Wednesday, September 11, 2024

How To Talk To An Autistic Kid

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Teaching Nonverbal Autistic Children To Talk

How to Talk to an Autistic Kid – Daniel Stefanski

Still among our most popular advice posts, the following article was co-authored by Autism Speaks’s first chief science officer, Geri Dawson, who is now director of the Duke University Center for Autism and Brain Development; and clinical psychologist Lauren Elder.

Researchers published the hopeful findings that, even after age 4, many nonverbal children with autism eventually develop language.;

For good reason, families, teachers and others want to know how they can promote language development in nonverbal children or teenagers with autism. The good news is that research has produced a number of effective strategies.

But before we share our top tips, its important to remember that each person with autism is unique. Even with tremendous effort, a;;strategy that works well with one child or teenager may not work with another. And even though every person with autism can learn to communicate, its not always through spoken language. Nonverbal individuals with autism have much to contribute to society and;can live fulfilling lives with the help of visual supports and assistive technologies.

Six Tips For Interacting Positively With Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder:

  • Be patient. Children with autism may need more time to process information.
  • Be kind and flexible. They’re often less able to adapt to new situations.
  • Use gestures or other ways to communicate besides words.
  • Learn how to show interest and affection in ways they like.
  • Use positive reinforcement. Praise or reward good behavior.
  • Don’t take things personally if their responses are blunt.

Jodi Clark, who’s the mother of five children, including eight-year old Caleb, who has autism, says, “I hope people won’t assume my son isn’t smart and expect less of him. I want people to reach out and give him individual attention, but also to encourage him to integrate with others.”

Breaking Through The Barriers Of Asd

ASD has no cure. But there is hope through treatment. Many children can learn to communicate and interact. Healthcare providers;and mental health experts have learned a lot about how to break through to these children.

Here are some things we know about children with an ASD:

  • They may not be able to understand your nonverbal communications. They may not react to your smile or frown.

  • They take things literally. You need to be careful to say exactly what you mean. If you hurry the child by saying “Step on it,” don’t be surprised if he or she asks what to step on.

  • They may only be able to handle one thought or idea at a time. Keep conversations focused and simple.

  • They may want to only talk about the one thing they are really interested in at a given time.

  • They may see things differently than you do.;You may not even notice ordinary sounds, tastes, touches, smells, and sights. But these may be physically painful to the child.

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Dont Wait For A Diagnosis

As the parent of a child with ASD or related developmental delays, the best thing you can do is to start treatment right away. Seek help as soon as you suspect somethings wrong. Dont wait to see if your child will catch up later or outgrow the problem. Dont even wait for an official diagnosis. The earlier children with autism spectrum disorder get help, the greater their chance of treatment success. Early intervention is the most effective way to speed up your childs development and reduce the symptoms of autism over the lifespan.

When your child has autism

Learn about autism. The more you know about autism spectrum disorder, the better equipped youll be to make informed decisions for your child. Educate yourself about the treatment options, ask questions, and participate in all treatment decisions.

Become an expert on your child. Figure out what triggers your kids challenging or disruptive behaviors and what elicits a positive response. What does your child find stressful or frightening? Calming? Uncomfortable? Enjoyable? If you understand what affects your child, youll be better at troubleshooting problems and preventing or modifying situations that cause difficulties.

Dont give up. Its impossible to predict the course of autism spectrum disorder. Dont jump to conclusions about what life is going to be like for your child. Like everyone else, people with autism have an entire lifetime to grow and develop their abilities.

How To Teach Autistic Children

How To Talk to an Autistic Kid

This article was co-authored by Laura Marusinec, MD. Dr. Marusinec is a board certified Pediatrician at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, where she is on the Clinical Practice Council. She received her M.D. from the Medical College of Wisconsin School of Medicine in 1995 and completed her residency at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Pediatrics in 1998. She is a member of the American Medical Writers Association and the Society for Pediatric Urgent Care.There are 19 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 18 testimonials and 92% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 259,730 times.

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complex and multi-layered neurological variation that manifests differently from person to person. This creates a challenge when determining how to teach autistic children. Although each child is an individual who responds to teaching methods differently, there are a few strategies that are generally applied to help autistic children succeed in educational goals. These strategies build on the characteristics of autism, including differences in communication, social skills, behavior, and sensory issues.

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Give Them Enough Space

Its recommended that autistic children be placed in spacious surroundingsprobably close to the teacher or helper. This limits their chances of distraction and being overwhelmed by the environment. Again, its recommended to allow the child to take small breaks, that way they can relieve any tension.;Ensure that there is enough space in the room for the autistic child to move around: Autistic children may find it difficult if they are not given enough space to move about and occupy themselves in the class. They may find it too overwhelming if there is a lot of noise and activity going on around them.

