Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can You Test For Autism In The Womb

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Signs Of Nonverbal Communication Difficulties

San Diego Research Suggests Autism Develops During Pregnancy
  • Avoids eye contact.
  • Uses facial expressions that dont match what they are saying
  • Doesnt pick up on other peoples facial expressions, tone of voice, and gestures.
  • Makes very few gestures . May come across as cold or robot-like.
  • Reacts unusually to sights, smells, textures, and sounds. May be especially sensitive to loud noises. Can also be unresponsive to people entering/leaving, as well as efforts by others to attract the childs attention.
  • Atypical posture, clumsiness, or eccentric ways of moving .

Children with autism spectrum disorder have trouble picking up on subtle nonverbal cues and using body language. This makes the give-and-take of social interaction very difficult.

New Study Suggests Autism Starts In The Womb

Children with autism have many more brain cells than typically developing children, researchers have found, supporting previous research that suggests that autism may be caused by something going awry before a baby is born as opposed to something triggering autism in a toddler.

Scientists studied the brains of 13 boys and found those with autism had 67% more brain cells than typically developing boys. They specifically looked at the part of the brain called the prefrontal cortexbecause its the part thats responsible for social, emotional, communication and language development. Having too many neurons or nerve cells in the part of the brain that controls the very features that children with autism struggle with may explain the origin of autism, the study suggests.

In autism something is going terribly wrong with mechanisms that control the number of neurons beginning in prenatal life and may extend to perinatal and early post-natal life, says lead author Eric Courchesne, Ph.D.; When there are too many brain cells, the brain cant wire itself up correctly.; If theres too much wiring in the prefrontal cortex, it could help explain why children with autism have poor social skills, difficulty communicating and why some may never learn to speak at all.

There Currently Arent Screening Tests In Either Pregnant Women Or Through Ivf That Can Test For Autism At This Time

Autism cant be diagnosed in the womb or embryos yet because experts dont know exactly what causes it. It is a genetic condition, but there are many different combinations of genes that may result in a diagnosis of ASD.

Environmental factors may also play a part. It is not something specific that shows up in the mothers blood or the foetus cells, it is usually only characterised by early behaviour.

Experts and opponents consider that it will only be a matter of time, however.

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Autism Begins In The Womb According To A New Study

A new study claims to show for the first time that autism begins in the womb, while another examines possible environmental influences on autism development.

The origins of autism have been passionately debated by many scientists and commentators. What is known about autism is that it is a physical condition, which is linked to abnormal biology and brain chemistry.

Genes seem to play an important part in the development of autism identical twins, for instance, are much more likely to both have autism than non-identical siblings. But there has not been any clear consensus in medical opinion about what other contributing causes there may be.

Some things that have been suspected as being linked to autism but which have not been proven include diet, changes in the digestive tract, mercury poisoning, problems with the body processing vitamins and minerals, and vaccines.

A recent, large study in the journal PLoS Computational Biology suggests that environmental pollution could be a contributing factor to autism risk, but the study was unable to name any specific toxins that might be responsible.

That study assessed 100 million US health insurance claims to look at rates of autism on a county-by-county basis. It also used genital malformations in boys micropenis, undescended testicles and cases where the urethral opening is on the underside of the penis as indicators of environmental pollution.

How Amniocentesis Is Performed

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Amniocentesis is usually carried out between the 15th;and 20th weeks;of pregnancy, but you can have it;later;if necessary.

It can be;performed earlier, but;this may;increase the risk of complications of amniocentesis;and is usually avoided.

During the;test, a long, thin needle is inserted through your abdominal wall, guided by an ultrasound image.

The needle is passed into the amniotic sac that surrounds the foetus and a small sample of amniotic fluid is removed for analysis.

The test itself usually takes about 10 minutes, although the whole consultation may take about 30 minutes.

Amniocentesis is usually described as being uncomfortable rather than painful.

Some women describe experiencing a pain similar to;period pain or feeling pressure when the needle is taken out.

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Key Points About Birth Defects In Children

  • A birth defect is a health problem or abnormal physical change that is present when a baby is born. Birth defects range from very mild to life-threatening and limiting.

  • Birth defects can happen for many reasons. But often the cause isnt known.

  • Many birth defects can be diagnosed before birth with tests. Your healthcare provider will talk with you about testing.

  • The risk for birth defects varies by type of defect, family health history, age of parents, and other factors. Your provider can tell you more about your risk of having a child with a birth defect.

  • There is no cure for birth defects. But children can often be treated to help reduce problems.

  • Researchers are trying to find ways to prevent many birth defects. Not all birth defects can be prevented. Taking steps to be healthy before and during pregnancy is important.

Should You Space Out Your Pregnancies

A study in the;Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry;found that pregnancies spaced between 2 and 5 years apart have the lowest risk of a child developing autism. Researchers found that those children conceived after less than 12 months were 50 percent more likely to end up with a diagnosis as compared with children conceived between that 2-and-5-year time frame, though its unclear why.

Meanwhile, those conceived after more than 60 months were 30 percent more likely to be diagnosed. However, keep in mind that autism risk increases with both parents ages at conception and that a womans fertility declines as she gets older. When it comes to timing, work with your doctor to determine the best plan for you and your family.

