Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Are Autistic People Violent

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Consider Medical And Biological Issues Related To Your Childs Aggression

‘I’m scared of my own autistic child’ – BBC News

Another thing to consider when trying to identify the cause of your childs aggressive behavior is that medical issues can contribute to aggressive behavior. Sometimes, when children with autism experience illness, such as an ear infection or a headache or a fever, or have ongoing medical conditions, such as diabetes, they engage in aggressive behaviors. This could be due to many reasons – from being uncomfortable and not having another way to express themselves to being in pain, and so on.

This is especially true for children who have challenges communicating or those who dont communicate with spoken language.

Also, consider your childs basic needs. When a child is tired, hungry, or uncomfortable, they may engage in more aggressive behaviors than otherwise.

Think about whether this could be influencing your childs behavior. Does your child have a regular sleep schedule? Do they struggle staying asleep? Do they have a routine for meals and snacks? Do they eat a well-balanced diet? Do they seem to get stressed or overwhelmed when they are too hot or too cold or when they are wearing certain textured clothing? Answers to these could be critical when trying to manage your childs aggressive behavior.

What Can Be Done Possible Reasons And Solutions For Disturbed Glucose Metabolism

Low or unregulated levels of glucose in the body or in the brain have been linked to various factors, many of which seem to play a role in autism. Those include inflammatory processes in the body and the brain, infections as well as autoimmune phenomena this article on the links between autoimmune encephalitis and autism, especially regressive autism.

Alternatively, some of the agents that control glucose metabolism might be promising for reducing aggression in autism and related disorders.

Be Careful Not To Reinforce Your Childs Behavior

Try not to reinforce aggressive behaviors. When a behavior is reinforced, albeit unintentionally, it is more likely to happen again in the future. Typically, the function of the behavior will tell you what might reinforce the behavior. For instance, if the function of the behavior is access to an electronic device, then giving the child the device when they are aggressive is likely to reinforce the behavior and make it more likely that he will be aggressive again in the future.

Another thing to consider is thoughtful introspection of your own behavior to see if you might be reinforcing your childs aggressive behavior accidentally.

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Do Adults With Aspergers Have Anger Issues

People with ASDs may become angry quickly, making them difficult to calm themselves, in addition to difficulties with understanding emotions. Once they have mastered the ability to recognize these emotions, it is often necessary to teach them how to cope with an increase in irritability.

Autistic Meltdowns: What They Are And How To Cope

It is most commonly caused by a combination of genetics and environmental factors. As a result of stress, trauma, or medication side effects, it can cause a variety of reactions. Make certain that you understand that an autistic meltdown is only a way of dealing with the overwhelming emotions that come with this disorder. You must remain patient and be aware that you are not alone.

Asd And Unlawful Behavior

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A number of previous studies have identified the risk of violence and other unlawful behavior among some people with ASD, and have expounded on some of the possible mechanisms . This is particularly true among the single case studies and case series that offer detailed investigation of relevant risk factors. There are a number of themes that seem to emerge consistently from this research, including a naïve understanding of relationships and jealousy of others or anger and frustration at their own experiences being coerced into unlawful behavior by dominant others and the obsessional pursuit of a particular interest . Other studies have also suggested that people with ASD are over-represented in secure psychiatric hospitals and in prisons . Although such studies have suggested that as many as 5% of these populations are diagnosed with ASD, they are by no means robust in their methodology.

Also Check: Autism Society Of Oregon

A Temper Tantrum Is Not An Autism Meltdown

A temper tantrum usually occurs when a child is denied what they want to have or what they want to do.

Parents observe many tantrums during the terrible twos. This occurs when young children are developing problem-solving skills and beginning to assert their independence.

In fact, this terrible twos stage is typically experienced between 12 months through 4 years old!

