Thursday, July 25, 2024

Dsm 5 Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Criteria For Social Communication Disorder Diagnosis

Revised DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Social communication disorder is similar to autism spectrum disorder. The main difference is that children diagnosed with SCD dont have restricted, repetitive and/or sensory behaviour.

If children have at least two restricted, repetitive and/or sensory behaviours, it could point to a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. If not, it could point to a diagnosis of SCD.

Specify Current Severity: Severity Is Based On Social Communication Impairments And Restricted Repetitive Patterns Of Behavior

B. Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities, as manifested by at least two of the following, currently or by history :

  • Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or speech .
  • Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns or verbal nonverbal behavior .
  • Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus .
  • Hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input or unusual interests in sensory aspects of the environment .
  • C. Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period .

    D. Symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning.

    E. These disturbances are not better explained by intellectual disability or global developmental delay. Intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder frequently co-occur to make comorbid diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability, social communication should be below that expected for general developmental level.

    NOTE: Individuals with a well-established DSM-IV diagnosis of autistic disorder, Aspergers disorder, or pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified should be given the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Individuals who have marked deficits in social communication, but whose symptoms do not otherwise meet criteria for autism spectrum disorder, should be evaluated for social communication disorder.

    Assessment Investigations And Diagnosis

    In Johns case, even his 6-year-old sister has noticed he shows impairment in social and emotional reciprocity, with a lack of smiling and absence of joint attention. The absence of index finger pointing shows impairment in nonverbal communication. Hence, John meets the 3 subcriteria in domain 1 for impairment in social interaction and communication listed in the DSM-V .3

    John is also exhibiting stereotyped behaviour and hypersensitivity to sensory input , so he meets 2 of the 4 subcriteria in domain 2 for abnormal restrictive and repetitive behaviour, activities, and interests.3 Because these impairments are also presenting in early childhood and affecting and hindering his everyday activities, clinically John has a suspected provisional diagnosis of ASD using the DSM-V classification. A hearing test and a blood test for complete blood count and ferritin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and thyroxine levels will be useful to rule out other causes of developmental delay, and the M-CHAT screening questionnaire5 should be offered with a scheduled follow-up visit.

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    Development Of Aiims Modified Indt Asd Tool For Asd

    A team of Paediatric neurologists, clinical psychologists and psychiatrist reviewed clinical criteria for ASD as presented in DSM-5, ICD-10, DSM-IV TR, CARS and INDT-ASD tool. Subsequently, questions from INDT-ASD tool were selected and rearranged into seven items . Additional questions for sensory symptoms were pooled and reviewed by a team of experts using modified Delphi Technique. These pooled questions were rank-ordered and further reduced using endorsement rate approach. In this process, 5 questions from INDT-ASD tool were dropped and 4 new questions were added. Key differences in diagnostic criteria for autistic disorder and ASD using DSM-IV and DSM-5 based tools are illustrated in Table 1. The AIIMS modified INDT-ASD tool has been illustrated as supporting information .

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    Key Changes In The Dsm

    Increases in the Prevalence of Autism Disorder: Exploring Biological ...

    The change in DSM-5 that received the most media attention is the removal of the DSM-IV clinical subtypes. Less publicized were the content changes and the new symptom structure in DSM-5. Over the past two decades, an increase in access to large and diverse samples has given researchers the ability to determine that, in many cases, ASD symptoms are best represented in a two-domain model of social-communication deficits and restricted and repetitive interests/behaviors , rather than by the DSM-IV triad of symptoms that models communication deficits separate from social impairments. In addition, although the criteria for DSM-IV Autistic Disorder required a delay in or complete lack of development in expressive language, this requirement has been eliminated in DSM-5 because research has shown that this characteristic is neither specific nor universal to individuals with ASD.

    Changes within symptom domains have also been warranted. DSM-5 includes unusual sensory responses in the RRB domain to reflect research showing that these behaviors are prevalent in ASD and are useful in distinguishing ASD from other disorders. One feature of unusual communication, stereotyped language, has been reassigned to the RRB domain to reflect results from factor analytic studies. Other DSM-IV symptoms have been retained in DSM-5, but their definition has been revised in order to increase specificity.

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    The Purpose Of This Revision In The Dsm

    A general overview of diagnostic criteria, per the DSM-5, is persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts . This can include problems with:

      • Social-emotional reciprocity
      Developing, maintaining, and understanding social relationships.

    Autism spectrum disorder also requires:

      • Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities such as stereotyped or repetitive motor movements
      • Ritualized patterns or inflexible adherence to routines
      • Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus
      and/or hyper- or hypo reactivity to sensory input .

    Other criteria also include that symptoms:

      • Must be present in the individuals early developmental period
      • Must cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning
      Are not better explained by intellectual disability or global developmental delay .

    Severity specifiers are given for social communication impairments and restricted repetitive patterns of behavior . Severity for both criterion A and B are listed at three different levels:

      • Level 1 requiring support
      • Level 2 requiring substantial support
      Level 3 requiring very substantial support.

