How Many People Support Vaccination Across The World
The London-based research charity The Wellcome Trust published their Wellcome Global Monitor in 2019 on attitudes to science and major health challenges. It is the worlds largest study of its kind, surveying over 140,000 people from over 140 countries. As part of the Gallup World Poll, the 30-question survey ran during 2018.26
The Wellcome Trust survey asked three core questions related to attitudes to vaccines: do people think that vaccines are important for children to have do they think vaccines are safe and do they believe vaccines are effective.
Most people in the world think vaccines are important for children to have
More than 9-in-10 people in the world think that vaccines are important for children to have.
How support varies across the world is shown in the map. We see high support for vaccination across almost all countries. In most countries over 80% of respondents think child vaccination is important, in many countries it is over 90% who think so.
There is a visible North-South divide in attitudes: support is highest across South Asia at 98% 97% in South America 94% in Northern Africa and 92% in Southern Africa. Support is still high, but lower across North America Western Europe and Eastern Europe .
Of those surveyed in Venezuela, Palestine, Ethiopia and Northern Cyprus thought vaccines were most important: 100% were in favour.27
Most people in the world think vaccines are safe, but mistrust is high in some countries
What Do I Need To Know About Vaccines
The first question I ask is, are vaccinated children healthier than non-vaccinated children? And really shouldnt this be the most basic question of all about our childrens health?
Even though Americans are among the most vaccinated people globally, after decades of vaccinations, we are among the sickest.
There has been research implicating vaccination as one reason for the high rates of chronic disease. However, no government agency or drug company has ever compared the health of vaccinated and non-vaccinated children to see which group has higher rates of neurological disorders, chronic disease, immunological disease, learning disabilities, or autism. Until now!
Are Unvaccinated Children Healthier Than Vaccinated Kids
Unabridged article at:
Study: Unvaccinated Children have Less Chronic Disease and a Lower Risk of Autism than Vaccinated Children
A recent peer-reviewed study comparing health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, provisionally published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health and assigned a DOI number , confirmed what parents have observed: that completely unvaccinated children have less chronic disease and a lower risk of autism than vaccinated children.
The researchers collected health information on over 660 children from a survey conducted in 2012 of mothers of children between six and twelve years old in four states .
According to the abstract, the team of four scientists found that while completely unvaccinated children were significantly more likely to get chickenpox and whooping cough but significantly less likely to suffer from ear infections, pneumonia, allergies, and brain or central nervous system disorders, including autism. Vaccinated children were more than twice as likely to have some chronic illness like indurable autoimmune disorders such as Type 1 Diabetes and rheumatologic disorders.
Not Enough Doctors See the Link Between Vaccines and Autism Rates We all need to be looking at improving the safety of vaccines,says Bose Ravenel, MD, whose practice is based in Winston Salem, North Carolina.
Vaccine Safety Censorship
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Autism In Vaccinated Versus Unvaccinated Children
Pilot Study of Vaccinated Versus Unvaccinated
A pilot study of chronic diseases in vaccinated versus unvaccinated people has been completed by The Control Group. Part of the study focused on the rate of autism in vaccinated children versus unvaccinated children.
An Ideal Scientific Study
An ideal scientific study will have an experimental group That gets the drug and a control group that does not get the drug. The difference in outcomes can be attributed to the drug.
How they Found Unvaccinated Children for This Study
It is difficult to find enough unvaccinated people for scientific studies because 99+ percent of people have had exposure to vaccines. National radio shows, podcasts, and social media were used to alert people to this study. It was made clear that the survey was only for unvaccinated people. A total of 1,544 unvaccinated people completed the survey. 1319 were children and 225 were adults . These 1319 unvaccinated children were the control group compared to vaccinated children in the U.S.
The Results Are Very Interesting
Where we are compared to where we should be
Check out the entire study
Go to and look around. The graphs are beautifully done. Orange is vaccinated and green is unvaccinated. They tell a story that is difficult to deny and is nearly impossible to unsee once you have seen it.
Posted by Age of Autism on October 28, 2021 at 06:00 AM in Vaccine Safety|Permalink |
Measles Outbreaks In The Uk And Europe
Between 2001 and 2013 there was a sharp rise in the number of UK measles cases, and three people died. Numbers of cases have fallen since 2013, but rates of measles are still higher than they were in the late 1990s and seem to be rising again in 2018. In 2018 there were 966 laboratory confirmed measles cases in England – nearly four times as many as the total number confirmed in 2017 . The majority of measles cases have been in people who are not vaccinated, especially young people aged 15 and over who missed out on MMR vaccination when they were younger. About 30% of those infected have been admitted to hospital.
At the moment most UK measles cases are linked to travel in Europe. Cases have also been linked to music festivals and other large public events. Public Health England is advising people to check that they are vaccinated against measles before they travel abroad or go to large public events in the UK or elsewhere.