When you look at why temper tantrums occur at this stage, it is important to consider typical development and why toddlers are so easily frustrated:

  • Emerging desire to become independent, but limited motor skills and cognitive skills make it impossible to actually BE independent.
  • Emerging, developing language skills make communicating wants/needs frustrating.
  • The prefrontal cortex of the brain has not yet developed this is the brain center responsible for emotional regulation and social behavior so they do not have the ability to regulate!
  • Toddlers are developing an understanding of their world, and its often anxiety-producing. This anxiety and lack of control often result in tantrums when it all gets to be too much to manage.

A hallmark of a tantrum is that the behavior will usually persist if the child gains attention for his behavior, but will subside when ignored.

When parents give in to tantrum outbursts, children are more likely to repeat the behavior the next time they are denied what they want or need.

Study Looks At Juvenile Charges And Autism

Some American researchers tried to do just that. They looked at youth with autism in a region of South Carolina, and compared them against a database of youth charged in the state juvenile justice system. Only 32, or 5 percent, of the 609 teens with autism had been charged with an offense. Those 32 teens were less likely to have intellectual disability than the others.8

“We found that very few of the children in our study were being charged with crimes,” said the lead researcher, Catherine Cheely Bradley Ph.D., assistant professor of pediatrics at Medical University of South Carolina. “The crimes the youth with ASD were charged with were very mild. Very few were being convicted. These are not violent, horrific crimes that these kids are participating in.”

Her research team compared those 32 youth against a “control group” of 99 teens who also had been charged with a crime, but who didn’t have autism. They found several differences between the two groups. Those with ASD:

  • Had higher rates of crimes against people ,
  • Had lower rates of property crimes , and
  • Were more likely to be diverted to pre-trial intervention programs, and less likely to be prosecuted.

Compared to their nondisabled peers, U.S. students with disabilities are more likely to be suspended from school, referred to police or arrested for school-related incidents, and to be charged in the juvenile justice system.9-10

Recommended Reading: How To Work With Autistic Teenagers

Living In The Emergency Room

They are taken there by the police after violent outbursts or by parents who dont know what else to do. There is, parents and advocates say, literally nowhere else to take their children in an emergency. Though some return home quickly, many others languish in hospitals for months, rarely venturing outdoors and receiving little therapy or programming.

Summer Ward, the 10-year-old girl who fell from the window, has been living on the seventh floor of Albany Medical Center for more than 100 days. According to her mother, Tamika Ward, as well as several others who have visited, Summer rarely leaves the hospital, which costs the county close to $3,000 a day. Summers broken arm has healed, but she remains in a hospital room because no residential school has yet cleared a bed for her and going home is no longer an option.

Similar accounts recur in hospitals across the state, according to interviews with parents, hospital staff and adults who work with disabled children. They describe autistic children and adolescents alone in bare hospital rooms, watching YouTube videos for hours and gaining 10 or 20 pounds or more from inactivity and antipsychotics. Often they spend their days on mattresses on the floor, the chairs removed so they cant be thrown.

At the University of Rochester Medical Center, a 10-year-old girl with autism and nowhere else to go spent more than 152 days there last year, according to the hospital.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Trying To Cope With A Severely Autistic Child

People with ADHD typically have difficulty paying attention to whats going on around them, they are easily distracted, they tend to do things without thinking about the results, they are often forgetful, have trouble finishing what they intended to do, are disorganized, jump from one activity to another, are restless and have poor social skills.

Many of these symptoms overlap with those of Aspergers. Research has shown growing evidence for a connection between Aspergers and ADHD. Genetic studies suggest the two disorders share genetic risk factors, and studies of the incidence and distribution of both conditions confirm that many people with Aspergers have symptoms of ADHD and vice versa. Brain imaging and studies of the brain structure show similarities between the two disorders.

Having said that, there are important differences between the two. People with ADHD often try to do multiple activities at the same time. They get distracted easily and jump from one interest or activity to another. Focusing on one thing for a long time is hard for them. On the other hand, people with Aspergers tend to focus on only one activity at a time, and they focus on that activity intensely with little regard for anything else going on around them. They are hyper-focused rather than unfocused.

