Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Is The Main Cause Of Autism

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Common Signs And Symptoms Of Autism

What is The Main Causes of Autism? | Causes of Autism Spectrum Disorder | Vaccines and Autism

Symptoms of autism can show up at different times among children. Some might show signs of autism during the early days of infancy while others donât show symptoms until they are a couple of months old. By age 2, most autistic children will show some signs of their disorder.

  • Preferring to be left alone
  • Dislikes physical contact
  • Not responding to their name
  • Lack of social responsiveness
  • Not speaking by 16 months
  • Exhibits flat or inappropriate facial expressions

Causes For Autism What Are The Latest Findings

Causes for Autism are often elusive and still require much investigation. Autism Spectrum Disorder has been affecting the lives of 1 in every 68 children in the United States. In the UK, 700,000 people are known to be on the autism spectrum. If you include their families thats 2.8 million people affected by the disorder.

This type of neuro-developmental disorder causes people to have difficulties with communication and social interaction. People who are diagnosed with ASD typically shows a repetitive, restricted, and stereotyped patterns of behaviour and actions.

Regardless of economic status, race and culture, this is an alarming issue as the number of cases is on the rise. Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that autism happens more in boys than girls, with a ratio of 4:1.

Families around the world and many in the scientific community continue to search for the causes for autism, to try to figure out if it is preventable and work out the best treatments.

Can Autism Go Away

Summary: Research in the past several years has shown that children can outgrow a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder , once considered a lifelong condition. In a new study, researchers have found that the vast majority of such children still have difficulties that require therapeutic and educational support.

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What Doesnt Cause Autism

Bad parenting

There was a bleak period in history from the 1950s to 1970s when autism was believed to be a psychological disorder, and blamed on cold, uncaring parents, usually the mothers.

Fortunately, the myth of the ârefrigerator motherâ has been debunked by science, and autism is now recognised as a disorder of brain development with genetic links. Nothing you said or did as a parent caused your child to develop autism, so please donât listen to anyone who suggests otherwise.


Scores of scientific studies have effectively ruled out vaccines as a cause of autism. Concerns originally arose around two issues of Mercury and the MMR Vaccine

In 2014, a meta-analysis, combining the result of 10 studies and over 1.2 million children, found no link between vaccines and autism. The World Health Organization, the European Medicines Agency, the American Academy of Pediatrics and other leading international health groups have also concluded thereâs no link. Unfortunately, the belief persists among anti-vaccination campaigners, who are very vocal on the Internet. If you remain concerned about vaccines, arrange a time to talk your paediatrician or GP. Remember, Vaccines Save Lives!

Do Symptoms Of Autism Change Over Time

How Do You Get Autism? An Insight into the Caused of Autism

For many children, symptoms improve with age and behavioral treatment. During adolescence, some children with ASD may become depressed or experience behavioral problems, and their treatment may need some modification as they transition to adulthood. People with ASD usually continue to need services and supports as they get older, but depending on severity of the disorder, people with ASD may be able to work successfully and live independently or within a supportive environment.

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How Is Autism Treated

There is no cure for ASD. Therapies and behavioral interventions are designed to remedy specific symptoms and can substantially improve those symptoms. The ideal treatment plan coordinates therapies and interventions that meet the specific needs of the individual. Most health care professionals agree that the earlier the intervention, the better.

Educational/behavioral interventions: Early behavioral/educational interventions have been very successful in many children with ASD. In these interventions therapists use highly structured and intensive skill-oriented training sessions to help children develop social and language skills, such as applied behavioral analysis, which encourages positive behaviors and discourages negative ones. In addition, family counseling for the parents and siblings of children with ASD often helps families cope with the particular challenges of living with a child with ASD.

The Exact Cause Of Autism Is Still Unclear But We Do Know That The Mmr Vaccine Is Not One

As of now, researchers have not pinpointed a direct cause of autism. Throughout the years, a number of theories over the cause of autism have popped up. Some people believe that vaccines cause autism while others think that consuming gluten can worsen symptoms.

While the two aforementioned theories have been proved unlikely, scientists have found a strong genetic link to the disorder. For instance, researchers studying twins found that if one twin had autism, there was a high chance that the other twin also had autism. Other factors, like being born prematurely or having an older father, can also increase oneâs risk of developing autism.

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Main Causes For Autism

Autism spectrum disorder has no exact cause and still remains a topic of scientific research until this day. Studies suggest that the disorder is affected by a mix of genetic, non-genetic, and environmental factors.

This influences the level of severity and complexity of the disorder. The degree of impairment impacts the childs ability to function normally such as showing learning difficulties and lower intelligence among peer and age group.

Listed below are some of the most common causes for autism:

1. Genetics As One Of The Causes For Autism

Changes in genes are present in the persons involved in Autism Spectrum Disorder. They may be associated with a condition like fragile X syndrome or Rett syndrome. These genes can either be inherited or may just happen spontaneously through the childs developmental stage in the embryo.

