic functioning , emotional functioning, attention, memory, and executive functioning. Your childs doctor should explain the different types of assessments available and recommend which ones they feel are most appropriate.

    Comprehensive evaluations are always more accurate, but they can be costly and time intensive. They may also require travel if there isnt access to specialists where you live. It might be necessary for you to miss work or for your child to miss school. When making an appointment, be sure to ask, How are you going to determine whether my child is on the autism spectrum? What tools are you going to use? Ask about the costs. Check with your health insurance company to find out if any of the tests are covered. It is crucial to weigh the pros and cons and determine what is best for your family.

    An accurate diagnosis requires input from you, based on your experiences with and observations of your childs behaviors and struggles. You should keep track of behaviors, struggles, and accomplishments. All of these provide clues on how to help your child best.

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