Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Talk To Autistic Adults

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How Is Nonspeaking Autism Diagnosed

How to Talk to an Autistic Kid – Daniel Stefanski

Diagnosing nonspeaking autism is a multiphase process.

A pediatrician may be the first healthcare professional to screen a child for ASD. Parents, seeing unexpected symptoms such as a lack of speaking, may bring their concerns to their childs doctor.

The medical professional may request a variety of tests that could help rule out other possible causes. These include:

  • a physical exam
  • blood tests
  • imaging tests such as an MRI or a CT scan

Some pediatricians may refer children to a developmental-behavioral pediatrician. These doctors specialize in treating conditions such as autism.

This medical professional may request additional tests and reports, which could include:

  • a full medical history for the child and parents
  • a review of the mothers pregnancy and any complications or issues that arose during it
  • a breakdown of surgeries, hospitalizations, or medical treatments the child has had since birth

Finally, autism-specific tests may be used to confirm a diagnosis. Several tests, including the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition and the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale, Third Edition , can be used with nonspeaking children.

These tests help healthcare professionals determine if a child meets the criteria for autism.

Top Recommendations For Professionals

  • Improve autism understanding for all staff through training.;
  • Make the physical environment in both waiting and therapy rooms less overwhelming.;
  • Provide clear, concise and specific information about what to expect from your service and sessions before therapy starts.;
  • Be flexible and adapt your communication to the needs of the person youre supporting.;
  • Together discuss adaptations and adjustments you can provide so the person youre supporting is aware of what they can ask for. ;
  • These are just a few overarching recommendations, for more details, read our free guide.;

How To Use Proper Language When Discussing Autism

Most people want to use correct wording but may not know the best terms to use when talking about autism. Proper language for autism is best done by role modeling. As you talk about autism and share knowledge and experiences with others, use inclusive, person-first language. Encourage others to ask questions about your experiences and offer a non-judgmental stance to show others that you are open to sharing information. If someone uses outdated terms or is operating out of limited understanding, try to remain patient and respectful as you offer a more informed perspective. When people are offered respectful and compassionate guidance rather than criticism, it bodes well for learning. Defensiveness puts up barriers that are harder to navigate, which defeats the purpose of talking about autism.

People learning how to interact with adults with autism will benefit from knowing what not to do, as well as what to do. Here are some suggestions:

If you or a loved one would like to learn to communicate about autism or learn more about it, reach out to the Adult Autism Center. As information and discussions about autism are shared, greater inclusion and quality of life becomes the standard. If you have a family member or loved one who is looking for adult autism services, we offer a hands-on training that focuses on daily living and growing vocational skills. Our mission is to help these individuals to continue to learn and adapt in the world around them.

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Autism Signs And Characteristics: Checklist For Adults

If you think you may be on the autism spectrum; or you know, love, or work with an adult who you feel might have autism, the following information will help you to better understand the common signs and characteristics relating to adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder .

Many adults may demonstrate the signs or characteristics of autism, but may not have been assessed or diagnosed for a number of reasons, these could include:

  • The signs or characteristics are not obvious to those around them.
  • People around them are not aware of the signs or characteristics of autism.
  • The signs and characteristics do not have a significant impact on the individual, or limit their everyday functioning.
  • The person has learnt strategies to support their challenges including masking or camouflaging signs.
  • The financial and emotional cost of an assessment.
  • Another diagnosis that could account for some of the signs and characteristics demonstrated
  • The person self-identifies as autistic, but does not see the benefits of having a formal assessment
  • The person does not want a formal diagnosis.

Many adults who demonstrate the behaviours of autism, and are not formally diagnosed, learn to cope with life perfectly well. They might develop meaningful relationships, have satisfying careers, or live an excellent quality of life that satisfies them.

If Someone Is Nonverbal

Pin on Autism
  • Ask the individual or their caregiver how they prefer to communicate.
  • Learn what assistive devices or techniques they may use. For example, visual schedule, iPad apps, text-to-speech or other voice assistant apps in which person touches something on their device to speak for them.
  • Always look at the individual who you are trying to communicate with, not their caregiver. If you were using a translator for a person speaking a different language you would look at the person you want to communicate with, not the translator.
  • Pair your verbal communication with gestures .
  • If using an assistive device, give them enough time to type in their responses.
  • Dont talk about them in front of them like they arent there.
  • Always face them when talking to them even if they dont appear to be paying attention.
  • Always communicate what you are doing even if you dont think they understand.