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Unique Concerns For Parents With Children At Risk For Autism
Metallothionein and chelator use because of mercury in vaccines
Walsh et al from the Pfeiffer institute presented a study to the American Psychiatric Association in May 2001 suggesting that an inborn error in metallothionein proteins in autism may interfere with clearing toxic metals as well as interfere with immune function. In fact, parents need to know that Walsh has not measured metallothionein in autism, but merely makes inferences from treatment responses recorded in his centre, which has a proprietary interest in zinc products marketed for people with autism. Dr Amy Holmes has considerable credibility as a concerned paediatrician. Holmes et al presented data at the International Meeting for Autism Research in November 2001 suggesting that children with autism have a positive response to chelation, usually with DMSA, in combination with dietary lipoic acid supplements . In open-label use of chelation, Holmes reported that younger children show the most benefit when treated for two to three months. Side effects included transient increases in hyperactivity, self-stimulatory behaviour and loose stools. Excretion of heavy metals was suggested as proof of a heavy metal problem in children with autism. Although no one has, as yet, replicated these findings, parents continue to feel that mercury and other heavy metals may pose a threat and seek chelation therapy.
The AAP News in August 2001 presented a good review of the facts that parents need to know about chelators .
To 24 Months: The Crucial Stage
Typically, parents first note behavioural symptoms suggestive of autism at around 15 months of age, the time when the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine is first administered . Furthermore, at least one in three children with autism has regression in language and social skills in the second year of life . Because neurological investigation reveals no organic etiology, the temporal association with immunization suggests to some parents that vaccination must be causally linked. Although home video reviews and current studies of infants who have an older sibling with autism suggest that differences exist in the first year of life, most parents do not detect differences in their child until the second year .
The recurrence risk for autism in subsequent siblings is at least 5% to 8% . When parents of one autistic child also worry about the vaccination connection, subsequent siblings are not only at risk for autism but also for not receiving timely vaccination.
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How Many Children Are Unvaccinated
According to the CDC, in the United States:
95%of children in kindergarten have had vaccines for preventable diseases, including two doses of the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. But that figure is not spread evenly across the country.
82%of children in Coloradohave had the two-dose MMR vaccine that doctors say is necessary. In Mississippi, virtually all childrenin kindergarten are vaccinated.
26 states have not reported meeting a government target of 95% coverage for MMR.
Why Were Vaccines Linked To Autism
In the late 1990s, some researchers raised concerns over the amount of thimerosala mercury-containing preservativefound in many children’s vaccines. Although thimerosal had been used as an anti-contamination agent for decades, the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccination was the only thimerosal-containing shot recommended for infants and children until 1991.
The researchers hypothesized that, as more thimerosal-containing vaccines like hepatitis B and Hib were added to the recommended schedule, babies were receiving too much of the chemical in too short a timeframe, which could potentially impact brain development.
In a totally separate issue around this time, another group of researchers lead by a British doctor named Andrew Wakefield theorized that children who received the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine were more likely to develop autism than those who did not receive it. By January 2011, however, Dr. Wakefield’s study was discredited by the British Medical Journal.
Today, scientists and experts are confident that vaccines play no role in the onset of this developmental disorder. “More than a dozen studies across researchers, study designs, and populations have all concluded that there’s no relation between vaccines and autism,” says Matthew Daley, M.D., a pediatrician for Kaiser Permanente in Colorado and a researcher who studies vaccine topics. Read on to find out more about these studies.
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Are Vaccines Safe And Effective
The authors shared some scary statistics on public information about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
The study reported a linear relationship between the number of vaccine doses administered at one time and the rate of hospitalization and death moreover, the younger the infant at the time of vaccination, the higher was the rate of hospitalization and death.
The hospitalization rate increased from 11% for two vaccine doses to 23.5% for eight doses . In comparison, the case fatality rate increased significantly from 3.6% for those receiving from 1-4 treatments to 5.4 % for those receiving from 5-8 doses.
Which Countries Have Mandatory Childhood Vaccination Policies
With the widespread rollout of COVID-19 vaccines globally, some countries have started to consider mandatory vaccination, although no country has yet to make vaccines mandatory for its population.47 While COVID-19 has resurfaced the debate on vaccination policies, it has been an important topic for many other diseases. The World Health Organization estimates that vaccines save two to three million lives each year . The development of vaccines against vaccine-preventable childhood diseases has been a key driver in the decline of child mortality.
Despite it being such an important topic, it is surprising that information about which countries have mandatory vaccine policy is lacking, and it is childhood vaccines under a countrys national immunization schedules that are most commonly made mandatory.
In this article we present a new global dataset which looks at childhood vaccination policies across the world.
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How Did The Study Break Down The Data
The study broke the children into three categories- unvaccinated children, partially vaccinated children, and fully vaccinated children. A sample of 666 children was obtained, of which 261 were unvaccinated.
