Saturday, September 14, 2024

How To Teach An Autistic Child Potty Training

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How To Potty Train An Autistic Child

How to Potty Train A Child with Autism

Potty training children in the autistic spectrum tend to be challenging for a variety of reasons: the presence of a developmental delay, a speech delay, fear of changing an established routine, fear of the unknown, loud sounds and anxiety in general.

Below you will find our step by step plan to lead your autistic child through their potty training journey:

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Toilet Training Your Child With Autism: Seven Tips For Parents

Training your child to use the toilet can be tough. It takes patience and time. But its an important part of helping him or her learn about the body and develop skills necessary for life. Its also needed to start school. Many pre-schools wont accept children who are not toilet trained.

There are many books and websites for new parents to help teach kids how to go potty. For a child with autism or other developmental disabilities, toilet training can be more difficult because of how they may perceive or react to the different sensations related to toileting. Additional difficulties can arise if there are communication challenges or if the child requires more time to learn a new skill. A parent can usually toilet train their child, but sometimes professional help is needed.

Here are seven tips to help toilet train your child with autism or another developmental disability:

  • If the child fears the flushing sound of the toilet or washing their hands after potty, avoid those triggers as part of the training. Dont flush the toilet until after the child leaves the room. Dont wash their hands in the sink use hand wipes instead. Flushing and hand washing are behaviors that can be taught later on.
  • Teaching A Child To Ask To Use The Bathroom

    Whether children with autism are verbal or non-verbal, it is important to teach them how to communicate when they need to use the restroom. Before the child enters the bathroom, prompt him/her to communicate that he/she needs to use the bathroom. There are many verbal and non-verbal ways to prompt children with autism to communicate that they need to use the toilet.

    Verbal- Prompt the child to say, Potty, or I want potty.

    Sign- Prompt the child to sign the word Potty.

    PECS- Use a Picture Exchange Communication System and have the potty icon readily available and prompt the child to get the potty icon and give it to an adult.

    If the child spontaneously communicates Potty, honor it and immediately take him/her to the bathroom and reinforce the child for communicating the need to use the bathroom.

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    Potty Training For Autism The Ultimate Guide

    By Annette Nuñez, PhD

    May 14, 2021

    Training a child to use the potty can be hardand teaching a child with autism to use the potty can be even harder. As we all know, it can take a little longer for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder to master many everyday skills. As a result, potty training with autism can take some extra time.

    Multiple issues, including sensory overstimulation, can contribute to toilet training challenges. Sometimes children dont have the motor skills to carry out a bathroom routine, while others are not cognitively able to recognize when to use the bathroom. And some children with autism may not know how to communicate to someone when they need to go to the toilet. It is important to consider these factors before deciding whether or not children are ready for toilet training.

    Parents and caregivers of children on the autism spectrum shouldnt stress too much over potty challenges because, as they say, for every problem, there is always a solution. With a lot of patience, structure, and reinforcement, toilet training can be accomplished. In this article, we offer easy ways to make using the toilet a positive experience for parents and kids with autism.

    In this article, we offer possible ways to make using the toilet easier and a positive experience for both parents and kids with autism.

    How To Potty Train A Nonverbal Autistic Child

    The complete toilet training pack for autistic child ...

    July 28, 2021 by Alice Dolton

    All kids can be toilet trained, and it doesnt matter whether your child is autistic, has difficulty with communication, is non-verbal, has self-regulation, or exhibits aggressive behaviors. There are certain steps parents can make use of when figuring out how to potty train a nonverbal autistic child.

    With the help of these steps, parents can encourage their autistic kids to start pooing in the toilet in a short period. The first step lies in knowing if your child is ready for potty training.

    Age isnt considered as an important factor when during this age of developmental delays and autism, and it is when your little child decides to get potty trained that he is finally ready.

    Parents are encouraged to give their child their own when the child eventually gets ready, and parents should also wave away the thought that a child might be too old to be potty trained. There is no such thing like that, and getting potty trained is an important aspect of a childs life.

    There are so many negative ways lack of potty training might end up affecting a child, and we are talking about lack of cleanliness, lack of privacy, hindering relationships, and limited access to various options. This is why potty training is recommended for any age, and the idea of a child being too old to be potty trained should be scrapped.

    There are certain factors parents should consider when considering the readiness of their child for potty training.

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    Schools And Early Years Settings

    Admission to school should not be refused simply because a child has difficulties with continence. A school that does this may be at risk ofdisability discrimination. If you have any concerns about your child not being admitted into an establishment because of their needs or their continence needs are not being met at school, our Education Rights Service may be able to help.

    What If My Child Is Afraid To Have A Bowel Movement

    Children with autism can find bowel movements frightening. In fact, its very common for autistic children to hold in bowel movements while they are being potty trained. If this is the case, you may want to let your child poop in the diaper while in the bathroom. Slowly transition to having him/her poop into the diaper when sitting on the toilet until eventually he/she feels comfortable sitting on the toilet with the diaper off.