Does Nonverbal Autism Mean Low Iq

To be honest, there is no known causes of why individuals with autism become nonverbal.; This is a subject within the autism spectrum that needs more research. Although we dont know why many people with autism are nonverbal, it needs to be understood that nonverbal autism is not due to a lack of intelligence.;;

There are many societal misconceptions about autism.; One of those misconceptions is that nonverbal autism is the result of low intelligence.; However, many children and adults within the autism spectrum are able to understand more than they are able to communicate through language.;;

Its been historically assumed someone who is nonverbal also has a low IQ below 70.; The problem with this assumption is that standardized IQ tests are not effective when used on individuals with autism.; Therefore, some people with nonverbal autism may be misdiagnosed with intellectual disability due to standard methods of IQ testing.; A 2011 research study found low IQ and autism together were less common than historically thought.

Because intellectual disabilities are not the cause of nonverbal autism, some research points to a positive correlation between autism and genius.; A 2015 Cambridge University study found those with autistic traits were more likely to pursue careers in areas involving high intelligence including technology, engineering, science, and math.

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Other Types Of Visual Schedules

Use your imagination to create visual schedules that meet the needs of your child. You can incorporate signals such as a wait image or timer to help your child when they need to wait for a desired activity or item.

If there are other areas where your child struggles to keep track of what he needs to do, create a visual schedule to help.

Does he struggle in the grocery store? Give him a list of items, either with pictures or words, of what items you need to get. This strategy is explained in our post How to Avoid a Meltdown at the Grocery Store but can also be used for other types of errands as well.

Does he need to reminded to do homework or chores? Create schedules that show what needs to be done.

Schedules reduce your need to remind and nag your child, allowing you to focus more on teaching, reinforcement and positive interactions with him. It also increases his independence which helps his self-esteem in the process.

Autism Speaks offers a Visual Supports Toolkit on using visuals for children with autism you will find useful.

Common Signs Of Autism Spectrum Disorder:

How To Teach An Autistic Child To Talk
  • Difficulty socializing with others, responding to social cues, and understanding feelings
  • Difficulty communicating, including speaking and understanding
  • Unusual reactions to the way things sound, smell, taste, look, or feel
  • Avoiding or resisting physical contact
  • Discomfort when regular routines are disrupted
  • Repetitive physical behaviors

“It’s important for parents to help their child understand there are children who are different than they are. Parents can teach their child some simple tools and tips for communicating with children with autism,” says McQuivey.

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What Does The Future Look Like For Nonverbal Children

Nonverbal children with autism could have a comfortable and quality life. It is important that with the right help, they could equip themselves with the necessary skills to live their life normally.

Although nonverbal, children with autism use other methods to communicate. Certain strategies, which we will discuss here, could be used to leverage these methods and add on to them.

Not being able to speak to communicate should not be seen as a setback, but as a challenge that could be overcome. Although there is no magic cure to achieve speech, your child could go a long way with your support.

Once they understand and learn a way to express what they are feeling, be it verbal or nonverbal, they will have a more positive attitude towards communication.

When Should I End A Conversation

When you’re talking to someone, it’s important to know when to end the conversation or say goodbye. A person is ready to talk about something else or end the conversation when he or she is:

  • no longer making eye contact with you
  • looking past you or around the room
  • checking the phone or doing something else
  • changing the subject

If you’re texting with a friend or talking online, it’s a little harder to tell when someone wants to end the conversation. In this case, a good rule of thumb to stop texting or typing if you get no response after the last two things you said.

Sometimes a person will make it easy for you and say, “I have to go. Bye.” If you need to end the conversation, you can say, “I have to go,” “It’s been nice talking,” or “It was nice to meet you” if you just met.

Recommended Reading: Creating A Visual Schedule Autism

How To Pronounce ‘asperger’

Asperger is a German name and should be pronounced with a hard ‘G’, as there is no soft ‘G’ in the German language. As a guide, Asperger should rhyme with the surname of the famous racing driver Gerhard Berger. Someone wrote to us to say that that people might see negative connotations with the wrong pronunciation when a soft ‘G’ is used. She pointed out that ‘Asperges’ with a soft ‘G’ is the name of a religious rite, a purging ceremony, concerned with the purging of sin. ‘Aspergere’ is Latin for ‘to wash or sprinkle’.

Getting Started: Introducing Your Child To His Or Her Diagnosis Of Autism

3 Ways to Talk to an Autistic Child

;Marci Wheeler, MSW

Many parents are fearful that labeling their child as having an autism spectrum disorder will make him or her feel broken, or that they may use their label as an excuse to give up and not try. Adults on the autism spectrum have found the opposite to be true. Giving your child information on the nature of his/her differences will give them a better understanding and the motivation that is needed to drive through challenges.

Discussing an autism spectrum diagnosis with your child is an important issue and one for which many parents seek advice. This article will focus on aspects of explaining your childs diagnosis to him or her, and provide resources that can assist and guide you.

