Friday, July 26, 2024

How Many Different Kinds Of Autism

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Treatment And Development Strategies For The Types Of Autism

Ask Dr. Doreen: How Many Types of Autism are There?

Children with less extreme forms of autism, such as Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder, can benefit from social skills classes as well as taking part in behavioral modification to help with possible obsessive tendencies. In some cases, an altered diet free of preservatives, gluten, artificial sugars, and food coloring can be beneficial. Since many children with Level 1 ASD are advanced learners, looking into differentiated curriculum to challenge and hold their attention can provide numerous benefits.

Similarly, children diagnosed with PDD-NOS can greatly benefit from strategic changes in nutrition combined with occupational therapy and classes in life-skills development.

Girls with Rett Syndrome often need lifelong care because other symptoms may appear or grow more severe as the child ages. Difficulty breathing, cognitive disabilities, grinding teeth, seizures, and growth delays may all need ongoing treatment options. Physical therapy can help increase mobility and straighten limbs, while occupational therapy may help reduce involuntary movements and promote self care. Finally, speech therapy, diet modification, and certain medications can help control seizures.

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder requires early intervention on the part of doctors and parents via specialized and focused nutrition and speech and occupational therapy. Behavior modification helps children cope with this type of autism.

The Different Types Of Autism And How To Recognize Each On The Spectrum

When people hear the word autism they often have an idea of an individual in their head. Although those preconceived notions may be true for some people with Autism, not all people fall under that classic Autistic category.Autism often presents itself first and foremost during the pivotal developmental years of a young child, from ages 0-6. During these ages, the child may miss certain milestones that he or she should be hitting for their age, causing concern among their parents and family members.

Symptoms and signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder will vary from person to person, as no two cases are the same. Did you know that there are three different types of Autism Spectrum Disorders ? Read below to learn more about each type of Autism and how you can identify it.

Is Rett Syndrome Autism

Rett syndrome or Rett disorder has also been called autism-dementia-ataxia-loss of purposeful hand use syndrome.

But its not included on the autism spectrum. Its a brain disorder caused by genetic mutations.

Classic Rett syndrome usually affects girls who display typical development for the first few months. Then, symptoms start to appear, involving issues with:

  • language and communication

If you think your child might have symptoms of autism, speak with their pediatrician or a primary care physician. They can refer you to the appropriate specialist, such as a:

You can also request an evaluation from your states public early childhood assistance center. Its free, and you dont need a doctors referral or diagnosis. Your local public school district can also provide assistance.

Theres no one medical test to diagnose autism spectrum disorder. A doctor can make the diagnosis with a comprehensive behavior evaluation and developmental screening.

Some people on the spectrum need minimal support services. Others require a lot. Either way, early intervention is associated with long-term positive effects.

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What Are The Three Types Of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Just like there is more than one type of anxiety disorder, diabetes, or developmental disorder, there is more than one type of autism. In anxiety, for example, there are five completely separate types, each with their own symptoms, some unique to the other types and some types sharing similar symptoms on a spectrum. Autism Spectrum Disorder is considered the broad term for autism, but there are actually three separate sub-types that fit within the ASD category.

When you think about a spectrum, think of seeing different shades of blue all together in one band. All of the shades are technically blue, but they range from lightest to darkest. You can also think of a rating scale with two extremes or opposite points. The term autism spectrum disorder should be viewed similarly there is a spectrum of symptoms that someone with autism can exhibit, ranging from mild to severe.

You may be one of the millions of people around the world affected by autism. Or you might know someone personally affected by the disorder or have realized its impact on people and the world. Either way, it is encouraged that you educate yourself on what autism is and what the three types of autism spectrum disorders are. In doing so, you will have a better understanding about the disorder, which can help you to interact and communicate more effectively with individuals who are on the spectrum and to put yourself in their shoes.

The three types of ASD that will be discussed are:

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5 Types of Autism Spectrum Disorders

The spectrum illustrates a broad range of developmental delays and symptom severity.

ASD includes people who have a few mild autistic traits to those who need help with day-to-day functioning. It represents every intelligence level, as well as varying degrees of communication and social abilities.

The differences between one type and another type can be subtle and difficult to determine.

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Why The Types Of Autism Shifted To One Diagnosis

The current diagnosis autism spectrum disorder debuted in the latest edition of the DSM , published in 2013. Prior to that, they were categorized as five different types of autism: autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified , Asperger syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder and Rett Syndrome .

But research found that these categories were not reliably diagnosed, according to Thomas W. Frazier, a doctor of clinical psychology and Autism Speaks chief science officer. The diagnosis would shift over time and was partly dependent on the provider who made the diagnosis, he says.

Therefore, experts landed on a single diagnosis, which allows for a more nuanced understanding of the disorder. While people on the autism spectrum share common characteristics related to social communication, repetitive, restricted behaviors, sensory issues, etc., there is great diversity within the autism spectrum, says Stephen Shore, a doctor of education and clinical assistant professor at Adelphi Universitys College of Education and Health Sciences in New York. When youve met one person on the autism spectrum, youve met one person on the autism spectrum.

