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Does Weed Help Adhd

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Case Presentations And Patient Perceptions Of Cannabis

Medical pot could be used to treat ADHD

The case presentations as described in this section represent an account of the patients testimonials, with information verified from the medical charts. The patients had the opportunity to review these descriptions for accuracy prior to publication.

Patient 1

Patient 2

A Caucasian male with ADHD has taken methylphenidate off and on since the third grade. He disliked being medicated with stimulants because he felt they changed his personality, and he continued to struggle with emotional regulation. At age 17, he was prescribed lithium, and he decided to start cannabidiol oil once daily after a family member recommended it to him. Taking cannabis, he says, makes him feel more relaxed and helps him to focus and to feel more himself. The combination of lithium , cannabis , and a good support system he says have completely changed his life. Previously he lacked motivation, did not do well in school, and was admitted for psychiatric care. Since starting cannabis, he was successfully weaned off his other medications for ADHD and has completely turned his life around. Regarding his life before cannabis he says, I was definitely a lot more jittery and stuff when I was in schoolIt helped me to focus a lot more, and it helped me ease off my ADHD meds actually. He works full time and runs a business, sets long-term goals for future, and has made many new friends, which has improved his social life.

Patient 3

What Do Research Studies Show

Does marijuana help ADHD, or are the reports of relief merely due to the placebo effect? Researchers insist that further study is needed to understand more about the effectiveness of using marijuana for ADHD. The initial research has revealed promising results, however. A 2008 study by researchers at the Heidelberg University Medical Center found that in some people with ADHD, the consumption of cannabis had a positive impact on performance, behavior and mental state of the subject.

If there are few studies on ADHD and marijuana, there are even fewer on the effectiveness of a CBD treatment for ADHD. The little research that has been conducted has been favorable for CBD proponents, however. One study showed that CBD inhibited hyperactivity in rats.

Those who suffer from ADHD also tend to experience anxiety and depression as secondary symptoms to their ADHD. This exacerbates an already frustrating situation. Multiple studies into the effects of cannabis have shown that it is effective at treating both anxiety and depression. This makes cannabis a dual-impact treatment, as it addresses the primary condition as well as the secondary conditions that are frequently caused by it.

Indeed, medical providers have begun to look at cannabis as a potential treatment for ADHD in both their adult and juvenile patients. Some physicians have started opting for cannabis as a safer, more natural option for children who suffer from ADHD and other neuropsychiatric conditions.

Tell Us About Thc As A Treatment For Adhd

There is also very limited information on THC for ADHD treatment.

There is some initial research that looks at the impact of THC on neurotransmitters. A study published in 2017 indicated that THC boosted short term dopamine levels. This is important in ADHD because some individuals with ADHD have reduced dopamine levels. As mentioned, this is the target of stimulant medication traditionally used to treat ADHD.

But, there is also some evidence that THC might dull that neurotransmitter in the long term which is not good.

Its really important that we get more information about cannabis as a potential intervention both in the short and longer-term.

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What Are The Negative Effects Of Cannabis

Tetrahydrocannabinol , one of cannabis active compounds, inhibits neuronal connections and effectively slows the brains signaling process. THC also affects the brains dendrite architecture, which controls processing, learning, and the overall health of the brain. Science has not yet fully determined whether THCs effects are reversible some parts of the brain show healthy neuronal growth after cannabis use stops, but other parts do not.

Short-term and long-term cannabis use also impairs:

  • Motivation
  • Memory, especially in people under 25, by altering the function of the hippocampus and orbitolfrontal cortex, where much of memory is processed
  • Performance on complicated task performance with many executive steps. Studies have shown, for example, that driving ability, even while not under the influence, can be impaired in regular marijuana users

Cannabis use may also lead to the following health-related impairments:

  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
  • Elevated resting heart rate

Cannabis use may exacerbate disorders like paranoia, panic, and mood disorder. Studies have also found that increased cannabis consumption can uniquely contribute to elevating suicide risk, even when controlling for underlying mental health disorders, like mood disorder or anxiety45. Individuals who begin regular cannabis use also exhibit more suicidal ideation, even when controlling for pre-existing mood disorders, studies show.67

How Cannabis Could Help With Adhd Symptoms

Can Marijuana Help with ADHD?