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Why People With Autism Have Difficulty With Conversation

Lots of training and practice can certain improve fluency and skill. But very few people on the spectrum become so fluent in conversation that they sound and appear absolutely typical.;There are also some issues that can actually be caused by social skills training. Here are some of the challenges autistic conversationalists face:

  • Quite a few people on the spectrum don’t process language as rapidly as typical peers. As a result, they may take longer to make sense of a statement, craft an appropriate response, and then say what’s on their mind. Most typical conversation moves rapidly, and thus people on the spectrum are often left behind.
  • Most people on the spectrum have difficulty with separating sarcasm and humor from statements of fact. Abstract ideas and idioms are also tricky. As a result, they are likely to respond inappropriatelyunless the speaker is careful to explain his or her meaning or intent.
  • People with autism often speak with a different rhythm, prosody, and/or volume than typical peers. Thus, even if the words themselves are appropriate, they may sound flat, loud, soft, or otherwise different.
  • In some cases, people with autism repeat themselves more often than their typical peers. So a perfectly reasonable question can turn into a refrain when the question is asked over and over again in exactly the same way, with precisely the same intonation.
  • Stick To A Specific Topic

    Focus on one area in which you have general knowledge, if possible, and follow it. The conversation will go more smoothly if the comments you make are a follow-up on what was previously said. Try to avoid stating the obvious, which may be interpreted as condescension. An autistic person sometimes has difficulty following the flow of the conversation and comprehending what has been said.

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    Help During A Meltdown

    We tend to expect a lot from children with autism. They thrive in environments that are calm, familiar, and supportive. But we often ask them to succeed in grocery stores, airports, and classrooms.;

    When children with autism are overwhelmed, they can experience meltdowns. Meltdowns can involve:

    • Withdrawal. The child retreats to an inner world and stops talking altogether. The child may perform repetitive actions like rocking or hand flapping to self-soothe.
    • Tantrums. The child cries, screams, stomps their feet, or curls into a ball.

    Parents become adept at dealing with these episodes, but always ask if you can help. You could ask a restaurant to turn down the music, for example, while a worried mother attempts to calm her child.;

    You can also intervene directly. Experts suggest using a gentle voice and simple commands. Tell the child, Get up, and stand next to me. If the child cant respond, stay nearby and let the meltdown blow through. When the child seems calmer, try the commands.;

    Remember They Are Just Kids

    Talking To Autistic People (7 Things YOU should Consider)

    Autistic kids may not act a lot like neurotypical children, but remember youre still talking to someone whose thoughts and attitudes are being formed in an immature brain.

    With a little practice, you may find that you can talk to autistic kids just as easily as any kid. The results, for both you and the child, can be both positive in terms of their development of communication skills and enjoyable as you make an interpersonal connection.

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    Communicating With Adults Who Have Autism Spectrum Disorder

    As an advocate and writer who focuses on people with disabilities, I know that talking to a person with autism spectrum disorder may seem daunting for people who have not yet had the opportunity to meet someone who is on the spectrum. Here are some tips and things to know that can help make such a conversation more comfortable for everyone.

    How Long Has This Behavior Been Present Are There Any Associated Changes In Daytime Behavior

    The possibility of a serious mental health condition is greater if your sons nighttime habits started abruptly or came with a regression in his self-care or daytime behavior. You dont seem to indicate this. But again, if you think the self-talking is associated with a change in mood and/or a general decline in function, I encourage a thorough evaluation by a qualified mental health provider.

    Along these lines, I suggest talking with trusted individuals who interact with your son during the day. For example, his therapist, teachers, employer or other supervisors. How is he doing at school, work or his other day programs?

    On the other hand, if your son has had these nighttime behaviors for six months or more without problems in the rest of his life, I would be reassured that this is not likely due to a serious mental health issue.

    Every individual with autism is a complex person with a rich tapestry of strengths, challenges and unique characteristics. I hope that this response is able to help you and your son find ways to help him thrive and enjoy a great quality of life.

    Got more questions for our experts? Send them to .We apologize that we cant answer all your questions in this column.

    Need personal guidance?Members of the Autism Speaks Autism Response Team are trained to connect individuals and families with information and resources.Call 288-4762En Español 772-9050 or email

    Also Check: What Is The Life Expectancy Of People With Autism

    Instruct Us But Nicely

    Are we offending you? Tell us. People with autism may experience avalanche-style misunderstandings. This hinders the formation and maintenance of lasting relationships, and can make for a very lonely life.

    For us, cultivating social skills is imperative to bridging the gap of misunderstandings. We arent born with these skills, and some of us werent properly educated on social etiquette or coping mechanisms. Not knowing that stuff instinctively makes forming connections more difficult.

    When were processing social cues, we might miss something and accidentally say something that comes off as stupid, mean, or offensive. Without those physical emotional cues to guide our response, were left with just the words, sometimes making it an awkward experience for a neurotypical.

    To demonstrate the difficulties this imposes, try closing your eyes the next time somebody is talking to you. Itll give you an idea of how much were missing out on. Its believed that over half of all communication is nonverbal. If youre the neurotypical in the conversation, its your responsibility to make sure youre clear in your meaning. Letting us know if weve offended you will get an apology from us a lot faster than making an offended face at us.

