Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Does Autism Look Like

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How Is Autism Spectrum Disorder Treated

What Does Adult Autism Look Like?

There is no cure for autism, but treatment can make a big difference. The sooner treatment starts, the better. With therapy, people with autism learn language, improve in school, and build social skills. Many kids with ASD are in special education classes or get special education services.

A treatment program might include:

  • speech therapy to help with talking and language skills
  • occupational therapy to help with everyday tasks, like dressing and playing
  • behavioral therapy to help improve behavior
  • social skills training to help with relating to others
  • special education to help learning
  • medicine to help with things like sleep, paying attention, and hyperactivity

Do Toddlers With Autism Laugh

The researchers report that children with autism are more likely to produce unshared laughter laughing when others arent which jibes with the parent reports. In effect, children with autism seem to laugh when the urge strikes them, regardless of whether other people find a particular situation funny.

Can You Be A Little Autistic

No, there is no such thing as being a little autistic. Many people may show some characteristics of autism from time to time. This may include avoiding bright lights and noises, preferring to be alone and being rigid about rules. This does not make them autistic.

However, a person can be mildly autistic. Mildly autistic people are unable to understand the body language or emotions of the people around them. However, they have normal intelligence and can carry their day-to-day activities.

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Signs Of Autism In Young Children

Symptoms of autism spectrum disorder are usually clear by two or three years old. The range of behaviors and skills covered here may become apparent between two years old and five years old.

Some signs that a child has autism spectrum disorder may include:

  • Not expressing emotion or only a limited range of emotions
  • Difficulty interpreting different emotions in others
  • Not seeming attached to parents
  • Lacking interest in playing social games or the company of other children
  • Interest in playing with one particular toy or object
  • Echolalia, repeating other peopleââ¬â¢s words or phrases
  • Repeating own words over and over
  • Using formal language and expressions, rather than the slang of their peers
  • Not developing language skills at all
  • Difficulty toilet training
  • Challenging behaviour, such as banging head on wall or picking at skin
  • Engages in behavior such as flapping hands, rocking or twirling

Children with autism spectrum disorder have difficulty interpreting what other people are thinking and feeling, and often miss social cues. A child with autism may not be able to tell the difference between an adult who says ââ¬Åcome hereââ¬ï¿½ while happy and smiling, and an adult who says ââ¬Åcome hereââ¬ï¿½ while angry and frowning. This can be confusing and creates the impression the child is not connecting with people.

Signs And Symptoms Of Autism Spectrum Disorders

49 Photos That Show What Autism Looks Like

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. Some people with ASD have a known difference, such as a genetic condition. Other causes are not yet known. Scientists believe there are multiple causes of ASD that act together to change the most common ways people develop. We still have much to learn about these causes and how they impact people with ASD.

There is often nothing about how people with ASD look that sets them apart from other people. They may behave, communicate, interact, and learn in ways that are different from most other people. The abilities of people with ASD can vary significantly. For example, some people with ASD may have advanced conversation skills whereas others may be nonverbal. Some people with ASD need a lot of help in their daily lives others can work and live with little to no support.

ASD begins before the age of 3 years and can last throughout a persons life, although symptoms may improve over time. Some children show ASD symptoms within the first 12 months of life. In others, symptoms may not show up until 24 months or later. Some children with ASD gain new skills and meet developmental milestones, until around 18 to 24 months of age and then they stop gaining new skills, or they lose the skills they once had.

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Speech And Language Difficulties May Present Themselves During Early Stages Of Language Development

Children with ASD may have a hard time speaking and communicating at the expected level for their age.

Even during infancy, you might notice that your child does not babble or coo in response when you talk and attempt to interact. By their first birthday, most toddlers can speak a word or two, but children on the spectrum often dont learn to speak until much later.

Sometimes, children with ASD babble and coo in the first few months of life, and then cease to communicate altogether. In these cases, all forms of verbal communication and normal language development and experimentation with speech abruptly stop. This can be disconcerting for parents and is often a sign that its time to investigate further by seeking professional help.

Even in cases where autistic children do speak and demonstrate pretty typical signs of normal language development, they often repeat unrelated words and phrases over and over and, in essence, speak without really communicating or conveying a feeling, thought or desire.

Early intervention is key to helping autistic children learn to communicate, whether it is through spoken language, or in more extreme cases, through sign language or even an alternative augmentative communication device.

Little Pointing Or Gesturing

Babies usually learn to gesture before they learn to talk. In fact, gesturing is one of the earliest forms of communication. Autistic children generally point and gesture much less than children with nonautistic development. Less pointing can sometimes indicate the possibility of a language delay.

Another indicator of a developmental difference is when an infants gaze doesnt follow you when youre pointing at something. This skill is sometimes called joint attention. Joint attention is often decreased in autistic children.

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What Is The Outlook For People With Autism Spectrum Disorder

In many cases, the symptoms of ASD become less pronounced as a child gets older. Parents of children with ASD may need to be flexible and ready to adjust treatment as needed for their child.

