Reasons For Disabled Children
1. At home, you can more easily tailor the childs education than at school. In school, you only get a choice of one, or perhaps two, curriculum choices. Homeschooling offers you hundreds of different curriculum choices.
2. Children who take longer than most to complete work can study at their own pace.
3. Homeschooling parents can engage disabled students better compared to special education teachers.
4. Parents are able to fulfil the healthcare/medical role as well as the teacher role, making education more comfortable for disabled children.
5. Disabled children might need to attend medical appointments frequently. Homeschooling gives them more flexibility with appointments meaning they dont have to miss out on learning days but can do them when theyre feeling up to it.
Benefits Of A Homeschool Program
Any homeschooled child benefits from a customized curriculum that works with individual strengths and weaknesses. For a child with autism, the custom design of a homeschool program can meet developmental needs while incorporating therapy into the learning day.
Other benefits to homeschooling an autistic child include:
- Since you create the schedule, you can cater it to your child. Some children learn better during the day while others may be more alert in the early evening hours.
- You can focus on helping your child understand every aspect of a subject before moving on to the next.
- You can schedule doctor’s appointments, checkups or therapy services without missing any important lessons.
- You can create a lesson at the playground, the grocery store, or the waiting room of the doctor’s office. You can practice math, science or other skills almost anywhere, anytime.
- You can incorporate sensory integration into your child’s schedule to help her calm and organize behavior.
- You control meals and snacks, which is important if your child has food allergies, or if you are using a gluten and casein-free diet.
What Do They Need Physically
You probably already know the answer to if your child is a sensory seeker or avoider or both. Yes, you can have both a seeker in certain circumstances and an avoider in others all in the same child.
Do they need to jump and run and swing? Are they always crashing into things and seeking outside pressure on their body? You have a seeker on your hands.
Do the lights hurt their eyes? Is it often too loud in places for them? Do they get overwhelmed easily? Then you probably have an avoider on your hands. This can make using technology harder to use as you are working to homeschool your child with autism.
Once you find the answer to what they are, implement activities that will enhance their nervous system. Let the seeker run and jump and bounce several times throughout the day. Get a crash pad, a swing, or go swimming. Have them chew gum during lessons or sit on an exercise ball so they can bounce to get input.
For the seeker, try brushing them, dimming the lights and have noise canceling headphones nearby. Let them take breaks alone throughout the day. Do their individual lessons in a different room than everyone else if you can. Let them wear comfortable to them clothing.
Homeschooling a child with autism doesnt have to be overwhelming. It can be hard and frustrating at times. But when you see you child achieve something theyve been working on for a while, it will all be worth it. Even slow progress is still progress
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Homeschooling Allows More Time For Autism Therapies
While I am definitely not a proponent of ABA therapy where autistic children are in therapy for 20-40 hours a week, I do think allowing time for helpful autism therapies is important.
At one point we had A-Man in 3 separate therapies, on 3 separate days.
If he went to a public school there would just be no time.
Let alone the time for completing therapy activities at home!
Since were homeschooling, we can fit our therapy sessions and therapy activities into our schedule wherever they fit.
Teach To Learning Style And Interests
When you teach your child at home, you have more freedom to incorporate activities that dont work in a typical classroom with a group of children. You can do much more hands-on learning. Additionally, you can incorporate your childs special interests into all content areas. Use lego bricks to make models of body parts or illustrate historical events. Build an entire unit around airplanes or doll making, adding in math, science, history, reading, and writing.
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There Is No Correct Way Or One Way To Homeschool
This is one piece of advice that is just good to remember. Youre unique and your child is unique. Your life is different from anyone else. That is why your homeschooling will look different from anyone else.
In a world of and its hard not to compare yourself and feel inadequate. But dont forget that those photos and captions are just a glimpse into someones life. You have your life and your amazing and unique child. You have your life experiences that no one else does. You know your child better than anyone. Who can be a better teacher for your child than you?
You got this mama!
Her children arise and call her blessed her husband also, and he praises her: Proverbs 31:28
Stick To Your Schedule But Take Frequent Breaks
Children with ASD often thrive on routine and structure. Having a daily schedule that is visually posted for your child to reference will be helpful. Keep in mind that your child will need frequent breaks to decompress, find sensory input, or simply take a break from learning. Create a safe spot filled with soothing items like books and music that your child can use just for these times. You can also use this spot as a reward or if your child is having a meltdown or struggling to transition from one task to another.
