Thursday, July 25, 2024

Did Mr Rogers Have Autism

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Mister Rogers Compilation Helps Autistic Children

Mr Andy’s Neighborhood part 1

The Fred Rogers Company releases a compilation DVD entitled Friends and Feelings to help children with autism build social and emotional skills.

The Fred Rogers Company recently released a DVD geared towards autistic children. Entitled Friends and Feelings, the video compilation;features four full-length episodes of Mister Rogers Neighborhood along with bonus features and extras. The project is the first DVD of its kind from the company, so its no surprise that parents and educators are excited about its release.

Its hard to believe that the popular childrens show Mister Rogers Neighborhood will celebrate its 45th anniversary next year. Unlike many other childrens shows, the world of Mister Rogers has stood the test of time, remaining popular for over two generations of children. That staying power says a lot about the quality of content found in each 30-minute segment and a lot about the man behind the magic. Fred Rogers passion for childrens programming was as dependable as his signature cardigan and sneakers, and his personality and entertaining style have always created an engaging and stress-free experience for all children, including children with autism spectrum disorders. The Fred Rogers Company explains:

Friends with Feelings is also available for purchase at the organizations website and soon youll be able to download it on In the meantime, you can learn more about the DVD and access additional autism resources at

More Wisdom From Mr Rogers

Here are a few quotes Id like to end with:

When I say its you I like, Im talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see or hear or touch. That deep part of you that allows you to stand for those things without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate, peace that rises triumphant over war, and justice that proves more powerful than greed.;Fred Rogers, from his Commencement Address at Dartmouth College June 9th, 2002

There are three ways to ultimate success:The first way is to be kind.The second way is to be kind.The third way is to be kind.

Healing begins in secure, healthy relationships. I wish for you someone in your life who accepts you for who you are. May you feel accepted even for being differenteven if that acceptance comes mainly from yourself. And if you need acceptance I urge you to seek out your Mr. Rogers, whether via therapy, a caring adult, mentor or friend.

Did you see the movie, too? Let me know what you thought on

Here Are 5 Things You Might Not Know About Mister Rogers

“Won’t you be my neighbor?”

For 912 episodes, Fred Rogers asked this question of his young viewers and for the entire run of “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood,” our answer was a resounding, “Yes!”

For generations of kids, Rogers was a model of friendliness, kindness and the importance of being earnest. His soothing voice, zip-up cardigan and sneakers made him approachable and welcome in millions of households.

And 2018 is a big one for Rogers’ legacy : Not only is it the 50th anniversary of the show’s debut on PBS, but Tom Hanks is set to star as Rogers in an upcoming feature film, “You Are My Friend,” and a new documentary, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”, is slated to appear in theaters on June 8.

But while Rogers seemed like such a familiar presence in our lives, there may be a few things you just didn’t know about him. TODAY pulled Oscar-winning “Neighbor” director Morgan Neville into the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, and discovered five important things about our very favorite guy next door.

1. Rogers responded to every one of the letters he got, and there are nearly 1 million of them at the Fred Rogers Center in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.

2. Rogers, a Presbyterian minister, was also a student of world religions who spoke Greek and Hebrew.

“He didn’t just pull from his own theology,” said Neville. “He would really want to look at everything, from Buddhism to Judaism to Islam to Quakerism, and try to look for the unifying ideas that underlie all religions.”

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What Is The Name Of The Owl In Mr Rodgers Neighborhood

What Is The Name Of The Owl In Mr Rodgers Neighborhood? X the Owl was one of the original puppets from The Childrens Corner, and was named X because he X-scaped from a cage. Heres what he had to say about that: my friend and true tame tiger pal, Daniel S.

Why is Miss Elaina called?;Lady Elaine has been paired with Music Man Stan . They cut back on her eye make-up and toned down that red nose. Then they gave her a daughter named Miss Elaina, which is sort of awesome since theyre essentially calling her Lady Elaine Jr.

Who is Lady Elaine?;Lady Elaine is the Neighborhood mischief maker and, having learned from the Wizard of Lupovich, often uses her Boomerang-Toomerang-Soomerang to do things such as rearrange the Neighborhood or to turn it upside down. She is credited with the discovery of Planet Purple which she found while flying in her spaceship.

Whats the owls name on Daniel Tiger?;O the Owl is a main character of Daniel Tigers Neighborhood and Daniels best friend. O lives right next to Katerina Kittycat in the same tree and even shares some sort of brother and sister type relationship with Katerina. He also lives with his Uncle X, who takes care of him.

Records Show That Mr Rogers Registered For The Draft In 1948 But Was He Ever A Navy Seal Or A Military Sniper

Its You I Like

Fotos International/Getty Images Rumors have long persisted that Fred Rogers, the host of Mister Rogers Neighborhood, hid a secret military career.

A pinnacle of self-discipline, Mr. Rogers never smoked or drank. He ate a vegetarian diet for ethical reasons. I dont want to eat anything that has a mother, he often said.