People with ASD may go on to live typical lives, but there is often need for continued services and support as they age. The needs depend on the severity of the symptoms. For most, its a lifelong condition that may require ongoing supports.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Through research, there has been much that has been learned about autism spectrum disorder over the past 20 years. There is ongoing active research on the causes of ASD, early detection and diagnosis, prevention and treatments.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 12/29/2020.


What Are The Tell

What is Autism? – What Does Autism Look Like? – May Institute

Autism spectrum disorder is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders. It can be seen in all groups of age. The Centers for Disease Control states that the disorder does not discriminate between racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups.

Oftentimes, certain severe forms of ASD are diagnosed before the child turns two. However, high-functioning individuals may not be recognized and diagnosed until later ages in their lives.

  • The level of science,
  • Knowledge on autism spectrum disorder itself at the time,
  • Lack of social and economic means they had,

This happens because autistic adults were not diagnosed when they were children.

Since autism spectrum disorder is still, in part, a mystery, studies generally focus on where the disorder stems from to figure out how it occurs in the first place. This has caused the focus to be on children. The adults who have never been diagnosed in their lives were partially left out in the research sphere.

However, in recent years, awareness of autism spectrum disorder in adults has increased significantly. This is due to the fact that the public is now aware of the signs and understands that a diagnosis can be made even later in life of a person.

Autism spectrum disorder impacts three main areas in an individuals life: the social aspect, communication, and their behaviors.

Since we understand autism more and more every day, we are now able to differentiate and diagnose more adults with ASD.

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Occupational Therapy Session For Autism How Do I Find An Occupational Therapist

The first source to check with about finding an Occupational Therapist for your child would be your pediatrician. Many pediatricians are able to refer patients to well-known Occupational Therapists in the area that have their own private practice. Remember, early intervention is key to helping your child but even if your child is older, an Occupational Therapist can help. Occupational Therapists are trained to help individuals at any stage in life, from infants to the elderly.

Most children with autism are able to access Occupational Therapy through their school. From preschool to high school, students with disabilities are required to have access to this therapy. The majority of insurance plans will also help to cover the need for private Occupational Therapy. Depending on the severity of your childs autism, there may be a state waiver that allows your family to access Occupational Therapy through the use of Medicaid.

Occupational Therapy Session for Autism is the best holistic approach to all individuals with autism, regardless of age. It can provide the much-needed skills during childhood that will lead to a happy, successful life for your child with autism. Occupational Therapy can also offer parents the necessary support and resources they need when faced with the challenge of raising a child with a developmental disorder. Autism may not have a cure, but the symptoms of the disorder can be mitigated through Occupational Therapy.


Problems Processing Physical Sensations

Many individuals with autism have sensory difficulties. They may find specific noises, tastes, smells, or feelings intolerable. Noisy public places can lead to emotional distress, as can uncomfortable clothing or unwanted touches. These issues can be disruptive and stressful, but according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, autism symptoms can improve over time as children with mild autism learn to regulate their own behavior through work with professionals.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Children with autism often show symptoms before they are two years old. Some children begin to lose language or social skills at the age of one or two. Autism looks different in each child. Not every child shows every symptom, and some have more severe symptoms.

Symptoms of ASD are grouped into two categories:

Social Communication and Social Interaction

  • Doesnt like to cuddle or hug
  • Likes to play alone
  • Hasnt spoken a word by 18 months
  • Cannot say two-word phrases by two years old
  • Speaks differently than other children:
  • Sounds like a robot when speaking
  • Speaks in a very singsong way
  • Repeats phrases or puts words in the wrong order
  • Can recite information but not use it to solve problems or have a conversation
  • Rarely or never makes eye contact
  • Has trouble carrying on a conversation and letting the other person talk

Repetitive Behaviors

  • Repeats the same action over and over again
  • Focuses on small details and nothing else
  • Struggles with changes in their routine
  • Puts toys in order instead of playing with them
  • Gets extremely focused on specific topics or objects

Additionally, children with autism are often sensitive to sounds, lights, textures or smells. This is called asensory processing problem. For example, loud noises or bright lights can make them very uncomfortable. Or, they may need more sensations to feel comfortable, so they will try to bump into things or constantly touch or smell things.

Signs Of Autism In Girls

49 Photos That Show What Autism Looks Like

The ratio of boys to girls diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder is 4:1. However, there is some evidence that autism is going undiagnosed in girls, particularly those who are at the higher functioning end of the spectrum.

There is discussion around whether girls and women with autism may display different symptoms to boys and men, and that the current diagnostic criteria may be biased towards boys and stereotypical male behavior. Girls and women may also be better able to mask difficulties with social interactions than boys, and this may delay a diagnosis. New diagnostic criteria may be needed to assess ASD in girls and women. Past theories, including controversies such as the extreme male brain, may have led to under-referral and under-diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in girls and women.

