Friday, April 26, 2024

What Does Adhd Do

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Adhd In The Transgender Community

What is ADHD?

Most of the sources used in this article do not delineate between sex and gender and can be assumed to have primarily cisgender participants.

While research on ADHD within the transgender community is new, recent surveys state that transgender individuals are significantly more likely to report an ADHD diagnosis.

One study in Australia reports that ADHD is four times more common among transgender people than the cisgender population.

At the time of publication, no research could be found that discussed the breakdown of symptoms between trans men, trans women, and gender nonconforming people. Intersex people were also not represented.

What Are Some Additional Strategies For Managing My Childs Adhd At Home

You may find the following strategies helpful for managing ADHD in the home:


  • Give clear and specific directions and limits: Children with ADHD need to know exactly what others expect from them.
  • Catch your child being good: Punishing a child only teaches them what not to do. Recognizing and acknowledging positive behaviors is an effective way to teach your child what to do. This increases the expression of appropriate behavior.
  • Set up an effective behavior system: Create a consistent system to reward appropriate behavior and respond to misbehavior with alternatives such as a “time out” or loss of privileges. Corporal punishment is not effective. A common practice is to use “marbles-in-a-jar” wherein the child earns one marble for a specified appropriate behavior in the household. When a certain number of marbles are earned, they can be exchanged for a privilege.


  • Stick to a schedule: Follow the same routine every day, from wake-up time to bedtime. The schedule should include time for homework and play.
  • Use a calendar or planner the child can see: Create a place to write down important reminders, responsibilities and events. These tools may be especially helpful for adolescents and young adults who struggle with time management.
  • Organize items that are needed every day: Have a place for everything and keep everything in its place. This includes clothing, backpacks and school supplies. An organization checklist may be helpful.

Homework time:

Problems Associated With Treatment

Growth deficits in children receiving stimulant treatment for ADHD have long been the subject of scientific discussion. Conflicting results have been reported with some authors indicating that stimulants do indeed affect growth in children,, but that this only occurs during active treatment phase and does not compromise final height. Other studies, however, have not found any evidence to suggest that stimulants influence growth. Taken together, the results suggest that clinicians should monitor the growth of hyperactive children receiving stimulants, and consider dose reduction in individual cases should evidence of growth suppression occur.

Another frequently quoted concern about treatment of ADHD with stimulant medications is that it could lead to drug addiction in later life. Young people with ADHD are by nature impulsive risk takers, and there is clear evidence that untreated ADHDespecially with concomitant conduct disorderis associated with a three- to fourfold increase in the risk of substance misuse. In contrast, patients medicated with stimulants have a similar risk of substance misuse to controls. These data therefore provide strong evidence in favour of careful treatment and support for young people with ADHD.

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Alcohol Or Tobacco Use During Pregnancy

Use of tobacco during pregnancy has been associated with ADHD symptoms in children in a number of studies. But more recent research has questioned whether the use of these substances directly causes ADHD.

A study published in April 2016 in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry found no support for a causal association between smoking during pregnancy and ADHD. Similarly, a study published in October 2017 in the International Journal of Epidemiology found that maternal alcohol use during pregnancy was weakly, though perhaps causally, associated with reported ADHD symptoms but not with clinical diagnoses of ADHD. Still, pregnant women should refrain from alcohol consumption and smoking because of other well-established risks.

What Is The Definition Of Adhd

How Do I Know if I Have ADHD/ADD and What to Do About It?

Attention deficit is, some experts assert, a misleading name. Attention deregulation might be a more accurate description since most people with ADHD have more than enough attention they just cant harness it in the right direction at the right time with any consistency. And so individuals with ADHD hyperfocus and lose track of time, or misplace their keys, or blurt out an unrelated thought when their focus breaks free from its chains.

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Less than five minutes after the start of the gladiatorial battle, blood was shed on the arena three gladiators fell to the ground and struggling in dying pain, while other gladiators trampled on them.