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Special Needs Reasons To Homeschool
In a homeschool, parents have a lot more autonomy in their childrens education compared to children in school. For example, parents can choose a homeschooling method which is more challenging or less challenging .
They can match a curriculum to the method theyve chosen and children can work around their special needs. This flexibility means there is far less stress in the home environment for parents and children.
Because a home education works so well, homeschoolers often academically perform well-above their public school peers in all areas.
Lets discuss some of these special needs reasons to homeschool in more detail below.
Tips On Homeschooling Your Autistic Child
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So youve chosen homeschool as the way your autistic child will be educated.
It will be quite an interesting journey. Full of hard work and great reward.
What are your reasons?
Maybe youve considered some of the reasons to homeschool that I wrote about in my last post?
Whatever your reasons are, now you might be wondering, How do I make this work? How can I make it a success?
Ive gathered together 10 helpful tips and advice on how to make homeschooling your autistic child a success.
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Work During The Best Time Of Day For The Child
For some its early morning. For others a late start is great. But maybe its the afternoon. There is no specific time that you need to do work with your child. When do you function the best? When does your child function the best? Find a time that works for your family the best and do school at that time.
Make Time For Sensory Play
Most individuals on the autism spectrum require regular sensory input and self-regulatory sensory activities.
This means that basic sensory play will be fun and calming for your child. It will always be positive to make a part of your childs day.
Personally, I love engaging in sensory play and its one of my favorite things to put in place with my coaching clients when I am designing adapted curriculums. It can make such a big difference in terms of creating more opportunities for learning and fun and it often helps to reduce difficult behaviors at home.
Some sensory play ideas for your little one on the autism spectrum?
Use these sensory break cards to plan your daily sensory play and present it to your child in an organized and visual way.
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Music For Autism Concert
Wolsey Hall Oxford is keen to support the education of autistic children in a range of ways. To this end we were proud to sponsor a Music for Autism concert for autistic children at The Castle School in Newbury, England.
This interactive concert was an inspirational event and allowed the children the freedom to react to the music through spontaneous dance, movement and singing.
Homeschooling A Child On The Autistic Spectrum
Many parents have found that homeschooling their autistic child is rewarding and productive. If you decide to bring your child home, here are some resources that can help.
But all children with autism are going to do better if they get really good educational intervention. And there’s a lot of controversy as to which programs you use. I have found that the most important thing is a good teacher… you need lots of hours with a good teacher in these really young kids.
~ Dr. Temple Grandin, from “A Conversation with Temple Grandin” on NPR
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Reasons To Consider Homeschooling An Autistic Child
Special education classrooms are not always the best environment for children with autism. The typical class consists of children with a variety of disabilities who function at differing levels. Other things to consider are:
- Bullying in schools – Children with autism may be susceptible to bullying due to their quirks and odd characteristics. This can have a detrimental effect on your child’s self-esteem and affect his academic progress.
- Divided attention – Children with autism tend to thrive with individual attention, which can be difficult to achieve in larger classrooms.
- Self stimulatory behaviors – Stereotyped repetitive movements can be distracting for the rest of the class. There is a lot of sensory input in a classroom. Decorations, noises and even florescent lights can lead to sensory overload.
- General teaching strategies – There is no single teaching approach that works for all children with autism, but a teacher might use the same methods for the entire class.
- Difficulty with transitions – The typical school day has many transitions that can be frustrating for a student with autism.
- Difficulty tolerating change – Students on the autism spectrum may have difficulty tolerating changes in routine. Unexpected events, specials and substitute teachers can be sources of great distress.
How To Homeschool Your Child With Autism: 3 Tips
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Youre frustrated with how the public schools are meeting your childs educational needs. You think it would be better to homeschool to give your child one on one attention. But then you hesitate. What if you arent qualified to teach someone with autism? Im here to tell you that you can do it and give them a better education than a public school could!
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Homeschooling Your Child With Autism
More parents of children with autism are opting to homeschool for a variety of reasons. In this article, you will information about homeschooling your child with autism, including: pros and cons to homeschooling, curriculum options, how to ensure your child has access to social opportunities, and sample schedules.
