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Is Wlon Musk Autistic

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Autism News: Elon Musk ASD

Since MyAutismTeam launched in 2011, the network has grown to become over 121,000 members strong thats a big room! Just as Elon Musks announcement amplifies the voice of those with ASD, each new member on MyAutismTeam makes the community stronger.

Without an autism community, it can be easy to feel isolated, like youre the only family dealing with autism behaviors and symptoms. Whether you have spoken directly with other members or not, by joining MyAutismTeam and reading shared experiences, you have become part of the community.

Here are a few easy actions you can take to welcome and support other members:

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Together we make a stronger community!

Movies About Autism Or Aspergers

While researching celebrities with Aspergers Syndrome, we realized quite a few famous movies have been made based on people with Aspergers or Autism. Here are a handful to note:

  • The Accountant
  • discusses a popular movie called The Accountant Aspergers plays a key part in this film about an accountant with Aspergers Syndrome
  • The Social Network
  • Many people asked Does Mark Zuckerberg have Aspergers after watching this movie about the creation of Facebook. The Autism Support Network said: It quickly becomes clear that the character has something on the autistic spectrum, most likely Aspergers syndrome, when referring to Zuckerbergs character in the movie.
  • Mozart and the Whale
  • Based on the life of author and public speaker, Jerry Newport, this is a love story about a man with Aspergers Syndrome.
  • Man on the Moon
  • A film based on the life of famous Aspie entertainer Andy Kaufman. The main role is played by actor Jim Carrey.
  • Parenthood
  • In season 5 of Parenthood, popular character Hank finds out he has Aspergers while reading a book to relate to Maxs Aspergers. Does Max Burkholder have Aspergers? He plays the young character Max Braverman, who does, but the star does not have Aspergers in real life. What about Hank who is played by Ray Romano in this popular TV show. Does Ray Romano have Aspergers? Not in real life.
  • The Office
  • What Is Aspergers Syndrome Elon Musk Reveals He Has Form Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

    During his appearance on Saturday Night Live , entrepreneur and SpaceX founder Elon Musk revealed that he has Aspergers syndrome.

    I dont always have a lot of intonation or variation in how I speak, which Im told makes for great comedy, Musk joked during the opening monologue of the episode that he guest-hosted.

    Im actually making history tonight as the first person with Aspergers to host SNL. Or at least the first person to admit it, he said.

    But what is Aspergers syndrome?

    Aspergers syndromealso known simply as Aspergersis a lifelong neurodevelopment condition that affects people in many different ways but is often associated with difficulties in interacting socially and having very obsessive interests, among other traits. It is estimated that nearly 40 million people around the world are affected by it.

    People with Asperger syndrome see, hear and feel the world differently to other people, according to the British National Autistic Society. If you have Asperger syndrome, you have it for lifeit is not an illness or disease and cannot be cured. Often people feel that Asperger syndrome is a fundamental aspect of their identity.

    With the right sort of support, all autistic people can be helped to live a more fulfilling life of their own choosing.

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    Is Asperger’s Syndrome Still A Diagnosis

    Technically, it’s not. The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders removed Asperger’s syndrome in 2013 and folded it into the umbrella term of autism spectrum disorder. “At least in the US and anywhere that uses the DSM-5, Asperger’s is no longer an official diagnosis,” Christopher Hanks, MD, an internal medicine physician at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center who treats autistic disorder, tells Health.

    Instead, the condition that was previously just known as autism was expanded to become autism spectrum disorder. “The DSM describes autism spectrum disorder now as being ‘mild, moderate, or severe,’ although the criteria for distinguishing among these three levels is somewhat vague and has not yet been validated,” David Mandell, ScD, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and Director of the Penn Center for Mental Health, tells Health.

    There are a few reasons why Asperger’s is no longer a diagnosis. First, it can be hard to distinguish it from autism. “Even highly experienced and skilled clinicians were unable to agree on cases,” Mandell says. “That is, clinicians were not reliable in differentiating between Asperger’s and autism. Part of the reason for this is that the presentation of autistic people can change dramatically with age and over time.”

    Elon Musk Reveals He Has Asperger’s As He Hosts Saturday Night Live

    Who wants to be a billionaire? Not Elon Musk

    The multibillionaire space and electric car pioneer jokes about himself as he becomes the NBC programme’s richest ever frontman.

    News reporter

    Sunday 9 May 2021 08:20, UK

    Elon Musk has revealed he has Asperger syndrome, as he hosted the US TV comedy show Saturday Night Live.

    He revealed he has the condition, which is a form of autism, as he explained he has difficulty getting people to know whether he means what he says.

    The 49-year-old Tesla CEO, SpaceX founder and one of the world’s richest men, said in his introductory monologue: “It’s great to be hosting Saturday Night Live, and I really mean it. Sometimes after I say something, I have to say that I mean it.”

    He added, in explanation, that he is the first person with Asperger’s to host the show: “Or at least the first person to admit it.”