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More On Adhd Medication

There are two main types of ADHD medication: stimulants and non-stimulants. Each type targets a different neurotransmitter. Not all people respond equally well to different types, and its not uncommon to switch from one to the other.

Keep in mind that ADHD medication can cause side effects. This is true for stimulants and non-stimulants. Two of the most common side effects are decreased appetite and trouble sleeping.

Some people get anxious or restless when medication wears off. This is called a rebound effect. There are rarer side effects, too, like motor tics. Taking notes in an ADHD medication log can help you track side effects.

Learn about other ADHD treatment options. And get tips to help with ADHD at home.

Remember that having ADHDand the brain differences that come with itdoesnt mean someone isnt smart. But these differences can make it harder for parts of the brain to communicate with each other and get stuff done.

Understood is not affiliated with any pharmaceutical company.

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Impulsive Signs And Symptoms Of Adhd

The impulsivity of children with ADHD can cause problems with self-control. Because they censor themselves less than other kids do, theyll interrupt conversations, invade other peoples space, ask irrelevant questions in class, make tactless observations, and ask overly personal questions. Instructions like, Be patient and Just wait a little while are twice as hard for children with ADHD to follow as they are for other youngsters.

Children with impulsive signs and symptoms of ADHD also tend to be moody and to overreact emotionally. As a result, others may start to view the child as disrespectful, weird, or needy.

Hyperactivity Signs And Symptoms Of Adhd

ADD/ADHD | What Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

The most obvious sign of ADHD is hyperactivity. While many children are naturally quite active, kids with hyperactive symptoms of attention deficit disorder are always moving. They may try to do several things at once, bouncing around from one activity to the next. Even when forced to sit still, which can be very difficult for them, their foot is tapping, their leg is shaking, or their fingers are drumming.

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What Should I Know About Participating In Clinical Research

Clinical trials are research studies that look at new ways to prevent, detect, or treat diseases and conditions. Although individuals may benefit from being part of a clinical trial, participants should be aware that the primary purpose of a clinical trial is to gain new scientific knowledge so that others may be better helped in the future.

Researchers at NIMH and around the country conduct many studies with patients and healthy volunteers. Talk to your health care provider about clinical trials, their benefits and risks, and whether one is right for you. For more information, visit NIMH’s Clinical Trials webpage.

Is Adhd A Learning Disability

While ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, its not considered a learning disability. However, ADHD symptoms can make it harder for you to learn. Also, its possible for ADHD to occur in some people who also have learning disabilities.

To help relieve any impact on learning for children, teachers can map out individual guidelines for a student with ADHD. This may include allowing extra time for assignments and tests or developing a personal reward system.

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  • , when you are afraid of being away from loved ones
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How Should I Prepare For My Childs Appointment To Discuss Adhd

Pin on ADHD

If you think your child has a problem with attention, hyperactivity or impulsivity, and it seems that his or her behavior at home and performance at school are being affected, your next step is to see your pediatrician.

If the symptoms are affecting your childs schoolwork, contact the school and request an evaluation. When making this request, be as specific as possible about the type of educational or behavioral difficulties your child is having.

Schools are required to evaluate children if theres evidence of a disability that affects their learning. This evaluation is free and must, by law, include appropriate standardized tests. School testing can lead to accommodations in the classroom. The school will not diagnose ADHD, but will take note of the symptoms and will often assign a designation of Other Health Impaired . Get a copy of the schools report and bring it with you to the appointment with the pediatrician.

If necessary, the family provider may suggest you take your child to a professional who specializes in ADHD and other developmental, behavioral or mental health concerns.

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Side Effects And Risk Factors

Regardless of what drug you and your doctor decide is best to treat your ADHD, its important to know the side effects. Carefully go over any medication prescribed to you with your doctor and pharmacist. Look over the labels and literature.

Stimulants can decrease appetite. They also can lead to headaches and sleeplessness.

Check the packaging of antidepressants. These drugs often include warnings about irritability, anxiety, insomnia, or mood changes.