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    Talk To Your Child About Menstruation

    Now, many kids like mine are not exactly responsive but that doesnt mean she doesnt understand you or isnt listening. For example, Saturday night, I read a psalm to my daughter. She was stimming like crazy and Im not sure she heard much or even knew what book I was reading from. The next day in the church childcare area, she pulled down a dictionary and told the class to listen because she was reading from Psalms! Always talk to your kids at their age level, especially if you suspect they are at their chronological age level with listening or learning skills.

    As you talk, youll want to keep in mind the struggles she may have with fears. Is she reactive to the sight of blood? Then youll need to tell her what is going on with her body, how it will make her feel and that she will bleed and how she will need to take care of herself.

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    Toilet Training Setbacks For Autistic Children: Tips

    How to Potty Train an Autistic Child | Michelle B Rogers

    Setbacks are part of toilet training for all children. They can include behaviour problems, constipation and things going backwards.

    Behaviour problems Sometimes autistic children who are toilet training can behave in challenging ways. For example, they might be afraid of the toilet, go in places other than the toilet, fill the toilet with paper and other materials, continually flush the toilet, smear poo on the wall and other places, and refuse to poo.

    If your child is behaving in these ways, professionals like psychologists or occupational therapists can help you develop strategies to overcome these problems.

    ConstipationConstipation is a common problem in children. If your child avoids doing poos, it might be constipation.

    Constipation is usually caused by not enough water or other fluids or not enough dietary fibre. Some autistic children are selective eaters, which can cause them to become constipated more easily than other children.

    If you think your child is constipated, see your paediatrician or GP. They can rule out any underlying medical concerns, and help you with strategies to manage your childs constipation.

    Things going backwardsSometimes childrens toilet training progress might stop or things might seem to go backwards.

    Sometimes these issues might be related to things like stress, illness, constipation or diarrhoea. Your GP or other professionals working with your child can help you sort out these isssues.

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    Signs A Child With Autism Is Ready To Be Potty Trained

    The following signs may indicate that the child is ready to be potty trained.

    • The child has become aware of the need to go to the toilet.
    • The child shows behavioral changes such as appearing upset, fidgety or distracted when they have peed or pooped their pants.
    • The child informs you when they need a change of u
    • The child is aware and conveys that they have finished peeing or pooping.
    • The child begins to show interest in using the restroom without being prompted.
    • The child shows improved bladder and bowel control by being able to avoid pee and poop accidents for one to two hours at a time every day.
    • The child follows simple instructions, such as, Sit on the toilet seat.
    • The child is able to pull their pants up and down.
    • The child has a regular or predictable toilet schedule.

    A Helpful Guide In Potty Training A Non Verbal Autistic Child

    This helps the child, along with media based communication, understand the importance of peeing or pooping in potty. Though the child might understood the importance of using a potty, he may soon tend to forget as is the case with many young children who are learning something new.

    He may still end up in having accidents. Hence due care must be exercised when potty training non verbal autistic child.

    Take him to the potty every time. Alternatively try making a note of the times he soils his pants. Since kids with autism behavior tends to stick to tasks and repetitive, chances are there he might soil the clothes at a specific time.

    When you take him to the potty regularly and communicate with the child more often about its importance, a child will start picking up the cues and start learning. It must be noted that there doesnt exist any time frame for the learnings to happen as every child is unique in his or her own sense.

    Sometimes things take little longer than expected in autistic children since they tend to have an immaculate behavior at one side, and on the other side they have a delayed growth.

    Hence learnings get delayed. However with necessary help by a specialist such as a pediatrician, he might be able to offer valuable guidance and also help in the necessary preparation during the potty training non verbal autistic child, since they are professions in their chosen field. Hence a specialist should be given prior importance.

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    Can A Child With Autism Be Potty Trained

    Children with autism can be toilet trained as long as they dont have any medical issues that prevent them from urinating or having a bowel movement. Some signs that would indicate a child is having urological problems would be:

    • Foul-smelling urine
    • Observing discomfort when a child urinates or has a bowel movement
    • Stools that are small, hard, dry, and painful to pass
    • Having fewer than two bowel movements a week

    Before beginning the toilet training process with children with autism, it is recommended a pediatrician confirm with a physical exam there are no medical issues.

    Remember This Will Be Stressful For Everyoneand Likely Messy


    During the first week of toilet training, Marc withheld his bowel movement for seven days. His anxiety levels were very high. Our first breakthrough was after the first seven days Marc went on the bathroom floor. This was progress because even though he wasnt on the toilet, he was in the right area so we rewarded him for that. Once he got the chips, he then withheld his bowel movements for only three days at a time. It took five weeks for Marc to stop smearing his feces, but we noticed it decreasing as Marc continued to have his bowel movements on the bathroom floor. Now it was time to up the ante.