    It is thought to be the first time the businessman has publicly said he has a condition on the autism spectrum.

    The UK’s National Autism Society says that diagnoses of Asperger’s are being used less frequently compared to previously but while “many people who fit the profile for Asperger syndrome are now being diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder instead… some people with a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome may choose to keep using the term”.

    The society says that people with Asperger’s can find it harder “in particular, understanding and relating to other people, and taking part in everyday family, school, work and social life”.

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    Does Elon Musk Have Autism Or Aspergers

    One of the more obvious criticisms is that Musk didnt exactly say he had autism. He said he had Aspergers, a diagnosis that no longer officially exists, having been replaced in 2013 by the more inclusive term Autism Spectrum Disorder .

    Im actually making history tonight as the first person with Aspergers to host SNL. Or at least the first to admit it, said Musk.

    Elon Musk Explained How His Brain Works In A Viral Ted Talk

    The 50-year-old Tesla and SpaceX CEO shared more about his experience with autism.

    Elon Musk is one of the worlds most polarizing figures. But whether you envy his mind or moderately fear it, theres undeniable curiosity behind how the billionaires brain works. And the worlds richest man recently gave some much-desired insight into the inner workings of his mind.

    On April 14, Musk sat down for an hour-long TED Talk interview, which was facilitated by the head of TED Chris Anderson. During the talk, Musk discussed everything from bidding on Twitter to Tesla technology to the meaning of life to, yes, his brain.

    The 50-year-old Tesla and SpaceX CEO, who first publicly disclosed that he has Aspergers syndrome in his Saturday Night Live opening monologue in May 2021, further discussed his experience with autism during the TED Talk. Musk shared his personal experience growing up with Asperbergs syndrome, describing how he learned to work with his brain instead of against it.

    Social cues were not intuitive, so I was just very bookish, Musk told Anderson. Others could intuitively understand what was meant by something. I would take something very literally as if the words that were spoken were exactly what they meant. But that turned out to be wrong. not simply saying exactly what they mean. There are all sorts of other things that are meant. It took me a while to figure that out.

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    There Are A Lot Of Aspies Out There

    In recent years, more and more adults in the general population have discovered that they have Aspergers. This may be because the syndrome is growing more common ormore likelybecause mental health professionals are learning to recognize it better. That second explanation makes sense because the other name for Aspergers is autism spectrum disorder. Since the spectrum goes from very mild to very severe, it seems natural that the condition would be harder to recognize at the mild end. In fact, one of the worlds leading authorities on autism failed to recognize Aspergers in his own son until that son was in his 30s. Some experts say its particularly likely to go unrecognized in girls and women since most autism research has focused on men and boys.

    I know all this because of my husband, Bill. Just over a year ago, he was watching videos about mild autism when he realized they were describing him. Like many people who suspect that they have Aspergers, Bill did not seek a medical diagnosis, which wouldnt have served much practical purpose anyhow. Instead, he took several of the self-tests available online, all of which indicated that he was on the spectrum. He also sought advice from a friend who works with autistic teenagers. She not only agreed with his self-diagnosis, she told him shed suspected it for a long time.

    Celebs Who Have Kids With Aspergers

    Elon Musk Reveals He Has Aspergerâs In âSNLâ Monologue

    Famous comedian D.L. Hughleys son, Kyle Hughley, has Aspergers.

    When Kyle Hughley was a child, doctors diagnosed him with Aspergers syndrome. At times, D.L. Hughley has seriously discussed how that disorder has affected Kyles life. For example, in 2015 D.L. spoke with pride about Kyle graduating from college during an Oprah: Where Are They Now segment. After talking about his sons education, D.L. briefly spoke about Kyles day-to-day life and then he got emotional as he told a touching story.

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    Unique And Exceptional People

    Elon Musk is one of the brightest minds of our time. However, we know that he had a difficult childhood. That, by the age of 12, hed already created his first video game and that his reference point was always Nikola Tesla. Now, Musk is one of the richest people in the world. Hes currently focused on a mission to Mars as well as Neuralink, a company that constructs interfaces to treat various disabilities. You cant but fail to admire him.

    However, his monologue on Saturday Night Live certainly wasnt the most successful. Furthermore, he wasnt actually the first person with an autism spectrum disorder to host this program. In fact, actors Dan Aykroyd and Chris Rock, as well as musician David Byrne all hosted the show, and theyre also all on the spectrum. In addition, like Musk, theyre equally brilliant and successful people in their own particular fields.

    To talk of Aspergers syndrome today is to use an outdated and discriminatory term. Indeed, in autism spectrum disorder, there arent simply geniuses and poorly functional people. In fact, people with this neurobiological condition, are both unique and exceptional. Theyre adults and children with diverse needs that must be understood and attended to.

    Its wonderful that personalities like Elon Musk, Anthony Hopkins, Greta Thunberg, Wentworth Miller, and Keanu Reeves talk about their autism. However, we also need to remember the lesser-known people around us who are also on the autistic spectrum.