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What Are Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism spectrum disorders are developmental disorders that affect how children interact and communicate with others. They’re called a spectrum because of the wide range of types and symptoms of autism, which also includes Asperger’s syndrome. One out of every 59 children in the U.S. has an autism spectrum disorder and the numbers are increasing, according to a 2014 study by the Centers for Disease Control, and it’s more common in boys. Autism has no cure, but early intervention and therapy can make a big difference. Since no two autistic people are the same, and autism affects their lives differently, people should make an effort to not make assumptions about someones needs or abilities.

At What Age Do Autistic Children Start Talking

While some parents wonder why their two-year-old child has still not started speaking, there are other parents who are still waiting for their 6-year-old child to say his first words. There is no age for learning but its normal for parents to worry about when their child will talk. Reports show that autistic children mostly start learning from the age of 6 and older.

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How Do I Keep The Conversation Going

Just as you like to talk about your favorite things, so do other people. So when you’re together, ask another person questions like: “What do you do for fun?” or “What’s your favorite show?” Asking questions shows that you’re interested in your friend.

Now keep the conversation going. When the person answers you such as, “I like to walk my dog” comment on it. Say something back, like “I have a dog too!” or “What’s your dog’s name?” You might even nod your head and repeat back what the other person says, such as “Oh, your dog’s name is Spot.” This lets the other person know that you’ve been listening and understand what was said. Taking turns talking back-and-forth like this is what makes a conversation.

Listen To The Parents

How to Talk to an Autistic Kid (Daniel Stefanski)

Just as you surround a child with autism with acceptance, do the same for parents. Your support could mean the world to them.

Advocates explain that parents would love a night off to decompress and get away. If you feel comfortable with the idea, offer to babysit. If you don’t, provide a listening ear to a parent in need. Schedule a regular coffee date for decompression and chatter, or set up play dates between your children while you both supervise.

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Will My Nonverbal Autistic Child Ever Talk

Within the autism spectrum, roughly 40% of children are considered to be nonverbal.; This percentage seems very high and is also a depressing outlook for parents whose children are nonverbal.; But there is one recent research study that holds promising results for nonverbal autistic children and late speech development.;;

A study from the Center for Autism and Related Disorders looked at 535 children diagnosed with autism between the ages of 8 to 17.; All participants experienced extreme language delays at four years old. At the age of 4, the participants language delays included nonverbal and only simple words or phrases.

The research study found the following positive results for children with nonverbal autism:

  • 47% of participants became fluent speakers
  • 70% spoke were later able to speak in simple sentences
  • In an effort to predict if nonverbal children with autism would develop speech, it was found that most participants had higher IQs than previously thought
  • Repetitive behaviors and intense interests didnt affect language development
  • This study published in Pediatrics holds promising hope for parents wondering if their nonverbal child with autism will ever talk.; Although 70% of the children developed speech enough to only say simple phrases. I believe any language development is a positive step forward for a nonverbal child!

    Tips For Talking To Kids With Autism

    Since one of the classic symptoms of autism is a marked deficit in verbal communication abilities, a common problem for applied behavior analysts and others who work with children and even adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder is simply being able to carry on a basic conversation. Something as simple as finding out what they want for lunch or whether or not they are happy or sad or indifferent about their current school assignment can be nearly impossible to find out if you rely on normal conversational methods.

    But dont let that stop you!

    There are ways to have conversations with autistic kids and you can make them easier by keeping the following tips in mind.

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    Communication And Interaction Tips For Asd

    There are no hard-and-fast rules on how to communicate with a child with ASD. But many family members have had success with these tips:

    It can be challenging to interact with a child or grandchild with ASD. But it is one of the most important things you can do to help that child learn. Research shows that early, frequent, and loving involvement of family members is one of the best ways to help children with ASD.;

    Tip : Create A Personalized Autism Treatment Plan

    3 Ways to Talk to an Autistic Child

    With so many different treatments available, it can be tough to figure out which approach is right for your child. Making things more complicated, you may hear different or even conflicting recommendations from parents, teachers, and doctors.

    When putting together a treatment plan for your child, keep in mind that there is no single treatment that works for everyone. Each person on the autism spectrum is unique, with different strengths and weaknesses.

    Your childs treatment should be tailored according to their individual needs. You know your child best, so its up to you to make sure those needs are being met. You can do that by asking yourself the following questions:

    What are my childs strengths and their weaknesses?

    What behaviors are causing the most problems? What important skills is my child lacking?

    How does my child learn best through seeing, listening, or doing?

    What does my child enjoy and how can those activities be used in treatment and to bolster learning?

    Finally, keep in mind that no matter what treatment plan is chosen, your involvement is vital to success. You can help your child get the most out of treatment by working hand-in-hand with the treatment team and following through with the therapy at home.;

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