Recommended Reading: Caregivers For Autistic Adults

About Aggressive Behaviour And Self

Autistic children sometimes express their emotions through aggressive behaviour towards others. Sometimes their aggressive behaviour can be directed towards themselves. This is called self-injurious behaviour. They might hit, kick, throw objects or hurt themselves for example, by head-banging.

Autistic children might behave aggressively or hurt themselves because they:

  • have trouble understanding whats happening around them for example, what other people are saying or communicating non-verbally
  • have difficulty communicating their own wants and needs
  • are very anxious and stressed
  • have sensory sensitivities, like an oversensitivity to noise or a need for stimulation
  • want to escape from stressful situations or activities.

Brain Glucose And Aggressive Behaviours

Self-control is the act of overriding an impulse, urge, or a desire to act out in a certain, undesirable way. Self-control helps humans to keep their feelings in check, including feelings of anger and aggressive urges.

Overriding aggressive impulses through self-control requires lots of energy, and that energy is provided in large part by glucose. Unfortunately, this energy is in limited supply and can run out. Low glucose levels can undermine self-control because people have insufficient energy to overcome unwanted urges, impulses and challenges.

Numerous studies have found a relationship between low glucose levels and poor self-controlWhen glucose levels are low, people have more difficulty controlling their attention, regulating their emotions, and overriding their aggressive impulses. Some evidence suggests that low glucose levels might even increase the risk of violent criminal behaviour, including spousal abuse Our study found that low glucose levels predicted aggressive impulses, which, in turn, predicted aggressive behaviorThus, low glucose levels might be one factor that contributes to intimate partner violence.

Research studies done in humans have provided evidence that low glucose levels in the brain can increase the risk of violent offending and aggression towards others, including close family members.

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Incredible Adam And A Day With Autism: An Illustrated Story Inspired By Social Narratives

Ander opened his mouth and screamed at her, flapping his arms so that one palm smacked the glass breakfast table making it jump a bit. Nora jumped herself, backing up slightly. She couldnt help it: she was actually feeling afraid of her own son. He had hit the table so hardIt wasnt supposed to be this wayshe thought to herself.

And then, in a sudden burst of movement, Ander jumped up, ran towards her, and tackled her. Nora fell backward, her elbow cracked against the tile floor, and the impact knocked the air from her chest. She was gulping like a hooked fish when Ander landed his first punch on her cheekbone. The next one caught her neck and the third her right ear, and her head reverberated with shrill ringing. Finally, with a gasp, she filled her lungs, but she couldnt push free. Ander was stronger. So she cried helplessly as her baby boy howled and beat her. The once chubby hands that used to grasp at toy cars had become powerful fists that continued striking her until, mercifully, her husband opened the front door. Then it stopped as quickly as it had begun Peter was still strong enough to pull Ander away from Norafor now.

After the barking dog woke her, Nora wondered through her familiar exhaustion whether she really knew her own child, knew how to care for him, what he needed, or even knew how to be a good parent. She closed her eyes and willed the barking to stop. When it finally did, she exhaled, not even realizing shed been holding her breath.

Aggression In Autism: Causes And Treatments

Reflections on âlateral violenceâ and the autistic community â YennPurkis

While aggression is not always a sign of autism, it can frequently be a sign of underlying anxiety or frustration in children. Furthermore, problems can cause aggression in children, such as when their routines are disrupted or when they dont get enough sleep. If your child exhibits any changes in behavior that could lead to aggression, you should consult with a professional.

Read Also: Level 1 Autism In Adults

The Interplay Of Hostile Attribution Bias And Lability

These mixed results might in part be due to differences in methodology such as different measurements of emotion processes, hostile attribution bias, and aggressive behavior . Furthermore, it may be relevant to operationalize hostile attribution bias analog to the aggression subtype in focus. In their meta-analysis, Martinelli et al. found physically aggressive TD children to attribute hostile intent especially in response to physically provocative situations . In contrast, children engaging in relational aggression primarily displayed relational hostile attribution bias . The items of the FAVK subscale that were used here seem to address hostile intent attributions, which are more closely associated with complex aggression subtypes such as verbal or covert aggression than with physical aggression. Since physical hostile attribution bias was not specifically targeted here, the assumption that a tendency to attribute hostile intent might have an impact on the relationship between lability-negativity and physical aggression in children with autism should be reevaluated with a broader set of hostile attribution bias items.