These genetic mutations may be one of the causes for autism spectrum disorder among children. It disrupts brain cells and impairs communication and affects brain development, causing delayed learning and other severe signs.

2. Environmental Factors As One Of The Causes For Autism

The risk of autism in people can be also influenced by environmental factors such as pregnancy and birth complications. Children that are born in extreme prematurity , involved in multiple pregnancies, low birth weight or less than a year pregnancy space are likely to have autism.

Check out this video from Boston Childrens Hospital on the Causes For Autism

What Are The Main Symptoms Of Autism

What Causes Autism?
  • Facial expressions or the abnormal body postion or alteration of the body.
  • It has a normal tone to the voice.
  • An avoidance of eye contact caused by a poor eye touch.
  • There is a tendency to be disruptive by nature.
  • There are many differences between native and English speakers when it comes to language deficits.
  • The difficulty learning to speak is caused by delays.
  • Speech that is flat or monotony.
  • A form of inappropriate social interaction.
  • Recommended Reading: Life Expectancy Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Autism Myths And Causes

    It frustrates me when it’s assumed that Emilia must be a mathematician or something. She’s bright but in a very unique way. She struggles to understand the world but sees and senses things that others don’t

    Paul, Emilia’s Dad

    Awareness of autism is growing, but there is still a lot of confusion around what autism is, what causes it and how it affects people in very different ways.

    Brain Development And Autism

    The brain develops differently in autistic children compared with typically developing children.

    In young children, the brain is developing all the time. Every time a child does something or responds to something, connections in the brain are reinforced and become stronger.

    Over time, the connections that arent reinforced disappear theyre pruned away as theyre not needed. This pruning is how the brain makes room for important connections those needed for everyday actions and responses, like walking, talking or understanding emotions.

    In autistic children, the brain tends to grow faster than average during early childhood, especially during the first three years of life. The brains of autistic babies appear to have more cells than they need, as well as poor connections between the cells.

    Also, pruning doesnt seem to happen as much in autistic children. This means that information might be lost or sent through the wrong connections. The lack of pruning might also explain why the brain seems to be growing faster in autistic children than in typically developing children.

    Its not yet clear what causes this difference in brain development.

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    How Many Genes Cause Autism

    To date, scientists have identified 30 genes involved in the risk of developing autism. Most of these genes are responsible for brain growth.

    Some of these genes are ARID1B, ASH1L, CHD2, CHD8, DYRK1A, POGZ, SHANK3, and SYNGAP1. The SYNGAP1 gene, for example, is vital for nerve cells and its communication with the brain. It is responsible for the brains wiring.

    However, after decades of scientific research, scientists are not able to identify one genetic trait that is common in every person with autism.

    Causes And Risk Factors For Autism

    Vaccines DO NOT Cause Autism. Period!

    Is autism genetic? Studies have shown that a child can be genetically predisposed for autism. This means that the genes inherited from the childs parents make him/her likely to develop autism. However, it is a misconception that autism is caused by genes alone. In most cases, the genetic factor needs to be triggered by an environmental factor to develop autism spectrum disorder.

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    Autism Treatment Center Of America

    Please make sure you understand the following pre-requisites for this course before registering.

    Pre-requisites for this course are:

    • For parents or care-givers who have attended The Start-Up course or who have done The Son-Rise Program Online course.
    • For families who have already started running a Son-Rise Program for their children.
    • Former Son-Rise Program Child Facilitator

    Personal Statement

    “I came to the Autism Treatment Center of America in October of 2008 where I took the position as the Intensive Coordinator. Before coming to the Autism Treatment Center of America, I worked with special children for 13 years, and upon my arrival fell in-love with the Son-Rise Program®. The modality of Bonding through acceptance opened my eyes to a world of love and acceptance for my own son, who has ADHD, and inspired me to want to live a happier, more loving life. I soon set the intention of doing the Son-Rise Program® Child Facilitator Training so I could share my love with children on a much deeper level. I spent six months observing and learning the Son-Rise Program, and in April of 2009 was accepted into the Son-Rise Program® Child Facilitator Training Program and in July of 2010, I became a Son-Rise Program® Child Facilitator staff member and cherished my time in the playroom as a facilitator.

    Fun Facts:

    Genetic Causes And Modifiers Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

    • Department of Physiology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States

    Autism Spectrum Disorder is one of the most prevalent neurodevelopmental disorders, affecting an estimated 1 in 59 children. ASD is highly genetically heterogeneous and may be caused by both inheritable and de novo gene variations. In the past decade, hundreds of genes have been identified that contribute to the serious deficits in communication, social cognition, and behavior that patients often experience. However, these only account for 1020% of ASD cases, and patients with similar pathogenic variants may be diagnosed on very different levels of the spectrum. In this review, we will describe the genetic landscape of ASD and discuss how genetic modifiers such as copy number variation, single nucleotide polymorphisms, and epigenetic alterations likely play a key role in modulating the phenotypic spectrum of ASD patients. We also consider how genetic modifiers can alter convergent signaling pathways and lead to impaired neural circuitry formation. Lastly, we review sex-linked modifiers and clinical implications. Further understanding of these mechanisms is crucial for both comprehending ASD and for developing novel therapies.