What Are The Different Types Of Autism The Many Autism Types Explained

What are the different types of autism? No really, what are the different types of autism? This isnt a rhetorical question because after spending this week searching for a definitive answer as to what the different types of autism are, I have come away with the suspicious feeling that, if were honest, no one knows for sure.

Nevertheless, depending on your location in the world and what diagnosis criteria you are using, knowing the different types of autism is a must for finding the correct support. This is why, today, I have done my best to pull together a full list of the different types of autism, as well as where and why a condition finds itself on this ever-changing spectrum.

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Other Terminology You May Have Heard For Types Of Autism

Terms like mild or high functioning arent official diagnoses. Some people find these terms useful, but many in the autistic community havent found them to be helpful or accurate, largely due to the range of abilities that can be present in an autistic person.

You may also have heard about three levels of autism, with level 1 being the mildest and level 3 the most severe.

What Are The Levels Of Autism

Autism & Pediatric Diseases : Different Types of Autism

Along with diagnosing a child with autism spectrum disorder , doctors now assign a functional level 1, 2 or 3 that correlates to a particular type and amount of support.

This way of categorization avoids placing people into proverbial boxes in favor of describing the type and amount of support needed across the two major characteristic areas: social communication and restricted, repetitive behaviors, explains Shore.

Heres what each level means, according to the DSM-5:

Level 1: Requires support

People in this category require support for social communication, as they might have difficulty initiating interactions or responding to social overtures. They may exhibit decreased interest in social interaction, inflexibility of behavior, difficulty switching between activities or problems with organization and planning that hamper independence.

Level 2: Requiring substantial support

People given this diagnosis have trouble with verbal and nonverbal social communication and might struggle even with supports in place. Their initiation of social interactions is limited and they have reduced or abnormal responses to social overtures from others. They might have distress and/or difficulty changing focus or action.

Level 3: Requiring very substantial support

Don’t Miss: Different Levels Of Autism

An Insight Into The Various Types Of Autism

Let us now get a deeper insight into each of the following forms of Autism.

Fig 3:

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the various types of autism spectrum disorders present a significant overlap with one another. The following 3 characteristics are carefully evaluated to arrive at the right conclusion:

  • Social skills within families coping with Autism and externally
  • Autism Communication Skills

For example, it is extremely hard to discriminate between mild PDD and moderate Aspergers symptoms as a patient may demonstrate both characteristics in the autism spectrum quotient.

Getting An Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis

The road to an ASD diagnosis can be difficult and time-consuming. In fact, it is often two to three years after the first symptoms of ASD are noticed before an official diagnosis is made. This is due in large part to concerns about labeling or incorrectly diagnosing the child. However, an ASD diagnosis can also be delayed if the doctor doesnt take a parents concerns seriously or if the family isnt referred to health care professionals who specialize in developmental disorders.

If youre worried that your child has ASD, its important to seek out a clinical diagnosis. But dont wait for that diagnosis to get your child into treatment. Early intervention during the preschool years will improve your childs chances for overcoming their developmental delays. So look into treatment options and try not to worry if youre still waiting on a definitive diagnosis. Putting a potential label on your kids problem is far less important than treating the symptoms.

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What Are The 5 Types Of Autism

Autism refers to a wide range of neurodevelopmental disorders. If your child is living with autism, it is important for you to understand the various types of autism and the symptoms presented by each.

Understanding the unique challenges presented by each type of autism will guide you in helping your child cope with the disorder. There are five major types of autism which include Aspergers syndrome, Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, Kanners syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified.

Heres What You Should Know About The Different Types Of Autism


We often talk about autism existing on a spectrum, and thats because there are different types of autism, all of which manifest through various degrees of signs, symptoms, behaviors, and long-term outcomes. And, just as important as raising general awareness about autism is, raising awareness about the multiple ways it can appear in children and adults is critical in understanding how to offer the right support.

In its broadest definition, autism is a developmental disorder that impacts an individuals ability to communicate and socialize. Common signs of the disorder included delayed speech or lack of speech, difficulties making eye contact or sustaining social interaction, and preoccupations with certain activities or sensory stimuli. But within this larger definition are five distinct types of autism that together make up the spectrum of the illness. Heres what to know about them.

The 5 Primary Forms of Autism

There are five common forms of autism to be aware of:

  • Aspergers Syndrome A type of autism that overlaps in many ways with disorders like attention deficit disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder , including displays of obsessive interest in certain subjects or activities and difficulties responding to and reading social cues. Children and adults with Aspergers Syndrome may appear quite shy or reserved, and they may have high sensory sensitivity. In many cases, they are quite intelligent as well.
  • Rare Types of Autism

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    Level : Requires Support

    Level 1 ASD is the mildest, or the most “high-functioning,” form of autism. Children with level 1 ASD have a hard time communicating appropriately with others. For example, they may not say the right thing at the right time or be able to read social cues and body language.