    Dsm 5 Criteria For Diagnosing Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

    It is difficult to diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder due to the absence of tests like MRI scans or blood tests. Therefore, the question of how exactly autism is diagnosed is still prevalent among laymen. Not many are aware of the criteria given under the DSM 5, which stands for Diagnostic And Statistical Manual 5 of mental disorders. Continue reading to learn about the diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder under this criteria.

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    Difficulties In Social Communication

    Children must have difficulties with social communication in order to be diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. The following are signs that youre having trouble in this area:

    • Rarely using language in order to communicate with other people.
    • Not speaking at all.
    • Rarely responding when spoken to.
    • Not sharing interests and achievements with parents.
    • Inability to comprehend gestures such as waving or pointing.
    • Using limited facial expressions to communicate.
    • Inability to have shared interests with friends or facing difficulty in making friends.
    • Rarely engaging in imaginative play.

    Functional Consequences Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Autism Spectrum Disorder and DSM-5 with Martin Lubetsky, MD | UPMC Video Rounds

    In young children with autism spectrum disorder, lack of social and communication abilities may hamper learning, especially learning through social interaction or in settings with peers. In the home, insistence on routines and aversion to change, as well as sensory sensitivities, may interfere with eating and sleeping and make routine care extremely difficult. Adaptive skills are typically below measured IQ. Extreme difficulties in planning, organization, and coping with change negatively impact academic achievement, even for students with above-average intelligence. During adulthood, these individuals may have difficulties establishing independence because of continued rigidity and difficulty with novelty. Many individuals with autism spectrum disorder, even without intellectual disability, have poor adult psychosocial functioning as indexed by measures such as independent living and gainful employment. Functional consequences in old age are unknown, but social isolation and communication problems are likely to have consequences for health in older adulthood. DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA 10

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    The Impact Of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Social Understanding

    A few months shy but never too late to spread the awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder . By detention, Autism is regarded as a disorder that affects how one perceives and socializes due to your brain development. This can often lead to having difficulty with social interaction and communication. The condition also displays restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior. In autism spectrum disorder, the term spectrum alludes to the vast range of symptoms and severity. This could mean that the range of development could relate to great intellectual abilities and talents or the exact opposite. Throughout the article we will touch base with this disorder along with the stereotypes, misconceptions and truths about the disorder as a whole.

    Summing Up On How To Cite A Dsm

    The DSM-5 refers to a handbook used by clinicians and psychiatrists in the United States. Basically, the manual contains information regarding all mental-related health disorders for adults and children. When looking for descriptions, symptoms, and other details required for diagnosing psychological health conditions, writers use this manual. Then, other important details may include statistics about the gender differences concerning the psychiatric conditions, the age of onset, effects of management, and conventional treatment approaches. In this case, the APA 6th and 7th editions have specific guidelines that one should follow. Hence, some of the essential tips include:

    1. Bibliographic entries in the 6th and 7th edition should appear as:

    • Publishing Organization. . Title of the DSM-5 . DOI or Link

    2. Bibliographic entries that contain a chapters title should appear as:

    • The Publishing Organization. . Title of the chapter cited. In Title of the DSM-5 . DOI or Link

    3. Parenthetical in-text citations in the APA 6th edition should appear as:

    4. Parenthetical in-text citations in the APA 7th edition should appear as:

    5. The main difference between APA 6th and 7th editions is the use of initials and versions in the in-text citation.

    6. Students may use the acronym DSM-5 inside the text. In this case, APA formatting rules require one to write the full transcription of the acronym followed by its short form in the bracket.

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    Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Fifth Edition

    Although not the most commonly used manual in the UK, DSM-5 is likely to have a significant influence on the next edition of the ICD. This manual has recently been updated and is also used by diagnosticians.

    The diagnostic criteria are clearer and simpler than in the previous version of the DSM, and sensory behaviours are now included. This is useful as many autistic people have sensory differences which affect them on a day-to-day basis. It now includes ‘specifiers’ to indicate support needs and other factors that impact on the diagnosis.

    Management Plan For Asd


    You see John for follow-up, and results of both his hearing test and blood test are normal. His M-CHAT screening result is positive , so he has a provisional diagnosis of ASD. His treatment plan includes the following.

    Referral to a developmental pediatrician, child psychiatrist, or psychologist with experience in ASD to confirm the diagnosis of ASD and to determine the level of severity: Arrange a referral to a developmental pediatrician. Advise Mrs Smith to contact the local chapter of the Autism Society for peer group support and resources. Additional support groups for ASD include Autism Speaks .

    An open discussion with Johns parents about their concerns and feelings after receiving the diagnosis: Review the prevalence of ASD and its multifactorial causes, both genetic and nongenetic, with the Smiths. Order genetic bloodwork, including DNA microarray and testing for the FMR1 gene. Screen for and address other comorbidities including sleep disturbance and gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, gastroesophageal reflux, and celiac disease.