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    Autistic People May Act In A Different Way To Other People

    Autistic people may:

    • find it hard to communicate and interact with other people
    • find it hard to understand how other people think or feel
    • find things like bright lights or loud noises overwhelming, stressful or uncomfortable
    • get anxious or upset about unfamiliar situations and social events
    • take longer to understand information
    • do or think the same things over and over

    If you think you or your child may be autistic, get advice about the signs of autism.

    Research On The Causes Of Autism

    Autism – Causes, Symptoms, Treatments & More

    Scientists, researchers, and institutions are all working towards understanding the causes and effects of autism. This is proven by the addition of scholarly articles on the causes of autism published in the past few years.

    In 2017, a study funded by Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the National Institute of Mental Health , concluded that Functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging can detect which high-risk, six-month-old infants will develop autism spectrum disorder when they reach two years old.

    If future studies confirm these results, detecting brain differences may enable physicians to diagnose and treat autism earlier than they do today, says NICHD Director Diana Bianchi, M.D.

    As more studies and discoveries are made, every parent hopes to understand autism better to provide the best possible care.

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    Epigenetics And The Environment

    Autism susceptibility is currently estimated to be 4080% genetic. Environmental factors likely acting through epigenetic regulation as the major mechanism presumably compromise the remainder of the risk. Hundreds of potential environmental factors have been suggested to contribute to risk, such as increased parental age , maternal complications or infections during pregnancy, or prenatal exposure to anticonvulsants . In-depth reviews of these findings can be found elsewhere . In this review, we will only discuss the epigenetic modifying effects of valproic acid an anticonvulsant as one example of the widespread modifications that an environmental factor can induce. Valproic acid has been hypothesized to modify gene expression through histone deacetylase inhibition activity and is sometimes used to induce an autistic phenotype in animal models . Examples of its far-reaching effects include apoptotic cell death in the neocortex, decreased proliferation in the ganglionic eminence, increased homeobox A1 expression, abnormal serotonergic differentiation via Achaete-Scute family BHLH transcription factor 1 silencing, disrupted serotonin homeostasis in the amygdala, dendritic spine loss, reduced prefrontal dopaminergic activity, and disruption of the glutamatergic/GABAergic balance .

    When Should You Call A Doctor For Autism In Infants And Toddlers

    If an infant or toddler exhibits any unusual behaviors for a day or two after behaving completely normally, it probably means that he or she is coming down with a minor illness, doesn’t feel well, or is tired or under some other form of stress. However, if the child has always had any of these characteristics, or the characteristic continues over a period of time, a visit to the pediatrician or other health care provider is warranted. The average age for the diagnosis of autism is 4 to 6 years, although most parents suspected something was wrong by 18 months and voiced their concerns by age 2 years.

    Some examples of behaviors that warrant seeking medical care include:

    • seems distant or oblivious to surroundings
    • doesn’t play or interact well with others
    • is uncommunicative
    • insists on sameness and routine
    • engages in repetitive or compulsive actions.

    Based on an understanding of potential early autism symptoms, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and experts recommend that babies or children be evaluated for autism who have not met the following developmental milestones:

    • Not babbled or cooed by age 1 year
    • Not gestured, pointed, or waved as an infant, by age 1 year
    • Not spoken a single word by age 16 months
    • Not spoken a 2-word phrase by age 2 years
    • Experiences any loss of language or social skills at any age

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    Our Commitment To Privacy

    The Autism Treatment Center of America® are committed to your privacy. This notice serves to help you better understand what information we collect, how we use that information, and with whom we may share a limited portion of that information. If you have questions or concerns regarding this policy, you should contact Customer Support by email .

    We know that you value your personal information, and we strive to protect your privacy as if it were our own. The Autism Treatment Center of America uses of your information is limited to the ways outlined in this notice, except as required by law and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on us.

    What Are The Types Of Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Autism Trust Foundation

    These types were once thought to be separate conditions. Now, they fall under the range of autism spectrum disorders including:

    • Asperger’s syndrome. These children don’t have a problem with language in fact, they tend to score in the average or above-average range on intelligence tests. But they have social problems and a narrow scope of interests.
    • Autistic disorder. This is what most people think of when they hear the word “autism.” It refers to problems with social interactions, communication, and play in children younger than 3 years.
    • Childhood disintegrative disorder. These children have typical development for at least 2 years and then lose some or most of their communication and social skills.
    • Pervasive developmental disorder . Your doctor might use this term if your child has some autistic behavior, like delays in social and communications skills, but doesnât fit into another category.

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