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Autism Could Be A Genetic Disorder

In efforts to identify people who are at risk for developing Autism, Scientists conducted the largest case study known about Autism. This particular study compared the genes of families with several people who have been diagnosed with the disorder. 15 genes were confirmed as Autism-related. Scientists say that there could be as many as 200-400 genes that are responsible for Autism. Researchers say that this information has been published in medical journals, but is not being currently being used in clinics for genetic testing. They say that relaying this information is critical, as early diagnosis and intervention have the best chance of improving patient outcome. The only real hope for recognition on these findings is even larger studies that reflect the same findings. The information should be interpreted carefully, as is important to understand that not every person with Autism will have the gene for it. It is still believed that Autism has many causes that influence in each other for a collective impact.

Why We Cannot Screen For Autism

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As a pregnant woman, I was offered the chance to test my unborn child for certain birth defects, including Down Syndrome.

I declined the test, stating that it didnt matter to me what the result was, and to be honest I didnt want to know.

I would deal with my baby and whatever joys and challenges and stresses and pain and celebration and love and surprises he had for me once he was born.

But at the time I remember thinking, why cant we screen for autism?

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Prenatal Exposure To Viral And Bacterial Illnesses

You may or may not have heard this one before that getting sick during pregnancy can up the odds of an Autism diagnosis in your baby. This information has been around for quite awhile now that when infections stimulate the central nervous system of the mother, her immune response might trigger an alteration in the unborn baby. While some might assume that a more serious illness is needed, that is not necessarily true. The main causes for concern are viral infections during the first trimester, and bacterial infections in the second trimester. The highest threat arises when the mother is sick enough to be hospitalized in the 2nd or 3rd trimester. The biggest culprits are the flu, the herpes virus, congenital rubella, and borne disease. When we see rubella, we often think of the MMR vaccine and the ongoing debate over a link between Autism and the scheduled shot. Direct evidence that the vaccine could cause Autism has not been found. It is still unknown whether the risk for Rubella is still present when the mother is exposed to live vaccines.

Prenatal Testing Or Elimination Of Autism

Perhaps these studies should be investigated along with researchers quest for more accurate prenatal testing for autism. Because the dwindling numbers of those born with Down syndrome may be the fate of kids on the spectrum if testing asks parents to choose who should live.;

And then? What will the next prenatal test set out to detect? Developmental disorders, neurodiversity, or any mutant gene that may cause variation from a cognitive standard determined by science? A dystopian future with a distinct eugenics twist seems scary and a little too realistic.


Bai, D., Yip, B., Windham, G. C., Sourander, A., Francis, R., Yoffe, R., Glasson, E., Mahjani, B., Suominen, A., Leonard, H., Gissler, M., Buxbaum, J. D., Wong, K., Schendel, D., Kodesh, A., Breshnahan, M., Levine, S. Z., Parner, E. T., Hansen, S. N., Hultman, C., Sandin, S. . Association of Genetic and Environmental Factors With Autism in a 5-Country Cohort. JAMA psychiatry, 76, 10351043.

Chen, W. J., Zhao, S., Huang, T. Y., Kwok, O. M., & Chen, L. S. . Autism Spectrum Disorders: Prenatal Genetic Testing and Abortion Decision-Making among Taiwanese

Mothers of Affected Children. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17, 476. .;

Dawson, G., & Zanolli, K. . Early intervention and brain plasticity in autism. , 251, 266297.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Birth Defects In A Child

Symptoms vary widely. They depend on the type of birth defect. Symptoms can be a bit different for each child. They can include things such as:

  • Abnormal shape of head, eyes, ears, mouth, or face

  • Abnormal shape of hands, feet, or limbs

  • Trouble feeding

  • Heart problems

  • Intestinal problems

The symptoms of birth defects can seem like other health conditions. Have your;child see his or her healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

Genetic Testing For Autism

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This Got Questions? answer is by geneticist;Dean Hartley, Autism Speaks Senior Director of Discovery and Translational Science.;;

We recommend anyone with an autism diagnosis get genetic testing. Unfortunately,;less than;half of people with;autism;do.;

Current genetic testing will not give answers to everyone, but without testing we will not be able to give information;to;some individuals or families that could explain the possible cause of autism and possible future medical conditions.;;

When you;are ready to have genetic testing, we suggest you start with the provider who diagnosed you or your child with autism. That person should be able to refer you to;a;neurodevelopmental pediatrician, a medical geneticist, or a;clinic that specializes in autism or developmental disorders and has experience in genetic testing.;We do not recommend directly seeking a company to do genetic testing. A medical specialist or genetic counselor is best qualified to help you;understand;beforehand;what the test will or will not;provide;and;the;interpretation of;your results.;

Once you see;this specialist, you will likely be offered the current standard of genetic testing, called microarray testing.;Of those who do, 3;to 10 percent will find a genetic variation that;likely;accounts for a persons autism.;One reason for these small percentages is the limitations;of;microarray technology it only covers a small amount of our 6 billion letters of our DNA that we get from our parents.;;

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How Does Your Health Come Into Play

Researchers know that maternal health during pregnancy has an impact on the unborn child, and ASD is certainly no exception to this rule. “For instance, women who are severely ill and require hospitalization during pregnancy may be more likely to have children who develop autism,” says Dr. Wang. Specifically,;studies;have shown;associations between maternal infections during pregnancy and subsequent risk for their children developing an autism spectrum disorder.