We know he valued honesty and trust. Its not the honors and the prizes and the fancy outsides of life which ultimately nourish our souls. Its the knowing that we can be trusted, that we never have to fear the truth, that the bedrock of our lives, from which we make our choices, is very good stuff, he told Dartmouth graduates in 2002.

As far as war is concerned, Mr. Rogers likened it to a form of child abuse. Sending a mother or father of a young child off to war would be traumatic for that child, destroying the essential bond with their parents thats so important for their emotional development.

To raise a generation which is not abused should be our goal, he wrote to a friend. As you can see so clearly the abused grow up to be the abusers sometimes on a worldwide scale.

When a public figure is as squeaky-clean as Mr. Rogers, it leaves a void in which scandalous rumors can flourish. And thats exactly whats happened.

It seems just crazy enough to be true. But is it?

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Mr Rogers Loved Deep Conversations

Like most INFJs, Mr. Rogers demanded intimacy in his interactions with people.

This is especially apparent in the movie A Beautiful Day in The Neighborhood when you see Mr. Rogers asking journalist Tom Junod about vulnerable topics, like his relationship with his father, and his mothers death.;

Mr. Rogers approaches these delicate topics with such grace and compassion that the guarded and cynical Junod quickly starts opening up.;

There are many other examples of why Mr. Rogers was likely an INFJ, but Ill leave it at that for now.;

Perhaps, you can do your own research. Read , and watch A Beautiful Day in The Neighborhood, and let me know if you agree that Mr. Rogers was an INFJ.

Celebrating 50 Years Of Mister Rogers Neighborhood

;Christine Pierce

My children were crawling and toddling in winter 1972/3 when Fred Rogers came to our church to give the commission at his college roommates investiture as our new minister . After the service Mr. Rogers went into the infant-toddler room and I still tear up every time I remember it. These children were too young to know who he was but EVERONE of them who could move independently went over to him like the Pied Piper as as he walked into the room! A magical and incredible scene! I treasure the memory. We became devoted fans from then on!

Jeni Rizio

I loved Mr. Rogers Neighborhood as a kid growing up in Rome, NY. My favorite episode, which I would love to see again, was the one where Mr. Rogers visited the chocolate factory. The factory owners said that visitors could not leave without tasting the chocolates first, and as an autistic child, I took that literally! I also enjoyed watching Betty Aberlin in the opera A Star For Kitty, which inspired my lifelong love of the star motif in my art and design.

Michele Achin

Kristen Tryon

Eventually that early love of puppets from Mister Rogers turned into a growing interest in marionettes. I spent countless hours exploring Syracuses Open Hand Theatre museum with my mom, learning about all the types of puppets, watching shows, and building my own little creatures.

Debbie Stack

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Joanne Rogers Widow Of Television Icon Fred Rogers Dies At 92

Fred Rogers wife, Mrs. Joanne Rogers poses in front a poster of the Mister Rogers Forever Stamp following the first-day-of-issue dedication in WQEDs Fred Rogers Studio in Pittsburgh, Friday, March 23, 2018.

PITTSBURGH, Pa. Joanne Rogers, the widow of the iconic childrens television personality Fred Rogers, has died at 92, according to the CBS affiliate it Pittsburgh.

Joanne helped carry out her husbands legacy of impacting the lives of children after he died in 2003. Fred Rogers was the star of Mister Rogers Neighborhood which aired nationwide on PBS stations.

When Fred died, she wasnt going to step in to be Mister Rogers, but she was going to step in, Bill Isler, former president and CEO of Freds company for almost three decades, told the Los Angeles Times in a 2019 interview.

The couple was married for 50 years.

Joanne was visible throughout the media promotion for the 2019 film A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, where Tom Hanks brought her husband to life on the big screen. She even had a brief cameo in the movie.

During the media blitz, she explained that her husband wasnt a saint as some people suggest and that he had to work hard to treat people well and serve as a role model for children.

As people say, he walked the walk, she explained.

According to Pittsburghs Action News 4, she had been in the hospital for a few days. Her cause of death is unknown.

Everybody Plays Mr Rogers And Our Responsibility As Advertisers And Consumers

Mr Rogers swallows his tongue for Students with Autism

June 25, 2018 By Kelle

When it comes to advocacy, especially within the special needs community, we try to cover all the bases as a community, as there are so many areas of needed attention. Weve got people on first base protecting legislature and rights for people with disabilities. Weve got second base covered by family support. Third base is taken up by educational support and organizations advocating for job opportunities. Home plates covered by kindness and anti-bullying campaigns, and the outfield is filled with advocates who write, march, speak and live these messages every day . At the root of everything we advocate for is the simple and powerful messagethe basic truth of all advocacy: Every person has value, and every person wants to be seen for who they are.

Many companies have committed to a broader representation of their consumers, and Im sure youve seen some of the inclusive commercials and print ads companies like Target and Nordstrom have put into the world over the past few years, not as some charity outreach mission, but as responsible advertisers who are committed to representing the real world .