    We then said no chips unless the poop was in the toilet. He had watched Ron and I empty bowel movements out of his underwear into the toilet so this now became the step for him. He emptied his bowel movement from his underwear into the toilet with almost no mess which we rewarded him for. Marc was independently washing his hands with no prompting.

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    Is Your Child Ready

    Before deciding to take the leap and potty train, you should get your child familiar with using the toilet. Let your child come with you to the bathroom and show him what big boys and girls do.

    Most kids are excited to learn about bathroom etiquette. Show them how the toilet flushing works and how to wash their hands. Look for signs of readiness and excitement, such as your child telling you when he has to pee or poop asking you to use the potty feeling bothered by a dirty diaper.

    Does your child seem excited to use the potty? The three-day method will only work if your child is on board.

    Potty Training A Child With Sensory Issues

    Angie is an experienced freelance writer and mother of two. She has extensive experience working in professional training, including the development and evaluation of training and exam material. She has a background in elementary education. Angie has a 4-year-old who still struggles with potty training, yet her 8-year-old nailed it by two years of age.

    • A painful or overwhelming response to common sounds
    • Bumping into things
    • Difficulty playing with others or engaging in conversation
    • Sensitivity to certain types of clothing
    • Failure to respond to pain
    • Difficulty tolerating change

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    Model And Narrative Toileting Habits

    Other good techniques include modeling, where you allow your child to see family members or other children using the toilet, and using observational remarks. This involves narrating what is happening and asking questions while potty training, such as “Did you just sit on the potty?” or “Did you just poop in the potty?”

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    How to Potty Train an Autistic Child – In 4 Simple Steps

    Dr. Anna Kaplan is a writer and a licensed physician. She completed a 3-year residency and board certification in Family Practice and was in active practice for 15 years. A parent herself, Anna still remembers the “I know how to use the potty” song that her children sang.

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    If Those Dont Work Try Something Else

    The attempt in the summer of 2006 had to be different. Marc could read and was interested in the printed word. When Brenda Smith Myles spoke for Autism Awareness Centre, she talked about the use of Power Cards. Power Cards use the childs special interest as a way to motivate them. The Power Card is a recipe sized card with the rules you want the child to follow as told to them by whom or what interests them. We decided to try this technique using Queen Elizabeth, someone Marc is very interested in.

    Instead of putting all of the toileting steps on one card, we wrote out one step per card and avoided the use of all pronouns since Marc did not understand them. We kept the text as simple as possible. Everything was stated in the present tense using Marcs name Marc sits on the toilet. Poo comes out. His reward was a scrapbook to collect photos of the Royal Yacht Britannia. He was to get one photo of the yacht to paste in the scrapbook each time he made an attempt on the toilet. We soon discovered the Power Cards were anxiety provoking, and were back to square one.

    What If My Child Has A Fear Of Flushing The Toilet

    Being afraid of flushing the toilet is very common for children with autism. The flushing sound can be loud and scary to children and can overwhelm their sensory system. If your child is fearful of flushing the toilet, do not flush when potty training your child. Wait until he/she is out of the room to flush the toilet. When your child is potty trained and feels comfortable in the bathroom, have your child stand outside the bathroom when you flush the toilet. Then have him/her stand in the bathroom while wearing earplugs or headphones when you flush the toilet. Last, have your child with autism flush the toilet by himself or herself. Eventually, your child with autism will get used to the toilet flushing sound, and he/she will be less fearful of it.

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    Now To Our Favorite Toilet Training Strategies:

  • When it comes to communication: less is more! Use clear and simple pictures or visual prompts such as the visual support below from the Autism Speaks tool kit.
  • Use the visual prompt with simple and direct language to help your child understand what is expected. For example, say Time for potty instead of asking Do you need to use the potty now?

    Weve found it most effective when parents simultaneously present the verbal direction with the visual support while immediately guiding the child to the toilet with little or no additional discussion.

  • Dont delay the underwear! Move your child into underwear as soon as possible. We realize that this seems an intimidating step for many parents. But weve found its really important. Lets face it, modern diapers and pull-ups can be too good at whisking away the pee. As a result, your child may not even realize that he has urinated. Putting your child in underwear helps him associate accidents with the discomfort of wetness on his skin.
  • Dont fuss over accidents. When your child does have an accident, minimize discussing, cajoling, pleading, teasing or other fussing that can have the unintended result of reinforcing the accident behavior. Instead, provide a brief reminder that you expect your child to use the toilet next time he needs to go. Then complete the cleanup with as little fanfare and discussion as possible. Save your attention for when your child is using or attempting to use the toilet.
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