Thursday, July 25, 2024

Autistic Meltdown In Adults

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Autism Therapy Services Offered At Open Doors Therapy:

AUTISM | meltdown & shutdown – what does it mean and how do I help?

Our autism therapy clinic located in the South Bay Area serves teens and adults on the autism spectrum. We help high functioning individuals who identify as having Aspergers, high functioning autism, undiagnosed ASD traits, and their families.

Right now, we are providing all our autism counseling services online. Our autism therapists offer a variety of counseling services including individual counseling for autistic teens and adults, parent counseling, and group therapy. Also, we run several different social skills groups for neurodiverse working professionals, college students with autistic traits, gifted youth & caregivers, neurodiverse adults, women who identify as neurodiverse, a summer social skills college transition training program for youth transitioning to college, teens & caregivers, and a mothers group. Contact our autism therapy office for more information on our services or to schedule a consultation.

What Does A Meltdown Look Like

Meltdowns tend to be triggered by sensory overload, communication issues, and/or social situations. People who experience meltdowns tend to describe them as a complete loss of control which, once they’re able to reflect, was found to be triggered by a relatively minor stimulus.

Some people become uncontrollably angry and may scream, shout, and harm themselves. Some may have crying fits. Others completely shut down.

Meltdowns differ from temper tantrums, which are driven by a desire to achieve a particular outcomefor instance, someone might have a temper tantrum because theyre not getting their way and hope, by getting angry, that the other person might change their mind. Meltdowns, on the other hand, do not occur with a specific motivation or goal in mind they just happen.

Meltdowns are often frustrating for the person experiencing them, but they can also be disturbing for people who are around when they happen. It can be very upsetting to see somebody uncontrollably upset and angry. It might also be scary to be around someone who is breaking things, hurting themselves, or causing harm in some other way.

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Stress, isolation, and increased alcohol use are all likely contributors to this enraged state of affairs. Hopefully these incidents will die down as the pandemic loosens its grip. In the meantime, here are 4 1/2 strategies to cool off a meltdown. 1. Whatever you do, don’t tell the person to calm down. Meltdowns are only one of them. Other reactions may include: Screeching or other noise-making Bolting or running away Self-stimulation, or “stimming” Self-aggression Sensory avoidance . How to recognize autism meltdown triggers 1. Consider environmental causes of autistic meltdowns 2. Look for signs of sensory overwhelm 3. Don’t try to solve autistic meltdown triggers in a day. 4. Assume a tantrum is always a meltdown, until it is not. 5. Be honest with your autistic child. Free Guide: 5 Steps to Calm an Autistic Person.

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How Can I Deal With An Autistic Meltdown

Autistic meltdowns are a response to the mind or body feeling overwhelmed. They may appear to happen without warning.

All children have meltdowns, but if your child has autism these may be stronger and more frequent. Your child may also need more recovery time. Some of the usual calming strategies may not be effective. But learning about what causes your childs meltdowns and how to calm them can help you to support your child.

Meltdowns are different to tantrums, which are a response to a child not being able to do what they want.

What Triggers Autistic Meltdowns

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An autistic meltdown is usually caused by a sense of overload. Your child will have no control over their reaction. They may not be able to tell you when they feel overwhelmed.

Learning what triggers a meltdown can help you feel more prepared. Every child is different, but some common triggers include:

  • Sensory overload or understimulation. This is when a child is sensitive to sound, touch, taste, smell, visuals or movements.
  • Changes in routine or dealing with an unexpected change. People with autism often prefer to have a routine in place. They can be sensitive to even small changes.
  • Anxiety or anxious feelings.
  • Being unable to describe what they need or want. Communication is often non-typical for those with autism. It can feel frustrating for them when theyre misunderstood.

Keeping a behaviour diary can help spot possible patterns. Note down when meltdowns happen. Write down what you were doing, where, and your childs reaction.

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Dealing with ADHD meltdowns in adults isn’t easy for anyone, but with patience and persistence, it can be done. Using strategies to deal with them at the moment as well as to prevent them will improve your quality of life. APA Reference Peterson, T. . How to Deal with ADHD Meltdowns in Adults, HealthyPlace. 1. Do not try to reason with them When your child is having a meltdown, the logical part of their brain isn’t working, so it is better to wait until the peak moment has passed. 2. Avoid making demands Sometimes too many demands can actually cause the meltdown in the first place. AdultMeltdowns and Shame. While Neurodivergence isn’t new, the cultural understanding of it is relatively novel. Count back a couple decades and people didn’t know much about Autism and ADHD. When you had a meltdown as a kid, people just assumed you were a brat in those days. And, sadly, our parents and teachers reacted accordingly by. On the more extreme end of the continuum, the adult in meltdown may attack others and their possessions, causing bodily injury and property damage. In both examples, the adult often.