    Be Careful About Changing Your Childs Diet

    Talk to your doctor before trying something different, like a special diet. Thereâs no hard evidence that special diets help children with ASD. Autism is a complex brain disorder. While it may seem that cutting out certain foods could relieve your childâs symptoms, it might actually cause more harm.

    For example, children with autism often have thinner bones. Dairy products have nutrients that can make their bones stronger. Studies on a protein in milk products called casein have found that many children performed the same whether or not they ate foods with this protein. Their autism symptoms didnât change in any remarkable way.

    Some evidence shows that people with autism may have low levels of certain vitamins and minerals. This does not cause autism spectrum disorder. But supplements may be suggested to improve nutrition. Vitamin B and magnesium are two of the supplements most often used for people with autism. But people can overdose on these vitamins, so megavitamins should be avoided.

    However, some diet changes may help with certain symptoms of autism. Food allergies, for example, may make behavior problems worse. Removing the allergen from the diet may improve behavior issues.

    Some children with autism have digestive problems like constipation, belly pain, or nausea and vomiting. Your doctor can suggest a diet that wonât make them worse.

    Show Sources

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    Snickers And Bts Just Released A Collaboration

    Asperger Syndrome is a form of autism without intellectual disability or language delay. Those who have it usually have difficulty in relationships and interactions with others, according to scientists. They have trouble recognizing and understanding other peoples emotions, whether through their facial expressions, tone of voice, jokes, irony, certain gestures. Unlike a majority of people who understand this naturally, Aspergers have to learn it. It is thus difficult for them to create friendly or romantic ties.

    Failing to understand the outside world, he turned to the inner world. He found this world, especially in computing.

    I found it rewarding to spend all night programming computers, just by myself. I think most people dont enjoy typing strange symbols into a computer by themselves all night, the tech tycoon recalled. They think thats not fun, but I thought it was. I really liked it. I would just program all night by myself and I found that be quite enjoyable. But I think that is not normal.

    Elon Musk was born on June 28, 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa, to a South African father and a Canadian mother. He showed early on a talent for IT and entrepreneurship. At 12, he created a video game and sold it to a computer magazine. In 1988, after obtaining a Canadian passport, he left South Africa to avoid supporting apartheid through compulsory military service and also to try to seize economic opportunities in the United States.

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    The Mighty Takeaway: How Autistic People Feel About Elon Musks Snl Appearance

    What Autistic People Think About Elon Musks SNL Autism Reveal

    Last Saturday, NBC invited Elon Musk to be host for Saturday Night Live.

    A controversial figure, there were mixed reactions when Elon Musk announced hed be the Emmy award winning shows host for the night. Even with those mixed reactions, no one expected the billionaire CEO would open up about his autism diagnosis.

    Im actually making history tonight as the first person with Aspergers to host SNL, he said.

    His diagnosis reveal left many people in the autistic community with varied feelings, ranging from anger at his use of the outdated term Aspergers, to those who pointed out he is not actually the first person with autism to host the show. The Mighty decided to reach out to some of our autistic Super Contributors to see what their takeaways were from Elons time hosting SNL.

    Today, were hearing Mighty Takeaways from Amelia Blackwater, Leslie Zukor and Robert Schmus. Let us know your take in the comments below, and join The Neurodivergent Crowd to give and get support.

    1. How did you feel when Elon Musk made his diagnosis public?

    Leslie: I was glad that Elon Musk made his autism public. The worst part of the discourse around being on the spectrum is that so few allistic people know of autistic influencers, other than Greta Thunberg. The more representation we receive means that people will realize there is no one correct way to be autistic. Breaking down stereotypes is crucial to accepting neurodiversity.

    4. Any other takeaways youd like to mention?

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    Does Elon Musk Have Aspergers

    Yes, Elon Musk has Aspergers Syndrome.

    During his opening monologue on SNL Elon introduced viewers to his mum, Maye, cracked a load of jokes and also revealed that he has Aspergers.

    According to WebMD: Today, Aspergers syndrome is technically no longer a diagnosis on its own. It is now part of a broader category called autism spectrum disorder.

    Can Two Truths Co

    As a CEO I am a terribly flawed leader if left to my own devices, but in partnership with my trusted colleagues we make a great team. I believe that this is true for lots of businesses, not just neurodiverse ones and that putting your faith in one person to tick all your boxes is somewhat naïve. We put leaders on pedestals and then feel betrayed when it turns out they are normal, imperfect people.

    For example, it is possible that Elon Musk is both a brilliant scientist and a tough employer. He holds views that some consider left-wing and others that are considered right-wing. He may have internalized ableism whilst also believing that neurodiversity breeds creativity. These two seemingly opposing truths can co-exist in a way that allows us to celebrate his achievements whilst also applying pressure to business practices that, though legal, we dislike. Or we can applaud his business achievements and question the frivolity of his scientific endeavours! We can have this discussion without making it about his autistic status, without reducing him down to in our gang or not in our gang, without having to side with everything he does versus nothing he does.

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