In general, women should do what they can to remain healthy during pregnancy. “This includes optimizing nutrition, taking prenatal vitamins as recommended by their obstetrician, avoiding exposure to unnecessary drugs and medications, and ensuring that their own vaccinations are up to date,” says Dr. Wang. Also,;a recent study in the;Journal of the American Medical Association;found that gestational diabetes developed by 26 weeks is linked with an increased risk to ASD. Ask your doctor about the right plan for you and then stick with it.

More Signs Autism May Originate During Pregnancy

Brain-tissue samples show differences linked to prenatal development

HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, March 26, 2014 — Children with autism show key “patches of disorganization” in the outer layers of the brain, according to a new study said to offer more evidence that the developmental disorder begins in the womb.

Experts have long believed autism involves disruptions in typical brain development, going back to pregnancy. The new study, reported online March 27 in the New England Journal of Medicine, offers more direct evidence of such early origins.

For the study, researchers examined samples of brain tissue from 22 children after death — 11 with autism and 11 without. They were able to spot tiny patches of disrupted development dotting the outer layers of the brain in the children with autism.

Differences like that would take shape during prenatal development, said Ed Lein, a researcher at Seattle’s Allen Institute for Brain Science, who worked on the study.

“This is pretty direct evidence of a prenatal origin,” Lein said.

An autism researcher who reviewed the study agreed. “The foundation for this would likely be prenatal,” said Dr. Walter Kaufmann, a neurologist at Boston Children’s Hospital. “How early in the prenatal period? That’s hard to say.”

An even bigger question is, What causes the early disruptions in brain development? Lein and Kaufmann said it’s impossible to pin down.

“We still need to try to understand that,” Lein said.

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Lack Of Sufficient Vitamin D

Less than one month ago, a new discovery was made in regards to links between Autism and pregnancy. A massive study that took place in Australia included more than 4,000 women. After analyzing the blood work of the group of pregnant women, scientists noticed an increased risk for offspring Autism in women with Vitamin D deficiencies. Women with the strongest link were those with a deficiency in that last half of the pregnancy. The research hints that low levels of Vitamin D during pregnancy could disrupt fetal brain development. The study suggests that Vitamin D supplements taken during pregnancy could significantly reduce the prevalence of Autism. Vitamin D is best known for boosting calcium levels in the blood and for promoting healthy bone and muscles growth. What most people dont know is that low levels of Vitamin D can have serious health implications. The vitamin is actually a hormone that has been long been associated with increased risk for mental health complications. For these reasons, its really not surprising that a link between Vitamin D exposure in pregnancy has been made with Autism.

Will The Test Lead To Earlier Asd Diagnosis

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Dr. Rabbani comments on the significance of the findings, saying, Our discovery could lead to earlier diagnosis and intervention. We hope the tests will also reveal new causative factors.

With further testing we may reveal specific plasma and urinary profiles or fingerprints of compounds with damaging modifications.

Dr. Naila Rabbani

This may help us improve the diagnosis of ASD, she adds, and point the way to new causes of ASD.

But Dr. Max Davie an assistant officer for health promotion at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in the U.K. has expressed skepticism about such a test, saying, This is a promising area, however this is a very long way indeed from a test for autism.’

He adds, The analysis was derived from children whose ages averaged 78, so there is no data to indicate that very young children will have the same metabolic pattern and that the results found would be reproducible in infants.

While we applaud the arrival of this interesting area of research, says Dr. Davie, it is important that it is not adopted with too much enthusiasm. He cautions that applying the test to a large population may produce a large number of false positives, causing unnecessary worry.

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Autistic Boys Exposed To Higher Levels Of Hormones In Womb Study Finds

Research on children in Denmark has found that boys with autism were more likely to have been exposed to higher levels of hormones in their mother’s wombs than those who developed normally.

Boys diagnosed with autism and related disorders had, on average, raised levels of testosterone, cortisol and other hormones in the womb, according to analyses of amniotic fluid that was stored after their mothers had medical tests during pregnancy.

The findings add to a growing body of evidence that the biological foundations of autism are laid down well before birth and involve factors that go beyond the child’s genetic make-up.

The results may help scientists to unravel some of the underlying causes of autism and explain why boys are four to five times more likely to be diagnosed with the condition, which affects around one percent of the population.

Amniotic fluid surrounds babies in the womb and contains hormones and other substances that they have passed through their urine. The liquid is collected for testing when some women have an amniocentesis around four months into their pregnancy.

“In the womb, boys produce about twice as much testosterone as girls, but compared with typical boys, the autism group has even higher levels. It’s a significant difference and may have a large effect on brain development,” said Simon Baron-Cohen, director of the Autism Research Centre at Cambridge University.

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