    Autism And Understanding The Emotions Of Other People

    How to Talk to an Autistic Person

    An autistic person may find it hard to understand the emotions of other people.;Emotions are interpreted by subtle messages sent by facial expression, eye contact and body language. These are often missed or misinterpreted by an autistic person. Because of this, autistic people might be mistakenly perceived as being rude or unfeeling.;Autistic people may find it difficult to understand how others perceive their behaviour.

    Don’t Miss: Life Expectancy Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

    How To Teach Autistic Children

    This article was co-authored by Laura Marusinec, MD. Dr. Marusinec is a board certified Pediatrician at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, where she is on the Clinical Practice Council. She received her M.D. from the Medical College of Wisconsin School of Medicine in 1995 and completed her residency at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Pediatrics in 1998. She is a member of the American Medical Writers Association and the Society for Pediatric Urgent Care.There are 19 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 18 testimonials and 92% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 259,730 times.

    Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complex and multi-layered neurological variation that manifests differently from person to person. This creates a challenge when determining how to teach autistic children. Although each child is an individual who responds to teaching methods differently, there are a few strategies that are generally applied to help autistic children succeed in educational goals. These strategies build on the characteristics of autism, including differences in communication, social skills, behavior, and sensory issues.

    New Research And Free Guide: How To Adapt Mental Health Talking Therapies For Autistic Children And Adults

    The National Autistic Society and Mind are proud to launch a free good practice guide to help mental health professionals adapt talking therapies for autistic adults and children,;alongside new research into autism and mental health. With funding from the Pears Foundation, the guide sets out how often simple adjustments and;adaptations to talking therapies can make a huge difference to autistic people.;

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    Be Patient When Communicating

    Getting a message across as fast as possible is useless if the other person doesnt understand what you are trying to convey. Be patient. People on the spectrum may need a few extra quiet moments to process what you said, especially if communicating in a setting that isnt ideal, like in a large group or on the phone. Value truly sharing or receiving the message, even if it takes a little longer or looks different than what youre used to.

    Please understand that Im often very nervous. So be patient. Alyona

    What I need is for people to take long enough to give me a chance to process their comments and react. It is very hard for me to participate in group conversations with people talking over each other, so I dont think I come across well in those situations. As a grade school teacher observed, I am great with one-on-one interactions but less good at getting my point across in a group. It helps if there is relative quiet and few, if any, interruptions. The kind of parties I like are ones where you can have real conversations with one or a few people. I am a good communicator. I communicate best in writing. If you take the time to get to know me you will get to know a wonderful person. Lindsey H.

    The Triad Of Impairments: How To Find Out If You May Be Autistic

    An autistic adult speaks for himself, part one

    An article published by the National Autistic Society tells adults exactly what to do if they suspect that they may be autistic:

    The first step is to ascertain if you have one symptom in each of the triad of impairments. All autistic individuals must have at least one symptom in each of the three categories of the triad.

    Also Check: How To Make A Visual Schedule For Autism

    How To Deal With Masturbation

    Lets talk about masturbation, one of the frequent concerns surrounding sexuality. Be specific about when and where masturbation can happen. If you say its OK in the bathroom, the person with autism may take that to mean any bathroom . Say which bathroom is fine and which ones are off limits. Same goes for bedrooms which ones, with the door closed, and shades drawn if the window faces the street. When can masturbation take place? What materials can be involved .

    Do some detective work on when masturbation is a problem. If its attempted at school or work, is it to avoid a task or seek attention? Recognize when it happens and see if it occurs within the context of another activity. Teach the rules around masturbation and reinforce behavior that you want instead of masturbation when it isnt appropriate. Consider clothing modifications like belting pants, no sweat pants, and check for medical problems if masturbation is occurring frequently.

    For young people that are sexually frustrated, provide assistance in the form of instructional how to videos, lubricants, or appropriate sex toys. Provide alternative sensory input such as deep pressure or a tactile activity like a stress ball. Use a how to visual task breakdown of masturbation with pic symbols showing the steps involved. An OT should be able to provide some ideas.

    Teaching Nonverbal Autistic Children To Talk

    Still among our most popular advice posts, the following article was co-authored by Autism Speaks’s first chief science officer, Geri Dawson, who is now director of the Duke University Center for Autism and Brain Development; and clinical psychologist Lauren Elder.

    Researchers published the hopeful findings that, even after age 4, many nonverbal children with autism eventually develop language.;

    For good reason, families, teachers and others want to know how they can promote language development in nonverbal children or teenagers with autism. The good news is that research has produced a number of effective strategies.

    But before we share our top tips, its important to remember that each person with autism is unique. Even with tremendous effort, a;;strategy that works well with one child or teenager may not work with another. And even though every person with autism can learn to communicate, its not always through spoken language. Nonverbal individuals with autism have much to contribute to society and;can live fulfilling lives with the help of visual supports and assistive technologies.

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