To understand how cannabis might provide relief for ADHD symptoms, its important to understand the two components of cannabis, which are:

  • Tetrahydrocannabinol : THC is a psychoactive component that gives the high associated with cannabis. It acts on the areas of the brain that control focus, coordination, and reaction time.
  • Cannabidiol : CBD is a nonpsychoactive component in cannabis and hemp . It acts on different areas of the brain and can counteract the effects of THC. CBD has been shown to help regulate brain activity.

When you smoke or consume cannabis, you take in both THC and CBD.

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When Does Marijuana Use Become A Co

For people who live with ADHD, it can be tempting to use drugs like cannabis to soothe uncomfortable symptoms and feel calm and composed, but marijuana is a habit-forming drug. The more frequently a person uses marijuana, the more their brain grows used to and dependent on the substance to function normally. When a person feels like they cant get through the day without marijuana, or they use the drug compulsively despite the consequences, they are likely developing a marijuana addiction. If someone has ADHD and develops a marijuana addiction, these conditions are called co-occurring disorders. These conditions exacerbate each others harmful effects, and professional, dual-diagnosis treatment may be necessary for someone to heal from these co-occurring disorders.

If the person stops using marijuana abruptly, they may struggle with worsened ADHD symptoms. If they are addicted to marijuana, they will likely experience physical and mental when they stop using it.

Medical Marijuana For Adhd

THC, the key psychoactive chemical in marijuana, stimulates the reward system in the brain and prompts the release of dopamine. So, as is the case with Ritalin and Adderall, medical marijuana prompts higher levels of dopamine in the brain. This is one of the main reasons why people have reported relief from symptoms of ADHD with cannabis use.

While more research is still to be done about medical marijuana as a treatment for ADHD, it has already gained popularity among patients as a way to ease hyperactivity, agitation, racing thoughts, and irritability.

If you have been diagnosed with ADHD, or know someone that has and is interested in the benefits of cannabis for your condition, schedule an appointment with one of the leading physicians in the medical marijuana space at Tetra Health Care 813-898-8009.

Dr Scott has moved on and this was the first time at the new office. Dr. McTaggart has taken over my case file and he is super cool, kind and compassionate to your needs. He Is the best! Thanks again Guys and cant thank you enough Doc! See youll soon! Bottom line! Go To TETRA!!!!!!!!

My experience with Tetra Health Center has been great since becoming a patient nearly 2 years ago. Dr. Scott is very informative and pleasant to talk to. The front desk staff are friendly and very helpful whenever I’ve had questions. I highly recommend them, and I’ve sent a couple of people their way who have been very happy with their experience there as well.

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Examining Risk Levels: Marijuana Use And Adhd

Unfortunately, people who live with ADHD may be more likely to use marijuana, and more prone to developing a marijuana use disorder. The latest data on marijuana abuse and ADHD illuminates the relationship between marijuana, ADHD and substance use disorders.

  • A research study shows that children who have been diagnosed with ADHD face a high risk of substance abuse and addiction, including marijuana use. The same study cited that compared to their peers, children who are diagnosed with ADHD are three times more likely to use marijuana in their lifetime.
  • Of all adults who do not seek treatment for their ADHD, half will develop an alcohol or drug addiction during their lifetime, according to existing research.
  • According to a scientific study, ADHD is a common condition among people who have substance use disorders like drug or alcohol addictions.

One Doctor Says Cannabis Can Help With Attention Issues And May Calm Racing Thoughts

How ADHD Looks Different In Adults

Spaar owns Spectrum Family Practice, which specializes in medical marijuana and addiction recovery. Since opening her marijuana program a year and a half ago, Spaar said she has prescribed medical marijuana to about 75 pediatric patients with a variety of conditions, including ADHD, PTSD, autism, and Tourette syndrome.