Signs that a girl may have autism include:

  • Difficulties with social interactions however, differences from typical autism symptoms may include:
  • Better grasp of emotions and ability to make friends than boys
  • May mask lack of intuitive understanding of social situations by repeating role-plays seen in real life or film/television
  • May be able to make friends but find difficulty keeping them
  • Intense focus on particular topics differences in gender may be expressed as a focus on trains or dinosaurs for boys, and celebrities or animals for girls,
  • Fewer repetitive behaviors and gestures than boys, or may have different gestures than boys
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    Here Are Some Challenges Faced By Autistic Girls

    Remember, autism is a spectrum and presents differently in every individual. However, the list below offers some of the common difficulties girls with autism might face.

    Challenges with social skills and communication

    One of the more classic symptoms of the autism spectrum can be seen when looking at difficulties involving social interactions. This is much easier to spot in boys as girls and women tend to adapt to social situations more naturally than men.

    Difficulty maintaining eye contact during social interactions or escaping difficult events through mental processing or daydreaming can provide clues that girls may be autistic.

    Other examples include:

    • Require longer time for processing to engage and interact
    • Often find it difficult to communicate conversation becomes scripted

    Sensory processing issues

    Sensory processing issues include difficulties processing intense lighting, sound, or touch. These are all characteristic symptoms of autism. For someone with an ASD, there are sensory inputs that increase the need for self-regulation through stimming, meltdowns or, in more extreme cases, self-injurious behaviors.

    Behavioral challenges

    Girls with autism can sometimes act out or show aggressive behaviors. This can occur when they are trying to communicate something, or when theres a sensory problem that theyre trying to regulate. Alternatively, it can be due to a physiological or health-related problem.

    Visual thinking

    Special interests and obsessions

    What To Ask Your Childs Doctor

    To diagnose autism, a doctor will check your childâs development and behavior. The doctor may ask you questions, take a full health history, and observe your kid’s behavior.

    If the doctor thinks they might have ASD, they may suggest an evaluation. Thatâs when a team of experts who specialize in autism — including a neurologist, psychologist, psychiatrist, speech therapist, or other professionals — do a series of tests and screenings to see if your child has autism or another issue, like a psychological or speech disorder.

    If you think your child may have been misdiagnosed with autism or may have another health problem, ask your childâs doctor these questions:

    Have you checked my childâs hearing?Hearing problems can cause speech development delays and other issues that can be mistaken for autism.

    Are there other tests we should consider?For example, if you live in an old home, you may want to request a test to check for lead in your childâs blood.

    Can I see a specialist or a team of specialists?If your doctor says your kid has autism, but your child hasnât also seen a neurologist, psychiatrist, or other professionals who specialize in ASD, ask for referrals so you can get more information.

    Can we move forward with treatment even if weâre not sure what this is?If your child has a developmental delay that may or may not be autism, treatment such as occupational therapy, speech therapy, or social skills training may still help.

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    What Are The Signs Of Autism In A 3 Year Old

    Autism symptoms in a 3-year-olddoesnt respond to name.avoids eye contact.prefers playing alone to playing with others.doesnt share with others, even with guidance.doesnt understand how to take turns.isnt interested in interacting or socializing with others.doesnt like or avoids physical contact with others.More items

    Great Strengths And Abilities

    What Does Autism Look Like? – May Institute MBTA Campaign 2012

    In general, people with autism are honest and dependable most are focused on their work and are rarely distracted by social activities or outside interests.

    Quite a few have exceptional talents in areas such as computer coding, mathematics, music, drafting, organizing, and visual arts. While it can be tough for autistic adults to set up and manage their own space and schedules, many are outstanding employees.

    Some corporations have started to recognize the value of actively recruiting and hiring autistic individuals a few include:

    • Freddie Mac
    • SAP

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    Autism Symptoms In Adults At Work

    Symptoms of ASD vary greatly from person to person based on the severity of the condition. These or similar manifestations of ASD may be apparent at work:

    • When youre having a conversation with your boss, you prefer to look at the wall, her shoes, or anywhere but directly into her eyes.
    • Your co-workers say that you speak like a robot.
    • Each item on your desk has a special place, and you dont like when the cleaning company rearranges it to dust.
    • You are really good at math, or software coding, but struggle to succeed in other areas.
    • You talk to your co-workers the same way you talk with your family and friends.
    • During meetings, you find yourself making involuntary noises, like clearing your throat over and over.
    • When talking with your boss, you have difficulty telling if he is happy with your performance or mad at you.

    In addition, individuals with ASD may exhibit extraordinary talents in visual skills, music, math, and art. And roughly 40 percent of individuals with ASD have average or above-average intelligence.

    If you experience these or similar symptoms of ASD, consult a doctor or mental-health professional for a formal autism evaluation and learn more about treatment options for autism symptoms in adults.

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