Then the researchers divided the research up into vaccination status and health outcomes, both acute and chronic conditions. They also looked at partial versus full vaccination and chronic health conditions, chronic conditions, and gender among vaccinated children and vaccination status, medication use, and health services utilization.
Sarrc’s Message On Vaccines
At SARRC, we believe the ultimate decision to vaccinate a child is a personal choice. If asked, we would recommend vaccinations because dozens of reputable scientific studies have failed to show a link between vaccines and autism, while numerous other studies demonstrate that the risks from the diseases the vaccines are meant to prevent are dangerous to a childs health and well-being. Our research focuses on early identification of autism because it leads to early intensive intervention, which is the most important support we can provide for a child diagnosed with autism at this time.
Read more about autism and vaccines in a Q& A with SARRC’s Vice President and Research Director Christopher J. Smith, PhD, here.
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What Are The Rates Of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Rates of autism are on the rise. However, rates may not be increasing solely because there are more cases of ASD they might also be increasing due to a broader definition and a better diagnosis of ASD. As the numbers of ASD increase, additional community resources need grow too, such as educational services and a coordinated response to families whose children have ASD.
The CDC has tracked data using the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network Sites. The goals of the ADDM Network are to:
- Describe the population of children with ASD
- Compare how common ASD is in different areas of the country
- Identify changes in ASD occurrence over time
- Understand the impact of ASD and related conditions in US communities
Where Can I Learn More About Autism And Vaccines
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , The American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Food and Drug Administration all have information on their websites detailing vaccine use and the risk of autism spectrum disorder .
Always ask any questions you may have of your pediatrician or other health care provider, too they will have the latest updates.
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People Do Not Know How Well We Actually Do In Global Vaccination
Today vaccines protect millions of people around the world from infectious diseases. In this fight we are much, much further ahead than most people realize.
The first chart shows the evidence for this misperception. In this chart we plotted the survey responses that people gave when they were asked How many of the worlds 1-year old children today have been vaccinated against some disease?. The correct answer was 85.8% this is the share of 1-year olds that received the third dose of the combination vaccine that protects against Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis .
But in all countries in which people were surveyed people were much too pessimistic about the global coverage. Americans think that only 35% of the worlds children are vaccinated, the true coverage is 50 percentage points higher.22
In Japan people were even more pessimistic and thought that only 18% were vaccinated. As it is often the case in questions on global development we again see that people in poorer countries have a more accurate view of the world: in Kenya and Senegal people thought that vaccines reach around two thirds of all children in the world, but even these highest estimates are 20 percentage points too low.
We hugely underestimate global vaccination coverage23
Peoples view on vaccination coverage is outdated by more than three decades
We have created a chart that shows the absolute number of one-year-olds who have received the vaccinations.
How Was The Data Collected
A cross-sectional study of mothers of children educated at home was carried out in collaboration with homeschool organizations in four U.S. states: Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oregon.
Mothers were asked to complete an anonymous online questionnaire on their 6- to 12-year-old biological children concerning pregnancy-related factors, birth history, vaccinations, physician-diagnosed illnesses, medications used, and health services.
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Children With Autism Less Likely To Be Fully Vaccinated Study Finds
Numerous scientific studies report no association between vaccines and autism
Both genetic and environmental factors play a role in causing autism, researchers say
Children with autism spectrum disorder are significantly less likely to be fully vaccinated than children unaffected by autism, new research finds. And the same is true of their younger sisters and brothers.
This study is showing that children with autism and their younger siblings might be at greater risk of vaccine-preventable diseases, said Ousseny Zerbo, lead author of the study and a postdoctoral fellow with the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research.
The study was published Monday in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.
What Determines If Vaccinations Are Compulsory
Countries vary in whether vaccination is compulsory, mandatory , or voluntary. Navin and Largent provide a helpful distinction between these policies. A compulsory policy is when refusing vaccination is illegal, while mandatory vaccination when certain goods and services are limited for not vaccinating.28
Which policy is followed has depended much on historical legacy, which becomes clear when one considers some of the different regulations and their history around the world:
Compulsory vaccination: Many Eastern Bloc countries introduced compulsory vaccination during the communist era. Vaccination was previously compulsory in Romania for example and after a drop in vaccination rates the country is going through the process of reintroducing compulsory vaccination. The same is true for Italy and also France, which had compulsory vaccination for three diseases but increased this number to 11 in January 2018 in response to a drop in vaccination rates.
Voluntary vaccination: Some countries where vaccination is voluntary had early pushback against vaccination, as in the UK and the Netherlands. In 1853 a law was passed in England and Wales requiring universal vaccination against smallpox, but opposition from anti-vaccinationists led to laws being passed to allow for conscientious objection.31
Does it work to make vaccinations compulsory?
Vaccination coverage of children, by US state in 2016/1734
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