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Can You Stop A Meltdown

While the symptoms of an autism meltdown can be soothed or lessened with medication, once it has begun, it cant really be stopped.

The best thing to do during a meltdown is to attempt to separate yourself or your loved one from the trigger or environment as quickly as possible whether you physically leave an event or escape to a quieter space.

  • Dim any lights.

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Do You Know The Signs Of An Autistic Meltdown

Sarinah discusses autistic meltdowns what they are and how to identify them.

Common signs of a meltdown include hand flapping, head hitting, kicking, pacing, rocking, hyperventilating, being unable to communicate, and completely withdrawing into myself. All of these behaviours are methods of coping.

There are many things that can cause a meltdown but perhaps the most prevalent is heightened sensory processing. This can increase sensitivity to light, smell, heat, sound, taste and touch. An example of this can be the increased awareness of feeling your clothes against the skin. Underlying feelings of anxiety, stress or ambivalence can often make the sensory overload more severe.

What Is An Autistic Meltdown

What to do when my Autistic child has a meltdown

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What is an autism meltdown? For each autistic individual, meltdowns will present a little differently. According to Autism West Midlands, an autism meltdown is a time of crisis during which a person may show extreme behaviors like shouting, self harm, aggressive behavior, and repetitive behavior that may or may not pose as a risk of harm to the person themselves or to others.

These crisis points are triggered by high levels of stress, as well as social and sensory overload. Autistic people are more likely to experience these meltdowns than neurotypical people for a variety of reasons, but a notable finding is that autistics tend to start their day with a higher level of stress and anxiety, leaving them with less room to cope with additional stress .

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A meltdown is essentially an intense response to an overwhelming situation and is all too familiar if you’re Autistic or close to someone who is. Although described as the opposite of a shutdown. This is a perfect game for kids of all ages – adults! Our Meltdown game hosts 4 players who battle it out as the arm comes around – although who knows which way it will swing!?! Who do you think will be the last one standing at your event?!?.

A meltdown is best defined by saying it is a total loss of behavioral control. It is loud, risky at times, frustrating, and exhausting. Meltdowns may be preceded by “silent seizures.” This is not always the case, so don’t panic, but observe your youngster after she begins experiencing meltdowns. Another study in February found that close to 40 percent of young adults with autism in the U.S. receive no services whatsoever after high school graduation. In Norway, people on the spectrum are eligible for a government disability pension at age 18. Although only 5 percent of the Norwegian population as a whole receives this pension, 89.

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What To Do In A Meltdown

One person should take control of the situation.

The support person must remain calm, reassuring, and confident.

Affirm and validate the depth of emotion and explain that the feeling will eventually go.

Use calm, slow body language.

Use minimal speech.

Try to minimize eye contact for both of you.

If possible, be alongside the person rather than facing each other.

Keep other people away or encourage the person to take a position where other people are not visible to them.

Suggest a calming or distracting activity, such as an iPad, looking at information related to a special interest or a mesmerizing activity, such as spinning and twiddling toys.

Accept restless behaviour, as this is a constructive means of discharging the energy inherent in a meltdown.

Praise compliance and calmness.

Suggest something to look forward to, or an enjoyable memory.

Suggest going to a quiet retreat area or separate room, or perhaps go outside in nature if possible.

An alternative option is to engage in a physical activity that constructively releases emotional energy, such as star jumps or press ups, or crushing items from the recycling bin.

Remember the meltdown can have a constructive function in releasing compressed stress and re-setting the emotion regulation system.

Wait patiently until the emotional storm has passed.

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Strategies For The Aftermath Of A Meltdown

Meltdowns have impacts in our lives before, during and after they occur. These are things such as making us miss work, physical exhaustion and pain, and hurt feelings. This is the part of the guide with resources to deal with the aftermath of a meltdown.

  • Realize that its okay to have a meltdown or have a backslide in your mental health
  • Work towards amending any hurt feelings. I have a tendency to be mean to my partner when Im having a meltdown so its helpful for me to remember Gottmans 5-1 ratio to keep from getting myself into the shame spiral. Remember to also amend your own hurt feelings .
  • Check out this article on dealing with the aftermath of Autistic Meltdowns as an adult . It truly has a lot of valuable information about how to move forward with less shame and more empowerment.
  • Choose curiosity, compassion, and introspection over shame. Shame is unhelpful in most situations. Instead, work towards understanding yourself and helping yourself to a better outcome next time. I promise youll feel so much better this way. And if youre struggling with toxic shame, you might find Neurodivergent Magics Toxic Shame Masterclass helpful.
  • S L E E P Seriously, get some sleep. Youll feel way better about things when you wake up. Meltdowns are physically exhausting and your body needs a ton of rest after them. On that note, make sure you drink lots of water and maybe take an Ibuprofen or two .
  • How Meltdowns Differ From Tantrums

    Autism Spectrum Disorder and Meltdowns

    Because meltdowns and childhood tantrums share similar qualities, the phrases autism tantrum and autism meltdown have been used interchangeably. Still, theres a key difference between the two.