    Help for Mrs Smith to start the process of referrals: Direct Mrs Smith to a social worker and applications for government funding to access speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, behavioural modification, and respite care.

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    Design Setting And Participants

    Cross-sectional, population-based ASD surveillance based on clinician review of coded behaviors documented in childrens medical and educational evaluations from 14 geographically defined areas in the United States participating in the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network in 2006 and 2008. This study included 8-year-old children living in ADDM Network study areas in 2006 or 2008, including 644 883 children under surveillance, of whom 6577 met surveillance ASD case status based on the DSM-IV-TR.

    Improved Methods For Subtyping

    The emphasis on specificity in the DSM-5 improves researchers ability to identify samples of interest. In addition, DSM-5 introduces a dimensional approach that allows researchers to capture variability within samples in two important ways. First, although DSM-5 requires that symptoms from both the RRB and social-communication domains are present, it allows individual variation in the quality and quantity of specific RRBs and social-communication deficits. Second, DSM-5 formally recognizes many features that are not specific to ASD by which researchers can qualify ASD diagnoses.

    Some individuals with ASD have unique patterns of social-communication deficits and RRBs, suggesting a possible avenue by which ASD subgroups might be defined. For example, results from a longitudinal study suggested that RRB quantity at 2 years of age is inversely related to language skills at 9 years. With respect to the quality of symptoms, there is some evidence to suggest that insistence on sameness behaviors are distinct from other core ASD features and from symptoms of anxiety. Insistence on sameness behaviors also seem to be independent of autism symptom severity, age, and intelligence quotient , suggesting that it may be a useful qualitative characteristic by which to identify ASD subtypes.

    Figure 1

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    Risks And Benefits Of Adult Diagnosis

    Many adults who meet diagnostic criteria for ASD do not carry formal medical diagnoses of ASD, either because they have never come to medical attention or because they have been misdiagnosed with a differential condition . When deciding whether to refer an adult patient for a diagnostic evaluation for ASD, one should consider potential risks and benefits of a diagnosis, and should discuss these possibilities with the patient and, if applicable, their supporters.

    Potential benefits of a formal diagnosis are as follows.

    • Would confer legal rights to accommodations in school, at work, in healthcare, or in other settings.
    • May assist the individual in developing a better understanding of self.
    • May provide peace of mind through the professional confirmation of life experiences.
    • May provide means to experience better coping or quality of life by more directly helping in recognizing strengths and accommodating challenges.
    • May provide others means to understand and support the individual.
    • May qualify the individual for benefits and services for people who have an ASD diagnosis.
    • May qualify the individual for programs for people with disabilities, such as scholarships or incentives that are meant to increase workplace diversity.

    Potential risks associated with seeking an ASD diagnosis are as follows.

    Severity Levels In The Dsm 5 S New Autism Spectrum Disorder Requiring

    Autism Spectrum Disorder Moderate Severe Example, DSM-5-TR Symptoms Case

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    Research To Drive The Future Of Autism

    Nevertheless, no matter how controversial these changes are, they were based on sound research, analysis and expert opinion. The aim of the changes to the DSM 5 for Autism Spectrum Disorder, were made in the hope that diagnosing Autistic disorders would be more reliable, more specific and hold more validity by standing the test of time.

    There is apprehension as to how the changes will impact people who will no longer meet the stricter criteria for diagnosis, especially people at the higher end of the spectrum. Will they still be eligible for the support that they have had within education? This is concerning especially as it is likely that they also have additional learning difficulties.

    Obviously, these changes will have an impact not just on the people who are diagnosed with Autism, but also their families.

    Since the publication of the Autism Spectrum Disorder DSM 5, scientists have found that there is distinct brain connectivity difference between children with Autism in comparison with children who have other forms of Autism. A specific example is where that children with Aspergers do not have a speech delay but children with other forms of Autism do.

    Get To Know The Positive Side Of Adhd

    Educate yourself on the positive traits that people with ADHD have. As a child, these traits may seem like a detriment. With maturity, the deficits become attributes.

    Heres a small list:

    • Inability to focus turns into creativity and flexibility
    • Hyperactive turns into high energy
    • Hypersensitivity turns into sensitivity to others and attention to detail
    • Impulsivity becomes fearlessness and ingenuity

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    Specifiers For Autism Spectrum Disorder

    DSM-5 has introduced specifiers to help the clinician to describe associated or additional conditions, eg intellectual impairment, language impairment, genetic conditions, behavioural disorder, catatonia.

    One of the specifiers relates to the severity of social communication impairments and restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour. There are three levels: requiring support, requiring substantial support, requiring very substantial support. This can allow the clinician to give an indication of how much someones condition affects them and how much support an individual needs.

    However, people who receive a diagnosis are not automatically eligible for support. DSM-5 explains that severity levels may vary by context and also fluctuate over time, that the descriptive severity categories should not be used to determine eligibility for and provision of services, and that ‘these can only be developed at an individual level and through discussion of personal priorities and targets’.

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