Dont use stimulant drugs and atomoxetine if you have:

  • structural heart problems

Does Adhd Damage The Brain

There is no conclusive evidence that suggests ADHD medications cause any long-term damage.

As with anything else in life, its important not to abuse what causes ADHDand at doctors orders taking breaks from medication can help avoid building up a tolerance or dependence on what helps treat this disorder.

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Adhd Superpowers: The Upside No One Talks About

Hyperfocus, humor, drive, passion, and of course, the famously-ADHD out-of-the-box thinking are among the many unique traits and positive abilities associated with ADHD. People with ADHD are known to be creative upside-down thinkers who care deeply for others and have lots of energy. When we think about the challenges of ADHD, within the challenge, there are many gifts associated with it, Rossillo said. Among them:

  • Ingenuity. When ADHD creativity is harnessed it can lead to solutions to problems that have repeatedly stump others. Some employers see a competitive advantage in a workforce that supports this type of diversity. Today, a growing number of companies are increasingly recruiting more neurodivergent thinkers .¹³¹

  • Hyperfocus. When someone with ADHD is engaged in something interesting to them, they can focus for hours, so, theres a reason why your child can spend half a day playing Nintendo or skateboarding and five minutes on his homework.

  • Intuition. People with ADHD are often highly sensitive and intuitive with a keen ability to pick up on what others may be feeling. This can make them very empathetic, loving, and kind.

It’s important to recognize that many people with ADHD are very intelligent but they learn differently and may need more structure, extra time, and specific tools to realize their full potential and truly thrive.

More on this topic

What Is Adhd Meaning & Symptoms

What is ADHD?

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a complex brain disorder that impacts approximately 11% of children and almost 5% of adults in the U.S.1 ADHD is a developmental impairment of the brains executive functions. People with ADHD have trouble with impulse-control, focusing, and organization.

Neuroscience, brain imaging, and clinical research tell us a few important things: ADHD is not a behavior disorder. ADHD is not a mental illness. ADHD is not a specific learning disability. ADHD is, instead, a developmental impairment of the brains self-management system. Both adults and children can be diagnosed with ADHD.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Adhd In Adults

In adults, attention deficit disorder often looks quite different than it does in childrenand its symptoms are unique for each individual. The following categories highlight common symptoms of adult ADHD. Do your best to identify the areas where you experience difficulty. Once you pinpoint your most problematic symptoms, you can start implementing strategies for dealing with them.

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Does Adhd Affect Sleep In Adults

Adults with ADHD almost never fall asleep quickly, sleep peacefully all night, and wake up feeling refreshed. ADHD’s mental and physical restlessness frequently disrupts a person’s sleep habits, and the resulting weariness harms general health and treatment. However, research shows that those with ADHD do sleep more hours per day than people without the condition.

Studies have shown that adults with ADHD get less sleep than others of their same age group, even when adjusting for other factors such as medication or depression. In one study of adult men and women with ADHD, those who reported poorer quality of sleep also reported more daytime dysfunction, including trouble concentrating, making decisions, and controlling emotions. They also reported more sleep anxietythe fear of not sleeping enoughthan others.

ADHD affects about 5% of children and 2-3% of adults in the United States. It is estimated to be the most common neurodevelopmental disorder after autism. Symptoms include difficulty focusing on one task for prolonged periods, finding it difficult to stop doing something, being easily distracted by noises or images before falling asleep, and getting tired more quickly than others of similar age. These symptoms often cause problems at work or school.

ADHD can be very difficult to diagnose because many symptoms are similar to normal aging processes or the results of stress or depression.

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Are Stimulants Addictive

Many people worry that stimulants might have an addictive effect. However, when taken as prescribed, the risk of that is low.

These drugs are very similar to illegal street drugs, like methamphetamine, that people use to get high. However, those drugs are taken at much higher amounts than those prescribed by a clinician.

Some people do abuse medications used for ADHD, taking more than prescribed or tampering with the pills to get high. But people who take these drugs the right way dont have these issues.

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