    Though neurotypical adults may experience emotional outbursts similar to temper tantrums, generally speaking, tantrums are far more common in children.

    On the other hand, autism meltdowns arent limited to children anyone with autism can become overstimulated and experience a meltdown.

    Additionally, tantrums are generally goal-oriented.

    Tantrums are often related to a want, while meltdowns are related to a trigger, Jane explains.

    Its really important to understand the difference because meltdowns are never a voluntary choice within our control, and how you respond to a meltdown versus a tantrum is very different.

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    Signs Indicating That An Autistic Child Is Going To Have A Meltdown

    3. Is there an audience for the childs behavior or not?

    Tantrum is a way for children to get the attention of their parents and adults and to lead them to do something that the child wants. Therefore, tantrums always happen when there is an audience.

    For example, if the child is alone or not with parents or direct caregivers, they would not have a tantrum.

    Autistic meltdown, however, is not an act to attract attention and reach a goal. Therefore, they can happen in any situation and especially more often when children are away from their parents and they are dealing with new people and new situations. Based on the type of sensory sensitivity one individual may have, they can happen in various environments and they are not necessary coming after a request is denied.

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    Meltdowns are exhausting and troubling. Some people deal with them best by simply being alone. Adults with autism benefit by recognising in advance what makes it easiest for them to. Three Stages of a Meltdown. 1. Build Up. · Walking in a different pattern. · Body posture . · Become much more literal. · Change in voice tone. · Increase in. Tap the geometry block,Cross designed levels.Fly and flip your way through dangerous passages and spiky obstacles.Walk through the clutter of geometry , challenge your limits!Simple one touch game play that will keep you entertained for hours!Play Impossible Dash , Dash and Jump,enjoy it as much as you can!Game Features Rhythm-based Levels!.

    Meltdowns in Adults. Shutdowns: A Different Type of Meltdown Unlike a meltdown, which is a kind of rage against a situation, a shutdown is a retreat. Adult Meltdowns and Problems of Control Why they’re less visible and what problems does “keeping a lid on it” create? Calming Techniques for the Special Needs Child What.

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    Emma Dalmayne, an adult on the spectrum and a mother of autistic children, says, “When you have a meltdown, it’s as if the world is ending. Everything is too much and you feel like overwhelming. Stress, isolation, and increased alcohol use are all likely contributors to this enraged state of affairs. Hopefully these incidents will die down as the pandemic loosens its grip. In the meantime, here are 4 1/2 strategies to cool off a meltdown. 1. Whatever you do, don’t tell the person to calm down.

    PMS may be one of the top reasons you’re having meltdowns as an adult. There are some things you can do to help such as avoid simple carbs before your period and get some daily exercise. Add a comment … 2 You’re Tired Very few women actually get the amount of sleep that they need each night.

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    What Meltdowns Feel Like To Me As An Autistic Adult

    What happens when autistic kids become adults?

    This cant be said enough an autistic meltdown is not a tantrum!

    Sure, some of the outward exhibited behaviors may appear the same, but the causation of an autistic meltdown is often vastly misinterpreted.

    So whats the difference?

    A tantrum is intentional, manipulative behavior someone exhibits in order to get something they want that they are told they cant have. If they are given that thing, the unpleasant behavior ceases. On the contrary, there is nothing manipulative about an autistic meltdown, nor is it in any way intentional.

    An autistic meltdown is a physiological, autonomous response caused by prolonged exposure to cognitive distress, conversational difficulties, social pressures and anxieties, transitions, sudden and unexpected change, and sensory integration issues. Any one or any combination of these stresses can overload an autistic persons mental and physical abilities to cope or compensate.

    Once an autistic meltdown begins, there is nothing that can be given to the individual to stop it, as they were never seeking anything in the first place. It has to run its course until its over, and the only thing that will end it is the passage of time.

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    A Note On Neurodivergent People

    Theres no cure for autism, and many people in the autistic community dont feel the need for one. Instead, they recognize autism as a neurotype rather than a disability or condition that needs to be cured.

    Neurodivergent folks, including autistic people, may communicate in different ways. For instance, avoiding eye contact and fidgeting may help them concentrate better or feel more comfortable in conversation it doesnt always mean disinterest.

    Neurodivergent individuals may also respond to sensory stimuli differently than neurotypical people. These responses may include autism meltdowns, which are usually out of the autistic persons control.

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