This is the fourth Everybody Plays event Infantino has hosted, and this year I joined their celebration with Changing the Face of Beauty, an organization committed to equal representation of people with disabilities in advertising and media worldwide.

And this is Charlie today:

So what can YOU do to be a part of this mission?

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Are We Just Creating Selfish People

One of the critiques of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood is that it fostered a generation of people who are selfish because they heard: Youre unique, youre special! I disagree. I believe that children need to hear and affirm self-worth. I believe it is a parents job to help a child recognize what makes them special! Assuring one persons value doesnt happen at the expense of other people. Affirming a childs abilities is essential to building inner strength, confidence and compassion. Mr. Rogers was teaching self-compassion before it was popular.

This also made me think immediately of Dr. Dan Siegels 4 Ss of secure attachment, in which children and adolescents need to feel: Seen, Safe, Soothed and Secure.

The truth is, it is difficult to have love, kindness and acceptance for others if you dont first have it for yourself!

Mutual caring relationships require kindness and patience, tolerance, optimism, joy in the others achievements, confidence in oneself, and the ability to give without undue thought of gain.;Fred Rogers

Who Was Mr Rogers New Documentary Provides A Poignant Look At His Life And Legacy

Wont You Be My Neighbor

See how a little kindness makes a world of difference. Watch the official trailer for , an intimate look at Americas favorite neighbor: Mister Fred Rogers. Focus Features

You take all of the elements that make good television and do the exact opposite you have Mister Rogers Neighborhood,;the shows producer, Margy Whitmer, says in the trailer. Low production values, simple set, unlikely star. Yet, it worked.

Fred Rogers was born March 20, 1928, to James and Nancy Rogers in Latrobe, Pa., just 40 miles east of Pittsburgh. When he was 11, his family adopted a daughter.

Rogers graduated from Latrobe High School in 1946 before continuing his studies at Dartmouth College for two years. He then transferred;to Rollins College in Winter Park, Fla., where he earned a B.A. in music composition in 1951.

While at Rollins, he met Florida native Sara Joanna Byrd. They married in 1952. They had 2 sons;;James, born in 1959, and John, born in 1961.

Immediately after graduation, he was hired by NBC in New York City as an assistant producer for The Voice of Firestone and later as floor director for The Lucky Strike Hit Parade, The Kate Smith Hour;and the NBC Opera Theatre.

Two years after its debut, The Childrens Corner won the Sylvania Award for the best locally produced childrens program in the country.

Mister Rogers Neighborhood ran from February 1968 to August 2001. It is one of the longest-running TV series in television history.

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Joanne Rogers Widow Of Tv Icon Fred Rogers Has Died At Age 92

Joanne Rogers, “the loving partner” to the late TV icon Fred Rogers, has died at age 92, according to a statement;released Thursday by Fred Rogers Productions. The couple had been married for more than 50 years before Fred, known widely as Mister Rogers,;died in 2003 of stomach cancer at age 74.

The production company praised Joanne’s contribution to supporting children, families and the arts.

“Joanne was a brilliant and accomplished musician, a wonderful advocate for the arts, and a dear friend to everyone in our organization,” the statement said. “We extend our heartfelt condolences to Joanne’s family and the thousands of people who had the privilege of knowing and loving her.”

The City of Pittsburgh; one of its “favorite neighbors” on Twitter, and the city’s mayor told;CBS Pittsburgh;that with her “grace, humor and down-to earth demeanor,” she “personified what we love about the City of Pittsburgh.” She was also a recipient of the 2019 George Romero Legacy Award at Steeltown Entertainment’s 2019 Elly Awards, according to the station, and was recognized for helping filmmakers learn about their industry.

Joanne was a brilliant and accomplished musician, a wonderful advocate for the arts, and a dear friend to everyone in our organization. We extend our heartfelt condolences to Joannes family and the thousands of people who had the privilege of knowing and loving her.

Fred Rogers Productions

Other Mr Rogers Urban Legends

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Did you hear the one about how he flipped the double bird to kids on the show? Simply part of a song called Where Is Thumbkin? that goes through every finger on your hand including the middle one, Mr. Tallman.

Or how about flashing the satanic devil-horns? It seems eerily close to sign language for I love you.

Then, of course, theres the more disturbing and damaging rumor of them all: that Mr. Rogers himself was a convicted child molester.

The completely unfounded tale circulated that a condition of his supposed sentence was that he performs on an educational television show as a community service obligation. This attempts to give a reason for the lack of kids allowed on set, and adult characters with suggestive names, such as Mr. McFeely.

Let the record show that not one single solitary human person has ever accused Rogers of anything more serious than wearing somewhat unattractive shoes.

To assume that Rogers could remain on public television for 33 years with an abhorrent criminal record such as that without one outraged parent is absurd.

Fred Rogers was such a good person that weve invented our own tales about him. Stories like this reflect more on us as a society than they do the man at the center of them. We are all told at some point that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. But Mr. Rogers may be the only case that belies that adage. He really, truly was as good of a human being there could be.

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