When Spaar talks to patients about the pros and cons of treating ADHD with medical marijuana, she points to personal experience.

Spaar’s two teenage sons both have ADHD and high-functioning autism. For several months, Spaar’s younger son tried a variety of stimulants Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta to treat symptoms associated with the conditions.

While the drugs helped somewhat, Spaar said she was concerned with the side effects, which included a suppressed appetite and difficulty falling and staying asleep. Both are common effects of stimulants.

Some medical professionals say that medical marijuana is useful if only to get their ADHD patients off stimulants.

David Berger, a pediatrician and the medical director of Wholistic Releaf, a medical-cannabis clinic in Tampa, Florida, told Insider that he’s using it for that very purpose.

In total, Berger said 20 of his pediatric patients have been able to stop taking drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall by taking a combination of THC, the chemical responsible for marijuana’s mind and body high, and CBD, a chemical compound that doesn’t get patients high but can help to address some medical and mental-health issues.

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Can Weed Help Treat Adhd

There is some evidence that weed can help treat the symptoms of ADHD. A study published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology found that THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, improved task performance and working memory in adults with ADHD. Another study found that CBD, another active ingredient in cannabis, reduced impulsivity and hyperactivity in mice with a genetic form of ADHD.

However, it is important to note that some studies have found that marijuana can worsen the symptoms of ADHD. One study found that people with ADHD who used cannabis had more difficulty concentrating and were more likely to drop out of school than those who did not use cannabis. Another study found that THC exposure during adolescence was associated with worse attention and memory in adulthood in animal models of ADHD.

So, what is the truth about the effects of weed on ADHD? The answer is that we dont know for sure. Some studies have shown benefits, while other studies have shown risks. More research is needed to determine the potential risks and benefits of using cannabis to treat ADHD.

When Does Cannabis Use Become A Substance Use Disorder

About 30% of people who use cannabis will develop a substance use disorder. A substance use disorder occurs when substance use begins to interfere with a persons day-to-day functioning.

Research shows that CBD alone, without THC, is not addictive. So, if you are concerned about developing a substance use disorder, you may want to choose a product with only CBD as opposed to both CBD and THC.

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Best Cannabis Strains For Adhd/add

September 3, 2019

It seems like weve entered the era of ADHD epidemics.

As of 2011, one in ten children between 4 and 17 years of age have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder .

More than 5% of school children in Canada have it. As you can see, its a disorder that needs to be approached seriously.

Conventional drugs for ADHD produce a number of undesirable side effects, which is why more and more patients are turning to an all natural solution marijuana.

However, the issue of marijuana and ADHD is still somewhat controversial. Why is that so?

Can you imagine telling someone you are giving your child marijuana, as a part of the ADHD therapy? It freaks some people outOf course, no one wants our children smoking but there are other ways of consuming medicinal cannabis.

Statistics say that about 50% of ADHD and ADD sufferers use alcohol or drugs to relax. Unfortunately, they usually start using these substances at a very young age.

This is all very expected since the conventional drugs for treating ADHD may cause a number of side effects.

Now, as you probably know, many ADHD patients take marijuana on their own and most of them are very happy with the results.

So, if the patients swear that they find relief in medical cannabis, why is the mainstream medicine turning its back to a possible cure?

Exclusive bonus: that will show you the exact step-by-step process Dr. Dustin Sulak used to successfully treat more than 18,000 patients with cannabis.

How Can You Seek Help For Adhd And Substance Use

Does Medical Marijuana Have Any Benefits for ADHD?

Itâs important to remember that help is always available. If you think youâve developed an unhealthy relationship with your ADHD medications, alcohol, and/or marijuana, you should get help as soon as possible. You can find help online through organizations like American Addiction Centers or Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration .

If you notice any changes in your behavior or symptoms, tell your doctor about them. Theyâll be able to check to see if theyâre normal or if theyâre from mixed ADHD medicine, alcohol, and/or marijuana.

Itâs a good idea to know the signs of an overdose. An alcohol overdose could include:

  • Mental confusion

Show Sources

BMC Psychiatry: âAre there any potentially dangerous pharmacological effects of combining ADHD medication with alcohol and drugs of abuse? A systematic review of the literature.â

EurekAlert: âHalf of adults with ADHD have had a substance use disorder.â

Reuters: âADHD medications not tied to drug, alcohol abuse.â

CHADD: âADHD & Recreational Marijuana: Whatâs the Attraction?â

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment: âAn exploratory study of the combined effects of orally administered methylphenidate and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on cardiovascular function, subjective effects, and performance in healthy adults.â

American Academy of Pediatrics: âThe Emerging Neurobiology of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: The Key Role of the Prefrontal Association Cortex.â

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Tell Us About Cbd As A Treatment For Adhd

There have been very few studies that have looked at the use of CBD for ADHD. In particular, there are limited studies that determine whether this type of treatment promotes any greater positive benefits than either traditional treatment or no treatment at all.

Results pilot randomised control trial of 30 adults with ADHD who used CBD indicated that for those adults who used CBD, there wasnt a significant benefit in their cognitive performance. They did however see a small reduction in hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Unfortunately, in their final results, those improvements werent found to be significant enough to make a conclusion. Also, due to the very small sample size, its very hard to make assertions as to whether CBD offers any benefits for individuals with ADHD. We need more research in this area.

Brain And Body Development

Long-term use of marijuana can lead to complications. These include:

  • altered brain development

, people diagnosed between ages 7 and 9 were significantly more likely than individuals without the disorder to report cannabis use within eight years of the original study interview.

In fact, a 2016 analysis found that people who had been diagnosed with ADHD as youths were to report cannabis use.

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A Child With Adhd May Have An Additional Diagnosis That Qualifies For A Medical

Children diagnosed with ADHD may also be diagnosed with another condition that qualifies a patient for a marijuana card, including autism or PTSD.

Physicians in favor of prescribing cannabis to treat ADHD believe it will soon become a more standard treatment for this condition, and others, in pediatric patients.

Anand Dugar, an anesthesiologist and pain-medicine physician who owns Green Health Docs, in Frederick, Maryland, is one of those hopeful physicians.

Dugar said he has prescribed medical marijuana to as many as 20,000 patients. He said he’s consulted with a number of parents who want to try treating ADHD with cannabis to help their children stay calm, relaxed, and more focused.

“People who were naysayers see that the sky hasn’t fallen,” Berger said. “Of course it means more people are going to try it.”

Steve Smith, the medical director of Essential Nutrition and Wellness, an alternative wellness practice in Illinois, also believes there are situations in which prescribing marijuana is appropriate. He’s also in the camp of those who think medical marijuana is best used to wean patients off stimulants.

Too often, Smith said, conditions related to attention issues are overdiagnosed or misdiagnosed in children. Many of these children are “pliable,” Smith said, able to improve their focus with more natural treatments. In pediatric patients with ADHD, Smith has seen dramatic improvements through behavioral therapy and with better diet and sleep hygiene.

  • Read more:

Medical Cannabis And Adhd

ADHD in Adulthood: The Signs You Need to Know

There are many symptoms related to ADHD, some more serious than others. To name a few there are: hyperactivity, inattentiveness, impulsiveness and sleep issues. Often, such symptoms can lead to serious issues within peopleâs social lives so it is important that we take the right steps to alleviate some of these symptoms.

Traditionally prescribed ADHD medication has been used to subdue some of these symptoms but more and more patients are starting to explore the possible benefits of alternative treatments like medical cannabis.

Studies and findings on medical cannabis have indicated the possibility that both CBD and THC have anxiety-reducing and antidepressant benefits, making it a viable alternative to traditional ADHD medication.

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