Aba Therapy For Controlling Anger

Therapy is an essential part of helping your child with high-functioning autism control their anger. Children who dont learn to manage anger may have a hard time processing their emotions and dealing with built-up stress. Early intervention is essential in ensuring a better quality of life for children with high-functioning autism and their families.

Also Check: Lining Up Toys Autism

Our Commitment To Privacy

The Autism Treatment Center of America® are committed to your privacy. This notice serves to help you better understand what information we collect, how we use that information, and with whom we may share a limited portion of that information. If you have questions or concerns regarding this policy, you should contact Customer Support by email .

We know that you value your personal information, and we strive to protect your privacy as if it were our own. The Autism Treatment Center of America uses of your information is limited to the ways outlined in this notice, except as required by law and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on us.

When An Autistic Child Is Acting Violently What Should You Do

All four of their sons have autism – now one is turning dangerous

If your child exhibits any of the symptoms of autism, the first thing you should do is call 911. The child is at risk of hurting others if it continues to behave in a threatening manner, and it is beyond your control. A technique known as neutral redirection can be used to prevent your child from becoming violent. By using this method of ABA, children are taught how to replace potentially dangerous, aggressive behaviors with functional, appropriate ones. Autism can manifest itself in a variety of ways, but this does not always indicate that the child is suffering from the condition. If the child displays any of the symptoms, it could be a sign that they are experiencing social or communication difficulties.

Read Also: What Does It Mean Autism

Aggressive Behaviors Or Intense Energy

  • Aggressive Behaviors or Intense Energy?

Topic: Aggressive Behaviors or Intense Energy?

aggressive AggressiveCharacterized by or tending toward unprovoked offensives, attacks, invasions, or the like militantly forward or menacing: aggressive acts against a neighboring country.ViolentMy child is becoming violent,a violent child.ViolentExtremely forceful actions that are intended to hurt people or are likely to cause damage, using or involving force to hurt or attack.

Why These Behaviours Happen

Many autistic children have difficulties with communication, which can affect their behaviour.

Some things that can cause these behaviours include:

  • being oversensitive to things like bright lights or loud noises
  • being undersensitive to things like touch or pain
  • anxiety, especially when routines suddenly change
  • not being able to make sense of what’s going on around them
  • being unwell or in pain

These behaviours are not your or your child’s fault.

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Aba Techniques For Dealing With Anger

ABA is a highly adaptable and flexible intervention tailored for the specific needs of each child.

An ABA therapist will spend some time with the child, analyze their behaviors, and determine their specific strengths and challenges, before he or she makes an assessment that will serve as the basis for anger-management therapy.

ABA therapists use many different techniques to help high-functional autistic children regulate their emotions and work on their impulse control. Here are a few of them.

Positive reinforcement

ABA therapy is based on the principle of positive reinforcement. It consists in motivating the child to display appropriate behaviors through the use of reinforcers that can be anything from a favorite toy or activity to a hug or words of praise.

At the same time, negative behaviors such as aggressive outbursts are given little attention, unless they are harmful to the child or the others. Encouraging the childs positive behaviors will motivate them to keep engaging in positive behaviors.

Neutral redirection

ABA therapists commonly use a technique known as neutral redirection to teach children with autism about impulse control. Children are encouraged to use socially acceptable behaviors to express their needs instead of responding to anger and aggressive behavior. Neutral redirection focuses on rewarding the desired non-impulsive and non-aggressive behaviors.

Alternative behaviors

Proactive intervention

Modeling techniques

Positive feedback

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