Dont Be So Hard On Your Kids
Your kids just like any other human will have good days and bad days. Some days barely any work will get done. Our autistic children may learn differently than the typical child. During this whole homeschooling process youll be figuring out just HOW differently they learn. It will take adjusting for the both of you. Dont be so hard on them.
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The Pros And Cons Of Homeschooling A Child With Aspergers Or High
Im considering homeschooling my 8-year-old daughter who has high-functioning autism. She was going to a private school that focuses too much on Christian indoctrination. Public school isnt an option. Weve been that route before with disastrous results. Also, with the virus issue, I’m not even sure what the schools are going to do in the fall. Im not doubting my ability to teach, Im just not sure whether or not its the right thing to do. Should I do it?
- What are the home-schooling laws in your state? Some states require the home-schooling parent to have a level of education.
- How will you arrange to meet your child’s socialization needs? Does she have opportunities to play and learn with other children in the neighborhood, in a scout group, at church, etc.?
- How does your spouse feel about home-schooling? It can be very difficult to home-school on a long-term basis without approval and support from your child’s other parent.
- Can you afford it? The decision to home-school results in limited income potential for the primary home-schooling parent.
“Should I do it?”
What Is Public Education And What Challenges Does It Have Supporting Children With Special Needs
Parents may begin with a public education for a variety of reasons. They want their child with autism to socialize with other children and assume they will receive good teaching from the teacher who teaches the neurotypical kids. Often the reality is other parents are resentful that their child is receiving less attention because of the presence of a child with special needs. Classes are large often with no time for a teacher to provide extra attention. The teacher may have no special training in autism spectrum disorders and personal aide time is limited if provided at all. Traditional teaching techniques used in most classrooms involve too much listening, sitting still, and not enough breaks. Lesson plans are not modified specifically to accommodate special learning needs.
Public schools may lack the resources to provide a sound education for a child with autism. The school may not have a professionally trained staff, teacher aides, or special equipment such as a laptop computer. Laptops can be beneficial for children who have difficulty with motor control . They often find it easier to type than to hand-write. Many autistic children enjoy working on computers so providing them with one to use is motivational.
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Tips To Help You Homeschool Your Child With Autism
You may think that it is impossible to homeschool your child with autism, but it isnt. As their parent you know their needs better than anyone else. You are their best cheerleader and advocate. Those things alone will ensure that your child has a great foundation for their homeschool journey. But that isnt all you need to get through these years. Here are three tips to help you along the way.
Department Defends School Options
In a statement, the Education Department confirmed homeschooling was on the rise, but it could not quantify the increase, saying those statistics were not recorded.
It said high-needs students at school were offered modified curriculums where necessary and were provided with additional support.
“Students with disability in public schools are catered for in a range of learning programs,” a spokesman said.
“Schools adjust learning programs to meet the needs of students, and with the way public schools are funded additional money is provided for each student with a disability.
The statement said the department was improving services for children with autism, with 16 new support programs to open in the state by 2020.
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Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner
Based on more than 60 interviews with homeschoolers with different learning abilities, Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner provides a wealth of insight into what its like to teach an autistic child at home. The book is written by Kathy Kuhl, who herself homeschooled a struggling child from elementary school through graduation.
Part Four: A Book Is Born
In addition to becoming a self-educated expert on homeschooling an autistic child, Ms. LaClair has written and illustrated a childrens book focused on her experiences with parenting a child born with a cleft. The book was officially named by her son, who thought the title should say exactly what he wanted to say to other children I Have a Cleft, How About You? There could be no better description of how Stephs book came to life than the Opening Note to Parents published in the front of the book itself.
One day I wrote a little story and drew a few pictures. It started out as a cute little keepsake that my sweet boy could read about himself someday. In retrospect, it may also have been a therapeutic way for me to work through the early surgeries. As time went on, the book was put aside and forgotten.
When it came time for the bone graft surgery, my son had many overwhelming emotions and heartbreaking questions that I had not faced during his surgeries as an infant. Why? Why me? He wanted answers. I remembered the book.
With the help of some great people at the Barrow Cleft and Craniofacial Center, I put finishing touches on my book and edited the text to invite other families to engage with the book. I hope families enjoy sharing their stories with their amazing children.
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