    A person with ASD level 1 usually is able to speak in full sentences and communicate, but has trouble engaging in back-and-forth conversation with others. They may try to make friends, but not be very successful.

    They may also have trouble moving from one activity to another or trying new things. Additionally, they may have problems with organization and planning, which may prevent them from being as independent as other people their age.

    Signs And Symptoms Of Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. Some people with ASD have a known difference, such as a genetic condition. Other causes are not yet known. Scientists believe there are multiple causes of ASD that act together to change the most common ways people develop. We still have much to learn about these causes and how they impact people with ASD.

    There is often nothing about how people with ASD look that sets them apart from other people. They may behave, communicate, interact, and learn in ways that are different from most other people. The abilities of people with ASD can vary significantly. For example, some people with ASD may have advanced conversation skills whereas others may be nonverbal. Some people with ASD need a lot of help in their daily lives others can work and live with little to no support.

    ASD begins before the age of 3 years and can last throughout a persons life, although symptoms may improve over time. Some children show ASD symptoms within the first 12 months of life. In others, symptoms may not show up until 24 months or later. Some children with ASD gain new skills and meet developmental milestones, until around 18 to 24 months of age and then they stop gaining new skills, or they lose the skills they once had.

    Recommended Reading: What Causes Autism Exploring The Environmental Contribution

    Carry On The Conversation:

    What do you think of the autism level system? Let me know in the comments below. And, if you would like to see some awesome examples of the varying autism types, then check out Underdogs, a new young adult which I recently reviewed here.

    As always, I can also be found on Twitter and via my email: .

    If you like what you have seen on the site today, then show your support by liking the . Also, dont forget to sign up to the Autistic & Unapologetic newsletter where I share weekly updates as well as a fascinating fact I have found throughout the week.

    Thank you for reading and I will see you next Saturday for more thoughts from across the spectrum.

    Clinical Development And Diagnoses

    Types Of Autism | Special Education Decoded

    Leo Kannerearly infantile autism

    The word autism first took its modern sense in 1938 when Hans Asperger of the Vienna University Hospital adopted Bleulers terminology autistic psychopaths in a lecture in German about child psychology. Asperger was investigating an ASD now known as Asperger syndrome, though for various reasons it was not widely recognized as a separate diagnosis until 1981.Leo Kanner of the Johns Hopkins Hospital first used autism in its modern sense in English when he introduced the label early infantile autism in a 1943 report of 11 children with striking behavioral similarities. Almost all the characteristics described in Kanners first paper on the subject, notably autistic aloneness and insistence on sameness, are still regarded as typical of the autistic spectrum of disorders. It is not known whether Kanner derived the term independently of Asperger.

    Kanners reuse of autism led to decades of confused terminology like infantile schizophrenia, and child psychiatrys focus on maternal deprivation led to misconceptions of autism as an infants response to refrigerator mothers. Starting in the late 1960s autism was established as a separate syndrome.

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    Also Check: Level Two Autism

    Level 2 Asd: Requiring Substantial Support

    Level 2 ASD is the middle-range of autism in terms of severity of symptoms and needs for supports.

    People who qualify as having Level 2 ASD need more support than people with Level 1 ASD. They have more difficulty with social skills. Their challenges in social situations may be more noticeable to other people around them as compared to those with Level 1 ASD.

    People with Level 2 ASD may or may not communicate verbally. If they do, their conversations may be very short or only on specific topics or they may need extensive support in order to participate in social activities.

    The nonverbal behavior of people with Level 2 ASD may be more atypical from the majority of their peers. They may not look at someone who is talking to them. They may not make much eye contact. They may not express emotions through tone of voice or through facial expressions in the same way that most other people do.

    People with Level 2 ASD struggle more than those with Level 1 ASD regarding their restrictive or repetitive behaviors. They may have routines or habits that they feel they must do and, if these get interrupted, they become very uncomfortable or upset.

    The Stigma Of Autism: When All Eyes Are Upon You

    What parent of a child with autism hasn’t had one of those moments in public? Your child is screaming, spinning or making noises, and you’re on the receiving end of disapproving stares or outright hostility from The Annoyed. “Control your child,” The Annoyed says coldly. Maybe he assumes your child lacks discipline maybe he recognizes the disability but blames you for subjecting him to such behavior. The Annoyed can be a stranger, an acquaintance or cousin Pat.

    At that moment, you feel the stigma that societies around the globe attach to autism. In different ways and to different degrees, people in many countries view autism as a source of disappointment, annoyance, shame or worse. According to some researchers, stigma may keep families from seeking a diagnosis and services for their children, from participating fully in their communities, and from enjoying the same quality of life as their neighbors. Simply put, stigma influences public health.1

    Stigma is born of culture, so it may look different depending on whether you are living in South Korea, Australia, the West Bank, Japan or the United States. Pope Francis recently told Roman Catholics worldwide to help with “breaking down the isolation and, in many cases, the stigma burdening people with autism spectrum disorders, and just as often their families.”2

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